Making the Best of What We Have: Novel Strategies for Training Neural Networks under Restricted Labeling Information

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Recent advancements in computer vision models have largely been driven by supervised training on labeled data. However, the process of labeling datasets remains both costly and time-intensive. This dissertation delves into enhancing the performance of deep neural networks when faced

Recent advancements in computer vision models have largely been driven by supervised training on labeled data. However, the process of labeling datasets remains both costly and time-intensive. This dissertation delves into enhancing the performance of deep neural networks when faced with limited or no labeling information. I address this challenge through four primary methodologies: domain adaptation, self-supervision, input regularization, and label regularization. In situations where labeled data is unavailable but a similar dataset exists, domain adaptation emerges as a valuable strategy for transferring knowledge from the labeled dataset to the target dataset. This dissertation introduces three innovative domain adaptation methods that operate at pixel, feature, and output levels.Another approach to tackle the absence of labels involves a novel self-supervision technique tailored to train Vision Transformers in extracting rich features. The third and fourth approaches focus on scenarios where only a limited amount of labeled data is available. In such cases, I present novel regularization techniques designed to mitigate overfitting by modifying the input data and the target labels, respectively.
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Accelerating Deep Learning Inference in Relational Database Systems

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Deep learning has become a potent method for drawing conclusions and forecasts from massive amounts of data. But when used in practical applications, conventional deep learning frameworks frequently run into problems, especially when data is stored in relational database systems.

Deep learning has become a potent method for drawing conclusions and forecasts from massive amounts of data. But when used in practical applications, conventional deep learning frameworks frequently run into problems, especially when data is stored in relational database systems. Thus, in recent years, a stream of research in integrating machine learning model inferences with a relational database to achieve benefits such as avoiding privacy issues and data transfer overheads is observed. The logic for performing the inference using the DNN model can be encapsulated in a user-defined function (UDF). These UDFs can then be integrated with the query interface of the DBMS and executed by the query execution engine. While it is relatively straightforward to leverage the User Defined Functions (UDFs) to implement machine learning algorithms using parallelism, it is observed that such implementations will not always be optimal and may incur issues in balancing the database threading and the threading of the libraries that the UDFs invoke. Since relational databases provide native support for relational operators, it is possible to leverage a cost model to make decisions for selectively transforming the UDFs based inference logic into a model-parallel implementation for optimal performance. Thus, this thesis will focus on the following: 1. Designing a domain-specific language for implementing the UDFs using Velox library, which can be lowered to a graph-based intermediate representation (IR); 2. Providing a cost model that aids in the decision-making of converting a UDF-centric implementation to a relation centric one.
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A Streamlined Pipeline to Generate Synthetic Identity Documents

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In contemporary society, the proliferation of fake identity documents presents a profound menace that permeates various facets of the social fabric. The advent of artificial intelligence coupled with sophisticated printing techniques has significantly exacerbated this issue. The ramifications of counterfeit

In contemporary society, the proliferation of fake identity documents presents a profound menace that permeates various facets of the social fabric. The advent of artificial intelligence coupled with sophisticated printing techniques has significantly exacerbated this issue. The ramifications of counterfeit identity documents extend far beyond the legal infractions and financial losses incurred by victims of identity theft because they pose a severe threat to public safety, national security, and societal trust. Given these multifaceted threats, the imperative to detect and thwart fraud identity documents has become paramount. The efficacy of fraud detection tools is contingent upon the availability of extensive identity document datasets for training purposes. However, existing benchmark datasets such as MIDV-500, MIDV-2020, and FMIDV exhibit notable deficiencies such as a limited number of samples, insufficient coverage of various fraud patterns, and occasional alterations in critical personal identifier fields, particularly portrait images. These limitations constrain their effectiveness in training models capable of detecting realistic fraud instances while also safeguarding privacy. This thesis delineates the research work to address this gap by proposing a streamlined pipeline for generating synthetic identity documents and introducing the resultant benchmark dataset, named IDNet. IDNet is meticulously crafted to propel advancements in privacy-preserving fraud detection initiatives and comprises 597,900 images of synthetically generated identity documents, amounting to approximately 350 gigabytes of data. These documents are categorized into 20 types, encompassing identity documents from 10 U.S. states and 10 European countries. Additionally, the dataset includes identity documents consisting of either a single fraud pattern or multiple fraud patterns, to cater to various model training requirements.
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Improving and Automating Machine Learning Model Compression

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Machine learning models are increasingly employed by smart devices on the edge to support important applications such as real-time virtual assistants and privacy-preserving healthcare. However, deploying state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models on devices faces multiple serious challenges. First, it is

