Start to Signal: A Novel Approach to Isothermal Assay Design for Point-of-care Detection of Emerging Pathogens

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Emerging pathogens present several challenges to medical diagnostics. Primarily, the exponential spread of a novel pathogen through naïve populations require a rapid and overwhelming diagnostic response at the site of outbreak. While point-of-care (PoC) platforms have been developed for detection

Emerging pathogens present several challenges to medical diagnostics. Primarily, the exponential spread of a novel pathogen through naïve populations require a rapid and overwhelming diagnostic response at the site of outbreak. While point-of-care (PoC) platforms have been developed for detection of antigens, serologic responses, and pathogenic genomes, only nucleic acid diagnostics currently have the potential to be developed and manufactured within weeks of an outbreak owing to the speed of next-generation sequencing and custom DNA synthesis. Among nucleic acid diagnostics, isothermal amplification strategies are uniquely suited for PoC implementation due to their simple instrumentation and lack of thermocycling requirement. Unfortunately, isothermal strategies are currently prone to spurious nonspecific amplification, hindering their specificity and necessitating extensive empirical design pipelines that are both time and resource intensive. In this work, isothermal amplification strategies are extensively compared for their feasibility of implementation in outbreak response scenarios. One such technology, Loop-mediated Amplification (LAMP), is identified as having high-potential for rapid development and PoC deployment. Various approaches to abrogating nonspecific amplification are described including a novel in silico design tool based on coarse-grained simulation of interactions between thermophilic DNA polymerase and DNA strands in isothermal reaction conditions. Nonspecific amplification is shown to be due to stabilization of primer secondary structures by high concentrations of Bst DNA polymerase and a mechanism of micro-complement-mediated cross-priming is demonstrated as causal via nanopore sequencing of nonspecific reaction products. The resulting computational model predicts primer set background in 64% of 67 test assays and its usefulness is illustrated further by determining problematic primers in a West Nile Virus-specific LAMP primer set and optimizing primer 3’ nucleotides to eliminate micro-complements within the reaction, resulting in inhibition of background accumulation. Finally, the emergence of Orthopox monkeypox (MPXV) as a recurring threat is discussed and SimCycle is utilized to develop a novel technique for clade-specific discrimination of MPXV based on bridging viral genomic rearrangements (Bridging LAMP). Bridging LAMP is implemented in a 4-plex microfluidic format and demonstrates 100% sensitivity in detection of 100 copies of viral lysates and 45 crude MPXV-positive patient samples collected during the 2022 Clade IIb outbreak.
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CD8+ T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2

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The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, declared in March 2020 resulted in an unprecedented scientific effort that led to the deployment in less than a year of several vaccines to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death from

The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic, declared in March 2020 resulted in an unprecedented scientific effort that led to the deployment in less than a year of several vaccines to prevent severe disease, hospitalizations, and death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Most vaccine models focus on the production of neutralizing antibodies against the spike (S) to prevent infection. As the virus evolves, new variants emerge that evade neutralizing antibodies produced by natural infection and vaccination, while memory T cell responses are long-lasting and resilient to most of the changes found in variants of concern (VOC). Several lines of evidence support the study of T cell-mediated immunity in SARS-CoV-2 infections. First, T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 is found in both (cluster of differentiation) CD4+ and CD8+ T cell compartments in asymptomatic, mild, and severe recovered COVID-19 patients. Second, an early and stronger CD8+ T cell response correlates with less severe COVID-19 disease [1-4]. Third, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells that are reactive to SARS-CoV-2 viral antigens are found in healthy unexposed individuals suggesting that cross-reactive and conserved epitopes may be protective against infection. The current study is focused on the T cell-mediated response, with special attention to conserved, non-spike-cross-reactive epitopes that may be protective against SARS-CoV-2. The first chapter reviews the importance of epitope prediction in understanding the T cell-mediated responses to a pathogen. The second chapter centers on the validation of SARS-CoV-2 CD8+ T cell predicted peptides to find conserved, immunodominant, and immunoprevalent epitopes that can be incorporated into the next generation of vaccines against severe COVID-19 disease. The third chapter explores pre-existing immunity to SARS-CoV-2 in a pre-pandemic cohort and finds two highly immunogenic epitopes that are conserved among human common cold coronaviruses (HCoVs). To end, the fourth chapter explores the concept of T cell receptor (TCR) cross-reactivity by isolating SARS-CoV-2-reactive TCRs to elucidate the mechanisms of cross-reactivity to SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses (HCoVs).
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Determining the Role of Innate Immune Elements on RNA Viral Replication and Understanding Factors that Impact Adaptive T cell Anti-tumoral Activity Against Metastatic Osteosarcoma (mOS)

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The innate immune system serves as an immediate response to pathogenic infection and an informant to the adaptive immune system. The 2′,5′-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase (OAS)–RNase-L system is a component of the innate immune system induced by interferons (IFNs) and serves

