The Case(s) for Applying Strict Scrutiny to Sex Discrimination: Revisiting Early Arguments for Strict Scrutiny & Reimagining a More Equitable Application of the Equal Protection Clause

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment prescribes a concept of equality, rather than any particular conception of equality. This distinction enables us to move beyond a historically fixed understanding of equality, as limited to that at the time

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment prescribes a concept of equality, rather than any particular conception of equality. This distinction enables us to move beyond a historically fixed understanding of equality, as limited to that at the time of the ratification of the 14th Amendment. This concept of equality requires that classes of persons are not subject to invidious and arbitrary discrimination on the sole basis of an immutable trait. Furthermore, where there there is a history or pattern of arbitrary discrimination in respect to a certain immutable characteristic, such as race, the Court ought to subject such classifications to the highest form of judicial scrutiny: strict scrutiny. This high level of judicial scrutiny acts as a safeguard against furthering a legislative and judicial history of invidious and arbitrary discrimination. The U.S. has a legislative history of arbitrary sex discrimination. Therefore, I will argue that the Court ought to subject sex-based classifications to the highest form of judicial scrutiny: strict scrutiny.
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Integrity in Motion: A Scholarly Exploration of the Horse Racing Industry

Though horse racing holds enduring significance in the United States, it faces challenges related to safety, integrity, and animal welfare. Recent initiatives like the enactment of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) in 2020 aim to establish uniform regulatory

Though horse racing holds enduring significance in the United States, it faces challenges related to safety, integrity, and animal welfare. Recent initiatives like the enactment of the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act (HISA) in 2020 aim to establish uniform regulatory oversight and counteract the problems the industry faces. This thesis explores the horse racing industry, delving into its historical evolution, contemporary landscape, and the regulatory framework that governs it. Through a comprehensive literature review encompassing historical, contemporary, quantitative, and qualitative perspectives, along with insights gathered from conversations with industry insiders and firsthand experiences at a local racetrack, this research addresses key questions regarding the industry's current state, government responsibility for ensuring safety and ethical practices, and the direction in which the industry is headed. It advocates for the humane treatment of racehorses and emphasizes the importance of prioritizing their well-being. By advocating for transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct, the industry can thrive while aligning with societal expectations.
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Human Trafficking and People With Disabilities

This thesis examines human trafficking with a focus on vulnerable populations such as those with disabilities through extensive literature review. In order to understand the historical basis of human trafficking, concepts such as ableism and statistics on the extent of

This thesis examines human trafficking with a focus on vulnerable populations such as those with disabilities through extensive literature review. In order to understand the historical basis of human trafficking, concepts such as ableism and statistics on the extent of human trafficking within this population were investigated. Further review reveals unique perspectives such as the legal front of this issue as well as how vulnerability and the challenges of individuals with disabilities can be gleaned from using theories such as the Demand theory and Victimology theory. This thesis also discusses the process of trafficking in order to better identify warning signs of a victim and implement effective preventative measures as a society. In addition, factors that incentivize human trafficking in the black market were evaluated to implement better preventative policies and procedures, both within the United States and globally. Current preventative approaches are also discussed, with a few examples being investigative journalism, implementing and enforcing protective policies in business, and reintegration programs. Furthermore, effects on the victims were investigated to understand their trauma from a psychosocial perspective in addition to implementing solutions like art therapy as part of their reintegration. Lessons learned from this literature review include supporting advocacy measures with a focus on prevention, prosecution of traffickers and support for the victims to reach the vision of an inclusive society that is free of exploitation.
Date Created

Human Trafficking and People With Disabilities

This thesis examines human trafficking with a focus on vulnerable populations such as those with disabilities through extensive literature review. In order to understand the historical basis of human trafficking, concepts such as ableism and statistics on the extent of

