Microbiome and Virome Models of Human Health and Disease

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The human gut microbiome is associated with health outcomes including gastrointestinal and metabolic health, autoimmune disease and cancer. However, the role of the microbiome in many disease processes, including in the preterm gastrointestinal tract and female genital tract, has yet

The human gut microbiome is associated with health outcomes including gastrointestinal and metabolic health, autoimmune disease and cancer. However, the role of the microbiome in many disease processes, including in the preterm gastrointestinal tract and female genital tract, has yet to be defined. Further, the diverse community of viruses within the microbiome (the virome) is understudied compared to bacteria. Here, I examine the microbiome and virome in specific disease models that are poorly understood: necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), discordant HIV shedding in women living with HIV (WHLIV), female genital tract inflammation and gammaherpesvirus infection. Specifically, I examined the gut virome longitudinally in a cohort of preterm infants at risk for NEC; the female genital tract (FGT) microbiome and virome longitudinally in a cohort of WLHIV from Lima, Peru; the FGT virome in women from Phoenix, Arizona with differing levels of genital inflammation and different microbiome compositions; and the gut microbiome in murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) infection. Further, I contributed to research responding to the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Arizona. I found that 1) gut virome beta diversity decreased before NEC onset in preterm infants, suggesting a role for the virome in NEC; 2) FGT microbiome instability was associated with discordant HIV shedding, while FGT virome composition changed in association with ART duration and immune recovery; 3) FGT virome composition was associated with inflammation and microbiome composition; and 4) MHV68 infection outcomes were independent of microbiome perturbation, which may reflect environmental influences. The results of this research advance understanding of the microbiome and virome in these specific disease processes, and support further investigation of the microbiome and virome in preterm infant gastrointestinal health and FGT health, as well as environmental effects in microbiome research.
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Identifying novel smacoviruses in fecal samples from wild horses in Mesa, Arizona

Wild horses have roamed the Salt River in Mesa, Arizona since the early 1800s and contribute to the great diversity of the region. Conservation of the herd has been a primary focus for many years and a current focus is

Wild horses have roamed the Salt River in Mesa, Arizona since the early 1800s and contribute to the great diversity of the region. Conservation of the herd has been a primary focus for many years and a current focus is population stabilization, but little is known about their virome. Circoviridae, Genomoviridae, and Smacoviridae are the three Cressdnaviricota viruses that have been identified in horses to date. Smacoviridae is classified by the rolling circle replication-associated proteins (Rep) and has a small (2.3-2.9kb), circular, single-stranded genome. The goal of this study was to identify DNA viruses within the fecal samples of the Salt River horses. Samples were collected along the lower Salt River and analyzed in the lab using a metagenomics approach. There were 422 full novel genomes of smacoviruses detected across all samples that were grouped into 144 species based on the similarity of the pairwise identity. Phylogenetic analysis shows the smacoviruses from this study fall into 3 classified genera and the rest cluster into 11 new clades. These results expand the viral diversity associated with wild horses and Smacoviridae, and further studies are needed to determine the host of these viruses.
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A Study of Novel Polyomaviruses and Cycloviruses in Arizona Scorpions

Scorpions are predatory arachnids that are among the most ancient terrestrial invertebrates. They are typically found residing in desert and riparian environments. Viruses associated with scorpions have been explored in the past, unveiling partial RNA virus sequences and polyomaviruses, but

Scorpions are predatory arachnids that are among the most ancient terrestrial invertebrates. They are typically found residing in desert and riparian environments. Viruses associated with scorpions have been explored in the past, unveiling partial RNA virus sequences and polyomaviruses, but more research in this area is necessary. Cycloviruses are non-enveloped viruses with circular single-stranded DNA genomes (~1.7 to 1.9 kb). Cycloviruses were initially identified in mammals and have now been detected in samples from a wide range of mammalian and insect species. Polyomaviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses (~4 to 7 kb). They are known for causing tumors in the host it infects, and have previously been identified in a diverse array of organisms, including scorpions. The objective for this study was to identify known and novel viruses in scorpions. Using high-throughput sequencing and traditional molecular techniques we determine the genome sequences of cycloviruses and polyomaviruses. Sixteen of the forty-three scorpion samples were positive for eight different species of cycloviruses. According to ICTV guidelines, seven of the eight species were novel cycloviruses which were found in bark scorpions, stripe-tailed scorpions, yellow ground scorpions, and giant hairy scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus, Paravaejovis spinigerus, Paravaejovis confusus & Hadrurus arizonensis) from Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima county in Arizona, USA. Additionally, one previously known cyclovirus species was recovered in bark scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus) in Pima county which had previously been documented in guano from a Mexican free-tailed bat in Arizona. There were ten scorpions out of forty-three for which we recovered polyomavirus scorpion samples that grouped into four different polyomavirus species. Polyomaviruses were only identified in bark scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus) from Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima county. Of the polyomavirus genomes recovered three belong to previously identified scorpion polyomavirus 1 and five to scorpion polyomavirus 3, and two represent two new species named scorpion polyomavirus 4 and scorpion polyomavirus 5. The implications of the discovery of cycloviruses and polyomaviruses from this study contributes to our understanding of viral diversity associated with Scorpions.
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A Study of Novel Polyomaviruses and Cycloviruses in Arizona Scorpions

