A Framework for the Design and Optimization of Composites with Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Properties Utilizing Two-Point Spatial Correlation Functions

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In the age of 5th and upcoming 6th generation fighter aircraft one key proponent of these impressive machines is the inclusion of stealth. This inclusion is demonstrated by thoughtful design pertaining to the shape of the aircraft and rigorous material

In the age of 5th and upcoming 6th generation fighter aircraft one key proponent of these impressive machines is the inclusion of stealth. This inclusion is demonstrated by thoughtful design pertaining to the shape of the aircraft and rigorous material selection. Both criteria aim to minimize the radar cross section of these aircraft over a wide bandwidth of frequencies corresponding to an ever-evolving field of radar technology. Stealth is both an offensive and defensive capability meaning that service men and women depend on this feature to carry out their missions, and to return home safely. The goal of this paper is to introduce a novel method to designing disordered two-phase composites with desired electromagnetic properties. This task is accomplished by employing the spatial point correlation function, specifically at the two-point level. Effective at describing the dispersion of phases within a two-phase system, the two-point correlation function serves as a statistical function that becomes a realizable target for heterogeneous composites. Simulated annealing is exercised to reconstruct two-phase composite microstructures that initially do not match their target function, followed by two separate experiments aimed at studying the impact of the provided inputs on its outcome. Once conditions for reconstructing highly accurate microstructures are identified, modifications are made to the target function to extract and compare dielectric constants associated with each microstructure. Both the real and imaginary components, which respectively affect wave propagation and attenuation, of the dielectric constants are plotted to illustrate their behavior with increasing wavenumber. Conclusions suggest that favorable values of the complex dielectric constant can be reverse-engineered via careful consideration of the two-point correlation function. Subsequently, corresponding microstructures of the composite can be simulated and then produced through 3-D printing for testing and practical applications.
Date Created

Novel Data-driven Emulator for Predicting Microstructure Evolutions

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Phase-field (PF) models are one of the most powerful tools to simulate microstructural evolution in metallic materials, polymers, and ceramics. However, existing PF approaches rely on rigorous mathematical model development, sophisticated numerical schemes, and high-performance computing for accuracy. Although recently

Phase-field (PF) models are one of the most powerful tools to simulate microstructural evolution in metallic materials, polymers, and ceramics. However, existing PF approaches rely on rigorous mathematical model development, sophisticated numerical schemes, and high-performance computing for accuracy. Although recently developed surrogate microstructure models employ deep-learning techniques and reconstruction of microstructures from lower-dimensional data, their accuracy is fairly limited as spatio-temporal information is lost in the pursuit of dimensional reduction. Given these limitations, a novel data-driven emulator (DDE) for extrapolation prediction of microstructural evolution is presented, which combines an image-based convolutional and recurrent neural network (CRNN) with tensor decomposition, while leveraging previously obtained PF datasets for training. To assess the robustness of DDE, the emulation sequence and the scaling behavior with phase-field simulations for several noisy initial states are compared. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the microstructure emulation technique is explored in the context of accelerating runtime, along with an emphasis on its trade-off with accuracy.Meanwhile, an interpolation DDE has also been tested, which is based on obtaining a low-dimensional representation of the microstructures via tensor decomposition and subsequently predicting the microstructure evolution in the low-dimensional space using Gaussian process regression (GPR). Once the microstructure predictions are obtained in the low-dimensional space, a hybrid input-output phase retrieval algorithm will be employed to reconstruct the microstructures. As proof of concept, the results on microstructure prediction for spinodal decomposition are presented, although the method itself is agnostic of the material parameters. Results show that GPR-based DDE model are able to predict microstructure evolution sequences that closely resemble the true microstructures (average normalized mean square of 6.78 × 10−7) at time scales half of that employed in obtaining training data. This data-driven microstructure emulator opens new avenues to predict the microstructural evolution by leveraging phase-field simulations and physical experimentation where the time resolution is often quite large due to limited resources and physical constraints, such as the phase coarsening experiments previously performed in microgravity. Future work will also be discussed and demonstrate the intended utilization of these two approaches for 3D microstructure prediction through their combined application.
Date Created

Field Driven Design of Graded Cellular Structures

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The design of energy absorbing structures is driven by application specific requirements like the amount of energy to be absorbed, maximum transmitted stress that is permissible, stroke length, and available enclosing space. Cellular structures like foams are commonly leveraged in

