The Effects of Climate Change on Refugees and the Need for Global Action

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As the climate crisis throughout the world continues to worsen, individuals are being forced to flee their home countries because of the extreme effects of climate related natural disasters at an alarming rate. Research and scholarship in climate change have

As the climate crisis throughout the world continues to worsen, individuals are being forced to flee their home countries because of the extreme effects of climate related natural disasters at an alarming rate. Research and scholarship in climate change have paid only cursory attention to the relationship between widespread displacements and climate related disasters. However, as this phenomenon progresses, it is becoming increasingly important for researchers and scholars to acknowledge the ways that climate change is affecting mass migration, as well as analyze what countries/regions are most at risk of facing this crisis. According to the World Bank, there will be 143 million more climate migrants by 2050 from just three regions: Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia (World Bank Group, 2021). Drawing on the research published by the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Epule et al., and Islam and Khan, I assess the various factors that are driving mass displacement in these three regions. I then include my own data collected from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, showing the number of disaster related displacements in each region over the course of one decade. This data contributes to a better understanding of the patterns associated with the number of displaced people in a specific region and the natural disaster(s) that caused those displacements.
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An Examination of Aggravating Jury Instructions in Arizona

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This project consisted of a review of the jury instructions used in the aggravating phase of death penalty cases in Arizona. Originally the project was looking for deviations between the definitions used for the F(6) aggravator (especially cruel, heinous, or

This project consisted of a review of the jury instructions used in the aggravating phase of death penalty cases in Arizona. Originally the project was looking for deviations between the definitions used for the F(6) aggravator (especially cruel, heinous, or depraved), but when none were found the focus shifted towards competing points within the instructions. Which begs the question of which instructions are being valued more than others, and how can we ensure jurors have the competency to accurately understand all the instructions given to them.
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A Content and Discourse Analysis of California's Proposition 22: What it Means for the Future of the Gig Economy

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For this thesis, I analyzed the discourse and content of Proposition 22, a California law which defined all workers utilizing gig-based apps to sell services as independent contractors meaning they were not legally entitled to certain protections such as minimum

For this thesis, I analyzed the discourse and content of Proposition 22, a California law which defined all workers utilizing gig-based apps to sell services as independent contractors meaning they were not legally entitled to certain protections such as minimum wage. The law was overturned in court in 2020, however, the advertisements in favor of and discourse behind the law has had a continued impact on all workers. Because of this it is important to examine and conceptualize the ideologies behind the law in order to understand how it was able to pass in a state which tends to vote in favor of increasing employee rights and regulation of industries. To do so, I utilized two methods of analysis, a discourse analysis of legal documents and a content analysis of advertisements. The former revolves around analyzing the discourse and ideologies around two versions of the legislation which were shown to the public, while the latter analysis categorizes and examines the implications of various advertisements utilized by companies to support the proposition. Ultimately, gig companies created an effective campaign that was able to repackage neoliberal deregulation for the general public while actively misrepresenting information around the law leading to long lasting effects that continue to harm workers while lining the pockets of investors despite its overturning.

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Gender Discrimination: An Investigation of the Experiences of Women in Policing

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The goal of this study was to compare and contrast the discriminatory experiences of women in policing. Through this comparison, the deeper goal was to investigate the levels of discrimination throughout the ranks of Policewomen and the potential ramifications that

The goal of this study was to compare and contrast the discriminatory experiences of women in policing. Through this comparison, the deeper goal was to investigate the levels of discrimination throughout the ranks of Policewomen and the potential ramifications that might have had on their careers. Surveys were administered to female police officers. In order for a case study to be performed, 19 responses were collected. The survey consisted of 8 demographic and 8 long response questions. The demographic questions asked for age, ethnicity, state of birth, education level, officer ranking, career outlook, current marital status, and number of children. The long response questions include their positive and negative attributes about their career, their inspiration for pursuing their career in law enforcement, and if they have ever been discriminated against based on sex. The findings in the research gathered on police women within the rank of officer indicate varying levels of discrimination. The discrimination does not only happen from those inside the work place but from the community; the people officers are protecting. In conclusion, there is still great discrimination female officers face by both the community they serve and the department they serve with. This has ramifications on their ability to not only do their job in the moment but also move up throughout their departments.

