Novel Gas Sensor Solutions for Air Quality Monitoring

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Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its

Global industrialization and urbanization have led to increased levels of air pollution. The costs to society have come in the form of environmental damage, healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and premature mortality. Measuring pollutants is an important task for identifying its sources, warning individuals about dangerous exposure levels, and providing epidemiologists with data to link pollutants with diseases. Current methods for monitoring air pollution are inadequate though. They rely on expensive, complex instrumentation at limited fixed monitoring sites that do not capture the true spatial and temporal variation. Furthermore, the fixed outdoor monitoring sites cannot warn individuals about indoor air quality or exposure to chemicals at worksites. Recent advances in manufacturing and computing technology have allowed new classes of low-cost miniature gas sensor to emerge as possible alternatives. For these to be successful however, there must be innovations in the sensors themselves that improve reliability, operation, and their stability and selectivity in real environments. Three novel gas sensor solutions are presented. The first is the development of a wearable personal exposure monitor using all commercially available components, including two metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. The device monitors known asthma triggers: ozone, total volatile organic compounds, temperature, humidity, and activity level. Primary focus is placed on the ozone sensor, which requires special circuits, heating algorithm, and calibration to remove temperature and humidity interferences. Eight devices are tested in multiple field tests. The second is the creation of a new compact optoelectronic gas sensing platform using colorimetric microdroplets printed on the surface of a complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) imager. The nonvolatile liquid microdroplets provide a homogeneous, uniform environment that is ideal for colorimetric reactions and lensless optical measurements. To demonstrate one type of possible indicating system gaseous ammonia is detected by complexation with Cu(II). The third project continues work on the CMOS imager optoelectronic platform and develops a more robust sensing system utilizing hydrophobic aerogel particles. Ammonia is detected colorimetrically by its reaction with a molecular dye, with additives and surface treatments enhancing uniformity of the printed films. Future work presented at the end describes a new biological particle sensing system using the CMOS imager.
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Novel Approaches for Improving Efficiency and Stability of Next Generation Perovskite Solar Cells

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Perovskite solar cells are the next generation organic-inorganic hybrid technology and have achieved remarkable efficiencies comparable to Si-based conventional solar cells. Since their inception in 2009 with an efficiency of 3.9%, they have improved tremendously over the past decade and

Perovskite solar cells are the next generation organic-inorganic hybrid technology and have achieved remarkable efficiencies comparable to Si-based conventional solar cells. Since their inception in 2009 with an efficiency of 3.9%, they have improved tremendously over the past decade and recently demonstrated 25.2% efficiency for single-junction devices. There are a few hurdles, however, that prevent this technology from realizing their full potential, such as stability and toxicity of the perovskites. Apart from solution processing in the fabrication of perovskites, precursor composition plays a major role in determining the quality of the thin film and its general properties. This work studies novel approaches for improving the efficiency and stability of the perovskite solar cells with minimized toxicity. The effect of excess Pb on photo-degradation in MAPbI3 perovskites in an inverted device architecture was studied with a focus on improving stability and efficiency. Precursor concentration with 5% excess Pb was found to be optimal for better efficiency and stability against photo-degradation. Further improvements in efficiency were made possible through the addition of Zirconium Acetylacetonate as a secondary electron buffer layer. A concentration of 1.5mg/ml was found to be optimal for demonstrating better efficiency and stability. Partial substitution of Pb with non-toxic Sr was also studied for improving the stability of inverted devices. Using acetate-derived precursors, 10% Sr was introduced into perovskites for improvements to the stability of the device.

