The Effect of Covid-19 on Single-Family Home Valuations in Low-Income Tax States


As the 2010’s came to a close, the world was thrust into a new era of panic, flexibility, and hyper growth as a result of COVID-19 (COVID). In an effort to combat this black swan event employers implemented mandatory work

As the 2010’s came to a close, the world was thrust into a new era of panic, flexibility, and hyper growth as a result of COVID-19 (COVID). In an effort to combat this black swan event employers implemented mandatory work from home initiatives to stop the spread of COVID. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve enacted a quantitative easing strategy in the form of low-interest rates accompanied by exhaustive government stimulus in an effort to stabilize the economy from its COVID induced panic. As a result of these factors, the U.S. has observed unique growth trends in population and home prices. This study aims to answer if low-income tax states experienced a larger population growth rate than moderate to high-income tax states from 2020 – 2022 and if low-income tax states experienced a larger increase in single-family home appreciation than moderate to high-income tax states from 2020 – 2022. To answer these questions, the study implemented the strategy of testing historical home pricing data provided by Zillow Research and population data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau through a correlation matrix to measure if there was a correlation and if the correlation P-values were significant. The same data was tested a second time through an index strategy which further confirmed the findings of the correlation matrix. The study found that there was a correlation between the income tax rate and home value appreciation and population growth from 2020 – 2022. As a result, the study concludes that there is enough evidence to infer that tax rates may influence home price appreciation and population growth. However, income tax rates are not solely responsible for the increases in home prices and population, but instead are one of many factors that influence these groups.

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The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Academic Dishonesty and Workplace Fraud


Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted

Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted from being in an office to working from home. This lack of oversight and support system from their peers during these difficult times may have spurred unethical conduct from employees. Since many college students will end up in positions where they will have access to commit and conceal financial crime, I surveyed Arizona State University students who have experienced remote education and asked them questions regarding academic dishonesty and unethical business practices. Based on their responses to statements about online education since the pandemic and their likelihood to cheat in certain academic situations because of it, I found that students feel more comfortable cheating and committing academic dishonesty than before the pandemic. Since past research shows that the consequences of academic dishonesty are not confined to the university environment, educators and employers need to be aware of these implications arising from the pandemic to prevent individuals from developing a cheating mentality and committing unethical workplace behavior. By looking at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on academic dishonesty among Arizona State University students, this study contributes to emerging research on the lasting effects of the pandemic and the consequences of shifting to remote activities in many aspects of life.

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Theoretical Reasons Why Individuals Commit Financial Fraud

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I conducted research on the three tenants of the Fraud Triangle and the theories that were built from it, allowing me to identify the common reasons why people violate ethical standards and commit fraud. Having evaluated different theories for understanding

I conducted research on the three tenants of the Fraud Triangle and the theories that were built from it, allowing me to identify the common reasons why people violate ethical standards and commit fraud. Having evaluated different theories for understanding fraudulent motivations and rationalizations, witnessing current practices in the field of forensic accounting, and analyzing input from peers, I have been able to identify the behind-the-scenes rationales of why people commit financial fraud. My research proves the importance of teaching individuals behavioral ethics to prevent themselves from entering situations that could lead them to commit fraud. This is an ongoing education that needs to be taught as technology changes and fraud techniques improve. Employees need to be constantly reminded of these key issues. Unfortunately, if individuals never learn to prevent themselves from acting on unknown biases, they could instead be learning the serious legal and financial consequences of their ignorance in behavioral ethics.
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Diversity and Inclusion Recruitment in Big Four Public Accounting

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Inclusion of diverse talent in the field of public accounting has been highly prioritized by the profession since the late 1960s. In seeking to acquire racially/ethnically diverse talent in addition to an expanding set of identities (e.g. veterans, people with

