Novel Applications of Wastewater-based Epidemiology for Assessing Population Nutrition, Infectious Disease, and Chronic Illness

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Traditional public health strategies for assessing human behavior, exposure, and activity are considered resource-exhaustive, time-consuming, and expensive, warranting a need for alternative methods to enhance data acquisition and subsequent interventions. This dissertation critically evaluated the use of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE)

Traditional public health strategies for assessing human behavior, exposure, and activity are considered resource-exhaustive, time-consuming, and expensive, warranting a need for alternative methods to enhance data acquisition and subsequent interventions. This dissertation critically evaluated the use of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) as an inclusive and non-invasive tool for conducting near real-time population health assessments. A rigorous literature review was performed to gauge the current landscape of WBE to monitor for biomarkers indicative of diet, as well as exposure to estrogen-mimicking endocrine disrupting (EED) chemicals via route of ingestion. Wastewater-derived measurements of phytoestrogens from August 2017 through July 2019 (n = 156 samples) in a small sewer catchment revealed seasonal patterns, with highest average per capita consumption rates in January through March of each year (2018: 7.0 ± 2.0 mg d-1; 2019: 8.2 ± 2.3 mg d-1) and statistically significant differences (p = 0.01) between fall and winter (3.4 ± 1.2 vs. 6.1 ± 2.9 mg d-1; p ≤ 0.01) and spring and summer (5.6 ± 2.1 vs. 3.4 ± 1.5 mg d-1; p ≤ 0.01). Additional investigations, including a human gut microbial composition analysis of community wastewater, were performed to support a methodological framework for future implementation of WBE to assess population-level dietary behavior. In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, a high-frequency, high-resolution sample collection approach with public data sharing was implemented throughout the City of Tempe, Arizona, and analyzed for SARS-CoV-2 (E gene) from April 2020 through March 2021 (n = 1,556 samples). Results indicate early warning capability during the first wave (June 2020) compared to newly reported clinical cases (8.5 ± 2.1 days), later transitioning to a slight lagging indicator in December/January 2020-21 (-2.0 ± 1.4 days). A viral hotspot from within a larger catchment area was detected, prompting targeted interventions to successfully mitigate community spread; reinforcing the importance of sample collection within the sewer infrastructure. I conclude that by working in tandem with traditional approaches, WBE can enlighten a comprehensive understanding of population health, with methods and strategies implemented in this work recommended for future expansion to produce timely, actionable data in support of public health.
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Vaccinia Virus’ E3 Protein Inhibits Cellular Recognition of Canonical dsRNA and ZRNA

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Poxviruses such as monkeypox virus (MPXV) are emerging zoonotic diseases. Compared to MPXV, Vaccinia virus (VACV) has reduced pathogenicity in humans and can be used as a partially protective vaccine against MPXV. While most orthopoxviruses have E3 protein homologues with

Poxviruses such as monkeypox virus (MPXV) are emerging zoonotic diseases. Compared to MPXV, Vaccinia virus (VACV) has reduced pathogenicity in humans and can be used as a partially protective vaccine against MPXV. While most orthopoxviruses have E3 protein homologues with highly similar N-termini, the MPXV homologue, F3, has a start codon mutation leading to an N-terminal truncation of 37 amino acids. The VACV protein E3 consists of a dsRNA binding domain in its C-terminus which must be intact for pathogenicity in murine models and replication in cultured cells. The N-terminus of E3 contains a Z-form nucleic acid (ZNA) binding domain and is also required for pathogenicity in murine models. Poxviruses produce RNA transcripts that extend beyond the transcribed gene which can form double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The innate immune system easily recognizes dsRNA through proteins such as protein kinase R (PKR). After comparing a vaccinia virus with a wild-type E3 protein (VACV WT) to one with an E3 N-terminal truncation of 37 amino acids (VACV E3Δ37N), phenotypic differences appeared in several cell lines. In HeLa cells and certain murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), dsRNA recognition pathways such as PKR become activated during VACV E3Δ37N infections, unlike VACV WT. However, MPXV does not activate PKR in HeLa or MEF cells. Additional investigation determined that MPXV produces less dsRNA than VACV. VACV E3Δ37N was made more similar to MPXV by selecting mutants that produce less dsRNA. By producing less dsRNA, VACV E3Δ37N no longer activated PKR in HeLa or MEF cells, thus restoring the wild-type phenotype. Furthermore, in other cell lines such as L929 (also a murine fibroblast) VACV E3Δ37N, but not VACV WT infection leads to activation of DNA-dependent activator of IFN-regulatory factors (DAI) and induction of necroptotic cell death. The same low dsRNA mutants demonstrate that DAI activation and necroptotic induction is independent of classical dsRNA. Finally, investigations of spread in an animal model and replication in cell lines where both the PKR and DAI pathways are intact determined that inhibition of both pathways is required for VACV E3Δ37N to replicate.
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Diverse DNA Virus Genomes Identified in Southern Arizona Bat Populations

