Proposal to Implement Motion Picture and Television Industry Business Resources at Arizona
State University


The motion picture and television industry is more than just lights, camera, and action. This $2 trillion dollar industry would not be able to function without the business behind the camera. Everything from content distribution, media sales, marketing, accounting, and

The motion picture and television industry is more than just lights, camera, and action. This $2 trillion dollar industry would not be able to function without the business behind the camera. Everything from content distribution, media sales, marketing, accounting, and finance goes into the creation and success of a television show and movie. At Arizona State University, there are currently not enough resources for students pursuing the business behind the motion picture and television industry. With in-depth knowledge and research of the industry, we will provide background on the industry as a whole and then a structured business degree that will be integrated within the W. P. Carey school of business.

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Proposal to Implement Motion Picture and Television Industry Business Resources at Arizona State University


The motion picture and television industry is more than just lights, camera, and action. This $2 trillion dollar industry would not be able to function without the business behind the camera. Everything from content distribution, media sales, marketing, accounting, and

The motion picture and television industry is more than just lights, camera, and action. This $2 trillion dollar industry would not be able to function without the business behind the camera. Everything from content distribution, media sales, marketing, accounting, and finance goes into the creation and success of a television show and movie. At Arizona State University, there are currently not enough resources for students pursuing the business behind the motion picture and television industry. With in-depth knowledge and research of the industry, we will provide background on the industry as a whole and then a structured business degree that will be integrated within the W. P. Carey school of business.

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Artificially Intelligent Customer Service: Marketplace Implications and Consequences

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This dissertation explores how emergent technologies influence consumer experience and market behavior. The first chapter of the dissertation, “The Effect of Implementing Chatbot Customer Service on Stock Returns: An Event Study Analysis,” employs the event study method to examine how

This dissertation explores how emergent technologies influence consumer experience and market behavior. The first chapter of the dissertation, “The Effect of Implementing Chatbot Customer Service on Stock Returns: An Event Study Analysis,” employs the event study method to examine how the implementation of customer service chatbots impacts firm value. I find that investors respond positively to chatbot implementation and that Business-to-Business (B2B) companies have significantly more to gain from this service innovation compared to Business-to-Consumer (B2C) companies. However, anthropomorphizing chatbots attenuates this positive financial impact for B2B companies, suggesting differences in expectations and preferences of B2C and B2B customers. A survey of investors and a consumer experiment provide additional evidence for these relationships. While prior research suggests that Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation may have a negative impact on firm value, using the example of AI chatbots, this research provides the first evidence that investors respond favorably to a customer-centric application of AI. In addition, it broadens the predominant consumer-focused lens of the marketing literature on AI to include B2B customer and investor perspectives. Further, while marketing research has primarily viewed anthropomorphism as a categorical variable, I propose an anthropomorphism index that offers a more nuanced approach to examining the anthropomorphism of AI technology.In the second chapter, “Understanding Antagonistic Consumer Behavior Toward Humanlike Robots in the Marketplace,” I examine consumer antagonism toward service robots and contribute theoretically and substantively to the emerging marketing literature on AI. Using carefully designed experiments, I demonstrate that consumers tend to dehumanize and, consequently, behave antagonistically toward humanoid (vs. non-humanoid) service robots. While prior research shows that people avoid humanoid robots, this research is the first to show that consumers dehumanize and subsequently engage in anti-normative, negative approach behavior when such robots are deployed in customer-facing service roles. Furthermore, this research contributes to the dehumanization literature by demonstrating that dehumanization is a two-step process when applied to service technology. Importantly, the findings help reconcile the contradiction between the literature on anthropomorphism and the uncanny valley hypothesis by demonstrating that consumers receive humanoid (vs. non-humanoid) robots more positively when the effect of dehumanization is mitigated.
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Gen Z, Influencers, and the Luxury Fashion Industry

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The goal of this research study is to examine the nature and effects of social media marketing and the role it has played towards driving Gen Z into the luxury fashion industry. In addition, qualitative exploration focused on uncovering the

