For Your Consideration: Exploring the Value of Academy Awards Campaigns

For over ninety years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized award-winning films for their technical capabilities, acting and storytelling. And for decades, many parties involved have campaigned for Oscar glory. This thesis generates a deeper understanding

For over ninety years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized award-winning films for their technical capabilities, acting and storytelling. And for decades, many parties involved have campaigned for Oscar glory. This thesis generates a deeper understanding into the process by which the motion picture ecosystem works - and explains why being nominated and/or winning an Academy Award generates added value for all parties involved ranging from agencies to studios, streamers, talent and even legitimate awards campaign strategists. This thesis analyzes the various methods and price tags different entities put on awards campaigns and explores the various creative and traditional methods in which people vie for nominations and wins. Our title, “For Your Consideration,” is a term widely used in the entertainment industry when courting Academy members to vote for eligible projects in traditional advertising - which can be seen littered about Hollywood in the months leading up to Oscar Sunday.
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