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Description is web application development project built on the following technologies, jQuery Mobile, HTML5, CSS, PHP, and MySQL. The primary function of the web application is to enable students across the university to connect, and study together by forming impromptu study groups through a mobile friendly touch interface.
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Agent A More Versatile Book Club

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If friends have not read the same books as us, our options to share our thoughts about a book are limited mainly to book clubs, which limit control over which books are read, and online posts, which offer no face-to-face

If friends have not read the same books as us, our options to share our thoughts about a book are limited mainly to book clubs, which limit control over which books are read, and online posts, which offer no face-to-face contact for a discussion. allows readers to find fellow readers of a book in their area and to set up an in-person meeting to exchange their thoughts on the book. This website was created with no prior coding experience using HTML, CSS, PHP, and JavaScript.
Date Created


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In the modern world of business, access to information can mean the difference between thousands of dollars. Executives at any corporation, large or small, would probably agree that they need to know everything and anything at the drop of a

In the modern world of business, access to information can mean the difference between thousands of dollars. Executives at any corporation, large or small, would probably agree that they need to know everything and anything at the drop of a hat. As software has become more prominent in the business world so has the demand for an ever faster representation of business data. While traditional desktop applications have been used for decades to record, store, and display data, they do have their limitations. One such limitation being location—that is, they reside on a desktop. Remote access services have alleviated some of the pain that comes from location but there is still a need for faster access to data. Thankfully, the internet offers itself as ideal platform for fast, reliable, data retrieval. An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) application manages several departments of a business. Most sophisticated applications handle accounting, marketing, ordering, invoicing, etc. plus other business operations processes. One such ERP is Evosus, a system designed for the pool industry. While Evosus is an effective ERP system, it does suffer from the same limits that any traditional desktop application has—namely fast remote access. Evosus is an application that stores all of its data in a Microsoft SQL Server Database. MSSQL Server is known for being flexible, secure, and easy to use. The use of MSSQL Server alone allows Evosus to be more flexible than many competitors. With a few simple programming commands, all of the data stored in the Evosus database can be effectively displayed in web format. Therefore, the limitations brought on by location no longer exist. Using the Microsoft product stack, a web application has been developed to display Evosus data on the web. ASP.NET MVC is used to help with the Separation of Concerns (SoC) that accompanies all web development. The website, called EvosusConnect, is used to demonstrate how, in a real world scenario, instant access to crucial business data can benefit a company, no matter how large or small.
Date Created

The Wish List: A Website Application

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The Wish List is a website that allows users to input URLs of products that they like into a wish list, much like Amazon's Wish List. The website also connects users to their Facebook friends who also use the application,

The Wish List is a website that allows users to input URLs of products that they like into a wish list, much like Amazon's Wish List. The website also connects users to their Facebook friends who also use the application, so that users can view their friends' wish lists and "claim" products that they've purchased. This makes the Wish List like a registry as well. This report documents the functionality and the structure of the website, but the website itself is not yet released to the general public.
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