Mylonite – A Mobile Game for iOS and Android Devices

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Mylonite is a mobile game that fits within the "Endless Runner" genre. This write-up contains a detailing of the development process, including the inspiration, technology selection, development process, challenges faced, and future additions. A final copy of the game can

Mylonite is a mobile game that fits within the "Endless Runner" genre. This write-up contains a detailing of the development process, including the inspiration, technology selection, development process, challenges faced, and future additions. A final copy of the game can be found on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store under the name Mylonite.
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University Housing: Using Information Systems to Manage ASU's Community Assistant Resources and Streamline Processes

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This thesis paper contains all the information, processes, and scripts used to create the final SQL database and website for use by University Housing at Arizona State University. This project aims to resolve problems currently facing University Housing's Community Assistants with their resource distribution and processes.

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An Examination of IS Graduates' Preparation for the Workforce

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Employers perceive students are not qualified to enter the workforce. Students also feel unprepared to enter the workforce, resulting in a perceived skills gap between skills taught in schools and skills demanded by employers. My study examines the actual skills

Employers perceive students are not qualified to enter the workforce. Students also feel unprepared to enter the workforce, resulting in a perceived skills gap between skills taught in schools and skills demanded by employers. My study examines the actual skills gap between skills taught in five Information Systems programs and skills demanded by employers in nine IT professions. In the scope of my analysis, I provide a discussion of my project methodology, answers for my research questions used to complete the gap analysis, and grounded recommendations to Information Systems programs on how to close the skills gap. Lastly, I also include future considerations that researchers may utilize to study my topic in greater detail. Students and schools can both use my analysis to improve their respective weaknesses and capitalize on their strengths in terms of hard skills required for the workforce.

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Bots, Botnet, and Misinformation: A Study

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Bots and networks of bots (known as a botnet) are a powerful tool in the world of misinformation. However, there are methods being developed to counter these tools. One such method is the use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning

Bots and networks of bots (known as a botnet) are a powerful tool in the world of misinformation. However, there are methods being developed to counter these tools. One such method is the use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to automatically filter, block, and identify bot accounts and bot posts. Since the influx of bot posts and videos is too much for hired people to handle in any way that is financially reasonable for a company, AI can be the key to preventing the spread of information.
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Tuzee: On-demand Tutoring for College Students

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For students on a college campus, many courses can present challenges to them academically. Some universities have taken an initiative to respond to this by offering tutoring opportunities at a central location. Generally this provides help for some struggling students,

For students on a college campus, many courses can present challenges to them academically. Some universities have taken an initiative to respond to this by offering tutoring opportunities at a central location. Generally this provides help for some struggling students, but others are left with many questions unanswered. Two primary reasons for this are that some tutoring services are broad in scope and that there may not be sufficient one-on-one time with a tutor. With the development of a mobile application, a solution is possible to improve upon the tutoring experience for all students. The concept revolves around the formation of a labor market of freelancers, known as a gig economy, to create a large supply of tutors who can provide their services to a student looking for help in a specific course. A strategic process was followed to develop this mobile application, called Tuzee. To begin, an early concept and design was drafted to shape a clear vision statement and effective user experience. Planning and research followed, where technical requirements including an efficient database and integrated development environment were selected. After these prerequisites, the development stage of the application started and a working app produced. Subsequently, a business model was devised along with possible features to be added upon a successful launch. With a peer-to-peer approach powering the app, monitoring user engagement lies as a core principle for consistent growth. The vision statement will frequently be referred to: enhance university academics by enabling the interaction of students with each other.
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Scandal: An Ethics Game on the Importance of Accurate GAAP and FASB Reporting for Public Corporations

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Financial statements are one of the most important, if not the most important, documents for investors. These statements are prepared quarterly and yearly by the company accounting department, and are then audited in detail by a large external accounting firm.

Financial statements are one of the most important, if not the most important, documents for investors. These statements are prepared quarterly and yearly by the company accounting department, and are then audited in detail by a large external accounting firm. Investors use these documents to determine the value of the company, and trust that the company was truthful in its statements, and the auditing firm correctly audited the company's financial statements for any mistakes in their books and balances. Mistakes on a company's financial statements can be costly. However, financial fraud on the statements can be outright disastrous. Penalties for accounting fraud can include individual lifetime prison sentences, as well as company fines for billions of dollars. As students in the accounting major, it is our responsibility to ensure that financial statements are accurate and truthful to protect ourselves, other stakeholders, and the companies we work for. This ethics game takes the stories of Enron, WorldCom, and Lehman Brothers and uses them to help students identify financial fraud and how it can be prevented, as well as the consequences behind unethical decisions in financial reporting. The Enron scandal involved CEO Kenneth Lay and his predecessor Jeffery Skilling hiding losses in their financial statements with the help of their auditing firm, Arthur Andersen. Enron collapsed in 2002, and Lay was sentenced to 45 years in prison with his conspirator Skilling sentenced to 24 years in prison. In the WorldCom scandal, CEO Bernard "Bernie" Ebbers booked line costs as capital expenses (overstating WorldCom's assets), and created fraudulent accounts to inflate revenue and WorldCom's profit. Ebbers was sentenced to 25 years in prison and lost his title as WorldCom's Chief Executive Officer. Lehman Brothers took advantage of a loophole in accounting procedure Repo 105, that let the firm hide $50 billion in profits. No one at Lehman Brothers was sentenced to jail since the transaction was technically considered legal, but Lehman was the largest investment bank to fail and the only large financial institution that was not bailed out by the U.S. government.
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Learn Sakha Android App Development