In another study, triple-cation perovskites with FAMACs cations were studied with doping different amounts of Phenyl Ethyl Ammonium (PEA) to induce a quasi 2D-3D structure for improved moisture stability. Doping the perovskite with 1.67% PEA was found to be best for improved morphology with fewer pinholes, which further resulted in better VOC and stability. A passivation effect for triple-cation perovskites was further proposed with the addition of a Guanidinium Iodide layer on the perovskite. Concentrations of 1mg/ml and 2mg/ml were demonstrated to be best for reducing defects and trap states and increasing the overall stability of the device.
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Reliability of Photovoltaic Cells with Plated Copper Electrodes

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An ongoing effort in the photovoltaic (PV) industry is to reduce the major manufacturing cost components of solar cells, the great majority of which are based on crystalline silicon (c-Si). This includes the substitution of screenprinted silver (Ag) cell contacts

An ongoing effort in the photovoltaic (PV) industry is to reduce the major manufacturing cost components of solar cells, the great majority of which are based on crystalline silicon (c-Si). This includes the substitution of screenprinted silver (Ag) cell contacts with alternative copper (Cu)-based contacts, usually applied with plating. Plated Cu contact schemes have been under study for many years with only minor traction in industrial production. One of the more commonly-cited barriers to the adoption of Cu-based contacts for photovoltaics is long-term reliability, as Cu is a significant contaminant in c-Si, forming precipitates that degrade performance via degradation of diode character and reduction of minority carrier lifetime. Cu contamination from contacts might cause degradation during field deployment if Cu is able to ingress into c-Si. Furthermore, Cu contamination is also known to cause a form of light-induced degradation (LID) which further degrades carrier lifetime when cells are exposed to light.

Prior literature on Cu-contact reliability tended to focus on accelerated testing at the cell and wafer level that may not be entirely replicative of real-world environmental stresses in PV modules. This thesis is aimed at advancing the understanding of Cu-contact reliability from the perspective of quasi-commercial modules under more realistic stresses. In this thesis, c-Si solar cells with Cu-plated contacts are fabricated, made into PV modules, and subjected to environmental stress in an attempt to induce hypothesized failure modes and understand any new vulnerabilities that Cu contacts might introduce. In particular, damp heat stress is applied to conventional, p-type c-Si modules and high efficiency, n-type c-Si heterojunction modules. I present evidence of Cu-induced diode degradation that also depends on PV module materials, as well as degradation unrelated to Cu, and in either case suggest engineering solutions to the observed degradation. In a forensic search for degradation mechanisms, I present novel evidence of Cu outdiffusion from contact layers and encapsulant-driven contact corrosion as potential key factors. Finally, outdoor exposures to light uncover peculiarities in Cu-plated samples, but do not point to especially serious vulnerabilities.
Date Created

Protein Crystallization in Unit Gravity and Microgravity Environments: Challenges and Opportunities

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Protein crystallization is a technique for the formation of three-dimensional protein crystals, which is widely utilized by scientists, engineers, and researchers. Protein crystallography allows for protein structures and functions to be studied. As proteins play a central role in biological

Protein crystallization is a technique for the formation of three-dimensional protein crystals, which is widely utilized by scientists, engineers, and researchers. Protein crystallography allows for protein structures and functions to be studied. As proteins play a central role in biological systems and life itself, a deeper understanding of their structure-function properties is crucial to elucidating fundamental behaviors, such as protein folding in addition to the role that they play in emerging fields, such as, tissue engineering with application to the emerging field of regenerative medicine. However, a significant limitation toward achieving further advancements in this field is that in order to determine detailed structure of proteins from protein crystals, high-quality and larger size protein crystals are needed. Because it is difficult to produce adequate size, high-quality crystals, it remains difficult to determine the structure of many proteins. However, a new method using a microgravity environment to crystallize proteins has proven effective through various studies conducted on the International Space Station (ISS). In the presence of microgravity, free convection is essentially absent in the bulk solution where crystallization occurs, thus allowing for purely random Brownian motion to exist which favors the nucleation and growth of high-quality protein crystals. Many studies from the ISS to date have demonstrated that growing protein crystals in a microgravity environment produces larger and higher-quality crystals. This method provides new opportunities for better structure identification and analysis of proteins. Although there remains many more limitations and challenges in the field, microgravity protein crystallization holds many opportunities for the future of biotechnology and scientific development. The objective of this thesis was to study the crystallization of hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) and determine the effects of both unit and microgravity on growth/size and quality of HEWL. Through preliminary trials using a universal ground-based reduced-gravity system, the crystallization of HEWL in a simulated microgravity environment was successfully conducted and the results reported are promising. The utility of continuous, scalable ground-based, microgravity platforms for studies on a wide range of material systems and behavior, such as, protein crystallization, has significant implications regarding its impact on many industries, including drug development as well as regenerative medicine.
Date Created

