Non-Traditional Biochemistry: Disordered Proteins and Educational Pathways

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Since understanding the nature of proteins, it has been a long held belief that protein sequence dictated structure which then determined function. As such, all proteins contained structure and those that did not must not serve a purpose. For the

Since understanding the nature of proteins, it has been a long held belief that protein sequence dictated structure which then determined function. As such, all proteins contained structure and those that did not must not serve a purpose. For the last 25 years, scientists have begun to understand that disordered proteins, lacking structure, did not lack function. Their unique ability to undergo liquid-liquid phase separation served a cellular purpose, most involving nucleic acids. As more is uncovered, these unique proteins are being used to build new systems. Phase separated disordered proteins were used to design a functional organelle using the enzyme horseradish peroxidase and its chromatic substrate ABTS. Upon doing so, it was discovered that disordered proteins are highly susceptible to chemical modification through radical reactions with tyrosine. The increased frequency of tyrosine in disordered proteins provides multiple sites of conjugation by the ABTS radical and other substrates. These modifications then alter the physical properties of the proteins. The phase separated system was also incorporated with shell proteins from bacterial microcompartments in an attempt to limit access to the droplets. Through expression with truncations of the disordered sequence, shell proteins were able to interact with the droplets. Despite the appearance of complete coatings, they were found to be permeable to their surroundings, though much more stable than uncoated droplets. Just as disordered proteins are considered outside the traditional structures, so too are many students entering higher education. Non-traditional students are becoming more prevalent in the undergraduate population, though they are woefully underrepresented in the natural sciences. The benefits these students bring to their programs is highlighted and the circumstances that drive them away from STEM is explored. Non-traditional students contribute to the diversity of the scientific population, though many pursue education in non-STEM fields. To support these students, focus is put on andragogy (the teaching of adults), rather than pedagogy (the teaching of children). Non-traditional students face isolation and discrimination that is not being addressed by higher education institutions, hindering their ability to succeed. Through infrastructure designed for adult learners, STEM fields can be diversified in non-traditional ways.
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High-Resolution 3D Printed Microfluidic Devices for Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Proteins

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Insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) has attracted considerable attention due to its ability to precisely capture and manipulate nanoparticles and biomolecules. A distinctive approach for effective manipulation of nanometer-sized proteins employing iDEP technique by generating higher electric field (E) and gradient (??2)

Insulator-based dielectrophoresis (iDEP) has attracted considerable attention due to its ability to precisely capture and manipulate nanoparticles and biomolecules. A distinctive approach for effective manipulation of nanometer-sized proteins employing iDEP technique by generating higher electric field (E) and gradient (??2) in the iDEP microfluidic devices is delineated. Strategies to generate higher ??2 in the iDEP devices were outlined using numerical simulations. Intriguingly, the numerical simulation results demonstrated that by decreasing the post-to-post gap in the iDEP microfluidic devices, the ??2 was increased by ⁓12 fold. Furthermore, the inclusion of channel constrictions, such as rectangular constriction or curved constriction into the straight channel iDEP microfluidic device led to a significant increase in ??2. In addition, the inclusion of rectangular constrictions in the straight channel iDEP microfluidic device resulted in a greater increase in ??2 compared to the incorporation of curved constrictions in the same device. Moreover, the straight channel device with horizontal post-to-post gap of 20 μm and vertical post-to-post gap of 10 μm generated the lowest ??2 and the ??2 was uniform across the device. The rectangular constriction device with horizontal and vertical post-to-post gap of 5 μm generated the highest ??2 and the ??2 was non-uniform across the device. Subsequently, suitable candidate devices were fabricated using soft lithography as well as high resolution 3D printing and the DEP behavior of ferritin examined under various experimental conditions. Positive streaming DEP could be observed for ferritin at low frequency in the device generating the lowest ??2, whereas at higher frequency of 10 kHz no DEP trapping characteristics were apparent in the same device. Importantly, in the device geometry resulting in the highest ??2 at 10 kHz, labeled ferritin exhibited pDEPtrapping characteristics. This is an indication that the DEP force superseded diffusion and became the dominant force.
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Structural-Functional Studies on PSI-IsiA Super-complex in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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The thylakoid membranes of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms contain four large membrane complexes vital for photosynthesis: photosystem II and photosystem I (PSII and PSI, respectively), the cytochrome b6f complex and ATP synthase. Two of these complexes, PSII and PSI, utilize solar

