Learn Sakha Android App Development

The purpose of this creative project is to develop an Android application which teaches English speakers Sakha language. Sakha is the language of indigenous people of Sakha Republic in Russia's Far East region. There are approximately half of a million

The purpose of this creative project is to develop an Android application which teaches English speakers Sakha language. Sakha is the language of indigenous people of Sakha Republic in Russia's Far East region. There are approximately half of a million Sakha people. Creating Learn Sakha app will be useful for English speakers, who are descendants of Sakha but live in English-speaking countries, to learn Sakha language. For the application development, I utilized Android Studio environment and Java as the programming language. Additionally, I saved quiz questions in the JSON file to allow further scalability. Question class was created to hold the values extracted from JSON file. Also, I used Intents and SharedPrefences for saving user data. Progress bar, buttons, and onClick sound effects were used to enhance user experience. I shared the Learn Sakha app at different stages of development with my friends to gather user feedback. Overall, I learned how to create an application on Android Studio, improved my Java and troubleshooting skills. As the result of this creative project, I was able to develop a working Android application with four lessons, each with three stages. Currently, there are 16 Sakha words can be learned from the application. Repetition principle was used to improve learning of new words. I am planning to further develop Learn Sakha app as an open source project and attract developers, linguists, and designers to advance the improvements. Furthermore, this app can be extended to learn Sakha from Russian and be shared with other small languages, currently neglected by large language-learning platforms.
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