Scorpions are predatory arachnids that are among the most ancient terrestrial invertebrates. They are typically found residing in desert and riparian environments. Viruses associated with scorpions have been explored in the past, unveiling partial RNA virus sequences and polyomaviruses, but

Scorpions are predatory arachnids that are among the most ancient terrestrial invertebrates. They are typically found residing in desert and riparian environments. Viruses associated with scorpions have been explored in the past, unveiling partial RNA virus sequences and polyomaviruses, but more research in this area is necessary. Cycloviruses are non-enveloped viruses with circular single-stranded DNA genomes (~1.7 to 1.9 kb). Cycloviruses were initially identified in mammals and have now been detected in samples from a wide range of mammalian and insect species. Polyomaviruses are double-stranded DNA viruses (~4 to 7 kb). They are known for causing tumors in the host it infects, and have previously been identified in a diverse array of organisms, including scorpions. The objective for this study was to identify known and novel viruses in scorpions. Using high-throughput sequencing and traditional molecular techniques we determine the genome sequences of cycloviruses and polyomaviruses. Sixteen of the forty-three scorpion samples were positive for eight different species of cycloviruses. According to ICTV guidelines, seven of the eight species were novel cycloviruses which were found in bark scorpions, stripe-tailed scorpions, yellow ground scorpions, and giant hairy scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus, Paravaejovis spinigerus, Paravaejovis confusus & Hadrurus arizonensis) from Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima county in Arizona, USA. Additionally, one previously known cyclovirus species was recovered in bark scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus) in Pima county which had previously been documented in guano from a Mexican free-tailed bat in Arizona. There were ten scorpions out of forty-three for which we recovered polyomavirus scorpion samples that grouped into four different polyomavirus species. Polyomaviruses were only identified in bark scorpions (Centruroides sculpturatus) from Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima county. Of the polyomavirus genomes recovered three belong to previously identified scorpion polyomavirus 1 and five to scorpion polyomavirus 3, and two represent two new species named scorpion polyomavirus 4 and scorpion polyomavirus 5. The implications of the discovery of cycloviruses and polyomaviruses from this study contributes to our understanding of viral diversity associated with Scorpions.
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The Mechanisms of Alpha Herpesvirus Intracellular Trafficking and Exocytosis

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Alpha herpesviruses are a family of neuroinvasive viruses that infect multiplevertebrate species. Alpha herpesviruses are responsible for human and livestock infections, most notably Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), and Pseudorabies Virus (PRV). PRV is a potent swine

Alpha herpesviruses are a family of neuroinvasive viruses that infect multiplevertebrate species. Alpha herpesviruses are responsible for human and livestock infections, most notably Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), and Pseudorabies Virus (PRV). PRV is a potent swine virus that can infect other mammals, and results in lethal encephalitis that can be devastating to livestock and of great financial expense to farmers. HSV, types 1 and 2, and VZV are widespread throughout the global human population, with estimates of the HSV-1 burden at about 60% of people worldwide. The hallmark of alpha herpesvirus infection is a persistent, lifelong infection that can reactivate throughout the lifespan of the host. Currently, the precise mechanisms of how these viruses undergo intracellular trafficking to emerge from the infected cell in epithelial tissues is not well understood. Many insights have been made with PRV in animal neurons, both in culture systems and animal models, about the viral genes and host factors involved in these processes. However, understanding of these mechanisms, and the interplay between viral and host proteins, in the human pathogen HSV-1 is even more lacking. Using recombinant fluorescent virus strains of HSV-1 and Total Internal Reflection Microscopy to image the transport of mature viral progeny in epithelial cells, it was determined that the egress of HSV-1 uses constitutive cellular secretory pathways. Specifically, the viral progeny traffic from the trans-Golgi network to the site of exocytosis at the plasma membrane via Rab6a secretory vesicles. This work will contribute to the understanding of how alpha herpesviruses complete their lifecycles in host cells, particularly at the sites where infection initially occurs and can spread to a new organism. Knowledge of these processes may lead to the development of therapeutics or prophylactics to reduce the burden of these viruses.
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MicroRNAs Regulate Alternative Splicing and Tissue Differentiation