The thylakoid membranes of oxygenic photosynthetic organisms contain four large membrane complexes vital for photosynthesis: photosystem II and photosystem I (PSII and PSI, respectively), the cytochrome b6f complex and ATP synthase. Two of these complexes, PSII and PSI, utilize solar energy to carry out the primary reaction of photosynthesis, light induced charge separation. In vivo, both photosystems associate with multiple antennae to increase their light absorption cross section. The antennae, Iron Stress Induced A (IsiA), is expressed in cyanobacteria as part of general stress response and forms a ring system around PSI. IsiA is a member of a large and relatively unexplored antennae family prevalent in cyanobacteria. The structure of the PSI-IsiA super-complex from the cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 was resolved to high resolution, revealing how IsiA interacts with PSI as well as the chlorophyll organization within this antennae system. Despite these structural insights, the basis for the binding between 18 IsiA subits and PSI is not fully resolved. Several IsiA mutants were constructed using insights from the atomic structure of PSI-IsiA, revealing the role of the C-terminus of IsiA in its interaction with PSI.
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Biomimetic Design of Nucleic Acid/Protein-Based Nanomaterials

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In recent years, researchers have employed DNA and protein nanotechnology to develop nanomaterials for applications in the fields of regenerative medicine, gene therapeutic, and materials science. In the current state of research, developing a biomimetic approach to fabricate an extracellular

In recent years, researchers have employed DNA and protein nanotechnology to develop nanomaterials for applications in the fields of regenerative medicine, gene therapeutic, and materials science. In the current state of research, developing a biomimetic approach to fabricate an extracellular matrix (ECM)-like material has faced key challenges. The difficulty arises due to achieving spatiotemporal complexity that rivals the native ECM. Attempts to replicate the ECM using hydrogels have been limited in their ability to recapitulate its structural and functional properties. Moreover, the biological activities of the ECM, such as cell adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation, are mediated by ECM proteins and their interactions with cells, making it difficult to reproduce these activities in vitro.Thus, the work presented in my dissertation represents efforts to develop DNA and protein-based materials that mimic the biological properties of the ECM. The research involves the design, synthesis, and characterization of nanomaterials that exhibit unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. Two specific aspects of the biomimetic system have been to include (1) a modular protein building block to change the bioactivity of the system and (2) to temporally control the self-assembly of the protein nanofiber using different coiled coil mechanisms. The protein nanofibers were characterized using atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and super-resolution DNA Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topology. The domains chosen are the fibronectin domains, Fn-III10, Fn-III9-10, and Fn-III12-14, with bioactivity such as cell adhesion and growth factor binding. To extend this approach, these cys-nanofibers have been embedded in a hyaluronic acid scaffold to enable bioactivity and fibrous morphologies. Nanofiber integration within the HA gel has been shown to promote tunable mechanical properties and architectures, in addition to promoting a temporal display of the protein nanofibers. The hydrogels were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, mechanical compression testing, and fluorescence microscopy. The findings in this dissertation highlight the promise of biomimetic DNA and protein nanomaterials as a versatile approach for developing next-generation materials with unprecedented properties and functions. These findings continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in nanotechnology, leading to new discoveries that will have a significant impact on society.
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Deciphering Sequence to Function through Protein Dynamics

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This thesis explores a diverse array of topics related to the role of dynamic allostery in regulating protein functions. Allostery is the phenomenon where a catalytic pocket responds to perturbations caused by binding at another distant site. This response often