The design of energy absorbing structures is driven by application specific requirements like the amount of energy to be absorbed, maximum transmitted stress that is permissible, stroke length, and available enclosing space. Cellular structures like foams are commonly leveraged in nature for energy absorption and have also found use in engineering applications. With the possibility of manufacturing complex cellular shapes using additive manufacturing technologies, there is an opportunity to explore new topologies that improve energy absorption performance. This thesis aims to systematically understand the relationships between four key elements: (i) unit cell topology, (ii) material composition, (iii) relative density, and (iv) fields; and energy absorption behavior, and then leverage this understanding to develop, implement and validate a methodology to design the ideal cellular structure energy absorber. After a review of the literature in the domain of additively manufactured cellular materials for energy absorption, results from quasi-static compression of six cellular structures (hexagonal honeycomb, auxetic and Voronoi lattice, and diamond, Gyroid, and Schwarz-P) manufactured out of AlSi10Mg and Nylon-12. These cellular structures were compared to each other in the context of four design-relevant metrics to understand the influence of cell design on the deformation and failure behavior. Three new and revised metrics for energy absorption were proposed to enable more meaningful comparisons and subsequent design selection. Triply Periodic Minimal Surface (TPMS) structures were found to have the most promising overall performance and formed the basis for the numerical investigation of the effect of fields on the energy absorption performance of TPMS structures. A continuum shell-based methodology was developed to analyze the large deformation behavior of field-driven variable thickness TPMS structures and validated against experimental data. A range of analytical and stochastic fields were then evaluated that modified the TPMS structure, some of which were found to be effective in enhancing energy absorption behavior in the structures while retaining the same relative density. Combining findings from studies on the role of cell geometry, composition, relative density, and fields, this thesis concludes with the development of a design framework that can enable the formulation of cellular material energy absorbers with idealized behavior.
Date Created

A Computational Study on Melting Point of Si-Ge-Sn High Entropy Alloy

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High-entropy alloys (HEAs) is a new class of materials which have been studied heavily due to their special mechanical properties. HEAs refers to alloys with multiple equimolar or nearly equimolar elements. HEAs show exceptional and attractive properties currently absent from

High-entropy alloys (HEAs) is a new class of materials which have been studied heavily due to their special mechanical properties. HEAs refers to alloys with multiple equimolar or nearly equimolar elements. HEAs show exceptional and attractive properties currently absent from conventional alloys, which make them the center of intense investigation. HEAs obtain their properties from four core effects that they exhibit and most of the work on them have been dedicated to study their mechanical properties. In contrast, little or no research have gone into studying the functional or even thermal properties of HEAs. Some HEAs have also shown exceptional or very high melting points. According to the definition of HEAs, Si-Ge-Sn alloys with equal or comparable concentrations of the three group IV elements belong to the category of HEAs. Thus, the equimolar components of Si-Ge-Sn alloys probably allow their atomic structures to display the same fundamental effects of metallic HEAs. The experimental fabrication of such alloys has been proven to be very difficult, which is mainly due to differences between the properties of their constituent elements, as indicated from their binary phase diagrams. However, previous computational studies have shown that SiGeSn HEAs have some very interesting properties, such as high electrical conductivity, low thermal conductivity and semiconducting properties. In this work, going for a complete characterization of the SiGeSn HEA properties, the melting point of this alloy is studied using classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The aim is to investigate the effects of high Sn content in this alloy on the melting point compared with the traditional SiGe alloys. Classical MD simulations results strongly indicates that none of the available empirical potentials is able to predict accurate or reasonable melting points for SiGeSn HEAs and most of its subsystems. DFT calculations results show that SiGeSn HEA have a melting point which represent the mean value of its constituent elements and that no special deviations are found. This work contributes to the study of SiGeSn HEA properties, which can serve as guidance before the successful experimental fabrication of this alloy.
Date Created

Unidirectional Fiber Composite Materials for Bone Tissue Engineering: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Prediction of Effective Mechanical Properties via Supervised Machine Learning


This paper presents a comprehensive review of current advances and challenges in the field of bone tissue engineering. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to identify recent developments in biomaterials, scaffold design, cell sources, and growth factors for