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Bats are a highly diverse mammal species with a dense virome and fascinating immune system. The following project utilizes metagenomics in order to identify DNA viruses present in populations of silver-haired bats and Mexican free-tailed bats from southern Arizona. A

Bats are a highly diverse mammal species with a dense virome and fascinating immune system. The following project utilizes metagenomics in order to identify DNA viruses present in populations of silver-haired bats and Mexican free-tailed bats from southern Arizona. A significant number of DNA viruses and novel viruses were identified in the Cressdnaviricota phylum and Microvirdae family.

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Detection of a Novel Circovirus in South African Caracals and Ticks

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Caracals (Caracal caracal) are a felid species native to regions of southern Africa and western and central Asia. Despite their relatively high prevalence, the majority of research conducted on caracals has been undertaken on captive individuals, which encounter significantly different

Caracals (Caracal caracal) are a felid species native to regions of southern Africa and western and central Asia. Despite their relatively high prevalence, the majority of research conducted on caracals has been undertaken on captive individuals, which encounter significantly different environments and exhibit different behaviors in comparison to caracals in the wild. Thereby, they likely have a vastly different virome. The goal of this study was to identify known and unknown DNA viruses associated with free-ranging caracals. Caracal fecal and organ samples were obtained from a caracal surveillance study undertaken in the Western Cape region of South Africa. Parasitic ticks found feeding on caracals were also obtained. Using a viral metagenomic informed approach, a novel circovirus (family Circoviridae) was detected and characterized in caracal fecal, kidney, spleen, and liver samples, as well as in ticks feeding on the caracals. To our knowledge, this is the first circovirus identified in caracals. The novel circovirus was determined to be closely related to a canine circovirus. These findings expand the knowledge of viral diversity and caracals and are greatly important to caracal conservation efforts as well as conservation efforts of other animals within their ecosystem.

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Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Amplicon Vectors

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Globally, about two-thirds of the population is latently infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). HSV-1 is a large double stranded DNA virus with a genome size of ~150kbp. Small defective genomes, which minimally contain an HSV-1 origin of

Globally, about two-thirds of the population is latently infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). HSV-1 is a large double stranded DNA virus with a genome size of ~150kbp. Small defective genomes, which minimally contain an HSV-1 origin of replication and packaging signal, arise naturally via recombination during viral DNA replication. These small defective genomes can be mimicked by constructing a bacterial plasmid containing the HSV-1 origin of replication and packaging signal, transfecting these recombinant plasmids into mammalian cells, and infecting with a replicating helper virus. The absence of most viral genes in the amplicon vector allows large pieces of foreign DNA (up to 150kbp) to be incorporated. The HSV-1 amplicon is replicated and packaged by the helper virus to form HSV-1 particles containing the amplicon DNA. We constructed a novel HSV-1 amplicon vector system containing lambda phage-derived attR sites to facilitate insertion of transgenes by Invitrogen Gateway recombination. To demonstrate that the amplicon vectors work as expected, we packaged the vector constructs expressing Emerald GFP using the replication-competent helper viruses OK-14 or HSV-mScartlet-I-UL25 in Vero cells and demonstrate that the vector stock can subsequently transduce and express Emerald GFP. In further work, we will insert transgenes into the amplicon vector using Invitrogen Gateway recombination to study their functionality.
Date Created