This thesis explores a diverse array of topics related to the role of dynamic allostery in regulating protein functions. Allostery is the phenomenon where a catalytic pocket responds to perturbations caused by binding at another distant site. This response often involves a conformational change resulting in a protein function alteration. However, it is essential to note the existence of dynamic allostery mechanisms that regulate protein function without relying on conformational changes but on dynamic motions. Within this thesis, position-specific equilibrium dynamics-based metrics like Dynamic Flexibility Index and Dynamic Coupling Index are employed to quantify the contributions of specific residues to protein dynamics. I investigated the role of dynamics in protein binding of the WW domain. In particular, I focused on how the mutations of distal positions modulate the binding site dynamics. By employing Dynamic Flexibility Index, I discovered that a residue, 10T, located distally from the binding pocket, plays a significant role in the observed dynamics difference between two variants: N21 (a native folded WW domain not binding Group I peptide) and CC16_N21 (an artificial WW domain binding Group I peptide). The T10H variant, created by exchanging the position 10 residue, enhances flexibility at positions 10 and 16. Consequently, this modification has led to an enhancement in the binding function of N21, enabling it to bind to Group I peptide effectively. Moreover, I investigated the influence of dynamic allostery on protein binding specificity, specifically in the PDZ domain PSD95. To gain insights into the binding process and accurately measure binding affinity, I employed two parallel computational approaches: Adaptive BP-docking and Steered Molecular Dynamics. These methods allowed me to model the binding interactions and quantify the binding strength robustly and comprehensively. The significance of allostery can serve as foundational knowledge in Deep Learning models, enabling the efficient mapping of protein sequences to their corresponding functionalities. One particular metric, Dynamic Coupling Index asymmetry, offers valuable insights into how the three-dimensional network of interactions facilitates communication within a protein structure. Leveraging these interactions, I developed a deep neural network architecture demonstrating enhanced capability in capturing epistatic interactions within Beta-lactamase and protein G function.
Date Created

Evolutionary Guided Molecular Dynamics Driven Protein Design

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Natures hardworking machines, proteins, are dynamic beings. Comprehending the role of dynamics in mediating allosteric effects is paramount to unraveling the intricate mechanisms underlying protein function and devising effective protein design strategies. Thus, the essential objective of this thesis is

Natures hardworking machines, proteins, are dynamic beings. Comprehending the role of dynamics in mediating allosteric effects is paramount to unraveling the intricate mechanisms underlying protein function and devising effective protein design strategies. Thus, the essential objective of this thesis is to elucidate ways to use protein dynamics based tools integrated with evolution and docking techniques to investigate the effect of distal allosteric mutations on protein function and further rationally design proteins. To this end, I first employed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, Dynamic Flexibility Index (DFI) and Dynamic Coupling Index (DCI) on PICK1 PDZ, Butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), and Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) to uncover how these proteins utilize allostery to tune activity. Moreover, a new classification technique (“Controller”/“Controlled”) based on asymmetry in dynamic coupling is developed and applied to DHFR to elucidate the effect of allosteric mutations on enzyme activity. Subsequently, an MD driven dynamics design approach is applied on TEM-1 β-lactamase to tailor its activity against β-lactam antibiotics. New variants were created, and using a novel analytical approach called "dynamic distance analysis" (DDA) the degree of dynamic similarity between these variants were quantified. The experimentally confirmed results of these studies showed that the implementation of MD driven dynamics design holds significant potential for generating variants that can effectively modulate activity and stability. Finally, I introduced an evolutionary guided molecular dynamics driven protein design approach, integrated co-evolution and dynamic coupling (ICDC), to identify distal residues that modulate binding site dynamics through allosteric mechanisms. After validating the accuracy of ICDC with a complete mutational data set of β-lactamase, I applied it to Cyanovirin-N (CV-N) to identify allosteric positions and mutations that can modulate binding affinity. To further investigate the impact of mutations on the identified allosteric sites, I subjected putative mutants to binding analysis using Adaptive BP-Dock. Experimental validation of the computational predictions demonstrated the efficacy of integrating MD, DFI, DCI, and evolution to guide protein design. Ultimately, the research presented in this thesis demonstrates the effectiveness of using evolutionary guided molecular dynamics driven design alongside protein dynamics based tools to examine the significance of allosteric interactions and their influence on protein function.
Date Created