Inclusion of diverse talent in the field of public accounting has been highly prioritized by the profession since the late 1960s. In seeking to acquire racially/ethnically diverse talent in addition to an expanding set of identities (e.g. veterans, people with disabilities, LGTBQ+, and various backgrounds contributing to “diversity of thought”), Big Four Public Accounting firms have taken on more operational ownership of their Diversity and Inclusion programming. We conducted interviews with D&I program facilitators and surveyed Accounting and Finance students at Arizona State University to assess whether these programs align with students’ outlooks and are being properly presented to enhance awareness. The uniformity across the Big Four’s D&I program structures, the persistence in competition among them in relation to talent acquisition and retention, and students’ lack of awareness relating to program timing and existence lead us to conclude that efforts in improving diversity and inclusion in Big Four Public Accounting are most effective when the Big Four act collectively
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Application of Small-Scale Data Analytics to a Pre-Existing Accounting Process

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The concept of data analytics has become a primary focus for companies of all types, and from within all industries. Leveraging data to enhance the decision making power of management is now vital for companies to remain competitive. Beginning as

The concept of data analytics has become a primary focus for companies of all types, and from within all industries. Leveraging data to enhance the decision making power of management is now vital for companies to remain competitive. Beginning as a movement pioneered by tech-startups and teams of university researchers, data analytics is reshaping every industry that it touches, and the field of accounting has been no exception.
Corporate buzzword terms like “big data” and “data analytics” are vague in meaning, and are thrown around by media sources often enough to obfuscate their actual meanings. These concepts are then associated with company-wide initiatives beyond the reach of the individual, in a nebulous world where people know that analytics happens, but don’t understand what it is.
The power of data analytics is not reserved for company-wide initiatives, or only employed by Silicon Valley tech start-ups. Its impacts are visible down at the team or department level, and can be conducted by the individual employees. The field of data analytics is evolving, and within it exists a rapid transition in which the individual employee is becoming a source for insight and value creation through the adoption of analytics based approaches.
The purpose of this thesis is to showcase an example of this claim, and demonstrate how an analytics based approach was applied to an existing accounting process to create new insights and information. To do this, I will discuss my development of an Excel based Dashboard Analytics tool, which I completed during my internship with Bechtel Corporation throughout the summer of 2018, and I will use this analytics tool to demonstrate the improvements that small-scale analytics had on a pre-existing process. During this discussion, I will address conceptual aspects of database design that related to my project, and will show how I applied this classroom learning to a working environment. The paper will begin with an overview of the desired goals of the group in which I was based, and will then analyze how the needs of the group led to the creation and implementation of this new analytics-based reporting tool. I will conclude with a discussion of the potential future use of this tool, and how the inclusion of these analytical approaches will continue to shape the working environment.
Date Created

From Artificial Intelligence to Actual Intelligence: A Technological Evolution

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The direction of artificial intelligence is one of the most important and popular topics of technological development. Both experts and the average person agree AI will continue to play a massive role in virtually all industries. Despite this shared belief,

The direction of artificial intelligence is one of the most important and popular topics of technological development. Both experts and the average person agree AI will continue to play a massive role in virtually all industries. Despite this shared belief, AI has continued to progress at a limited rate, limited by conventional schools of thought and mathematical approaches. In order for truly intelligent technology to exist, one must succeed in modeling the human brain as a system, not its functionalities. Conventional AI attempts to account for all the variables and permutations of a given situation rather than creating a closed system that can implicitly utilize data to form completely unique conclusions without human intervention. By bridging the gap between mathematics, biology, and neurology, Igni will become the world's first hyper intelligent artificial intelligence system. In order to understand Igni, one must first understand the progression of conventional AI and its limitations. Then they can understanding the major components of Igni and how this technology overcomes conventional limitations in its journey to revolutionize most industries.
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The Nomadic Millennial: An Analysis of the #VanLife Movement

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#VanLife is a long-time, up and coming lifestyle movement on social media centered around the process of leaving the traditional nine-to-five work week for a life on the road in a camper van. While the ‘hippie-esque’ vagabond lifestyle has

