Biomimetic Design of Nucleic Acid/Protein-Based Nanomaterials

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In recent years, researchers have employed DNA and protein nanotechnology to develop nanomaterials for applications in the fields of regenerative medicine, gene therapeutic, and materials science. In the current state of research, developing a biomimetic approach to fabricate an extracellular

In recent years, researchers have employed DNA and protein nanotechnology to develop nanomaterials for applications in the fields of regenerative medicine, gene therapeutic, and materials science. In the current state of research, developing a biomimetic approach to fabricate an extracellular matrix (ECM)-like material has faced key challenges. The difficulty arises due to achieving spatiotemporal complexity that rivals the native ECM. Attempts to replicate the ECM using hydrogels have been limited in their ability to recapitulate its structural and functional properties. Moreover, the biological activities of the ECM, such as cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, are mediated by ECM proteins and their interactions with cells, making it difficult to reproduce these activities in vitro.Thus, the work presented in my dissertation represents efforts to develop DNA and protein-based materials that mimic the biological properties of the ECM. The research involves the design, synthesis, and characterization of nanomaterials that exhibit unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Two specific aspects of the biomimetic system have been to include (1) a modular protein building block to change the bioactivity of the system and (2) to temporally control the self-assembly of the protein nanofiber using different coiled coil mechanisms. The protein nanofibers were characterized using atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and super-resolution DNA Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topology. The domains chosen are the fibronectin domains, Fn-III10, Fn-III9-10, and Fn-III12-14, with bioactivity such as cell adhesion and growth factor binding. To extend this approach, these cys-nanofibers have been embedded in a hyaluronic acid scaffold to enable bioactivity and fibrous morphologies. Nanofiber integration within the HA gel has been shown to promote tunable mechanical properties and architectures, in addition to promoting a temporal display of the protein nanofibers. The hydrogels were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, mechanical compression testing, and fluorescence microscopy. The findings in this dissertation highlight the promise of biomimetic DNA and protein nanomaterials as a versatile approach for developing next-generation materials with unprecedented properties and functions. These findings continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in nanotechnology, leading to new discoveries that will have a significant impact on society.
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Development of Homogeneous Manganese Catalysts for Organic Transformations and Inorganic Polymerizations

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The development of sustainable catalysts that exhibit exceptional activity has become a major goal of organometallic chemists. Considering their low cost and environmentally benign nature, the use of base metals in catalysis has recently been explored. This dissertation is focused

The development of sustainable catalysts that exhibit exceptional activity has become a major goal of organometallic chemists. Considering their low cost and environmentally benign nature, the use of base metals in catalysis has recently been explored. This dissertation is focused on the development of manganese catalysts for organic transformations and inorganic polymerizations. Previous advances in Mn-based hydrosilylation and hydroboration catalysis are reviewed in Chapter 1 and set the stage for the experimental work described herein.In Chapter 2, the electronic structure of [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2 is explored. This compound was evaluated by density functional theory calculations, SQUID magnetometry and EPR spectroscopy at low temperature. Single crystal X-ray diffraction data was collected for related compounds that feature bridging X-type ligands. The data revealed how bridging ligands impact the Mayer bond order between the two Mn atoms and explained why [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2 is an active catalyst for organic transformations. Chapter 3 spotlights the first study to systematically demonstrate commercial aminosilane CVD precursor synthesis by way of SiH4 and amine dehydrocoupling using [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2. In addition, the study provided an efficient and halogen-free preparation of highly cross-linked polycarbosilazanes under ambient conditions. Furthermore, exceptionally pure perhydropolysilazane was directly prepared from ammonia and silane at room temperature through dehydrogenative coupling. These are also the first reported examples of Mn-catalyzed Si–N dehydrocoupling. This research was then extended to the Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenative coupling of NH3 and diamines to organic silanes. Organic polysilazanes and polycarbosilazanes were synthesized and the structures were characterized by NMR, FT-IR, and MALDI-TOF spectroscopy. The thermal properties and coating applications of the products were evaluated by TGA, DSC, X-ray powder diffraction, SEM and EDX. A turnover frequency (TOF) experiment using 0.01 mol% of [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2 revealed a maximum TOF of 300 s-1, which is the highest activity ever reported for this transformation. The last chapter highlights the first examples of nitrile dihydroboration mediated by a manganese catalyst. Using 0.5 mol% of [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2, 14 nitriles were reduced with HBPin at 80 ℃ to afford N,N-diborylamines after 24 h. A mechanism was proposed based on the isolation of [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(NCHPh)]2 as an intermediate and further substantiated by DFT.
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Flexible Fractal-Inspired Metamaterial for Head Imaging at 3 T MRI