Synthesis of 2D Janus Crystals and their Superlattices

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Two dimensional (2D) Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new class of atomically thin polar materials. In these materials, the top and the bottom atomic layer are made of different chalcogen atoms. To date, several theoretical studies have shown

Two dimensional (2D) Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are a new class of atomically thin polar materials. In these materials, the top and the bottom atomic layer are made of different chalcogen atoms. To date, several theoretical studies have shown that a broken mirror symmetry induces a colossal electrical field in these materials, which leads to unusual quantum properties. Despite these new properties, the current knowledge in their synthesis is limited only through two independent studies; both works rely on high-temperature processing techniques and are specific to only one type of 2D Janus material - MoSSe. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of a new synthesis method to (1) Extend the library of Janus class materials. (2) Improve the quality of 2D crystals. (3) Enable the synthesis of Janus heterostructures. The central hypothesis in this work is that the processing temperature of 2D Janus synthesis can be significantly lowered down to room temperatures by using reactive hydrogen and sulfur radicals while stripping off selenium atoms from the 2D surface. To test this hypothesis, a series of controlled growth studies were performed, and several complementary characterization techniques were used to establish a process–structure-property relationship. The results show that the newly proposed approach, namely Selective Epitaxy and Atomic Replacement (SEAR), is effective in reducing the growth temperature down to ambient conditions. The proposed technique benefits in achieving highly crystalline 2D Janus layers with an excellent optical response. Further studies herein show that this technique can form highly sophisticated lateral and vertical heterostructures of 2D Janus layers. Overall results establish an entirely new growth technique for 2D Janus.layers, which pave ways for the realization of exciting quantum effects in these materials such as Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state, Majorana fermions, and topological p-wave superconductors.
Date Created

Growth And Characterization of Si-Ge-Sn Semiconductor Thin Films using a Simplified PECVD Reactor

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The realization of Silicon based photonic devices will enable much faster data transmission than is possible today using the current electronics based devices. Group IV alloys germanium tin (GeSn) and silicon germanium tin (SiGeSn) have the potential to form an

The realization of Silicon based photonic devices will enable much faster data transmission than is possible today using the current electronics based devices. Group IV alloys germanium tin (GeSn) and silicon germanium tin (SiGeSn) have the potential to form an direct bandgap material and thus, they are promising candidates to develop a Si compatible light source and advance the field of silicon photonics. However, the growth of the alloys is challenging as it requires low temperature growth and proper strain management in the films during growth to prevent tin segregation. In order to satisfy these criteria, various research groups have developed novel chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors to deposit the films. While these reactors have been highly successful in depositing high crystal quality high Sn concentration films, they are generally expensive set-ups which utilize several turbomolecular/cryogenic pumps and/or load-lock systems. An more economical process than the state-of-the art to grow group IV materials will be highly valuable. Thus, the work presented in this dissertation was focused on deposition of group IV semiconductor thin films using simplified plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) reactors.

Two different in-house assembled PECVD reactor systems, namely Reactor No. 1 and 2, were utilized to deposit Ge, GeSn and SiGeSn thin films. PECVD technique was used as plasma assistance allows for potentially depositing the films at growth temperatures lower than those of conventional CVD. Germane (GeH4) and Digermane (Ge2H6) were used as the Ge precursor while Disilane (Si2H6) and tin chloride (SnCl4) were used as the precursors for Si and Sn respectively. The growth conditions such as growth temperature, precursor flow rates, precursor partial pressures, and chamber pressure were varied in a wide range to optimize the growth conditions for the films. Polycrystalline Ge films and SiGeSn films with an Sn content upto 8% were deposited using Reactor No. 1 and 2. Development of epitaxial Ge buffers and GeSn films was accomplished using a modified Reactor No. 2 at temperatures <400oC without the aid of ultra-high vacuum conditions or a high temperature substrate pre-deposition bake thereby leading to a low economic and thermal budget for the deposition process.
Date Created