The purpose of this creative project is to develop an Android application which teaches English speakers Sakha language. Sakha is the language of indigenous people of Sakha Republic in Russia's Far East region. There are approximately half of a million

The purpose of this creative project is to develop an Android application which teaches English speakers Sakha language. Sakha is the language of indigenous people of Sakha Republic in Russia's Far East region. There are approximately half of a million Sakha people. Creating Learn Sakha app will be useful for English speakers, who are descendants of Sakha but live in English-speaking countries, to learn Sakha language. For the application development, I utilized Android Studio environment and Java as the programming language. Additionally, I saved quiz questions in the JSON file to allow further scalability. Question class was created to hold the values extracted from JSON file. Also, I used Intents and SharedPrefences for saving user data. Progress bar, buttons, and onClick sound effects were used to enhance user experience. I shared the Learn Sakha app at different stages of development with my friends to gather user feedback. Overall, I learned how to create an application on Android Studio, improved my Java and troubleshooting skills. As the result of this creative project, I was able to develop a working Android application with four lessons, each with three stages. Currently, there are 16 Sakha words can be learned from the application. Repetition principle was used to improve learning of new words. I am planning to further develop Learn Sakha app as an open source project and attract developers, linguists, and designers to advance the improvements. Furthermore, this app can be extended to learn Sakha from Russian and be shared with other small languages, currently neglected by large language-learning platforms.
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Medical Check-In Application for Volunteer Organizations

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This work presents a client with a unique business problem with the creation of a user friendly check-in system and more specifically an application that would replace the current manual system that is in place. Two possibilities were analyzed and

This work presents a client with a unique business problem with the creation of a user friendly check-in system and more specifically an application that would replace the current manual system that is in place. Two possibilities were analyzed and considered in order to reduce reliance on paper tracking. Initially a mobile application was considered where only users who have the QR code can access through PhoneGap with a barcode scanner. The second possibility was taking the initial plan and expanding it into a fully responsive website with strict user access control that could go from desktop, to laptop, to tablet, and to phones. This would allow users to access the application from something other than a mobile device.
Date Created

Virtual Reality Architecture

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The purpose of this experiment was to research using Virtual Reality (VR) as a way for a home builder to experience their unbuilt home, similarly to home shoppers experiencing built homes through open houses and tours. It discusses the ideas

The purpose of this experiment was to research using Virtual Reality (VR) as a way for a home builder to experience their unbuilt home, similarly to home shoppers experiencing built homes through open houses and tours. It discusses the ideas and technologies involved, the process for developing a home in VR, and the observations found from demoing it to people. The research was started based on the "presence" effect in VR. Presence describes the feeling when the user is convinced that they are truly in the virtual world. The research conducted found that the main immersion creator and breaker is the interactivity capable in the virtual home. Through demoing a virtual home, it was discovered that the user was less sensitive to the visual quality of the house, and more sensitive to any inconsistent interactions with the house. If the user could physically open a door, but then not a drawer, they were shaken out of their presence. The research conducted also found that VR can provide enough immersion to make the home owner feel "present" in their new home if the application is built with a focus on consistent interactions throughout the environment. This application is capable of severely disrupting the current market climate and reshaping the way home builders decide what house they want to build.
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Veelog: Car Maintenance Android Application

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Veelog is an Android application created to monitor and track data regarding maintenance for an individual's personal vehicles. For instance, most car owners change their oil every 10,000 miles or so. The application will help track this data, allowing users

Veelog is an Android application created to monitor and track data regarding maintenance for an individual's personal vehicles. For instance, most car owners change their oil every 10,000 miles or so. The application will help track this data, allowing users to identify their own range of how often a service needs to be completed and provide helpful information when the need comes around. The goal of the application is to provide a platform for individuals to record, use, and save information relevant to themselves as the owner. By ensuring that there is space for the data to be recorded and properly tracked, car owners can take initiative in providing preventative maintenance for their vehicles. The idea for the application originally came from observing many individuals who keep a notebook in each of their vehicles for recording and keeping track of maintenance schedules manually. Veelog is a solution that keeps all maintenance manuals in one place, with the additional benefit of calculating upcoming services automatically. Veelog users can also make customizations to their profiles including custom services that are specific to their own needs. The target users for Veelog are individuals who want to be proactive in servicing their vehicles. The application requires frequent checking and regular updates to stay current and provide accurate information for upcoming services. Being proactive about vehicle maintenance provides long term benefits such as preventing serious car trouble, which ultimately results in saving money and staying safe and makes the application worth the extra attention. Ideally, individuals who have not previously been proactive about vehicle maintenance will also be encouraged by the convenience that Veelog provides.
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