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The ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image any part of the human body without the effects of harmful radiation such as in CAT and PET scans established MRI as a clinical mainstay for a variety of different ailments

The ability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to image any part of the human body without the effects of harmful radiation such as in CAT and PET scans established MRI as a clinical mainstay for a variety of different ailments and maladies. Short wavelengths accompany the high frequencies present in high-field MRI, and are on the same scale as the human body at a static magnetic field strength of 3 T (128 MHz). As a result of these shorter wavelengths, standing wave effects are produced in the MR bore where the patient is located. These standing waves generate bright and dark spots in the resulting MR image, which correspond to irregular regions of high and low clarity. Coil loading is also an inevitable byproduct of subject positioning inside the bore, which decreases the signal that the region of interest (ROI) receives for the same input power. Several remedies have been proposed in the literature to remedy the standing wave effect, including the placement of high permittivity dielectric pads (HPDPs) near the ROI. Despite the success of HPDPs at smoothing out image brightness, these pads are traditionally bulky and take up a large spatial volume inside the already small MR bore. In recent years, artificial periodic structures known as metamaterials have been designed to exhibit specific electromagnetic effects when placed inside the bore. Although typically thinner than HPDPs, many metamaterials in the literature are rigid and cannot conform to the shape of the patient, and some are still too bulky for practical use in clinical settings. The well-known antenna engineering concept of fractalization, or the introduction of self-similar patterns, may be introduced to the metamaterial to display a specific resonance curve as well as increase the metamaterial’s intrinsic capacitance. Proposed in this paper is a flexible fractal-inspired metamaterial for application in 3 T MR head imaging. To demonstrate the advantages of this flexibility, two different metamaterial configurations are compared to determine which produces a higher localized signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and average signal measured in the image: in the first configuration, the metamaterial is kept rigid underneath a human head phantom to represent metamaterials in the literature (single-sided placement); and in the second, the metamaterial is wrapped around the phantom to utilize its flexibility (double-sided placement). The double-sided metamaterial setup was found to produce an increase in normalized SNR of over 5% increase in five of six chosen ROIs when compared to no metamaterial use and showed a 10.14% increase in the total average signal compared to the single-sided configuration.
Date Created

Computational Characterization of a Ni Catalyst

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Industrial interest in electrocatalytic production of hydrogen has stimulated considerable research in understanding hydrogenases, the biological catalysts for proton reduction, and related synthetic mimics. Structurally closely related complexes are often synthesized to define structure-function relationships and optimize catalysis. However, this

Industrial interest in electrocatalytic production of hydrogen has stimulated considerable research in understanding hydrogenases, the biological catalysts for proton reduction, and related synthetic mimics. Structurally closely related complexes are often synthesized to define structure-function relationships and optimize catalysis. However, this process can also lead to drastic and unpredictable changes in the catalytic behavior. In this paper, we use density functional theory calculations to identify changes in the electronic structure of [Ni(bdt)(dppf)] (bdt = 1,2-benzenedithiolate, dppf = 1,1ʹ-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene) relative to [Ni(tdt)(dppf)] (tdt = toluene-3,4-dithiol) as a means to explain the substantially reduced electrocatalytic activity of the tdt complex. An increased likelihood of protonation at the sulfur sites of the tdt complex relative to the Ni is revealed. This decreased propensity of metal protonation may lead to less efficient metal-hydride production and subsequently catalysis.
Date Created

Creating and Characterizing a PsaC-HydA1 Fusion in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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There is an ever-increasing need in the world to develop a source of fuel that is clean, renewable and feasible in terms of production and implementation. Hydrogen gas presents a possible solution to these energy needs, particularly if given a

There is an ever-increasing need in the world to develop a source of fuel that is clean, renewable and feasible in terms of production and implementation. Hydrogen gas presents a possible solution to these energy needs, particularly if given a way to produce hydrogen gas efficiently. Biological hydrogen (biohydrogen) production presents a potential way to do just this. It is known that hydrogenases are active in wild-type algal photosynthesis pathways but are only active in anoxic environments, where they serve as electron sinks and compete poorly for electrons from photosystem I. To circumvent these issues, a psaC-hydA1 fusion gene was designed and incorporated into a plasmid that was then used to transform hydrogenase-free Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants. Results obtained suggest that the psaC-hydA1 gene completely replaced the wild-type psaC gene in the chloroplast genome and the fusion was expressed in the algal cells. Western blotting verified the presence of the HydA1-PsaC fusion proteins in the transformed cells, P700 photobleaching suggested the normal assembly of FA/FB clusters in PsaC-HydA1, and PSII fluorescence data suggested that HydA1 protein limited photosynthetic electron transport flow in the fusion. Hydrogen production was measured in dark, high light, and under maximal reducing conditions. In all conditions, the wild-type algal strain (with a normal PsaC protein) exhibited higher rates of hydrogen production in the light over 2 hours than the WT strain, though both strains produced similar rates in the dark.
Date Created