Investigation into a laser welded interconnection method for Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) solar cell modules

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Interconnection methods for IBC photovoltaic (PV) module integration have widely been explored yet a concrete and cost-effective solution has yet to be found. Traditional methods of tabbing and stringing which are still being used today impart increased stress on the

Interconnection methods for IBC photovoltaic (PV) module integration have widely been explored yet a concrete and cost-effective solution has yet to be found. Traditional methods of tabbing and stringing which are still being used today impart increased stress on the cells, not to mention the high temperatures induced during the soldering process as well. In this work and effective and economical interconnection method is demonstrated, by laser welding an embossed aluminum (Al) electrode layer to screen-printed silver (Ag) on the solar cell. Contact resistivity below 1mΩ.cm2 is measured with the proposed design. Cross-sectional analysis of interfaces is conducted via Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDXS) methods. Typical laser weld phenomenon observed involves Al ejection at the entrance of the weld, followed by Al and Ag fusing together mid-way through the weld spot, as revealed by cross-sectional depth analysis. The effects of voltage and lamp intensity are also tested on the welding process. With the range of voltages tested, 240V seems to show the least process variability and the most uniform contact between Al and Ag layers, upon using an Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate (EVA) encapsulant. Two lamp intensities were also explored with a Polyolefin (POE) encapsulant with Al and Ag layers seen welded together as well. Smaller effect sizes at lamp 2 intensity showed better contact. A process variability analysis was conducted to understand the effects of the two different lamps on welds being formed. Lamp 2 showed a bi-modal size distribution with a higher peak intensity, with more pulses coupling into the sample, as compared to lamp 1.
Date Created

Next generation photovoltaic modules: visualizing deflection and analyzing stress

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Stress-related failure such as cracking are an important photovoltaic (PV) reliability issue since it accounts for a high percentage of power losses in the midlife-failure and wear-out failure regimes. Cell cracking can only be correlated with module degradation when cracks

Stress-related failure such as cracking are an important photovoltaic (PV) reliability issue since it accounts for a high percentage of power losses in the midlife-failure and wear-out failure regimes. Cell cracking can only be correlated with module degradation when cracks are of detectable size and detrimental to the performance. Several techniques have been explored to access the deflection and stress status on solar cell, but they have disadvantages such as high surface sensitivity.

This dissertation presents a new and non-destructive method for mapping the deflection on encapsulated solar cells using X-ray topography (XRT). This method is based on Bragg diffraction imaging, where only the areas that meet diffraction conditions will present contrast. By taking XRT images of the solar cell at various sample positions and applying an in-house developed algorithm framework, the cell‘s deflection map is obtained. Error analysis has demonstrated that the errors from the experiment and the data processing are below 4.4 and 3.3%.

Von Karman plate theory has been applied to access the stress state of the solar cells. Under the assumptions that the samples experience pure bending and plain stress conditions, the principal stresses are obtained from the cell deflection data. Results from a statistical analysis using a Weibull distribution suggest that 0.1% of the data points can contribute to critical failure. Both the soldering and lamination processes put large amounts of stress on solar cells. Even though glass/glass packaging symmetry is preferred over glass/backsheet, the solar cells inside the glass/glass packaging experience significantly more stress. Through a series of in-situ four-point bending test, the assumptions behind Von Karman theory are validated for cases where the neutral plane is displaced by the tensile and compressive stresses.

