Transformers: An Architectural Analysis, Survey and Implementation


The aim of this project is to understand the basic algorithmic components of the transformer deep learning architecture. At a high level, a transformer is a machine learning model based off of a recurrent neural network that adopts a self-attention

The aim of this project is to understand the basic algorithmic components of the transformer deep learning architecture. At a high level, a transformer is a machine learning model based off of a recurrent neural network that adopts a self-attention mechanism, which can weigh significant parts of sequential input data which is very useful for solving problems in natural language processing and computer vision. There are other approaches to solving these problems which have been implemented in the past (i.e., convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks), but these architectures introduce the issue of the vanishing gradient problem when an input becomes too long (which essentially means the network loses its memory and halts learning) and have a slow training time in general. The transformer architecture’s features enable a much better “memory” and a faster training time, which makes it a more optimal architecture in solving problems. Most of this project will be spent producing a survey that captures the current state of research on the transformer, and any background material to understand it. First, I will do a keyword search of the most well cited and up-to-date peer reviewed publications on transformers to understand them conceptually. Next, I will investigate any necessary programming frameworks that will be required to implement the architecture. I will use this to implement a simplified version of the architecture or follow an easy to use guide or tutorial in implementing the architecture. Once the programming aspect of the architecture is understood, I will then Implement a transformer based on the academic paper “Attention is All You Need”. I will then slightly tweak this model using my understanding of the architecture to improve performance. Once finished, the details (i.e., successes, failures, process and inner workings) of the implementation will be evaluated and reported, as well as the fundamental concepts surveyed. The motivation behind this project is to explore the rapidly growing area of AI algorithms, and the transformer algorithm in particular was chosen because it is a major milestone for engineering with AI and software. Since their introduction, transformers have provided a very effective way of solving natural language processing, which has allowed any related applications to succeed with high speed while maintaining accuracy. Since then, this type of model can be applied to more cutting edge natural language processing applications, such as extracting semantic information from a text description and generating an image to satisfy it.

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Transformer-based Automatic Mapping of Clinical Notes to Specific Clinical Concepts

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A significant proportion of medical errors exist in crucial medical information, and most stem from misinterpreting non-standardized clinical notes. Clinical Skills exam offered by the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) was put in place to certify patient note-taking skills

A significant proportion of medical errors exist in crucial medical information, and most stem from misinterpreting non-standardized clinical notes. Clinical Skills exam offered by the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) was put in place to certify patient note-taking skills before medical students joined professional practices, offering the first line of defense in protecting patients from medical errors. Nonetheless, the exams were discontinued in 2021 following high costs and resource usage in scoring the exams. This thesis compares four transformer-based models, namely BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) Base Uncased, Emilyalsentzer Bio_ClinicalBERT, RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT Pre-Training Approach), and DeBERTa (Decoding-enhanced BERT with disentangled attention), with the goal to map free text in patient notes to clinical concepts present in the exam rubric. The impact of context-specific embeddings on BERT was also studied to determine the need for a clinical BERT in Clinical Skills exam. This thesis proposes the use of DeBERTa as a backbone model in patient note scoring for the USMLE Clinical Skills exam after comparing it with three other transformer models. Disentangled attention and enhanced mask decoder integrated into DeBERTa were credited for the high performance of DeBERTa as compared to the other models. Besides, the effect of meta pseudo labeling was also investigated in this thesis, which in turn, further enhanced DeBERTa’s performance.
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Exploring AI in Healthcare: How the Acceleration of Data Processing Can Impact Life Saving Diagnoses

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Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest topics being discussed in the realm of Computer Science and it has made incredible breakthroughs possible in so many different industries. One of the largest issues with utilizing computational resources in the health

Artificial intelligence is one of the biggest topics being discussed in the realm of Computer Science and it has made incredible breakthroughs possible in so many different industries. One of the largest issues with utilizing computational resources in the health industry historically is centered around the quantity of data, the specificity of conditions for accurate results, and the general risks associated with being incorrect in an analysis. Although these all have been major issues in the past, the application of artificial intelligence has opened up an entirely different realm of possibilities because accessing massive amounts of patient data, is essential for generating an extremely accurate model in machine learning. The goal of this project is to analyze tools and algorithm design techniques used in recent times to accelerate data processing in the realm of healthcare, but one of the most important discoveries is that the standardization of conditioned data being fed into the models is almost more important than the algorithms or tools being used combined.

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Neuro Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Pioneer to Overcome the Limits of Machine Learn

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With the recent boom in artificial intelligence, various learning methods and information are pouring out. However, there are many abbreviations and jargons to read without knowing the history and development trend of artificial intelligence, which is a barrier to entry.