Targeting Tumors: Inclusion of Functional Groups on Ion-Containing Block Copolymers to Combat Cancer

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This research attempts to determine the most effective method of synthesizing a peptide such that it can be utilized as a targeting moiety for polymeric micelles. Two melanoma-associated peptides with high in vitro and in vivo binding affinity for TNF

This research attempts to determine the most effective method of synthesizing a peptide such that it can be utilized as a targeting moiety for polymeric micelles. Two melanoma-associated peptides with high in vitro and in vivo binding affinity for TNF receptors have been identified and synthesized. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-ToF) was used to help verify the structure of both peptides, which were purified using Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC). The next steps in the research are to attach the peptides to a micelle and determine their impact on micelle stability.
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Characterization of a multi-heme cytochrome c from Heliobacterium modesticaldum genome

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Heliobacterium modesticaldum (H. modesticaldum) is an anaerobic photoheterotroph that can produce molecular hydrogen (H2) when it is fixing dinitrogen (N2). In addition, electrons can be injected into this organism via an electrode and redox mediator in a light-dependent fashion, as

Heliobacterium modesticaldum (H. modesticaldum) is an anaerobic photoheterotroph that can produce molecular hydrogen (H2) when it is fixing dinitrogen (N2). In addition, electrons can be injected into this organism via an electrode and redox mediator in a light-dependent fashion, as shown recently by the Redding and Jones research groups. These factors make H. modesticaldum an ideal organism for use in a microbial photoelectrosynthesis cell, in which electricity can be used to power specific metabolic processes that produce a desired compound (e.g. H2). However, the injection of electrons into this organism is not optimal, which may limit the H2 production rate. There is a gene (HM1_0653) in the genome encoding a multi-heme cytochrome c that is similar to the proteins known to be used for exit of electrons in the well- known electrode-respiring bacteria (e.g. Geobacteria). RNA-sequencing in the Redding lab has shown that the HM1_0653 gene is very poorly expressed in H. modesticaldum. Boosting expression of this cytochrome could lead to faster electron transfer into the cells and thereby more H2 production via photoelectrosynthesis. In order to gain a deeper understanding of this protein, it was expressed in E.coli by two different versions: (1) the entire gene and (2) a truncated gene with an additional hexahistidine tag (truncHM1_0653). Both cultures had a pink color, indicating the biosynthesis of cytochrome. It was discovered that the HM1_0653 protein was likely released into the medium and shows the most promise for ease of purification of HM1_0653. Furthermore, we explored protein expression in H. modesticaldum using the current transformation system in the Redding Lab, but the combination of gene toxicity and copy number of the vector resulted in cloning difficulties in E.coli. An alternative vector may prove more successful.
Date Created

Synthesis and Characterization of Low-Valent Nickel Hydrosilylation Catalysts

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The addition of aminoalkyl-substituted α-diimine (DI) ligands to bis(1,5 cyclooctadiene) nickel (or (COD)2Ni) resulted in the formation of two new nickel complexes with the general formula of (Me2NPrDI)2Ni and (PyEtDI)2Ni. Investigation of these complexes by 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed diimine