The deflection and stress mapping method is applied to two next generation PV concepts named Flex-circuit and PVMirror. The Flex-circuit module concept replaces traditional metal ribbons with Al foils for electrical contact and PVMirror concept utilizes a curved PV module design with a dichroic film for thermal storage and electrical output. The XRT framework proposed in this dissertation successfully characterized the impact of various novel interconnection and packaging solutions.
Date Created

Modeling Emergent Behaviors of Multi-Cellular Systems in 3D Extracellular Matrix: Heterogeneous Extracellular Matrix Reconstruction, Cell Micromechanics and Novel Mechanotaxis

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Collective cell migration in the 3D fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) is crucial to many physiological and pathological processes such as tissue regeneration, immune response and cancer progression. A migrating cell also generates active pulling forces, which are transmitted to the

Collective cell migration in the 3D fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) is crucial to many physiological and pathological processes such as tissue regeneration, immune response and cancer progression. A migrating cell also generates active pulling forces, which are transmitted to the ECM fibers via focal adhesion complexes. Such active forces consistently remodel the local ECM (e.g., by re-orienting the collagen fibers, forming fiber bundles and increasing the local stiffness of ECM), leading to a dynamically evolving force network in the system that in turn regulates the collective migration of cells.

In this work, this novel mechanotaxis mechanism is investigated, i.e., the role of the ECM mediated active cellular force propagation in coordinating collective cell migration via computational modeling and simulations. The work mainly includes two components: (i) microstructure and micromechanics modeling of cellularized ECM (collagen) networks and (ii) modeling collective cell migration and self-organization in 3D ECM. For ECM modeling, a procedure for generating realizations of highly heterogeneous 3D collagen networks with prescribed microstructural statistics via stochastic optimization is devised. Analysis shows that oriented fibers can significantly enhance long-range force transmission in the network. For modeling collective migratory behaviors of the cells, a minimal active-particle-on-network (APN) model is developed, in which reveals a dynamic transition in the system as the particle number density ρ increases beyond a critical value ρc, from an absorbing state in which the particles segregate into small isolated stationary clusters, to a dynamic state in which the majority of the particles join in a single large cluster undergone constant dynamic reorganization. The results, which are consistent with independent experimental results, suggest a robust mechanism based on ECM-mediated mechanical coupling for collective cell behaviors in 3D ECM.

For the future plan, further substantiate the minimal cell migration model by incorporating more detailed cell-ECM interactions and relevant sub-cellular mechanisms is needed, as well as further investigation of the effects of fiber alignment, ECM mechanical properties and externally applied mechanical cues on collective migration dynamics.
Date Created

Reactive Ink Metallization for Next Generation Photovoltaics

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In order to meet climate targets, the solar photovoltaic industry must increase photovoltaic (PV) deployment and cost competitiveness over its business-as-usual trajectory. This requires more efficient PV modules that use less expensive materials, and longer operational lifetime. The work presented

In order to meet climate targets, the solar photovoltaic industry must increase photovoltaic (PV) deployment and cost competitiveness over its business-as-usual trajectory. This requires more efficient PV modules that use less expensive materials, and longer operational lifetime. The work presented here approaches this challenge with a novel metallization method for solar PV and electronic devices.

This document outlines work completed to this end. Chapter 1 introduces the areas for cost reductions and improvements in efficiency to drive down the cost per watt of solar modules. Next, in Chapter 2, conventional and advanced metallization methods are reviewed, and our proposed solution of dispense printed reactive inks is introduced. Chapter 3 details a proof of concept study for reactive silver ink as front metallization for solar cells. Furthermore, Chapter 3 details characterization of the optical and electrical properties of reactive silver ink metallization, which is important to understanding the origins of problems related to metallization, enabling approaches to minimize power losses in full devices. Chapter 4 describes adhesion and specific contact resistance of reactive ink metallizations on silicon heterojunction solar cells. Chapter 5 compares performance of silicon heterojunction solar cells with front grids formed from reactive ink metallization and conventional, commercially available metallization. Performance and degradation throughout 1000 h of accelerated environmental exposure are described before detailing an isolated corrosion experiment for different silver-based metallizations. Finally, Chapter 6 summarizes the main contributions of this work.

The major goal of this project is to evaluate potential of a new metallization technique –high-precision dispense printing of reactive inks–to become a high efficiency replacement for solar cell metallization through optical and electrical characterization, evaluation of durability and reliability, and commercialization research. Although this work primarily describes the application of reactive silver inks as front-metallization for silicon heterojunction solar cells, the work presented here provides a framework for evaluation of reactive inks as metallization for various solar cell architectures and electronic devices.
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