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Precise modulation of gene expression is essential for proper tissue and cell-specific differentiation and function. Multiple distinct post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, such as miRNA (microRNA)-based regulation and alternative polyadenylation (APA), are an intrinsic part of this modulation and orchestrate intricate pathways

Precise modulation of gene expression is essential for proper tissue and cell-specific differentiation and function. Multiple distinct post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms, such as miRNA (microRNA)-based regulation and alternative polyadenylation (APA), are an intrinsic part of this modulation and orchestrate intricate pathways to achieve and maintain balanced gene expression.MiRNA-based regulation and APA function through sequence motifs located in the 3’ Untranslated Region (3’UTR) of mRNA transcripts. MiRNAs are short (~22 nt) non-coding RNA molecules that bind target sequences within the 3’UTR of an mRNA transcript, inhibiting its translation or promoting its degradation. APA occurs during RNA transcription termination and leads to the preparation of mature mRNAs with different 3’UTR lengths, allowing shorter 3’UTRs to bypass miRNA regulation. In addition to these two post-transcriptional forms of regulation, co-transcriptional mechanisms such as alternative RNA splicing, which produces distinct gene products from a precursor mRNA, are also important in controlling gene expression. While miRNA-based regulation, APA, and alternative RNA splicing are important regulatory mechanisms, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of how they interact and communicate with each other. This thesis studies these three forms of gene regulation in the nematode C. elegans, with the goal of extracting rules and mechanisms used by each of them in development to establish and maintain somatic tissue identity. After isolating miRNA targets in multiple C. elegans somatic tissues, it was found that miRNAs can modulate the abundance of hnRNPs and SR proteins, which are known to control alternative RNA splicing in a dosage-dependent manner.To identify tissue-specific miRNAs, a nuclear fluorescent cell sorting (FACS)-based methodology named Nuc-Seq, was developed to isolate and sequence tissue-specific miRNAs from body muscle tissue. Nuc-Seq identified 2,848 muscle-specific protein-coding genes and 16 body muscle-specific miRNAs. This data was used to develop a high-quality body muscle-specific miRNA-APA Interactome which allows studies in regulatory processes in detail. Taken together, this work highlights some of the complexity of pre- and post-transcriptional gene regulation and sheds light on how miRNA-based regulation, APA, and alternative RNA splicing are interconnected and are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of tissue identity.
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Metagenomic Analysis of DNA Virus Diversity in the Rodent Families Cricetidae and Heteromyidae

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Identification of Novel Circular DNA Viruses from Coyote (Canis latrans) Scat

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Despite the prevalence of coyotes (Canis latrans) little is known about the viruses associated with this species. To assess the extent of viral research that has been conducted on coyotes, a literature review was performed. Over the last six decades,

Despite the prevalence of coyotes (Canis latrans) little is known about the viruses associated with this species. To assess the extent of viral research that has been conducted on coyotes, a literature review was performed. Over the last six decades, there have been many viruses that have been identified infecting coyotes. The pathology of some cases implies that infection is rare and lethal while others have been demonstrated to be endemic to coyotes. In addition, the majority of the prior analyses were done through serological assays that were limited to investigating target viruses. To help expand what is known about coyote-virus dynamics, viral assays were conducted on coyote scat. The samples were collected as part of transects established along the Salt River near Phoenix, Arizona, United States (USA). The recovered viral genomes were clustered with other deoxynucleic acid (DNA) viruses and analyzed to determine phylogeny and genetic identity. From the recovered viral genomes, there are two novel circoviruses, one novel naryavirus, five unclassified cressdnaviruses, and two previously identified species of anelloviruses from the Wawtorquevirus genus. For these viruses, new phylogenies for their groups and pairwise identity plots have been generated. These figures give insight into the potential hosts and the evolutionary history. In the case of the anelloviruses, they likely derived from a wood rat (Neotoma) host, given the anellovirus family’s host specificity and its similarity to another viral genome derived from a wood rat in Arizona, USA. Of the recovered circovirus genomes, one is associated with a viral isolate collected from a dust sample in Arizona, USA. The second circovirus species identified is within a clade that consists of rodent associated circoviruses and canine circovirus. Other recovered genomes expand clusters of unclassified cressdnaviruses. The recovered genomes support further genomic analysis. These findings help support the notion that there is a wealth of viral information to be identified from animals like coyotes. By understanding the viruses that coyotes are associated with, it is possible to better understand the viral impact on the urban environment, domesticated animals, and wildlife in general.
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Monkeypox Virus: The Battle between Necroptosis Inhibition and the Antiviral Innate Response