This paper presents a comprehensive review of current advances and challenges in the field of bone tissue engineering. A systematic review of the literature was conducted to identify recent developments in biomaterials, scaffold design, cell sources, and growth factors for bone tissue engineering applications. Based on this review, an experimental proposal is presented for the development of porous composite biomaterials that may enhance bone regeneration, which consist of hybrid amyloid/spidroin fibers combined with a bioactive ceramic matrix. An iterative design process of modeling and simulation, production, and characterization of both the fibers and the composite material is proposed. A modeling and simulation approach is also presented for unidirectional fiber composite biomaterials using 2-point correlation functions, finite element simulations, and machine learning. This approach was demonstrated to enable the efficient and accurate prediction of the effective Young’s modulus of candidate composite biomaterials, which can inform the design of optimized materials for bone tissue engineering applications. The proposed experimental and simulation approaches have the potential to address current challenges and lead to the development of novel composite biomaterials that can augment the current technologies in the field of bone tissue engineering.

Date Created

Packing Theory and its Implications Upon Real Material Systems


Computational materials is a field that utilizes modeling, simulations, and technology to study how materials behave. This honors thesis is a presentation discussing computational materials, our study of packing theory using the Monte Carlo (MC), and how our research can be related to real materials we use.

Date Created

Data-driven Methods for Modeling Complex Dynamical System

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The increasing availability of data and advances in computation have spurred the development of data-driven approaches for modeling complex dynamical systems. These approaches are based on the idea that the underlying structure of a complex system can be discovered from

The increasing availability of data and advances in computation have spurred the development of data-driven approaches for modeling complex dynamical systems. These approaches are based on the idea that the underlying structure of a complex system can be discovered from data using mathematical and computational techniques. They also show promise for addressing the challenges of modeling high-dimensional, nonlinear systems with limited data. In this research expository, the state of the art in data-driven approaches for modeling complex dynamical systems is surveyed in a systemic way. First the general formulation of data-driven modeling of dynamical systems is discussed. Then several representative methods in feature engineering and system identification/prediction are reviewed, including recent advances and key challenges.
Date Created

Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Hierarchical and Nanocrystalline Ni-Y-Zr Alloys

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Microstructure refinement and alloy additions are considered potential routes to increase high temperature performance of existing metallic superalloys used under extreme conditions. Nanocrystalline (NC) Cu-10at%Ta exhibits such improvements over microstructurally unstable NC metals, leading to enhanced creep behavior compared to

Microstructure refinement and alloy additions are considered potential routes to increase high temperature performance of existing metallic superalloys used under extreme conditions. Nanocrystalline (NC) Cu-10at%Ta exhibits such improvements over microstructurally unstable NC metals, leading to enhanced creep behavior compared to its coarse-grained (CG) counterparts. However, the low melting point of Cu compared to other FCC metals, e.g., Ni, might lead to an early onset of diffusional creep mechanisms. Thus, this research seeks to study the thermo-mechanical behavior and stability of hierarchical (prepared using arc-melting) and NC (prepared by collaborators through powder pressing and annealing) Ni-Y-Zr alloys where Zr is expected to provide solid solution and grain boundary strengthening in hierarchical and NC alloys, respectively, while Ni-Y and Ni-Zr intermetallic precipitates (IMCs) would provide kinetic stability. Hierarchical alloys had microstructures stable up to 1100 °C with ultrafine eutectic of ~300 nm, dendritic arm spacing of ~10 μm, and grain size ~1-2 mm. Room temperature hardness tests along with uniaxial compression performed at 25 and 600 °C revealed that microhardness and yield strength of hierarchical alloys with small amounts of Y (0.5-1wt%) and Zr (1.5-3 wt%) were comparable to Ni-superalloys, due to the hierarchical microstructure and potential presence of nanoscale IMCs. In contrast, NC alloys of the same composition were found to be twice as hard as the hierarchical alloys. Creep tests at 0.5 homologous temperature showed active Coble creep mechanisms in hierarchical alloys at low stresses with creep rates slower than Fe-based superalloys and dislocation creep mechanisms at higher stresses. Creep in NC alloys at lower stresses was only 20 times faster than hierarchical alloys, with the difference in grain size ranging from 10^3 to 10^6 times at the same temperature. These NC alloys showed enhanced creep properties over other NC metals and are expected to have rates equal to or improved over the CG hierarchical alloys with ECAP processing techniques. Lastly, the in-situ wide-angle x-ray scattering (WAXS) measurements during quasi-static and creep tests implied stresses being carried mostly by the matrix before yielding and in the primary creep stage, respectively, while relaxation was observed in Ni5Zr for both hierarchical and NC alloys. Beyond yielding and in the secondary creep stage, lattice strains reached a steady state, thereby, an equilibrium between plastic strain rates was achieved across different phases, so that deformation reaches a saturation state where strain hardening effects are compensated by recovery mechanisms.
Date Created

