The Effect of Covid-19 on Single-Family Home Valuations in Low-Income Tax States


As the 2010’s came to a close, the world was thrust into a new era of panic, flexibility, and hyper growth as a result of COVID-19 (COVID). In an effort to combat this black swan event employers implemented mandatory work

As the 2010’s came to a close, the world was thrust into a new era of panic, flexibility, and hyper growth as a result of COVID-19 (COVID). In an effort to combat this black swan event employers implemented mandatory work from home initiatives to stop the spread of COVID. Simultaneously, the Federal Reserve enacted a quantitative easing strategy in the form of low-interest rates accompanied by exhaustive government stimulus in an effort to stabilize the economy from its COVID induced panic. As a result of these factors, the U.S. has observed unique growth trends in population and home prices. This study aims to answer if low-income tax states experienced a larger population growth rate than moderate to high-income tax states from 2020 – 2022 and if low-income tax states experienced a larger increase in single-family home appreciation than moderate to high-income tax states from 2020 – 2022. To answer these questions, the study implemented the strategy of testing historical home pricing data provided by Zillow Research and population data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau through a correlation matrix to measure if there was a correlation and if the correlation P-values were significant. The same data was tested a second time through an index strategy which further confirmed the findings of the correlation matrix. The study found that there was a correlation between the income tax rate and home value appreciation and population growth from 2020 – 2022. As a result, the study concludes that there is enough evidence to infer that tax rates may influence home price appreciation and population growth. However, income tax rates are not solely responsible for the increases in home prices and population, but instead are one of many factors that influence these groups.

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The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Academic Dishonesty and Workplace Fraud


Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted

Many corporations have experienced an increase in fraud since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and expect the level of fraud impacting their organization to continue to increase. As everyday activities moved from physical to online environments, many jobs shifted from being in an office to working from home. This lack of oversight and support system from their peers during these difficult times may have spurred unethical conduct from employees. Since many college students will end up in positions where they will have access to commit and conceal financial crime, I surveyed Arizona State University students who have experienced remote education and asked them questions regarding academic dishonesty and unethical business practices. Based on their responses to statements about online education since the pandemic and their likelihood to cheat in certain academic situations because of it, I found that students feel more comfortable cheating and committing academic dishonesty than before the pandemic. Since past research shows that the consequences of academic dishonesty are not confined to the university environment, educators and employers need to be aware of these implications arising from the pandemic to prevent individuals from developing a cheating mentality and committing unethical workplace behavior. By looking at the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on academic dishonesty among Arizona State University students, this study contributes to emerging research on the lasting effects of the pandemic and the consequences of shifting to remote activities in many aspects of life.

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Integration and Implementation of Automation and Analytics Within Accounting Firms

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Through findings from interviews, a survey, and personally learning automation software we think automation will continue to grow in the accounting industry in the coming years. Accountants see software as something that makes them more efficient and firms are doing

Through findings from interviews, a survey, and personally learning automation software we think automation will continue to grow in the accounting industry in the coming years. Accountants see software as something that makes them more efficient and firms are doing a good job training their employees on how to use these new software tools. Our interviewed accountants say that automation saves them time that can be used to work on other things. By learning Alteryx, an automation tool, we saw these time savings firsthand.

Date Created

Integration and Implementation of Automation and Analytics Within Accounting Firms

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Through findings from interviews, a survey, and personally learning automation software we think automation will continue to grow in the accounting industry in the coming years. Accountants see software as something that makes them more efficient and firms are doing

Through findings from interviews, a survey, and personally learning automation software we think automation will continue to grow in the accounting industry in the coming years. Accountants see software as something that makes them more efficient and firms are doing a good job training their employees on how to use these new software tools. Our interviewed accountants say that automation saves them time that can be used to work on other things. By learning Alteryx, an automation tool, we saw these time savings firsthand.

Date Created

Accounting Fraud in the Workplace Today and How To Prevent It

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This thesis discusses accounting fraud in the workplace today, using the recent Wirecard scandal as a jumping off point. The thesis goes into the common causes of accounting fraud (organized by the three components of the fraud triangle), effective methods

This thesis discusses accounting fraud in the workplace today, using the recent Wirecard scandal as a jumping off point. The thesis goes into the common causes of accounting fraud (organized by the three components of the fraud triangle), effective methods for countering fraud, and lessons that can be learned from the 2020 Wirecard scandal

Date Created

Long Lines: Looking at The Starbucks On Campus from A Business Process Management Perspective

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This project aimed to find implementable solutions to the long flow times at the Starbucks locations on campus. Surveys of the consumers indicated a dissatisfaction rating of 29%, neutral rating of 29% and satisfaction rating of 42%. Showing room for

