Marketing to U.S. Hispanic Millennials: Understanding Hispanic Identity, Culture and the Spanish Language

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The Hispanic population is growing rapidly in the United States and already possesses tremendous buying power and influence. The Millennial generation has officially outnumbered the Baby Boomers to become the largest generational group in the United States. This thesis aligns

The Hispanic population is growing rapidly in the United States and already possesses tremendous buying power and influence. The Millennial generation has officially outnumbered the Baby Boomers to become the largest generational group in the United States. This thesis aligns these two groups to study the U.S. Hispanic Millennial and the characteristics that make this segment unique and powerful. How are Hispanic Millennial consumers different and unique? How can brands connect with Hispanic Millennials in an authentic way? These questions will be explored through a literature review which covers three important aspects: Hispanic identity, culture, and the influence of the Spanish language. Next, a primary research study is conducted to determine if there is a relationship between Hispanic acculturation levels and language preference in advertisements. Finally, the findings of the study are compared with various research studies and reports to determine the best methods of connecting with U.S. Hispanic Millennials as a marketer.
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