This thesis examines human trafficking with a focus on vulnerable populations such as those with disabilities through extensive literature review. In order to understand the historical basis of human trafficking, concepts such as ableism and statistics on the extent of human trafficking within this population were investigated. Further review reveals unique perspectives such as the legal front of this issue as well as how vulnerability and the challenges of individuals with disabilities can be gleaned from using theories such as the Demand theory and Victimology theory. This thesis also discusses the process of trafficking in order to better identify warning signs of a victim and implement effective preventative measures as a society. In addition, factors that incentivize human trafficking in the black market were evaluated to implement better preventative policies and procedures, both within the United States and globally. Current preventative approaches are also discussed, with a few examples being investigative journalism, implementing and enforcing protective policies in business, and reintegration programs. Furthermore, effects on the victims were investigated to understand their trauma from a psychosocial perspective in addition to implementing solutions like art therapy as part of their reintegration. Lessons learned from this literature review include supporting advocacy measures with a focus on prevention, prosecution of traffickers and support for the victims to reach the vision of an inclusive society that is free of exploitation.
Date Created

We Belong to the Earth: A return to union with the world


In the face of deep disconnection and chaotic crises throughout our planet, I have identified five invitations for foundational actions and ways of living, that can lead to us deepening our connection with ourselves and with the Earth in individualized

In the face of deep disconnection and chaotic crises throughout our planet, I have identified five invitations for foundational actions and ways of living, that can lead to us deepening our connection with ourselves and with the Earth in individualized ways, while cultivating harmony on our shared world. These are; to listen, to express, to envision, to reciprocate, and to dance. An open mind and heart will make them most effective.

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Can Star Wars Be Feminist?: Female Characters, Fandom, and the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy

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This thesis examines the three films of the most recent Star Wars trilogy (2015-2019) through a feminist lens, investigating the following question: is the trilogy’s leading woman, Rey, a feminist character throughout her arc? This thesis finds that while the

This thesis examines the three films of the most recent Star Wars trilogy (2015-2019) through a feminist lens, investigating the following question: is the trilogy’s leading woman, Rey, a feminist character throughout her arc? This thesis finds that while the telling of Rey’s story certainly has its feminist moments, it fails in several ways to truly abolish the patriarchal frame/attitude that was ingrained from the first two trilogies, leaving the character of Rey feeling incomplete. As the first female to be the primary protagonist in a Star Wars film, Rey’s strength and light certainly make her a positive female role model for young audiences. However, she is held back by the patriarchal society in which she exists and thus is ultimately reduced to being second-best in her own trilogy to the all-powerful older white men who came before her.

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Cosmetic Passing: Exploring Contemporary Beauty Standards and Perceptions of Race

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Since the early 2010s, there seems to be a shift from the dominant Eurocentric beauty ideal to a new beauty standard that embodies more ethnic features, reflected in the growing number of women who want to enhance or adopt ethnic

Since the early 2010s, there seems to be a shift from the dominant Eurocentric beauty ideal to a new beauty standard that embodies more ethnic features, reflected in the growing number of women who want to enhance or adopt ethnic features through cosmetic procedures. As more white women adopt this new beauty standard, research into how perceptions of race are shifting is warranted and thus I explore the following question: What can we learn from white women who have undergone cosmetic procedures to appear less white and how are contemporary beauty standards changing perceptions of race?

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Queer Chinese Diaspora, Danmei Fandom, and (Re)Connection

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This paper explores the ways in which diasporic Chinese fans find spaces for reconnection with queer and diasporic identities in fandoms of Chinese slash fiction webnovels, otherwise known as danmei. Specifically, I examine the influence of participation in Western-based, English-speaking