#VanLife is a long-time, up and coming lifestyle movement on social media centered around the process of leaving the traditional nine-to-five work week for a life on the road in a camper van. While the ‘hippie-esque’ vagabond lifestyle has its humble roots long before the turn of the century, the inception of social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest have fueled the more recent popularization of a full-time life on the road. #VanLifers often freelance on the road, work part time jobs, or gain sponsorships to help fund their traveling and humble lifestyle.
As the #VanLife craze continues to grow, new businesses are finding ways to meet the demand in the market. For #Vanlifers who own and operate their own camper vans, specialized companies like GoWesty, Vanagain, and Boxeer offer a full range of parts, upgrades, and custom mechanical and systems conversion kits to keep these vans on the road as OE manufacturers discontinue production on these parts. For those who have an itch to try out the #VanLife for a shorter period and without the financial commitment, companies like Roamerica, TontoTrails, and adventureRIGS offer nightly and weekly rental opportunities on fully-outfitted campervans ready to hit the road.
For my Honors Project I wrote a complete analysis on the history, development, and modernization of the #VanLife movement. With plans to take to the road for an extended period of time after graduation, I also developed a complete financial plan for a one-year #VanLife experience. The financial plan includes a comprehensive set of budgets that scrutinize the start-up an operational costs of the #VanLife and associated travel.
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The Cognitive Audit: The Effects of Cognitive Computing on Financial Audit Roles of Tomorrow

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Cognitive technology has been at the forefront of the minds of many technology, government, and business leaders, because of its potential to completely revolutionize their fields. Furthermore, individuals in financial statement auditor roles are especially focused on the impact of

Cognitive technology has been at the forefront of the minds of many technology, government, and business leaders, because of its potential to completely revolutionize their fields. Furthermore, individuals in financial statement auditor roles are especially focused on the impact of cognitive technology because of its potential to eliminate many of the tedious, repetitive tasks involved in their profession. Adopting new technologies that can autonomously collect more data from a broader range of sources, turn the data into business intelligence, and even make decisions based on that data begs the question of whether human roles in accounting will be completely replaced. A partial answer: If the ramifications of past technological advances are any indicator, cognitive technology will replace some human audit operations and grow some new and higher order roles for humans. It will shift the focus of accounting professionals to more complex judgment and analysis.
The next question: What do these changes in the roles and responsibilities look like for the auditors of the future? Cognitive technology will assuredly present new issues for which humans will have to find solutions.
• How will humans be able to test the accuracy and completeness of the decisions derived by cognitive systems?
• If cognitive computing systems rely on supervised learning, what is the most effective way to train systems?
• How will cognitive computing fair in an industry that experiences ever-changing industry regulations?
• Will cognitive technology enhance the quality of audits?
In order to answer these questions and many more, I plan on examining how cognitive technologies evolved into their use today. Based on this historic trajectory, stakeholder interviews, and industry research, I will forecast what auditing jobs may look like in the near future taking into account rapid advances in cognitive computing.
The conclusions forecast a future in auditing that is much more accurate, timely, and pleasant. Cognitive technologies allow auditors to test entire populations of transactions, to tackle audit issues on a more continuous basis, to alleviate the overload of work that occurs after fiscal year-end, and to focus on client interaction.
Date Created

Ranking Factories When There Are Multiple Dimensions of Performance

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The authors (hereinafter, "the team") engaged in a consulting project with Honeywell Process Solutions, on behalf of the New Venture Group (nVg) The New Venture Group is a student-run management consulting firm within the W.P. Carey School of Business. Its

The authors (hereinafter, "the team") engaged in a consulting project with Honeywell Process Solutions, on behalf of the New Venture Group (nVg) The New Venture Group is a student-run management consulting firm within the W.P. Carey School of Business. Its purpose is to provide an experience that allows members to learn about management consulting by interacting with real clients doing value -adding work. Through this particular client engagement, the team was asked to research and develop a structured process that would allow Honeywell Process Solutions to usefully compare 22 factories to each other on a broad range of performance issues.
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The Impact of Lifestyle on Running Success

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The Impact of Lifestyle on Running Success
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