Machine learning models are increasingly employed by smart devices on the edge to support important applications such as real-time virtual assistants and privacy-preserving healthcare. However, deploying state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning models on devices faces multiple serious challenges. First, it is infeasible to deploy large models on resource-constrained edge devices whereas small models cannot achieve the SOTA accuracy. Second, it is difficult to customize the models according to diverse application requirements in accuracy and speed and diverse capabilities of edge devices. This study proposes several novel solutions to comprehensively address the above challenges through automated and improved model compression. First, it introduces Automatic Attention Pruning (AAP), an adaptive, attention-based pruning approach to automatically reduce model parameters while meeting diverse user objectives in model size, speed, and accuracy. AAP achieves an impressive 92.72% parameter reduction in ResNet-101 on Tiny-ImageNet without causing any accuracy loss. Second, it presents Self-Supervised Quantization-Aware Knowledge Distillation (SQAKD), a framework for reducing model precision without supervision from labeled training data. For example, it quantizes VGG-8 to 2 bits on CIFAR-10 without any accuracy loss. Finally, the study explores two more works, Contrastive Knowledge Distillation Framework (CKDF) and Log-Curriculum based Module Replacing (LCMR), for further improving the performance of small models. All the works proposed in this study are designed to address real-world challenges, and have been successfully deployed on diverse hardware platforms, including cloud instances and edge devices, catalyzing AI for the edge.
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Compression and Regularization of Vision Transformers

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Vision Transformers (ViT) achieve state-of-the-art performance on image classification tasks. However, their massive size makes them unsuitable for edge devices. Unlike CNNs, limited research has been conducted on the compression of ViTs. This thesis work proposes the ”adjoined training technique”

Vision Transformers (ViT) achieve state-of-the-art performance on image classification tasks. However, their massive size makes them unsuitable for edge devices. Unlike CNNs, limited research has been conducted on the compression of ViTs. This thesis work proposes the ”adjoined training technique” to compress any transformer based architecture. The architecture, Adjoined Vision Transformer (AN-ViT), achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet classification task. With the base network as Swin Transformer, AN-ViT with 4.1× fewer parameters and 5.5× fewer floating point operations (FLOPs) achieves similar accuracy (within 0.15%). This work further proposes Differentiable Adjoined ViT (DAN-ViT), whichuses neural architecture search to find hyper-parameters of our model. DAN-ViT outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods including Swin-Transformers by about ∼ 0.07% and achieves 85.27% top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet dataset while using 2.2× fewer parameters and with 2.2× fewer FLOPs.
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Graph Regularized Linear Regression

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Linear-regression estimators have become widely accepted as a reliable statistical tool in predicting outcomes. Because linear regression is a long-established procedure, the properties of linear-regression estimators are well understood and can be trained very quickly. Many estimators exist for modeling

Linear-regression estimators have become widely accepted as a reliable statistical tool in predicting outcomes. Because linear regression is a long-established procedure, the properties of linear-regression estimators are well understood and can be trained very quickly. Many estimators exist for modeling linear relationships, each having ideal conditions for optimal performance. The differences stem from the introduction of a bias into the parameter estimation through the use of various regularization strategies. One of the more popular ones is ridge regression which uses ℓ2-penalization of the parameter vector. In this work, the proposed graph regularized linear estimator is pitted against the popular ridge regression when the parameter vector is known to be dense. When additional knowledge that parameters are smooth with respect to a graph is available, it can be used to improve the parameter estimates. To achieve this goal an additional smoothing penalty is introduced into the traditional loss function of ridge regression. The mean squared error(m.s.e) is used as a performance metric and the analysis is presented for fixed design matrices having a unit covariance matrix. The specific problem setup enables us to study the theoretical conditions where the graph regularized estimator out-performs the ridge estimator. The eigenvectors of the laplacian matrix indicating the graph of connections between the various dimensions of the parameter vector form an integral part of the analysis. Experiments have been conducted on simulated data to compare the performance of the two estimators for laplacian matrices of several types of graphs – complete, star, line and 4-regular. The experimental results indicate that the theory can possibly be extended to more general settings taking smoothness, a concept defined in this work, into consideration.
Date Created

QU-Net: A Lightweight U-Net based Region Proposal System

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In recent years, there has been significant progress in deep learning and computer vision, with many models proposed that have achieved state-of-art results on various image recognition tasks. However, to explore the full potential of the advances in this field,

In recent years, there has been significant progress in deep learning and computer vision, with many models proposed that have achieved state-of-art results on various image recognition tasks. However, to explore the full potential of the advances in this field, there is an urgent need to push the processing of deep networks from the cloud to edge devices. Unfortunately, many deep learning models cannot be efficiently implemented on edge devices as these devices are severely resource-constrained. In this thesis, I present QU-Net, a lightweight binary segmentation model based on the U-Net architecture. Traditionally, neural networks consider the entire image to be significant. However, in real-world scenarios, many regions in an image do not contain any objects of significance. These regions can be removed from the original input allowing a network to focus on the relevant regions and thus reduce computational costs. QU-Net proposes the salient regions (binary mask) that the deeper models can use as the input. Experiments show that QU-Net helped achieve a computational reduction of 25% on the Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS COCO) dataset and 57% on the Cityscapes dataset. Moreover, QU-Net is a generalizable model that outperforms other similar works, such as Dynamic Convolutions.
Date Created