This paper explores the ways in which diasporic Chinese fans find spaces for reconnection with queer and diasporic identities in fandoms of Chinese slash fiction webnovels, otherwise known as danmei. Specifically, I examine the influence of participation in Western-based, English-speaking danmei fandom on queer and transnational home identies among queer Chinese diaspora. Given existing literature regarding the substantial influence of ethnic media in construction of diasporic identity (Shi 2005, Oh 2013) alongside literature regarding the importance of ethnic queer spaces in negotiating queer diasporic identity (Atay 2015, Tam 2017, Huang 2016), it follows that participation in danmei fandom influences transnational identity for diasporic Chinese fans. Additionally, danmei fandom has already been observed to create queer spaces for fans (Yang & Xu 2016, Martin 2012, Feng 2013). Such existing literature, however, focuses on Chinese fans based in China; I aim to examine how danmei fandom may do the same for diasporic Chinese fans outside of China. Using a grounded theory approach, this paper examines collected survey responses from queer diasporic Chinese danmei fans to reveal that danmei fandom creates a unique space that allows queer diasporic Chinese individuals to reconnect with transnational home identities, reaffirm Chinese identities alongside queer identities, and negotiate the points of conflict between the two -- impacts largely resultant from visibility of queer Chinese diaspora within danmei fandom (following the conclusions drawn from Atay 2015). In addition, I examine the underlying tensions in danmei fandom and limitations of danmei fandom as a space for consolidation of identity, as expressed by a substantial portion of survey participants. For queer diasporic Chinese danmei fans, participation in Western danmei fandom ultimately does allow for reconnection with Chinese identity and reaffirmation of Chinese and queer identities, though such experiences are not necessarily exempt from internal tensions or fandom politics.

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The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Haunting of the Female Existence

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For my creative project, I created a script for a podcast, which focused on The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson as well as the Netflix version directed by Mike Flanagan. Additionally, I focus on The Haunting of Bly

For my creative project, I created a script for a podcast, which focused on The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson as well as the Netflix version directed by Mike Flanagan. Additionally, I focus on The Haunting of Bly Manor also directed by Mike Flanagan. Specifically, I analyzed concepts and characters through feminist film theory. In doing this, I was hoping to promote conversations about feminism. I believe to create change, more people need to think deeper about their, and womxn’s , realities; I hope, by connecting feminist discourse to a popular show series, I can offer a stepping stone for others to look at themselves, their relationships, and the realities of women and girls. Additionally, access to feminist theory is important in gaining a deeper understanding of patriarchy in modern-day society. So, I hope this podcast can provide that knowledge to the everyday young adult who doesn’t have access to this discourse.
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The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing and Communication Strategies of Sportswear Companies

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In 2020, the nation was hit with a pandemic both physically and socially. Due to COVID-19, media interaction, social media engagement, and online consumerism became necessary. In relation to widespread disease, social outbreaks concerning the black lives matter movement, police

In 2020, the nation was hit with a pandemic both physically and socially. Due to COVID-19, media interaction, social media engagement, and online consumerism became necessary. In relation to widespread disease, social outbreaks concerning the black lives matter movement, police brutality, the presidential election and diversity & inclusion, set a call to action for Americans. Top fashion and shoe-manufacturing companies that engage with the public socially, financially, personally and for entertainment were evaluated on their contributions to Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. Through external marketing and communication strategies, shoe-wear companies display their approaches to social justice, equity and/or social responsibility. Inclusion & Diversity has different facets including, socioeconomics, gender roles, and race that contribute to how<br/>consumers interact with companies. This paper consists of a literary review, three company audits and analysis, and recommendations. The literary review in the introduction of my paper, explores the approaches to Diversity and Inclusion of shoe-wear companies as a response to social inequity. I conducted three audits to assess the history of Diversity and Inclusion at Nike, Adidas and PUMA to their approaches and commitment to Inclusion and Diversity through their marketing and communication strategies. I then conducted a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis based on the marketing and communications of the<br/>respective companies to gain depth in my findings of sentiment, message strategy, corporate hierarchy, and suggestions for future communications. My analysis provided a conclusion that Diversity and Inclusion in marketing and communication strategies is an essential factor in the growth and success of the company. I identified that each company has areas of opportunity to create more visibility for the LGBTQIA+ ( Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and nonbiary people) community, should continue to produce reports that analyze exactly how they plan to support Diversity and Inclusion and continue displaying their<br/>commitment on social media.

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