With the recent boom in artificial intelligence, various learning methods and information are pouring out. However, there are many abbreviations and jargons to read without knowing the history and development trend of artificial intelligence, which is a barrier to entry. This study predicts the future development direction by synthesizing the concept of Neuro symbolic AI, which is a new direction of artificial intelligence, the history of artificial intelligence from which such concept came out, and applied studies, and by synthesizing and summarizing the limitations of the current research projects. It is a guide for those who want to study neural symbols. In this paper, it describes the history of artificial intelligence and the historical background of the emergence of neural symbols. In the development trend, the challenges faced by the neural symbolic, measures to overcome, and the Neuro Symbolic A.I. applied in various fields are described. (Knowledge based Question Answering, VQA(Visual Question Answering), image retrieve, etc.). It predicts the future development direction of neuro symbolic artificial intelligence based on the contents obtained through previous studies.
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OntoConnect: Domain-Agnostic Ontology Alignment using Neural Networks

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An ontology is a vocabulary that provides a formal description of entities within a domain and their relationships with other entities. Along with basic schema information, it also captures information in the form of metadata about cardinality, restrictions, hierarchy, and

An ontology is a vocabulary that provides a formal description of entities within a domain and their relationships with other entities. Along with basic schema information, it also captures information in the form of metadata about cardinality, restrictions, hierarchy, and semantic meaning. With the rapid growth of semantic (RDF) data on the web, many organizations like DBpedia, Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) are publishing more and more data in RDF format. The ontology alignment task aims at linking two or more different ontologies from the same domain or different domains. It is a process of finding the semantic relationship between two or more ontological entities and/or instances. Information/data sharing among different systems is quite limited because of differences in data based on syntax, structures, and semantics. Ontology alignment is used to overcome the limitation of semantic interoperability of current vast distributed systems available on the Web. In spite of the availability of large hierarchical domain-specific datasets, automated ontology mapping is still a complex problem. Over the years, many techniques have been proposed for ontology instance alignment, schema alignment, and link discovery. Most of the available approaches require human intervention or work within a specific domain. The challenge involves representing an entity as a vector that encodes all context information of the entity such as hierarchical information, properties, constraints, etc. The ontological representation is rich in comparison with the regular data schema because of metadata about various properties, constraints, relationship to other entities within the domain, etc. While finding similarities between entities this metadata is often overlooked. The second challenge is that the comparison of two ontologies is an intense operation and highly depends on the domain and the language that the ontologies are expressed in. Most current methods require human intervention that leads to a time-consuming and cumbersome process and the output is prone to human errors. The proposed unsupervised recursive neural network technique achieves an F-measure of 80.3% on the Anatomy dataset and the proposed graph neural network technique achieves an F-measure of 81.0% on the Anatomy dataset.
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Lossless Data Compression by Representing Data as a Solution to the Diophantine Equations

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There has been a substantial development in the field of data transmission in the last two decades. One does not have to wait much for a high-definition video to load on the systems anymore. Data compression is one of the

There has been a substantial development in the field of data transmission in the last two decades. One does not have to wait much for a high-definition video to load on the systems anymore. Data compression is one of the most important technologies that helped achieve this seamless data transmission experience. It helps to store or send more data using less memory or network resources. However, it appears that there is a limit on the amount of compression that can be achieved with the existing lossless data compression techniques because they rely on the frequency of characters or set of characters in the data. The thesis proposes a lossless data compression technique in which the data is compressed by representing it as a set of parameters that can reproduce the original data without any loss when given to the corresponding mathematical equation. The mathematical equation used in the thesis is the sum of the first N terms in a geometric series. Various changes are made to this mathematical equation so that any given data can be compressed and decompressed. According to the proposed technique, the whole data is taken as a single decimal number and replaced with one of the terms of the used equation. All the other terms of the equation are computed and stored as a compressed file. The performance of the developed technique is evaluated in terms of compression ratio, compression time and decompression time. The evaluation metrics are then compared with the other existing techniques of the same domain.
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Predicting Student Dropout in Self-Paced MOOC Course

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One persisting problem in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is the issue of student dropout from these courses. The prediction of student dropout from MOOC courses can identify the factors responsible for such an event and it can further initiate

One persisting problem in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is the issue of student dropout from these courses. The prediction of student dropout from MOOC courses can identify the factors responsible for such an event and it can further initiate intervention before such an event to increase student success in MOOC. There are different approaches and various features available for the prediction of student’s dropout in MOOC courses.In this research, the data derived from the self-paced math course ‘College Algebra and Problem Solving’ offered on the MOOC platform Open edX offered by Arizona State University (ASU) from 2016 to 2020 was considered. This research aims to predict the dropout of students from a MOOC course given a set of features engineered from the learning of students in a day. Machine Learning (ML) model used is Random Forest (RF) and this model is evaluated using the validation metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, Area Under the Curve (AUC), Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. The average rate of student learning progress was found to have more impact than other features. The model developed can predict the dropout or continuation of students on any given day in the MOOC course with an accuracy of 87.5%, AUC of 94.5%, precision of 88%, recall of 87.5%, and F1-score of 87.5% respectively. The contributing features and interactions were explained using Shapely values for the prediction of the model. The features engineered in this research are predictive of student dropout and could be used for similar courses to predict student dropout from the course. This model can also help in making interventions at a critical time to help students succeed in this MOOC course.
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Early Detection of At-Risk Students Using LMS Data