Toward Reliable Graph Matching: from Deterministic Optimization to Combinatorial Learning

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Graph matching is a fundamental but notoriously difficult problem due to its NP-hard nature, and serves as a cornerstone for a series of applications in machine learning and computer vision, such as image matching, dynamic routing, drug design, to name

Graph matching is a fundamental but notoriously difficult problem due to its NP-hard nature, and serves as a cornerstone for a series of applications in machine learning and computer vision, such as image matching, dynamic routing, drug design, to name a few. Although there has been massive previous investigation on high-performance graph matching solvers, it still remains a challenging task to tackle the matching problem under real-world scenarios with severe graph uncertainty (e.g., noise, outlier, misleading or ambiguous link).In this dissertation, a main focus is to investigate the essence and propose solutions to graph matching with higher reliability under such uncertainty. To this end, the proposed research was conducted taking into account three perspectives related to reliable graph matching: modeling, optimization and learning. For modeling, graph matching is extended from typical quadratic assignment problem to a more generic mathematical model by introducing a specific family of separable function, achieving higher capacity and reliability. In terms of optimization, a novel high gradient-efficient determinant-based regularization technique is proposed in this research, showing high robustness against outliers. Then learning paradigm for graph matching under intrinsic combinatorial characteristics is explored. First, a study is conducted on the way of filling the gap between discrete problem and its continuous approximation under a deep learning framework. Then this dissertation continues to investigate the necessity of more reliable latent topology of graphs for matching, and propose an effective and flexible framework to obtain it. Coherent findings in this dissertation include theoretical study and several novel algorithms, with rich experiments demonstrating the effectiveness.
Date Created

Toward Reliable Graph Matching: from Deterministic Optimization to Combinatorial Learning

Graph matching is a fundamental but notoriously difficult problem due to its NP-hard nature, and serves as a cornerstone for a series of applications in machine learning and computer vision, such as image matching, dynamic routing, drug design, to name

Graph matching is a fundamental but notoriously difficult problem due to its NP-hard nature, and serves as a cornerstone for a series of applications in machine learning and computer vision, such as image matching, dynamic routing, drug design, to name a few. Although there has been massive previous investigation on high-performance graph matching solvers, it still remains a challenging task to tackle the matching problem under real-world scenarios with severe graph uncertainty (e.g., noise, outlier, misleading or ambiguous link).In this dissertation, a main focus is to investigate the essence and propose solutions to graph matching with higher reliability under such uncertainty. To this end, the proposed research was conducted taking into account three perspectives related to reliable graph matching: modeling, optimization and learning. For modeling, graph matching is extended from typical quadratic assignment problem to a more generic mathematical model by introducing a specific family of separable function, achieving higher capacity and reliability. In terms of optimization, a novel high gradient-efficient determinant-based regularization technique is proposed in this research, showing high robustness against outliers. Then learning paradigm for graph matching under intrinsic combinatorial characteristics is explored. First, a study is conducted on the way of filling the gap between discrete problem and its continuous approximation under a deep learning framework. Then this dissertation continues to investigate the necessity of more reliable latent topology of graphs for matching, and propose an effective and flexible framework to obtain it. Coherent findings in this dissertation include theoretical study and several novel algorithms, with rich experiments demonstrating the effectiveness.
Date Created

Neuro Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Pioneer to Overcome the Limits of Machine Learn

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With the recent boom in artificial intelligence, various learning methods and information are pouring out. However, there are many abbreviations and jargons to read without knowing the history and development trend of artificial intelligence, which is a barrier to entry.

With the recent boom in artificial intelligence, various learning methods and information are pouring out. However, there are many abbreviations and jargons to read without knowing the history and development trend of artificial intelligence, which is a barrier to entry. This study predicts the future development direction by synthesizing the concept of Neuro symbolic AI, which is a new direction of artificial intelligence, the history of artificial intelligence from which such concept came out, and applied studies, and by synthesizing and summarizing the limitations of the current research projects. It is a guide for those who want to study neural symbols. In this paper, it describes the history of artificial intelligence and the historical background of the emergence of neural symbols. In the development trend, the challenges faced by the neural symbolic, measures to overcome, and the Neuro Symbolic A.I. applied in various fields are described. (Knowledge based Question Answering, VQA(Visual Question Answering), image retrieve, etc.). It predicts the future development direction of neuro symbolic artificial intelligence based on the contents obtained through previous studies.
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