Supramolecular Assembly of Redox Proteins for Ultralong-Range Biological Electron Transfer

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Exoelectrogenic organisms transfer electrons from their quinone pool to extracellular acceptors over m-scale distances through appendages known as “biological nanowires”. These structures have been described as cytochrome-rich membrane extensions or pili. However, the components and mechanisms of this long-range electron

Exoelectrogenic organisms transfer electrons from their quinone pool to extracellular acceptors over m-scale distances through appendages known as “biological nanowires”. These structures have been described as cytochrome-rich membrane extensions or pili. However, the components and mechanisms of this long-range electron transfer remain largely unknown. This dissertation describes supramolecular assembly of a tetraheme cytochrome into well-defined models of microbial nanowires and uses those structures to explore the mechanisms of ultra-long-range electron transfer. Chiral-induced-spin-selectivity through the cytochrome is also demonstrated. Nanowire extensions in Shewanella oneidensis have been hypothesized to transfer electrons via electron tunneling through proteinaceous structures that reinforce π-π stacking or through electron hopping via redox cofactors found along their lengths. To provide a model to evaluate the possibility of electron hopping along micron-scale distances, the first part of this dissertation describes the construction of a two-component, supramolecular nanostructure comprised of a small tetraheme cytochrome (STC) from Shewanella oneidensis fused to a peptide domain that self-assembles with a β-fibrillizing peptide. Structural and electrical characterization shows that the self-assembled protein fibers have dimensions relevant to understanding ultralong-range electron transfer and conduct electrons along their length via a cytochrome-mediated mechanism of electron transfer. The second part of this dissertations shows that a model three-component fiber construct based on charge complementary peptides and the redox protein can also be assembled. Structural and electrical characterization of the three-component structure also demonstrates desirable dimensions and electron conductivity along the length via a cytochrome-mediated mechanism. In vivo, it has been hypothesized that cytochromes in the outer surface conduit are spin-selective. However, cytochromes in the periplasm of Shewanella oneidensis have not been shown to be spin selective, and the physiological impact of the chiral-induced-spin-selectivity (CISS) effect on microbial electron transport remains unclear. In the third part of this dissertation, investigations via spin polarization and a spin-dependent conduction study show that STC is spin selective, suggesting that spin selectivity may be an important factor in the electron transport efficiency of exoelectrogens. In conclusion, this dissertation enables a better understanding of long-range electron transfer in bacterial nanowires and bioelectronic circuitry and offers suggestions for how to construct enhanced biosensors.
Date Created

The Usutu Virus Envelope: In silico analysis of viral amino acids in a zoonotic capsid protein


An effort to experiment on the novel Usutu virus in pure in silico methods was made to determine conformational changes with non polar point mutations in the amino acid sequence. The first method consisted of creating a Python program to

An effort to experiment on the novel Usutu virus in pure in silico methods was made to determine conformational changes with non polar point mutations in the amino acid sequence. The first method consisted of creating a Python program to exhaustively identify codons, amino acids, and dinucleotide bridges & nonbridges, including viral characteristics defined by Mollentze in 2021. The second method consisted of creating point mutations to non polar amino acids in deemed key sites of the Usutu virus envelope protein and finding the RMSD from the original structure. This resulted in one of two outcomes - either the experiment showed that the Usutu virus envelope protein is highly resistant to point mutations or in silico methods are inconsistent and biased, leading to inaccuracy.

