End of Life Analysis and Solutions for Dealing with Sewage Sludge and Plastic Waste

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The topic of this dissertation is the sustainable disposal of waste materials in a way that mitigates risk to human health and the environment. A meta-analysis of organic contaminant concentrations in U.S. sewage sludge highlights the known analytes detected across

The topic of this dissertation is the sustainable disposal of waste materials in a way that mitigates risk to human health and the environment. A meta-analysis of organic contaminant concentrations in U.S. sewage sludge highlights the known analytes detected across 106 studies, and juxtaposes these data with a Chinese sludge analysis covering 159 studies, finding that U.S. average concentrations were higher than Chinese concentrations in 26 out of 34 tested organic chemicals. To further investigate the risk that sewage sludge poses when applied on agricultural land mixed with fertilizer as a soil amendment, a sewage sludge risk assessment that for the first time utilized Monte-Carlo simulations was performed to quantify the human health risk of metals present in sewage sludge applied on soils subject to involuntarily ingestion. This study found that while hazard indexes did not indicate a risk to humans for the metals studied, hundreds of other inorganic and organic chemicals are known to be present whose human health risks remain uncertain due to a lack of toxicological data. Among these contaminants are micro- and nanoplastics which contaminate not just sewage sludge but the entire globe. Application of existing models to the world’s oceans showed micro- and nanoplastics to constitute an important component of the total global plastic waste inventory, forecasting peak exposures of aquatic organisms (and by extension human populations) to occur in future years irrespective of what policy options will be implemented. A review of disposal options for sewage sludge illustrates the challenge of dealing with waste streams containing persistent or even indestructible contaminants such as perfluorinated organics, mass-produced fossil-fuel derived consumer plastics, and extensively mined toxic metals. The work presented here details the risks, both avoidable and unavoidable, that are present in the disposal of sewage sludge and plastics. The information presented in this dissertation may inform regulatory actions to promote environmentally responsible disposal and reuse of sewage sludge and highlights the need for industry to transition to the production of more sustainable plastics in order to reduce and ultimately eliminate sources of persistent long-term environmental pollution and their associated adverse human health and ecosystem impacts.
Date Created

Novel Applications of Wastewater-based Epidemiology for Assessing Population Nutrition, Infectious Disease, and Chronic Illness

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Traditional public health strategies for assessing human behavior, exposure, and activity are considered resource-exhaustive, time-consuming, and expensive, warranting a need for alternative methods to enhance data acquisition and subsequent interventions. This dissertation critically evaluated the use of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE)

Traditional public health strategies for assessing human behavior, exposure, and activity are considered resource-exhaustive, time-consuming, and expensive, warranting a need for alternative methods to enhance data acquisition and subsequent interventions. This dissertation critically evaluated the use of wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) as an inclusive and non-invasive tool for conducting near real-time population health assessments. A rigorous literature review was performed to gauge the current landscape of WBE to monitor for biomarkers indicative of diet, as well as exposure to estrogen-mimicking endocrine disrupting (EED) chemicals via route of ingestion. Wastewater-derived measurements of phytoestrogens from August 2017 through July 2019 (n = 156 samples) in a small sewer catchment revealed seasonal patterns, with highest average per capita consumption rates in January through March of each year (2018: 7.0 ± 2.0 mg d-1; 2019: 8.2 ± 2.3 mg d-1) and statistically significant differences (p = 0.01) between fall and winter (3.4 ± 1.2 vs. 6.1 ± 2.9 mg d-1; p ≤ 0.01) and spring and summer (5.6 ± 2.1 vs. 3.4 ± 1.5 mg d-1; p ≤ 0.01). Additional investigations, including a human gut microbial composition analysis of community wastewater, were performed to support a methodological framework for future implementation of WBE to assess population-level dietary behavior. In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, a high-frequency, high-resolution sample collection approach with public data sharing was implemented throughout the City of Tempe, Arizona, and analyzed for SARS-CoV-2 (E gene) from April 2020 through March 2021 (n = 1,556 samples). Results indicate early warning capability during the first wave (June 2020) compared to newly reported clinical cases (8.5 ± 2.1 days), later transitioning to a slight lagging indicator in December/January 2020-21 (-2.0 ± 1.4 days). A viral hotspot from within a larger catchment area was detected, prompting targeted interventions to successfully mitigate community spread; reinforcing the importance of sample collection within the sewer infrastructure. I conclude that by working in tandem with traditional approaches, WBE can enlighten a comprehensive understanding of population health, with methods and strategies implemented in this work recommended for future expansion to produce timely, actionable data in support of public health.
Date Created

Monitoring Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Global Wastewater Using Sewage Epidemiology

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This dissertation applies wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) to aqueous process flows to gauge the public health status concerning exposure and potential abuse of pharmaceuticals, antimicrobials, and narcotics. The masses of emerging contaminants emitted into Indian aquatic and terrestrial environments were the

This dissertation applies wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) to aqueous process flows to gauge the public health status concerning exposure and potential abuse of pharmaceuticals, antimicrobials, and narcotics. The masses of emerging contaminants emitted into Indian aquatic and terrestrial environments were the highest for open defecation (17 ± 12 mt/d), with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs dominating environmental loading (14 ± 10 mt/d), followed by antibiotics, antimicrobials, phthalates and miscellaneous pharmaceuticals (Chapter 2). Fourteen wastewater treatment plants sampled across the U.S. had a combined average mass loading of 71 ± 12 µg/d/capita for the antimicrobials triclosan and triclocarban, with paraben compounds contributing 19 ± 5 µg/d/US capita. Risk models showed unfavorable hazard quotients (HQ>1) for sensitive aquatic organisms (algae, zebra fish and rainbow trout) from predicted exposures to antimicrobials of alternative use, i.e., chlorhexidine and benzalkonium chloride (Chapter 3). Substances subject to licit and illicit use, monitored by WBE in a medium-sized southwestern U.S. city before and during COVID-19-related lockdowns, showed the highest mass loads for cocaine and its major metabolite benzoylecgonine (2,207 total), methadone and its major metabolite 2-Ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine (197), parent mitragynine (60), oxycodone and its major metabolite noroxycodone (48), heroin and its major metabolite 6-acetylmorphine (45), and parent codeine (37) in mg/1,000 capita/day. Heroin use during the lockdown increased ~10-fold relative to the pre-lockdown baseline, whereas oxycodone and codeine mass loading decreased 5-fold and 2.5-fold, respectively (Chapter 4). Experiments elucidating the stability of stress hormones and their metabolites as a function of temperature and in-sewer residence time revealed a rapid degradation to completion over 24 hours at 35°C, whereas lower temperatures of 25°C and 15°C were found to allow for successful tracking of indicators of stress at the population level; statistically significant differences in stress hormone decay rates were observed due to geographic locations at 25°C (p=0.009) but not due to redox conditions in the sewer pipe (Chapter 5). This thesis demonstrated the successful application of WBE for studying population health frequently and inexpensively, with the limitation that a lack of centralized wastewater infrastructure in developing countries may create barriers for at-risk populations to access and utilize this novel technology (Chapter 6).
Date Created