The goal of this research study is to examine the nature and effects of social media marketing and the role it has played towards driving Gen Z into the luxury fashion industry. In addition, qualitative exploration focused on uncovering the reason behind why this market chooses to purchase luxury products and investigated the relationship between social media influencers, luxury brands, and their consumers. Through 12 qualitative research interviews, five key insights were suggested from the results of the study: people buy luxury to fit in or stand out in social groups, social media marketing portrays a false reality, social media has contributed to the rise of Gen Z consumers in luxury fashion, social media has normalized owning luxury products, and social media has caused lowered self esteem and social pressure amongst Gen Z. These insights can be explained through a triangular framework, making up a marketing ecosystem involving the brand, the social media influencer, and the consumer. These three roles work together to buy and sell goods from one another. If one of the players fails to do their role, the relationships fall apart. Given phones and apps are highly personal items often only used by one individual, understanding and comparing the ads and images one user is exposed to versus another can be very tricky. Recently, the Federal Trade Commission has increased regulations over native advertisements when viewers became unable to decipher ad from reality. Gen Z’s may inadvertently compare themselves to influencers, ultimately causing lowered self esteem when they cannot possess or achieve the lifestyle of these individuals. These insights are important to help understand how to negate the negative effects of social media marketing and propel companies to be more transparent in their marketing initiatives to reduce social pressure and poor mental health amongst Gen Z. Luxury brands could utilize more explicit differentiators on paid advertisements compared to editorial material to make audiences more knowledgeable of the type of content they are viewing. In addition, society should change the way people perceive online content and have more open discussions surrounding the ethics of native advertising and decipection social media posts may cause. The way young users interact and process social media posts is very complex. Investigating this topic is important to prevent the possible underlying repercussions of social media and help marketers best cater toward this market in an open, ethical fashion. This study concludes with managerial applications and directions for further research. Businesses should prepare to face increasing guidelines regarding native advertising. These guidelines may include requirements to have explicit markings on branded content and binding contracts with social media influencers. To work around these restrictions, the future of luxury fashion indicates that direct to consumer strategies are on the rise. Video livestream retail and social commerce are already taking the Chinese market by storm and it's only a matter of time before American brands will be forced to adapt to keep up with changing trends in the marketplace. DTC brands benefit from having a direct channel to the consumer without interpretation or the need for intermediaries. Given this research primarily focuses on the links between the brand to influencer and influencer to consumer, future exploration could focus on the channel between the brand and consumer through direct selling. Going forward, brands may prefer to interact with their customers directly, without the use of an influencer, to help establish a close relationship with their audience through a seamless customer journey.
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The Impact of AI on the Health Care Industry

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In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important resource for individuals and corporations. In the health care industry, there is a growing demand for AI and related technologies to assist in everything from surgery to janitorial duties.

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly important resource for individuals and corporations. In the health care industry, there is a growing demand for AI and related technologies to assist in everything from surgery to janitorial duties. While there is the usual skepticism surrounding AI, it is important to understand how it works, its benefits, and its risk. Medically speaking, AI has the potential to aid physicians in diagnosis and treatment recommendations. The technology, however, presents issues surrounding data privacy as well as embedded biases in the algorithms used for intelligent systems. Mitigating these potential risks will be important to the successful implementation of AI in a health care setting. As artificial intelligence becomes more prominent in this space, there is a valid fear that it will result in severe job displacement and force many people out of their fields. This transition towards a more automated hospital will require many medical personnel to learn new skills and move towards jobs that require a more significant amount of empathy to thrive in the new economy. For decades, people have been worried about the effects of more automation and machinery, but we have seen that where some jobs are replaced with technology, other jobs are created. The findings of this thesis show that while AI is likely to replace some human workers, there is minimal reason to worry about complete job displacement in the near future. Long-term, the significance of AI in job replacement is more of an unknown. However, with knowledge about how artificial intelligence could be impacting us now, patients, physicians, and hospitals can better prepare and understand the impact that AI will have on each of them specifically.
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This paper analyzes the differences between for-profit marketing and nonprofit marketing and the nuances around nonprofit marketing. There are currently almost 1.8 million nonprofits registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This sector contributed approximately $1.047.2 trillion to the US

This paper analyzes the differences between for-profit marketing and nonprofit marketing and the nuances around nonprofit marketing. There are currently almost 1.8 million nonprofits registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This sector contributed approximately $1.047.2 trillion to the US economy in 2016 alone (National Center for Charitable Statistics, 2020). Prior research on nonprofit marketing indicates that nonprofit marketing is more complex and nonprofit organizations face many challenges in developing marketing strategies. Many studies have shown a trend in emerging technologies impacting the way nonprofits can market, including demographic changes, social media, targeting strategies, and improved customer relationships (Andreasen, 2012; Switzer, 2021; Crawford and Jackson, 2019; George and Shah 2021; Graca and Zwick, 2020). To further explore nonprofit marketing and trends in the industry, I interviewed marketing specialists working in nonprofit organizations in Arizona to gain their perspective on marketing in the nonprofit sector. I found a lot of similarities between the results from prior studies on nonprofit marketing and the findings from my interviews such as personalized targeting strategies, the importance of relationships, technological advancements, lack of resources, and digital marketing strategies. However, it was interesting that respondents did not highlight issues related to demographic trends and social media as being central to their marketing strategies.