This project aimed to find implementable solutions to the long flow times at the Starbucks locations on campus. Surveys of the consumers indicated a dissatisfaction rating of 29%, neutral rating of 29% and satisfaction rating of 42%. Showing room for improvement in satisfaction, respondents were asked if a decrease in flow time or if mobile ordering was implemented would affect their frequency, over 50% responded that it would increase their frequency. Implementation of a mobile ordering system into the ASU app or separating the register line into M&G only and then cash and card only, is recommended to decrease the flow time.
Date Created

Internal Controls at a Startup Yoga Studio: No Flexible Matter

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Within this paper I summarize the key features, and results, of research conducted to support the development, design, and implementation of an internal control system at a startup small business. These efforts were conducted for an Honors Thesis/Creative Project for

Within this paper I summarize the key features, and results, of research conducted to support the development, design, and implementation of an internal control system at a startup small business. These efforts were conducted for an Honors Thesis/Creative Project for Barrett, the Honors College at Arizona State University. The research revolved around deciding which financial policies, procedures, and safeguards could be useful in creating an internal control system for small businesses. In addition to academic research, I developed an “Internal Control Questionnaire” for use as a ‘jumping off point’ in conversations about a business’ existing accounting system. This questionnaire is applicable across many industries, covering the major topics which every small business/startup should consider.

The questionnaire was then used in conjunction with two interviews of small business owners. The interviews covered both the overall financial status of their business and their business’ pre-existing accounting system. The feedback received during these interviews was subsequently used to provide the business owners with eleven recommendations ranging from the implementation of new policies to verification of existing internal controls.

Finally, I summarize my findings, both academic and real-world, conveying that many small business owners do not implement formal internal control systems. I also discuss why the business owners, in this specific circumstance, did not yet implement the aforementioned eleven suggestions.
Date Created

Blockchain: What is it and What Does it Mean for Public Accountants?

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Blockchain is a sophisticated and complex technology that will have a massive impact on the public accounting industry. Currently there is concern surrounding how blockchain may impact the industry as a whole. Auditors and accountants are worried that this technology

Blockchain is a sophisticated and complex technology that will have a massive impact on the public accounting industry. Currently there is concern surrounding how blockchain may impact the industry as a whole. Auditors and accountants are worried that this technology has the potential to replace the responsibilities they fulfill. However, blockchain technology will not replace accountants and will enhance their daily activities by eliminating menial tasks, providing increased transparency, and allowing time to be spent in areas that require more consideration. This will change the role of accountants and professionals, requiring them to be more technologically proficient and analytically minded. This paper is organized as follows. There will be an initial explanation of the technology to inform the reader of what blockchain is and how it works. Then there will be a discussion regarding how blockchain technology relates to, and can be utilized by, public accounting firms as well as the implications of blockchain on the public accounting industry. These implications will be discussed followed by why they are extraneous, and how to combat them in both the assurance and advisory practices. In conclusion, recommendations will be provided for public accounting firms on how to effectively utilize the technology to their benefit.
Date Created

Improving Forecasting Accuracy in the Manufacturing Business Cycle

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The purpose of the present study is to examine how the Sales and Operation Plan (S&OP) process can be improved in the manufacturing industry by using a cost model to evaluate changes in the manufacturing forecast in addition to reviewing

The purpose of the present study is to examine how the Sales and Operation Plan (S&OP) process can be improved in the manufacturing industry by using a cost model to evaluate changes in the manufacturing forecast in addition to reviewing past financial performance. The additional use of a cost model transitions form using a standard traditional S&OP process to dynamic modeling and scenario analysis that may lead to different decisions being made. The manufacturing company S&OP processes in scope of this project is suspected to not be using a cost model when making financial decisions but rather the traditional S&OP process. They do not have a rolling budget in place, but rather a static budget also known as an Annual Operating Plan.
Date Created

From Artificial Intelligence to Actual Intelligence: A Technological Evolution

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The direction of artificial intelligence is one of the most important and popular topics of technological development. Both experts and the average person agree AI will continue to play a massive role in virtually all industries. Despite this shared belief,

The direction of artificial intelligence is one of the most important and popular topics of technological development. Both experts and the average person agree AI will continue to play a massive role in virtually all industries. Despite this shared belief, AI has continued to progress at a limited rate, limited by conventional schools of thought and mathematical approaches. In order for truly intelligent technology to exist, one must succeed in modeling the human brain as a system, not its functionalities. Conventional AI attempts to account for all the variables and permutations of a given situation rather than creating a closed system that can implicitly utilize data to form completely unique conclusions without human intervention. By bridging the gap between mathematics, biology, and neurology, Igni will become the world's first hyper intelligent artificial intelligence system. In order to understand Igni, one must first understand the progression of conventional AI and its limitations. Then they can understanding the major components of Igni and how this technology overcomes conventional limitations in its journey to revolutionize most industries.
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