University Housing: Using Information Systems to Manage ASU's Community Assistant Resources and Streamline Processes

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This thesis paper contains all the information, processes, and scripts used to create the final SQL database and website for use by University Housing at Arizona State University. This project aims to resolve problems currently facing University Housing's Community Assistants with their resource distribution and processes.

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Project Stallion

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Creation of a database and Python API to clean, organize, and streamline data collection from an updated Qualtrics survey used to capture applicant information for the Fleischer Scholars Program run by the W. P. Carey UG Admissions Office.

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Project Stallion

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Creation of a database and Python API to clean, organize, and streamline data collection from an updated Qualtrics survey used to capture applicant information for the Fleischer Scholars Program run by the W. P. Carey UG Admissions Office.

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A Study of Sun Devil Athletics’ Men’s Basketball with Information Related to Travel Partnership

We created a sufficient database that can be used by the SDA for extensive analysis as well as a starting foundation for further development. The design of the database revolved around the men’s basketball team and includes data for conferences,

We created a sufficient database that can be used by the SDA for extensive analysis as well as a starting foundation for further development. The design of the database revolved around the men’s basketball team and includes data for conferences, teams, players, and the historic schedule of teams past performances. This design can be used as a template for future sports that would like to be added to the database. The queries we ran that tested the functionality of the database show the utility and accessibility that is possible with the data currently in the database. The visuals included assist our examples by exhibiting how the results gathered by the queries can be transformed into figures that may be more visually appealing than the raw data. We came up with example questions that could be potential questions the SDA may have regarding current and past performance statistics. We expect that as a continuation of this project, the SDA will be able to utilize it to their advantage to analyze and improve the performance levels of other teams.
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Rethinking the Job Search: Bringing Technology Undergraduates a Better Understanding of their Job Market

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The objective of this project was the creation of a web app for undergraduate CIS/BDA students which allows them to search for jobs based on criteria that are not always directly available with the average job search engine. This

The objective of this project was the creation of a web app for undergraduate CIS/BDA students which allows them to search for jobs based on criteria that are not always directly available with the average job search engine. This includes technical skills, soft skills, location and industry. This creates a more focused way for these students to search for jobs using an application that also attempts to exclude positions that are looking for very experienced employees. The activities used for this project were chosen in attempt to make as many of the processes as automatable as possible.
This was achieved by first using offline explorer, an application that can download websites, to gather job postings from that were searched by a pre-defined list of technical skills. Next came the parsing of the downloaded postings to extract and clean the data that was required and filling a database with that cleaned data. Then the companies were matched up with their corresponding industries. This was done using their NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) codes. The descriptions were then analyzed, and a group of soft skills was chosen based on the results of Word2Vec (a group of models that assists in creating word embeddings). A master table was then created by combining all of the tables in the database. The master table was then filtered down to exclude posts that required too much experience. Lastly, the web app was created using node.js as the back-end. This web app allows the user to choose their desired criteria and navigate through the postings that meet their criteria.
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Women in Technology

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Technology is everywhere. It touches every industry and nearly every aspect of our lives. It is paving the way to exciting innovations, solving long-standing problems, and helping us as humans learn at a faster rate than ever before. The Tech

Technology is everywhere. It touches every industry and nearly every aspect of our lives. It is paving the way to exciting innovations, solving long-standing problems, and helping us as humans learn at a faster rate than ever before. The Tech Industry is booming, generating an ever-increasing amount of jobs within the workforce. The number of women filling these new jobs, however, has remained static – if not declined. As a female student studying Computer Information Systems, this fact has concerned me for some time and propelled me to dig deeper and get to the root of the problem. It has been no secret that there is a lack of gender equality within the technology industry. Silicon Valley – the tech hub of the United States – has time and again been accused of creating an overwhelming sense of “bro culture”. The numbers are staggeringly obvious – women are entering into the industry at a lower rate than men, women are leaving the industry at a higher rate than men, and women are not being advanced within technology-based careers at the same rate as men. My objective with this creative project was to go beyond the numbers and to understand why this gender gap is still prevalent within the industry and, more importantly, what can be done to shrink the gap. As such, I decided to put faces to the numbers by creating a documentary in which I interviewed eight diverse female professionals with varying backgrounds that are in different stages within their careers in the technology industry. I was able to get real and raw opinions, ideas, and advice from these knowledgeable women to construct my responses to these complex issues. This paper has been structured to outline and analyze the ideas and concepts generated from my interviews of these women.
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Women in IS (or Lack Thereof)

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Research has found there is a lack of women present in the IS industry. In order to combat this problem, this research examines why women are not choosing IS majors at the university level. At Arizona State University, the Computer

Research has found there is a lack of women present in the IS industry. In order to combat this problem, this research examines why women are not choosing IS majors at the university level. At Arizona State University, the Computer Information Systems undergraduate degree program is only 23 percent female. Many different factors can influence the decision to choose a major, so survey methodology was used to ascertain what factors were the most important to different demographic groups when making this decision. The study found no significant gender difference when making this decision, but rather a difference between specific majors. Genuine interest, interesting work and high career earnings were identified as the most influential reasons for choosing a college major. The results were used to create recommendations for the IS Department at ASU to implement in the next year and encourage more female participation in the CIS undergraduate degree program.
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The Barrett Honors College thesis project is a chance to discover and research a topic that students are truly passionate about, and then share the findings with the Barrett community. The process of brainstorming project ideas and ultimately deciding on

The Barrett Honors College thesis project is a chance to discover and research a topic that students are truly passionate about, and then share the findings with the Barrett community. The process of brainstorming project ideas and ultimately deciding on a topic is one, which is filled with excitement and curiosity. The topic that is chosen for current research identifies whether career and life satisfaction are competing or complementary factors for executives. The primary reason this particular topic has been selected for the honors thesis is because of the initial interest regarding achieving family and work-life balance in the professional world. The report focuses on the research proposal, methodology of conducting surveys and forming a strong research question, results from statistical analysis, and the implications of this study. As part of the brainstorming process, it is important to understand not only what students' perceptions are of achieving family and work-life balance, but also the American societal stigma of "having it all." After conducting significant research regarding career, family and balancing the two, it is evident that there are societal as well as cultural differences concerning career and personal lifestyle satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to further explore how executives today view the world in terms of overall satisfaction regarding various aspects of their lives including: relationships, family, work hours, vacation and balance, and to determine which factors are most influential in predicting satisfaction. In addition to this, it is also important to evaluate how the results from this research compare to the perceptions existing in modern day society about achieving both career and personal balance.
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The Impact of Lifestyle on Running Success

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The Impact of Lifestyle on Running Success
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The New American: A Stakeholder Analysis and Risk Assessment of the US Airways-American Airlines Merger

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This thesis provides a detailed analysis and risk assessment of the various stakeholders impacted by the US Airways-American Airlines merger. The stakeholders include employees, shareholders, new American passengers, the cities of Phoenix and Dallas, and other airlines. In order to

This thesis provides a detailed analysis and risk assessment of the various stakeholders impacted by the US Airways-American Airlines merger. The stakeholders include employees, shareholders, new American passengers, the cities of Phoenix and Dallas, and other airlines. In order to understand how these stakeholders are impacted, we did thorough analysis of past major airline mergers and referenced cases from those mergers. Because the history of the airline industry is filled with hundreds of mergers and acquisitions, we only reference the America West-US Airways, Delta-Northwest, United-Continental, and Southwest-AirTran mergers in our thesis.
Date Created