Hydrogen Mobility in the Lightest Reversible Metal Hydride, LiBeH3

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Lithium-beryllium metal hydrides, which are structurally related to their parent compound, BeH2, offer the highest hydrogen storage capacity by weight among the metal hydrides (15.93 wt. % of hydrogen for LiBeH3). Challenging synthesis protocols have precluded conclusive determination of their crystallographic

Lithium-beryllium metal hydrides, which are structurally related to their parent compound, BeH2, offer the highest hydrogen storage capacity by weight among the metal hydrides (15.93 wt. % of hydrogen for LiBeH3). Challenging synthesis protocols have precluded conclusive determination of their crystallographic structure to date, but here we analyze directly the hydrogen hopping mechanisms in BeH2 and LiBeH3 using quasielastic neutron scattering, which is especially sensitive to single-particle dynamics of hydrogen. We find that, unlike its parent compound BeH2, lithium-beryllium hydride LiBeH3 exhibits a sharp increase in hydrogen mobility above 265 K, so dramatic that it can be viewed as melting of hydrogen sublattice. We perform comparative analysis of hydrogen jump mechanisms observed in BeH2 and LiBeH3 over a broad temperature range. As microscopic diffusivity of hydrogen is directly related to its macroscopic kinetics, a transition in LiBeH3 so close to ambient temperature may offer a straightforward and effective mechanism to influence hydrogen uptake and release in this very lightweight hydrogen storage compound.

Date Created


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ASU4Food's objective is to increase the visibility of the statewide hunger crisis among Arizona State University's campuses, and to raise monetary and food donations to alleviate this issue. By collaborating with a multitude of organizations both on and off-campus, we

ASU4Food's objective is to increase the visibility of the statewide hunger crisis among Arizona State University's campuses, and to raise monetary and food donations to alleviate this issue. By collaborating with a multitude of organizations both on and off-campus, we aim to become a well-known, powerful, and stable student organization. This thesis will cover the endeavors of Elana Niren, Theresa Reckamp, and Sidath Wijetunga regarding the maintenance, growth, and expansion of ASU4Food. ASu4Food has been striving to gain connections and the reputation that would allow it to become an "umbrella organization" with the ability to coordinate all of the food-raising endeavors at ASU. The effects of our actions can be seen in the club's stability. We are now being sought out by organizations such as the Salvation Army, Sunflower Farmers Market, and Shutterfly. However, there is still more work to be done, and we hope that this thesis will act as a guide for future generation of club members and officers, and that ASU4Food will continue improving in activity and efficiency for many years to come.
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Mindfulness Meditation Training: Gold or Oversold?

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The effects of meditation on attention control have been widely studied in recent years. However, the methodological flaws of many of these studies raise serious concerns on the validity of meditation training as a cognitive enhancer. This study investigated the

The effects of meditation on attention control have been widely studied in recent years. However, the methodological flaws of many of these studies raise serious concerns on the validity of meditation training as a cognitive enhancer. This study investigated the near and far transfer effects of mindfulness meditation training on attention control when a stringent experimental design was implemented. Participants in the experimental group practiced meditation for three twenty-minute sessions, and participants in the active control group listened to an audio book about meditation for similar times. No significant effect of meditation on change in performance on cognitive tasks was found. This study suggests that short-term mindfulness meditation training does not result in increased attention control.
Date Created

Strategies for Recovery of Biosynthetic Styrene

Styrene, a component of many rubber products, is currently synthesized from petroleum in a highly energy-intensive process. The Nielsen Laboratory at Arizona State has demonstrated a biochemical pathway by which E. coli can be engineered to produce styrene from the

Styrene, a component of many rubber products, is currently synthesized from petroleum in a highly energy-intensive process. The Nielsen Laboratory at Arizona State has demonstrated a biochemical pathway by which E. coli can be engineered to produce styrene from the amino acid phenylalanine, which E. coli naturally synthesizes from glucose. However, styrene becomes toxic to E. coli above concentrations of 300 mg/L, severely limiting the large-scale applicability of the pathway. Thus, styrene must somehow be continuously removed from the system to facilitate higher yields and for the purposes of scale-up. The separation methods of pervaporation and solvent extraction were investigated to this end. Furthermore, the styrene pathway was extended by one step to produce styrene oxide, which is less volatile than styrene and theoretically simpler to recover. Adsorption of styrene oxide using the hydrophobic resin L-493 was attempted in order to improve the yield of styrene oxide and to provide additional proof of concept that the flux through the styrene pathway can be increased. The maximum styrene titer achieved was 1.2 g/L using the method of solvent extraction, but this yield was only possible when additional phenylalanine was supplemented to the system.
Date Created

The Rewarding Effects of the Surface Area Occupied by Food in Rats

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Previous studies showed that rats preferred and also ran faster for multiple pellets than a single pellet of food. Here, we manipulated the rewarding effects of surface area occupied by food pellets on preference and running speed of rats trained

Previous studies showed that rats preferred and also ran faster for multiple pellets than a single pellet of food. Here, we manipulated the rewarding effects of surface area occupied by food pellets on preference and running speed of rats trained on a T-maze. Twenty-two male adult Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to prefer one T-maze arm containing 30 food pellets scattered and the other arm with 30 pellets clustered. There was a significant preference for clustered food pieces over the scattered ones. The choice of the clustered food pieces may be explained by the optimal foraging theory to maximize energy gain. Therefore, larger surface area occupied by food pieces may be less rewarding when unnecessary energy is expended.
Date Created