Identification and Dynamics of DNA Viruses in Aves

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Viruses infect organisms in all domains of life and are abundant entities in ecosystems. In particular, single-stranded DNA viruses have been found in a wide variety of hosts and ecosystems. Using a metagenomic approach, novel circular viruses have been identified

Viruses infect organisms in all domains of life and are abundant entities in ecosystems. In particular, single-stranded DNA viruses have been found in a wide variety of hosts and ecosystems. Using a metagenomic approach, novel circular viruses have been identified in multiple environmental samples. This thesis focuses on viruses and virus dynamics from avian sources. As part of this thesis, a novel phapecoctavirus was identified in a pigeon cloacal swab. The phapecoctavirus is most closely related to Klebsiella phage ZCKP1, identified from a freshwater sample. Beyond this, this thesis addresses circoviruses, which are of interest due to disease they cause to avian species. Evolution of circovirus recombination was studied in a closed system of uninfected and infected pigeons. 178 genomes of pigeon circovirus were sequenced, and patterns of recombination determined. Seven genotypes were present in the population and genotype 4 was shown to be present in a majority of samples after the experiment was finished. Circoviruses were also identified in waterfowl feces and the ten genomes recovered represent two new circovirus species. Overall, the research described in this thesis helped to gain a deeper understanding of the diversity and evolution of circular DNA viruses associated with avian species.
Date Created

Characterization of Geminiviruses Infecting Cactaceae Plants: Spill-Over Events in Agro-Ecological Interfaces and Evolutionary Aspects

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The family Cactaceae is extremely diverse and has a near global distribution yet very little has been described regarding the community of viruses that infect or are associated with cacti. This research characterizes the diversity of viruses associated with Cactaceae

The family Cactaceae is extremely diverse and has a near global distribution yet very little has been described regarding the community of viruses that infect or are associated with cacti. This research characterizes the diversity of viruses associated with Cactaceae plants and their evolutionary aspects. Five viruses belonging to the economically relevant plant virus family Geminiviridae were identified, initially, two novel divergent geminiviruses named Opuntia virus 1 (OpV1) and Opuntia virus 2 (OpV2) and Opuntia becurtovirus, a new strain within the genus Becurtovirus. These three viruses were also found in co-infection. In addition, two known geminiviruses, the squash leaf curl virus (SLCV) and watermelon chlorotic stunt virus (WCSV) were identified infecting Cactaceae plants and other non-cactus plants in the USA and Mexico. Both SLCV and WCSV are known to cause severe disease in cultivated Cucurbitaceae plants in the USA and Middle East, respectively. This study shows that WCSV was introduced in the America two times, and it is the first identification of this virus in the USA, demonstrating is likely more widespread in North America. These findings along with the Opuntia becurtovirus are probable events of spill-over in agro-ecological interfaces. A novel circular DNA possibly bipartite plant-infecting virus that encodes protein similar to those of geminiviruses was also identified in an Opuntia discolor plant in Brazil, named utkilio virus, but it is evolutionary distinct likely belonging to a new taxon. Viruses belonging to the ssDNA viral family Genomoviridae are also described and those thus far been associated with fungi hosts, so it is likely the ones identified in plants are associated with their phytobiome. Overall, the results of this project provide a molecular and biological characterization of novel geminiviruses and genomoviruses associated with cacti as well as demonstrate the impact of agro-ecological interfaces in the spread of viruses from or to native plants. It also highlights the importance of viral metagenomics studies in exploring virus diversity and evolution given then amount of virus diversity identified. This is important for conservation and management of cacti in a global scale, including the relevance of controlled movement of plants within countries.
Date Created

Heat Shock-Inducible Model to Study Tumor Environment In Drosophila

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The goal of this project was to design and create a genetic construct that would allow for <br/>tumor growth to be induced in the center of the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila larvae, the <br/>R85E08 domain, using a heat shock.