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Exploring Frameworks and Best Practices of Current Experience Marketing Efforts


Experience Marketing philosophy revolves around brand interaction with consumers’ physical senses in order to provide an exceptional experience that has value and creates affinity towards the brand (Datta, 2017).<br/>Experience Marketing and its various subcategories have been defined through a multitude

Experience Marketing philosophy revolves around brand interaction with consumers’ physical senses in order to provide an exceptional experience that has value and creates affinity towards the brand (Datta, 2017).<br/>Experience Marketing and its various subcategories have been defined through a multitude of academic journals and publications (e.g., Experience v. experiential). However, there is a lack of consensus in academic literature over best practices regarding experiential marketing efforts. This thesis conducted primary research in the form of in-depth interviews to understand how current experiential marketers utilize academic models and understandings of experiential marketing. Interview data suggests that most brands stage experiences strategically based on their brand elements. In-depth interviews revealed that brands use academic frameworks as a reference point rather than a guide. Accurately measuring relevant metrics remains the largest challenge of Experience Marketing.

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Exploring Boats & Powersports and a New Startup

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An analysis of boats and powersports industry trends, market data, and demographics. The startup proposes to solve key issues in the industries while creating value for customers and shareholders as outlined in the business plan.
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An Analysis Of The Rental Fashion Industry

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In looking at the world of fashion, it is hard to miss the many rental platforms that have become staples in the industry. While the business model makes sense for many consumers, it also feeds on many consumer trends and

In looking at the world of fashion, it is hard to miss the many rental platforms that have become staples in the industry. While the business model makes sense for many consumers, it also feeds on many consumer trends and developing ideals. The driving purpose of this thesis is to better understand the success of rental platforms, to see what components of the industry are most important to the success of a rental company, and ultimately determine if rental will have a future in the next generation of fashion. The following research explores the fashion industry, rental’s place in that industry, and whether this new business model is here for the long haul. This research will prove vital in understanding the success of this new industry and the most important components that make up a successful rental business. Through this research it was found that the pillars of marketing, especially a deep understanding of consumers, and supply chain, have proven to be the most interesting aspects of the rental industry’s success. Specifically, the components of inventory management, transparency, consumer research, and pricing were found to be the most vital to any rental platform’s success.
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Identifying Best Practices for Increasing Involvement in Volunteerism and Philanthropy

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In this thesis, I seek to identify the best practices that can lead to an increase in community service and volunteerism. After the loss of my mentor led me on a path to make a difference through community service, I

In this thesis, I seek to identify the best practices that can lead to an increase in community service and volunteerism. After the loss of my mentor led me on a path to make a difference through community service, I decided that volunteerism is an especially important area of interest to understand. Through secondary research, I have identified the many benefits of volunteerism specifically mental health, professional development, and more. Then to explain what drives people to volunteer, I investigate three major theoretical frameworks which are self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan), functional theory (Clary and Snyder), and social responsibility theory (Cheng et al) and relate them to peoples’ motivation to volunteer. In addition to looking into these theories, it is important to understand some additional factors which are the effect of mandatory volunteerism, age, and the missions of different organizations on an individual’s desire to volunteer. After analyzing the prior research, I found that social responsibility drives group volunteerism, functional motivation is what explains individuals’ drives to participate in community service, and the self-determination can help explain what creates strong volunteer retention. Furthermore, mandatory volunteerism, age, and the goals of organizations can have signifigant impacts on people’s drive to get involved in community service. After investigating the prior research, I interviewed four managers of non-profits to see if their views aligned with my findings. There answers and views were found to be consistent with the ideas I drew from prior research and helped me conclude that organization must factor age, mandatory volunteerism, and the mission of their non-profit into recruitment and retention efforts. Furthermore, non-profits should understand social responsibility theory and functional theory to recruit volunteers effectivly, and self-determination theory to retain their volunteers.
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