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Getting It Right -- Not!: Avoiding Wrongful Convictions Using Technology


In order to best approach the paradoxical concepts of exonerations and wrongful convictions in the determinate system of US courts, both court agents (i.e. attorneys and judges) and citizens that interact with it must increase their understanding of the various

In order to best approach the paradoxical concepts of exonerations and wrongful convictions in the determinate system of US courts, both court agents (i.e. attorneys and judges) and citizens that interact with it must increase their understanding of the various perspectives found in the process. Through the use of an app for mobile devices, information from the perspective of these court agents can be easily accessible for anyone, serving as a valuable learning tool for not only individuals that strive to work in the justice system, but citizens that will possibly interact with it in the future as well.

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The Arizona Civics Education Project: Providing a one-stop Source for non-partisan Civic Education Learning Resources Focused on Arizona State Government


The Arizona Civic Education Project is a cross-college collaboration supported by the Maricopa County Community College District to design, develop, and distribute publicly available, interactive, and engaging multimedia modules about Arizona State Government and the justice system. The modules aim

The Arizona Civic Education Project is a cross-college collaboration supported by the Maricopa County Community College District to design, develop, and distribute publicly available, interactive, and engaging multimedia modules about Arizona State Government and the justice system. The modules aim to consist of high quality, professionally produced, value- neutral, fact-based, and bias-free videos, lesson plans, printable materials and activities that explain how Arizona state government is structured and how the justice system works in Arizona. The modules also identify and teach the audience how to deal with encounters within the justice system through lessons about the courts and dealing with the police. In addition to the resources we create, links are provided with attribution to other free resources that have been developed by other organizations. The targeted audience for this project is high school and college students attending public high schools and community colleges. In 2015, Arizona legislature passed the American Civics Act (House Bill 2064). This bill requires students to pass a civics test based on the United States Immigration and Naturalization civics questions. Students are required to score 60% or higher in order to graduate from high school or obtain a high school equivalency certificate. The Arizona Department of Education along with help from the Maricopa County Education Service Agency and Arizona educators have developed a mostly multiple-choice version of the required test. The modules provide helpful information that pertains to the civic test along with additional informational useful to students and educators alike.<br/>There were a few goals kept in mind when assembling the modules and collecting information to put them together. The most important thing is to fairly and effectively educate<br/>2<br/>students about their rights and the place they can hold in their own government. The youth in America, and specifically Arizona, with one of the lowest rated public education systems in the country1, needs to better understand the justice system and the way it works in order to really be able to better understand and decide the role they play in it as they grow into the adult population. We also aimed to teach students, mostly young adults, how to navigate being involved with the law and situations they may find themselves in like being arrested or having to go to court. The videos included in the related modules teach students what to do if they’re ever arrested and go over important legal actions that could affect their outcome. It was also important to provide instructors with a fair and trusted curriculum that can be taught across the state. With a shortage of qualified teacher in the state, it is impossible to provide students from all different districts and background with the same content. With the mandated civics test required to graduate from high school, it’s important that students get a fair chance at passing despite their living conditions or resources. With the modules we provide, passing the civics test along with managing other issues that pertain to young Americans, become attainable and don’t require as much additional time spent outside of school hours. The additional topics covered within our modules also provide information regarding resources that students will find useful for their families and loved ones. Students in compromised neighborhoods may have family and loved ones dealing with court cases and the justice system. Overall, we wanted to provide an unbiased, all-inclusive curriculum that can be used across the state to help students learn about all aspects of the government in Arizona.