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Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is an orthopoxvirus that causes smallpox-like disease and has up to a 10% mortality rate, depending on the infectious strain. The global eradication of the smallpox virus has led to the decrease in smallpox vaccinations, which has

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) is an orthopoxvirus that causes smallpox-like disease and has up to a 10% mortality rate, depending on the infectious strain. The global eradication of the smallpox virus has led to the decrease in smallpox vaccinations, which has led to a drastic increase in the number of human MPXV cases. MPXV has been named the most important orthopoxvirus to infect humans since the eradication of smallpox and has been the causative agent of the 2022 world-wide MPXV outbreak. Despite being highly pathogenic, MPXV contains a natural truncation at the N-terminus of its E3 homologue. Vaccinia virus (VACV) E3 protein has two domains: an N- terminus Z-form nucleic acid binding domain (Z-BD) and a C-terminus double stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD). Both domains are required for pathogenesis, interferon (IFN) resistance, and protein kinase R (PKR) inhibition. The N-terminus is required for evasion of Z-DNA binding protein 1 (ZBP1)-dependent necroptosis. ZBP1 binding to Z- form deoxyribonucleic acid/ribonucleic acid (Z-DNA/RNA) leads to activation of receptor-interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) leading to mixed lineage kinase domain- like (MLKL) phosphorylation, aggregation and cell death. This study investigated how different cell lines combat MPXV infection and how MPXV has evolved ways to circumvent the host response. MPXV is shown to inhibit necroptosis in L929 cells by degrading RIPK3 through the viral inducer of RIPK3 degradation (vIRD) and by inhibiting MLKL aggregation. Additionally, the data shows that IFN treatment efficiently inhibits MPXV replication in a ZBP1-, RIPK3-, and MLKL- dependent manner, but independent of necroptosis. Also, the data suggests that an IFN inducer with a pancaspase or proteasome inhibitor could potentially be a beneficial treatment against MPXV infections. Furthermore, it reveals a link between PKR and pathogen-induced necroptosis that has not been previously described.
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Exploration of Aggregation and Multivalency as Viral Inhibition Strategies

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Scientists are entrusted with developing novel molecular strategies for effective prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. Antivirals are indispensable tools that can be targeted at viral domains directly or at cellular domains indirectly to obstruct viral infections and reduce pathogenicity. Despite their

Scientists are entrusted with developing novel molecular strategies for effective prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. Antivirals are indispensable tools that can be targeted at viral domains directly or at cellular domains indirectly to obstruct viral infections and reduce pathogenicity. Despite their transformative potential in healthcare, to date, antivirals have been clinically approved to treat only 10 out of the greater than 200 known pathogenic human viruses. Additionally, as obligate intracellular parasites, many virus functions are intimately coupled with host cellular processes. As such, the development of a clinically relevant antiviral is challenged by the limited number of clear targets per virus and necessitates an extensive insight into these molecular processes. Compounding this challenge, many viral pathogens have evolved to evade effective antivirals. Therefore, a means to develop virus- or strain-specific antivirals without detailed insight into each idiosyncratic biochemical mechanism may aid in the development of antivirals against a larger swath of pathogens. Such an approach will tremendously benefit from having the specific molecular recognition of viral species as the lowest barrier. Here, I modify a nanobody (anti-green fluorescent protein) that specifically recognizes non-essential epitopes (glycoprotein M-pHluorin chimera) presented on the extra virion surface of a virus (Pseudorabies virus strain 486). The nanobody switches from having no inhibitory properties (tested up to 50 μM) to ∼3 nM IC50 in in vitro infectivity assays using porcine kidney (PK15) cells. The nanobody modifications use highly reliable bioconjugation to a three-dimensional wireframe deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) origami scaffold. Mechanistic studies suggest that inhibition is mediated by the DNA origami scaffold bound to the virus particle, which obstructs the internalization of the viruses into cells, and that inhibition is enhanced by avidity resulting from multivalent virus and scaffold interactions. The assembled nanostructures demonstrate negligible cytotoxicity (<10 nM) and sufficient stability, further supporting their therapeutic potential. If translatable to other viral species and epitopes, this approach may open a new strategy that leverages existing infrastructures – monoclonal antibody development, phage display, and in vitro evolution - for rapidly developing novel antivirals in vivo.
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