Development of Viral Protein Arrays to Study the Role of Viral Infections in Type 1 Diabetes

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The pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is still not fully understood in the scientific community. Evidence has shown that viral infections are one of the important environmental factors associated with the disease development. Seven of the top T1D related

The pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) is still not fully understood in the scientific community. Evidence has shown that viral infections are one of the important environmental factors associated with the disease development. Seven of the top T1D related viruses were selected to study the prevalence of viral humoral response in T1D patients using our innovative protein array platform called Nucleic Acid Programmable Protein Array (NAPPA). In this study, each viral gene was individually captured using various PCR based techniques, cloned into a protein expression vector, and assembled as the first version of T1D viral protein array. Humoral responses of IgG, IgA, and IgM were examined. Although each class of immunoglobulin generated a wide-range of reactivity, responses to various viral proteins from different proteins were observed. In summary, we captured most of the T1D related viral genes, established viral protein expression on the protein array, and displayed the serum response on the viral protein array. The successful progress will help to fulfill the long term goal of testing the viral infection hypothesis in T1D development.
Date Created

A Determination of the Hedonic Properties of Synthetic Cathinones 4-MEC and MDPV Through the Use of Intracranial Self-Stimulation

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The use of synthetic cathinones or "bath salts" has risen dramatically in recent years with one of the most popular being Methylendioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). Following the temporary legislative ban on the sale and distribution of this compound , a multitude of

The use of synthetic cathinones or "bath salts" has risen dramatically in recent years with one of the most popular being Methylendioxypyrovalerone (MDPV). Following the temporary legislative ban on the sale and distribution of this compound , a multitude of other cathinone derivatives have been synthesized. The current study seeks to compare the abuse potential of MDPV with one of the emergent synthetic cathinones 4-methylethcathinone (4-MEC), based on their respective ability to lower current thresholds in an intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) paradigm. Following acute administration (0.1, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/kg i.p.) MDPV was found to significantly lower ICSS thresholds at all doses tested (F4,35=11.549, p<0.001). However, following acute administration (0.3,1,3,10,30 mg/kg i.p) 4-MEC produced no significant ICSS threshold depression (F5,135= 0.622, p = 0.684). Together these findings suggest that while MDPV may possess significant abuse potential, other synthetic cathinones such as 4-MEC may have a drastically reduced potential for abuse.
Date Created

Wada basins of attraction in diffeomorphic maps

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Dividing the plane in half leaves every border point of one region a border point of both regions. Can we divide up the plane into three or more regions such that any point on the boundary of at least one

Dividing the plane in half leaves every border point of one region a border point of both regions. Can we divide up the plane into three or more regions such that any point on the boundary of at least one region is on the border of all the regions? In fact, it is possible to design a dynamical system for which the basins of attractions have this Wada property. In certain circumstances, both the Hénon map, a simple system, and the forced damped pendulum, a physical model, produce Wada basins.
Date Created


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Mathematics education, defined briefly by both students' understanding and teacher instruction, is a cause for concern in the United States. A 1998 comprehensive study conducted by The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows that preadolescent mathematics education is

Mathematics education, defined briefly by both students' understanding and teacher instruction, is a cause for concern in the United States. A 1998 comprehensive study conducted by The Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows that preadolescent mathematics education is comparatively less effective in this country than it is in other countries. The purposes of the present investigation were to understand why mathematics education has its short-comings in the United States, to analyze the most effective ways to help middle grade students learn mathematics, and to examine instructional methods for improving student understanding. The focus is on effective instructional methods because this is an aspect that teachers can directly control and influence. A thorough review of neurological findings and learning theories strongly gave insight into how the preadolescent brain learns best and the investigation further examined the effectiveness of research-based findings by executing a lesson in a 6th grade mathematics classroom and analyzing student results.
Date Created

HPV Antibodies as Novel Biomarkers for the Detection of Cervical Neoplasia

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Background: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of virtually all cervical cancer, with over 520,000 new cases and 275,000 deaths annually. Although there are at least 200 unique HPV strains, only “high-risk” types, may progress to cancer. Serum antibodies

Background: The human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of virtually all cervical cancer, with over 520,000 new cases and 275,000 deaths annually. Although there are at least 200 unique HPV strains, only “high-risk” types, may progress to cancer. Serum antibodies to HPV oncoproteins are stable and specific markers that may be able to detect high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN3). Biomarkers have potential as a rapid, point-of-care HPV screening tool for low resource areas in the way that traditional cytology cannot, and HPV DNA testing is not yet able to.
Methods: We have designed a multiplexed magnetics programmable bead ELISA (MagProBE) to profile the immune responses of the proteins from 11 high-risk HPV types and 2 low-risk types—106 genes in total. HPV genes were optimized for human expression and either built with PCR or commercially purchased, and cloned into the Gateway-compatible pANT7_cGST vector for in vitro transcription/translation (IVTT) in a MagProBE array. Anti-GST antibody (Ab) labeling was then used to measure gene expression.
Results: 53/106 (50%) HPV genes have been cloned and tested for expression of protein. 91% of HPV proteins expressed at levels above the background control (MFI = 2288), and the mean expression was MFI = 4318. Codon-optimized genes have also shown a 20% higher expression over non-codon optimized genes.
Conclusion: Although this research is ongoing, it suggests that gene optimization may improve IVTT expression of HPV proteins in human HeLa lysate. Once the remaining HPV proteins have been expression confirmed, the cDNA for each gene will be printed onto slides and tested in serologic assays to identify potential Ab biomarkers to CIN3.
Date Created