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Calculus as a math course is important subject students need to succeed in, in order to venture into STEM majors. This thesis focuses on the early detection of at-risk students in a calculus course which can provide the proper intervention

Calculus as a math course is important subject students need to succeed in, in order to venture into STEM majors. This thesis focuses on the early detection of at-risk students in a calculus course which can provide the proper intervention that might help them succeed in the course. Calculus has high failure rates which corroborates with the data collected from Arizona State University that shows that 40% of the 3266 students whose data were used failed in their calculus course.This thesis proposes to utilize educational big data to detect students at high risk of failure and their eventual early detection and subsequent intervention can be useful. Some existing studies similar to this thesis make use of open-scale data that are lower in data count and perform predictions on low-impact Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC) based courses. In this thesis, an automatic detection method of academically at-risk students by using learning management systems(LMS) activity data along with the student information system(SIS) data from Arizona State University(ASU) for the course calculus for engineers I (MAT 265) is developed. The method will detect students at risk by employing machine learning to identify key features that contribute to the success of a student. This thesis also proposes a new technique to convert this button click data into a button click sequence which can be used as inputs to classifiers. In addition, the advancements in Natural Language Processing field can be used by adopting methods such as part-of-speech (POS) tagging and tools such as Facebook Fasttext word embeddings to convert these button click sequences into numeric vectors before feeding them into the classifiers. The thesis proposes two preprocessing techniques and evaluates them on 3 different machine learning ensembles to determine their performance across the two modalities of the class.
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SA128 - A Smart Data Compression Technique for Columnar Databases Based on Characteristics of Data

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Traditionally, databases have been categorized as either row-oriented or column-oriented databases. Row-oriented databases store each row of the table’s data contiguously onto the disk whereas column-oriented databases store each column’s data contiguously onto the disk. In recent years, columnar database

Traditionally, databases have been categorized as either row-oriented or column-oriented databases. Row-oriented databases store each row of the table’s data contiguously onto the disk whereas column-oriented databases store each column’s data contiguously onto the disk. In recent years, columnar database management systems are becoming increasingly popular because deep and narrow queries are faster on them. Hence, column-oriented databases are highly optimized to be used with analytical (OLAP) workloads (Mike Freedman 2019). That is why they are very frequently used in business intelligence (BI), data warehouses, etc., which involve working with large data sets, intensive queries and aggregated computing. As the size of data keeps growing, efficient compression of data becomes an important consideration for these databases to optimize storage as well as improve query performance. Since column-oriented databases store data of the same data type contiguously, most modern compression techniques provide better compression ratios as compared to row-oriented databases. This thesis introduces a new compression technique called SA128 for column-oriented databases that performs a column-wise compression of database tables. SA128 is a multi-stage compression technique which performs a column-wise compression followed by a table-wide compression of database tables. In the first stage, SA128 performs an analysis based on the characteristics of data (such as data type and distribution) and determines which combination of lossless compression algorithms would result in the best compression ratio. In the second phase, SA128 uses an entropy encoding technique such as rANS (Duda, J., 2013) to further improve the compression ratio.
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Asymmetric Error Control for Classification in Medical Disease Diagnosis

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In classification applications, such as medical disease diagnosis, the cost of one type of error (false negative) could greatly outweigh the other (false positive) enabling the need of asymmetric error control. Due to this unique nature of the problem, traditional

In classification applications, such as medical disease diagnosis, the cost of one type of error (false negative) could greatly outweigh the other (false positive) enabling the need of asymmetric error control. Due to this unique nature of the problem, traditional machine learning techniques, even with much improved accuracy, may not be ideal as they do not provide a way to control the false negatives below a certain threshold. To address this need, a classification algorithm that can provide asymmetric error control is proposed. The theoretical foundation for this algorithm is based on Neyman-Pearson (NP) Lemma and it is complemented with sample splitting and order statistics to pick a threshold that enables an upper bound on the number of false negatives. Additionally, this classifier addresses the imbalance of the data, which is common in medical datasets, by using Hellinger distance as the splitting criterion. This eliminates the need of sampling methods, which add complexity and the need for parameter selection. This approach is used to create a novel tree-based classifier that enables asymmetric error control. Applications, such as prediction of the severity of cardiac arrhythmia, require classification over multiple classes. The NP oracle inequalities for binary classes are not immediately applicable for the multiclass NP classification, leading to a multi-step procedure proposed in this dissertation to extend the algorithm in the context of multiple classes. This classifier is used in predicting various forms of cardiac disease for both binary and multi-class classification problems with not only comparable accuracy metrics but also with full control over the number of false negatives. Moreover, this research allows us to pick the threshold for the classifier in a data adaptive way. This dissertation also shows that this methodology can be extended to non medical applications that require classification with asymmetric error control.
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