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A Report of the Arizona Teachers Academy: A Historical Overview and Future Projections


The Arizona Teachers Academy is a program that was first designed and implemented by Governor Doug Ducey in 2017 with a simple concept: to cover the tuition and fees of Arizona higher education students learning to teach in exchange for

The Arizona Teachers Academy is a program that was first designed and implemented by Governor Doug Ducey in 2017 with a simple concept: to cover the tuition and fees of Arizona higher education students learning to teach in exchange for fulfilling a commitment to teach at an Arizona public school following graduation. The academy has evolved quite rapidly in its short history, going from an unfunded mandate that Arizona universities could not afford to be funded to a voter-approved tax, and seeing its student enrollment numbers increase by over tenfold. This paper seeks to be an overview and process evaluation of the program, as well as an outlook into the program’s future. As a process evaluation, the thesis includes examinations of the program’s presumed logic model, that model’s assumptions, and relevant stakeholders. I used a multi-method approach: statutory and financial data were collected from web research and agency archival collections, and a series of interviews were conducted to ask analytical questions to key stakeholders and program directors about the program’s internal operations and data findings. These stakeholders and program directors consist of staff at the Arizona Board of Regents, the Arizona Department of Education, all three major Arizona public universities (Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona), as well as multiple elected officials and political advocacy groups that have impacted the program through legislation and ballot initiative. This thesis finds that the Arizona Teachers Academy does not have a stated logic model, which in turn led to program assumptions that fail to meet the needs of Arizona public schools and did not allow for all key stakeholders to be involved in the process.

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Political Notes


Political Notes is a podcast that explores the history of music and musicians over the past several decades and their influence on the political spectrum. Using the case studies of The Chicks and Taylor Swift, Political Notes displays the integration

Political Notes is a podcast that explores the history of music and musicians over the past several decades and their influence on the political spectrum. Using the case studies of The Chicks and Taylor Swift, Political Notes displays the integration of politics in music and its acceptance by the public, giving musicians the power to change the opinions of their listeners. Political Notes exposes a politician's worst nightmare, as we can expect to see a future where musicians collaborate with politicians to help certain individuals get elected and others to be left behind.

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The Coalescence of Education and Criminal Justice in the United States: The School-Prison Nexus and the Prison-Industrial Complex in a Capitalist Society

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The education and criminal justice systems have developed in relation to one another, intersected through specific events, policies, practices, and discourses that have ultimately shaped the experiences and lives of children of color. Racism, white supremacy, and oppression are foundational

The education and criminal justice systems have developed in relation to one another, intersected through specific events, policies, practices, and discourses that have ultimately shaped the experiences and lives of children of color. Racism, white supremacy, and oppression are foundational to the United States and evident in all systems, structures, and institutions. Exploring the various contexts in which the education and criminal justice systems have developed illuminates their coalescence in contemporary United States society and more specifically, in public schools. Public schools now operate under discipline regimes that criminalize the behavior of Black and Brown children through exclusionary practices and zero-tolerance policies, surveillance and security measures, and school police. Children of color must navigate complex and interlocking systems of power in schools and the broader society that serve to criminalize, control, and incapacitate youth, effectively cementing a relationship between schools and prisons. Describing these complex and interlocking systems of power that exclude children from schools and force them into the criminal justice system as the “school-to-prison pipeline” is increasingly insufficient. The “school-prison nexus” more accurately and completely embodies the relationship between education, incarceration, and the political economy. In the United States, where capitalism reigns, the school-prison nexus serves as an economic imperative to further fuel the political economy, neoliberal globalization, and the prison-industrial complex. In both the education and criminal justice systems, Black and Brown children are commodified and exploited through the school-prison nexus as a mechanism to expand free-market capitalism.
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Comprised of Color: A Historical and Contemporary Analysis Studying the Utilization of Art as a Means of Societal, Personal and Ideological Empowerment for Black Americans during the American Civil Rights Movement

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This creative project offers an in-depth interpersonal narrative within the creation and process of utilizing art as a form of political resistance. This project will be exploring how political resistance has been utilized within the African American community for the

This creative project offers an in-depth interpersonal narrative within the creation and process of utilizing art as a form of political resistance. This project will be exploring how political resistance has been utilized within the African American community for the uses of self-preservation and protection. This project will first offer an in-depth analysis within Civil Rights Movements and the systematic context associated within, then will be utilizing personal poetry, narrative to offer a glimpse of prison life that the American public does not usually hear from the prisoners themselves.

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