The goal of this project was to design and create a genetic construct that would allow for <br/>tumor growth to be induced in the center of the wing imaginal disc of Drosophila larvae, the <br/>R85E08 domain, using a heat shock. The resulting transgene would be combined with other <br/>transgenes in a single fly that would allow for simultaneous expression of the oncogene and, in <br/>the surrounding cells, other genes of interest. This system would help establish Drosophila as a <br/>more versatile and reliable model organism for cancer research. Furthermore, pilot studies were <br/>performed, using elements of the final proposed system, to determine if tumor growth is possible <br/>in the center of the disc, which oncogene produces the best results, and if oncogene expression <br/>induced later in development causes tumor growth. Three different candidate genes were <br/>investigated: RasV12, PvrACT, and Avli.

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Circular DNA viruses identified in short-finned pilot whale and orca tissue samples

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Members of the Delphinidae family are widely distributed across the world’s oceans. We used a viral metagenomic approach to identify viruses in orca (Orcinus orca) and short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) muscle, kidney, and liver samples from deceased animals. From

Members of the Delphinidae family are widely distributed across the world’s oceans. We used a viral metagenomic approach to identify viruses in orca (Orcinus orca) and short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) muscle, kidney, and liver samples from deceased animals. From orca tissue samples (muscle, kidney, and liver), we identified a novel polyomavirus (Polyomaviridae), three cressdnaviruses, and two genomoviruses (Genomoviridae). In the short-finned pilot whale we were able to identify one genomovirus in a kidney sample. The presence of unclassified cressdnavirus within two samples (muscle and kidney) of the same animal supports the possibility these viruses might be widespread within the animal. The orca polyomavirus identified here is the first of its species and is not closely related to the only other dolphin polyomavirus previously discovered. The identification and verification of these viruses expands the current knowledge of viruses that are associated with the Delphinidae family.

Date Created

CD8+ T Cell Receptor Characterization in HPV Associated Head and Neck Cancer

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The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus responsible for causing upwards of 80% of head and neck cancers in the oropharyngeal region. Current treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, are aggressive and elicit toxic effects. HPV is a

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus responsible for causing upwards of 80% of head and neck cancers in the oropharyngeal region. Current treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, are aggressive and elicit toxic effects. HPV is a pathogen that expresses viral-specific oncogenic proteins that play a role in cancer progression. These proteins may serve as potential targets for immunotherapeutic applications. Engineered T cell receptor (TCR) therapy may be an advantageous approach for HPV-associated cancers. In TCR therapy, TCRs are modified to express a receptor that is specific to an immunogenic antigen (part of the virus/cancer capable of eliciting an immune response). Since HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers typically express unique viral proteins, it is important to identify the TCRs capable of recognizing these proteins. Evidence supports that head and neck cancers typically experience high levels of immune cell infiltration and are subsequently associated with increased survival rates. Most of the immune cell infiltrations in HPV+ HNSCC are CD8+ T lymphocytes, drawing attention to their prospective use in cellular immunotherapies. While TCRs are highly specific, the TCR repertoire is extremely diverse; enabling the immune system to fight off numerous pathogens. In project 1, I review approaches to analyzing TCR diversity and explore the use of DNA origami in retrieving paired TCR sequences from a population. The results determine that DNA origami can be used within a monoclonal population but requires further optimization before being applied in a polyclonal setting. In project 2, I investigate HPV-specific T-cell dysfunction; I detect low frequency HPV-specific CD8+ T cells, determine that they are tumor specific, and show that HPV+HNSCC patients exhibit increased epitope-specific levels of CD8+T cell exhaustion. In project 3, I apply methods to expand and isolate TCRαβ sequences derived from donors stimulated with a previously identified HPV epitope. Single-cell analysis provide ten unique TCRαβ pairs with corresponding CDR3 sequences that may serve as therapeutic candidates. This thesis contributes to fundamental immunology by contributing to the knowledge of T cell dysfunction within HPV+HNSCC and further reveals TCR gene usage within an HPV stimulated population, thus identifying potential TCR pairs for adoptive cell therapies.
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