Fundamental Investigations into the Properties and Performance of Advanced Materials

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Intelligent engineering designs require an accurate understanding of material behavior, since any uncertainties or gaps in knowledge must be counterbalanced with heightened factors of safety, leading to overdesign. Therefore, building better structures and pushing the performance of new components requires

Intelligent engineering designs require an accurate understanding of material behavior, since any uncertainties or gaps in knowledge must be counterbalanced with heightened factors of safety, leading to overdesign. Therefore, building better structures and pushing the performance of new components requires an improved understanding of the thermomechanical response of advanced materials under service conditions. This dissertation provides fundamental investigations of several advanced materials: thermoset polymers, a common matrix material for fiber-reinforced composites and nanocomposites; aluminum alloy 7075-T6 (AA7075-T6), a high-performance aerospace material; and ceramic matrix composites (CMCs), an advanced composite for extreme-temperature applications. To understand matrix interactions with various interfaces and nanoinclusions at their fundamental scale, the properties of thermoset polymers are studied at the atomistic scale. An improved proximity-based molecular dynamics (MD) technique for modeling the crosslinking of thermoset polymers is carefully established, enabling realistic curing simulations through its ability to dynamically and probabilistically perform complex topology transformations. The proximity-based MD curing methodology is then used to explore damage initiation and the local anisotropic evolution of mechanical properties in thermoset polymers under uniaxial tension with an emphasis on changes in stiffness through a series of tensile loading, unloading, and reloading experiments. Aluminum alloys in aerospace applications often require a fatigue life of over 109 cycles, which is well over the number of cycles that can be practically tested using conventional fatigue testing equipment. In order to study these high-life regimes, a detailed ultrasonic cycle fatigue study is presented for AA7075-T6 under fully reversed tension-compression loading. The geometric sensitivity, frequency effects, size effects, surface roughness effects, and the corresponding failure mechanisms for ultrasonic fatigue across different fatigue regimes are investigated. Finally, because CMCs are utilized in extreme environments, oxidation plays an important role in their degradation. A multiphysics modeling methodology is thus developed to address the complex coupling between oxidation, mechanical stress, and oxygen diffusion in heterogeneous carbon fiber-reinforced CMC microstructures.
Date Created

Phase-field Modeling of Electromigration-induced Defects’ Evolution in Interconnects Films

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Electromigration, the net atomic diffusion associated with the momentum transfer from electrons moving through a material, is a major cause of device and component failure in microelectronics. The deleterious effects from electromigration rise with increased current density, a parameter that

Electromigration, the net atomic diffusion associated with the momentum transfer from electrons moving through a material, is a major cause of device and component failure in microelectronics. The deleterious effects from electromigration rise with increased current density, a parameter that will only continue to increase as our electronic devices get smaller and more compact. Understanding the dynamic diffusional pathways and mechanisms of these electromigration-induced and propagated defects can further our attempts at mitigating these failure modes. This dissertation provides insight into the relationships between these defects and parameters of electric field strength, grain boundary misorientation, grain size, void size, eigenstrain, varied atomic mobilities, and microstructure.First, an existing phase-field model was modified to investigate the various defect modes associated with electromigration in an equiaxed non-columnar microstructure. Of specific interest was the effect of grain boundary misalignment with respect to current flow and the mechanisms responsible for the changes in defect kinetics. Grain size, magnitude of externally applied electric field, and the utilization of locally distinct atomic mobilities were other parameters investigated. Networks of randomly distributed grains, a common microstructure of interconnects, were simulated in both 2- and 3-dimensions displaying the effects of 3-D capillarity on diffusional dynamics. Also, a numerical model was developed to study the effect of electromigration on void migration and coalescence. Void migration rates were found to be slowed from compressive forces and the nature of the deformation concurrent with migration was examined through the lens of chemical potential. Void migration was also validated with previously reported theoretical explanations. Void coalescence and void budding were investigated and found to be dependent on the magnitude of interfacial energy and electric field strength. A grasp on the mechanistic pathways of electromigration-induced defect evolution is imperative to the development of reliable electronics, especially as electronic devices continue to miniaturize. This dissertation displays a working understanding of the mechanistic pathways interconnects can fail due to electromigration, as well as provide direction for future research and understanding.
Date Created