The addition of aminoalkyl-substituted α-diimine (DI) ligands to bis(1,5 cyclooctadiene) nickel (or (COD)2Ni) resulted in the formation of two new nickel complexes with the general formula of (Me2NPrDI)2Ni and (PyEtDI)2Ni. Investigation of these complexes by 1H NMR spectroscopy revealed diimine coordination but also the absence of amine arm coordination. Using the 1H NMR spectra in conjunction with structures determined through single crystal X-ray diffraction, the electronic structure of both complexes was described as having a Ni(II) metal center that is antiferromagnetically coupled to 2 DI radical monoanions. A greater ligand field was sought by replacing the pendant amines with phosphine groups on the DI ligands. This yielded ligands with the general formula (Ph2PPrDI) and (Ph2PEtDI). Upon addition to (COD)2Ni, each ligand immediately displaced both COD ligands from the Ni0 center to produce new κ4 N,N,P,P complexes, (Ph2PPrDI)Ni and (Ph2PEtDI)Ni, as observed via single crystal X-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy. Reduction of the DI backbone was observed in both complexes, with both complexes being described as having a Ni(I) metal center that is antiferromagnetically coupled to a DI radical monoanion. In addition to alkylphosphine substituted DI ligands, the coordination of a pyridine diimine (PDI) ligand featuring pendant alkylphosphines was also investigated. The addition of (Ph2PPrPDI) to (COD)2Ni produced a new paramagnetic (μeff = 1.21 μB), κ4-N,N,N,P complex identified as (Ph2PPrPDI)Ni. Reduction of the PDI chelate was observed through single crystal X-ray diffraction with the electronic structure described as having a low-spin Ni(I) metal center that is weakly coupled to a PDI radical monoanion (SNi = 1/2). The ability of the three Ni complexes to mediate the hydrosilylation of several unsaturated organic substrates was subsequently investigated. Using a range of catalyst loadings, the hydrosilylation of various substituted ketones afforded a mixture of both the mono- and di-hydrosilylated products within 24 hours, while the hydrosilylation of various substituted aldehydes afforded the mono-hydrosilylated product almost exclusively within hours. (Ph2PEtDI)Ni and (Ph2PPrPDI)Ni were identified as the most effective catalysts for the hydrosilylation of aldehydes at ambient temperature using catalyst loadings of 1 mol%.
Date Created

A Bioelectrochemical Approach to Characterize Extracellular Electron Transfer by Synechocystis sp. PCC6803

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Biophotovoltaic devices employ photosynthetic organisms at the anode of a microbial fuel cell to generate electrical power. Although a range of cyanobacteria and algae have been shown to generate photocurrent in devices of a multitude of architectures, mechanistic understanding of

Biophotovoltaic devices employ photosynthetic organisms at the anode of a microbial fuel cell to generate electrical power. Although a range of cyanobacteria and algae have been shown to generate photocurrent in devices of a multitude of architectures, mechanistic understanding of extracellular electron transfer by phototrophs remains minimal. Here we describe a mediatorless bioelectrochemical device to measure the electrogenic output of a planktonically grown cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. Light dependent production of current is measured, and its magnitude is shown to scale with microbial cell concentration and light intensity. Bioelectrochemical characterization of a Synechocystis mutant lacking Photosystem II demonstrates conclusively that production of the majority of photocurrent requires a functional water splitting aparatus and electrons are likely ultimately derived from water. This shows the potential of the device to rapidly and quantitatively characterize photocurrent production by genetically modified strains, an approach that can be used in future studies to delineate the mechanisms of cyanobacterial extracellular electron transport.

Date Created

Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution by Fe(II) Carbonyls Featuring a Dithiolate and a Chelating Phosphine

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Two pentacoordinate mononuclear iron carbonyls of the form (bdt)Fe(CO)P2 [bdt = benzene-1,2-dithiolate; P2 = 1,1′-diphenylphosphinoferrocene (1) or methyl-2-{bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)amino}acetate (2)] were prepared as functional, biomimetic models for the distal iron (Fed) of the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase. X-ray crystal structures of

Two pentacoordinate mononuclear iron carbonyls of the form (bdt)Fe(CO)P2 [bdt = benzene-1,2-dithiolate; P2 = 1,1′-diphenylphosphinoferrocene (1) or methyl-2-{bis(diphenylphosphinomethyl)amino}acetate (2)] were prepared as functional, biomimetic models for the distal iron (Fed) of the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase. X-ray crystal structures of the complexes reveal that, despite similar ν(CO) stretching band frequencies, the two complexes have different coordination geometries. In X-ray crystal structures, the iron center of 1 is in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal arrangement, and that of 2 is in a distorted square pyramidal geometry. Electrochemical investigation shows that both complexes catalyze electrochemical proton reduction from acetic acid at mild overpotential, 0.17 and 0.38 V for 1 and 2, respectively. Although coordinatively unsaturated, the complexes display only weak, reversible binding affinity toward CO (1 bar). However, ligand centered protonation by the strong acid, HBF4·OEt2, triggers quantitative CO uptake by 1 to form a dicarbonyl analogue [1(H)-CO]+ that can be reversibly converted back to 1 by deprotonation using NEt3. Both crystallographically determined distances within the bdt ligand and density functional theory calculations suggest that the iron centers in both 1 and 2 are partially reduced at the expense of partial oxidation of the bdt ligand. Ligand protonation interrupts this extensive electronic delocalization between the Fe and bdt making 1(H)+ susceptible to external CO binding.

Date Created