The Importance of Police Officer Training Presentation.pdf

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The Importance of Police Officer Training_0.pdf

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The Importance of Police Officer Training and How to Improve It in Today's Society


This project consists of a police officer manual and supplemental paper. The goal of this project was to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the areas of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing

This project consists of a police officer manual and supplemental paper. The goal of this project was to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the areas of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing expertise from qualitative interviews as well as support found in existing literature, this project was able to create a training curriculum that has the potential to lessen the gaps in police officer training.

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The Importance of Police Officer Training


This project consists of a police officer training manual and supplemental paper. The goal being to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the area of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing expertise from

This project consists of a police officer training manual and supplemental paper. The goal being to address current flaws in police officer training and implement new ideas in the area of communication, stress management, and cultural awareness. Utilizing expertise from qualitative interviews as well as support found in existing literature this project was able to create a training curriculum that has the potential to lessen the gaps in police officer training.

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Navigating Jurisdictional Issues Among Arizona Tribes Through a General Guide to Criminal Procedural Law in Indian Country


This paper includes information pertaining to Native Nations and their need for innovative policing practices. Native Nations need their tribal police agencies to gain responsibility when it comes to advancing their community policing first before their tribal courts can begin

This paper includes information pertaining to Native Nations and their need for innovative policing practices. Native Nations need their tribal police agencies to gain responsibility when it comes to advancing their community policing first before their tribal courts can begin to commit to greater prosecutions. Utilizing information from interviews and literary review sources, this paper includes the law background, information on tribal sovereignty, information attained from interviews, and census data. This information shared in this paper will help individuals within Criminal Justice studies to gain a better understanding of tribal courts, tribal police, and tribal jurisdictional issues. Not only will this paper help inform Criminal Justice students, but this paper will help other Indigenous students understand the resources, strategies, and implementation of previous Supreme Court Cases among their tribal governments, courts, and police departments. My findings will indicate that there has already been an implementation towards cross-deputization among an Arizona Tribe and how they are successfully sworn among their tribe, state, and federally.

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Ahmed Final Project (Spring 2022)

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Eyewitness identification has been one of the most crucial components in identifying perpetrators in criminal cases (The Innocence Project, 2022). Law enforcement officials utilize numerous procedures, the most common being photographic arrays, live lineups, and showups (The National Academies Press,

Eyewitness identification has been one of the most crucial components in identifying perpetrators in criminal cases (The Innocence Project, 2022). Law enforcement officials utilize numerous procedures, the most common being photographic arrays, live lineups, and showups (The National Academies Press, 2014). While this process is critical in identifying a suspect during an ongoing investigation, it is not without faults. Misidentification of a suspect often has detrimental effects, with many innocent individuals being wrongfully convicted (The Innocence Project, 2022). In order to fully understand the causes of misidentification, a proper understanding of the process of eyewitness identification must be understood. Through investigating two published studies, one by Rose & Beck and the other by Gonzalez, it is seen that suggestion and police-introduced bias can have a negative impact on an identification, especially in lineups and showups. The case of Malcolm Alexander explains first-hand how police bias and suggestion can plant a false memory, leading to a misidentification, and, at times, a false conviction. Through a qualitative research-based interview with a Phoenix employee who has made identifications with police, suggestion is once again revealed though the questions asked by the officer. Through these findings, suggestions to improve eyewitness identification procedures are established.

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