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Producing Glycosaminoglycan-Binding Proteins Containing Single-Isotope-Labeled Lysine as a Tool to Study Protein-Glycosaminoglycan Interactions


Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a cell-signaling protein in the human body that plays a pivotal role in the development of the central nervous system. It is known to have a high affinity for glycosaminoglycan (GAG), a type of linear polysaccharide. PTN

Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a cell-signaling protein in the human body that plays a pivotal role in the development of the central nervous system. It is known to have a high affinity for glycosaminoglycan (GAG), a type of linear polysaccharide. PTN has the ability to bind to a wide range of receptors, including receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase ζ (PTPRZ), a protein expressed in embryonic stem cells that regulates signals associated with survival, cell proliferation, and stem cell pluripotency. Several of these receptors are proteoglycans that carry GAGs, and the interaction between PTN and GAG has proven to be crucial to PTN’s functionality. Though PTN performs several important biochemical duties in normal cellular processes, this protein is upregulated in various cancer cell lines, primarily glioblastoma, an aggressive form of cancer that arises in the brain or spinal cord. The high levels of PTN expression in these forms of cancer may correlate to the cancer cells’ metastatic ability in the body. Determining how these PTN-GAG interactions form in cells is imperative for understanding how they may correlate to the development of cancer cell lines such as glioblastoma. However, due to the NMR signal degeneracy among the lysines in PTN, it is currently not possible to distinguish between lysines that have strong interactions with GAG and those that do not. To overcome this, pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase-mediated amber codon suppression is used to incorporate a single 15N-labeled lysine, Boc-lysine (Boc-K), at a specific position. This thesis seeks to optimize the systems and conditions needed to achieve amber codon suppression. The Origami B (DE3) strain is commonly used to achieve this, and demonstrates positive expression of PTN. The first aim of this project is to determine whether SHuffle® demonstrates enhanced expression of PTN and, therefore, incorporation of Boc-K. However, upon comparing PTN expression results, it was found that SHuffle® and Origami B(DE3) demonstrated similar levels of PTN expression. This project's second phase is focused on using C321.ΔA (Church) strain to evaluate differences in PTN expression compared to SHuffle® and Origami B(DE3). Expression testing indicated, however, that the expression of PTN in Church strain was inconclusive.

Date Created

Exploring the Role of Deaminase Dimerization on the Activity of Adenine Base Editors

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CRISPR-Cas based DNA precision genome editing tools such as DNA Adenine Base Editors (ABEs) could remedy the majority of human genetic diseases caused by point mutations (aka Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs). ABEs were designed by fusing CRISPR-Cas9 and DNA deaminating

CRISPR-Cas based DNA precision genome editing tools such as DNA Adenine Base Editors (ABEs) could remedy the majority of human genetic diseases caused by point mutations (aka Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs). ABEs were designed by fusing CRISPR-Cas9 and DNA deaminating enzymes. Since there is no natural enzyme able to deaminate adenosine in DNA, the deaminase domain of ABE was evolved from an Escherichia coli tRNA deaminase, EcTadA. Initial rounds of directed evolution resulted in ABE7.10 enzyme (which contains two deaminases EcTadA and TadA7.10 fused to Cas9) which was further evolved to ABE8e containing a single TadA8e and Cas9. The original EcTadA as well as the evolved TadA8e where shown to form homodimers in solution. Although it was shown that tRNA binding pocket in EcTadA is composed by both monomers, the significance of TadA dimerization in either tRNA or DNA deamination has not been demonstrated. Here we explore the role of TadA dimerization on the DNA adenosine deamination activity of ABE8e. We hypothesize that the dimerization of TadA8e is more important for the DNA deamination than for the tRNA deamination. To explore this, I conducted a urea titration on ABE8e to disrupt TadA8e dimerization and performed single turnover kinetics assays to assess DNA deamination rate of ABE8e’s. Results showed that DNA deamination rate and efficiency of ABE8e was already impaired at 4M urea and completely lost at 7M. Unfortunately, CD measurements at the equivalent urea concentrations indicate that the loss of activity is due to the unfolding of ABE8e rather than the disruption of TadA8e’s dimerization.

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