The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Academic Dishonesty and Workplace Fraud


Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted

Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted from being in an office to working from home. This lack of oversight and support system from their peers during these difficult times may have spurred unethical conduct from employees. Since many college students will end up in positions where they will have access to commit and conceal financial crime, I surveyed Arizona State University students who have experienced remote education and asked them questions regarding academic dishonesty and unethical business practices. Based on their responses to statements about online education since the pandemic and their likelihood to cheat in certain academic situations because of it, I found that students feel more comfortable cheating and committing academic dishonesty than before the pandemic. Since past research shows that the consequences of academic dishonesty are not confined to the university environment, educators and employers need to be aware of these implications arising from the pandemic to prevent individuals from developing a cheating mentality and committing unethical workplace behavior. By looking at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on academic dishonesty among Arizona State University students, this study contributes to emerging research on the lasting effects of the pandemic and the consequences of shifting to remote activities in many aspects of life.

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