The innate immune system serves as an immediate response to pathogenic infection and an informant to the adaptive immune system. The 2′,5′-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase (OAS)–RNase-L system is a component of the innate immune system induced by interferons (IFNs) and serves to eliminate viral infections. In humans, three enzymatically active OAS proteins exist, OAS1, OAS2, and OAS3. Recent evidence suggests variations in cellular localization of OAS proteins may influence the impact and influence of those proteins on viral replication. However, viral suppression mechanisms involving specific OAS proteins are still unclear for most viruses. Here, I overexpress different isoforms of OAS and determined that though viruses within the same family have similar replication strategies, the extent to which each OAS protein impacts viral replication for Flaviviruses, and Alphaviruses varies. In contrast to the innate immune system, the adaptive immune system provides specific and long-lived immune responses. In the context of cancer, T cells have been shown to play a prominent role in tumor regression. It has previously been demonstrated that administration α-CTLA-4/α-PD-L1 immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) to mice inoculated with a K7M2 metastatic osteosarcoma (mOS) cell line resulted in ~50% survival. Here, I sought to determine biological differences among murine responders and non-responders to ICB for mOS to understand better what factors could increase ICB efficacy. A prospective culprit is a variance in circulating antibodies (Abs). I have shown that sera from mice, before inoculation with mOS or ICB, display distinct differences in Ab repertoire between responders and non-responders, suggesting the presence or absence of particular Abs may influence the outcome of ICB. Recent studies have also shown that malleable environmental factors, such as differences in microbiome composition, can yield subsequent changes in circulating Abs. Strong associations have been made between host-microbiome interactions and their effects on health. Here, I study potential associations of microbiome-mediated impacts on ICB efficacy for mOS. Additionally, I sought to determine potential changes in T-cellular response to mOS due to modulations in microbiome composition and showed that ICB efficacy can change in conjunction with microbiome composition changes in a murine model.
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Development of Adaptive Therapy Protocols for Cancer

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Resistance to existing anti-cancer drugs poses a key challenge in the field of medical oncology, in that it results in the tumor not responding to treatment using the same medications to which it responded previously, leading to treatment failure. Adaptive

Resistance to existing anti-cancer drugs poses a key challenge in the field of medical oncology, in that it results in the tumor not responding to treatment using the same medications to which it responded previously, leading to treatment failure. Adaptive therapy utilizes evolutionary principles of competitive suppression, leveraging competition between drug resistant and drug sensitive cells, to keep the population of drug resistant cells under control, thereby extending time to progression (TTP), relative to standard treatment using maximum tolerated dose (MTD). Development of adaptive therapy protocols is challenging, as it involves many parameters, and the number of parameters increase exponentially for each additional drug. Furthermore, the drugs could have a cytotoxic (killing cells directly), or a cytostatic (inhibiting cell division) mechanism of action, which could affect treatment outcome in important ways. I have implemented hybrid agent-based computational models to investigate adaptive therapy, using either a single drug (cytotoxic or cytostatic), or two drugs (cytotoxic or cytostatic), simulating three different adaptive therapy protocols for treatment using a single drug (dose modulation, intermittent, dose-skipping), and seven different treatment protocols for treatment using two drugs: three dose modulation (DM) protocols (DM Cocktail Tandem, DM Ping-Pong Alternate Every Cycle, DM Ping-Pong on Progression), and four fixed-dose (FD) protocols (FD Cocktail Intermittent, FD Ping-Pong Intermittent, FD Cocktail Dose-Skipping, FD Ping-Pong Dose-Skipping). The results indicate a Goldilocks level of drug exposure to be optimum, with both too little and too much drug having adverse effects. Adaptive therapy works best under conditions of strong cellular competition, such as high fitness costs, high replacement rates, or high turnover. Clonal competition is an important determinant of treatment outcome, and as such treatment using two drugs leads to more favorable outcome than treatment using a single drug. Switching drugs every treatment cycle (ping-pong) protocols work particularly well, as well as cocktail dose modulation, particularly when it is feasible to have a highly sensitive measurement of tumor burden. In general, overtreating seems to have adverse survival outcome, and triggering a treatment vacation, or stopping treatment sooner when the tumor is shrinking seems to work well.
Date Created

CD8+ T Cell Receptor Characterization in HPV Associated Head and Neck Cancer

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The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus responsible for causing upwards of 80% of head and neck cancers in the oropharyngeal region. Current treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, are aggressive and elicit toxic effects. HPV is a

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a double-stranded DNA virus responsible for causing upwards of 80% of head and neck cancers in the oropharyngeal region. Current treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation, are aggressive and elicit toxic effects. HPV is a pathogen that expresses viral-specific oncogenic proteins that play a role in cancer progression. These proteins may serve as potential targets for immunotherapeutic applications. Engineered T cell receptor (TCR) therapy may be an advantageous approach for HPV-associated cancers. In TCR therapy, TCRs are modified to express a receptor that is specific to an immunogenic antigen (part of the virus/cancer capable of eliciting an immune response). Since HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancers typically express unique viral proteins, it is important to identify the TCRs capable of recognizing these proteins. Evidence supports that head and neck cancers typically experience high levels of immune cell infiltration and are subsequently associated with increased survival rates. Most of the immune cell infiltrations in HPV+ HNSCC are CD8+ T lymphocytes, drawing attention to their prospective use in cellular immunotherapies. While TCRs are highly specific, the TCR repertoire is extremely diverse; enabling the immune system to fight off numerous pathogens. In project 1, I review approaches to analyzing TCR diversity and explore the use of DNA origami in retrieving paired TCR sequences from a population. The results determine that DNA origami can be used within a monoclonal population but requires further optimization before being applied in a polyclonal setting. In project 2, I investigate HPV-specific T-cell dysfunction; I detect low frequency HPV-specific CD8+ T cells, determine that they are tumor specific, and show that HPV+HNSCC patients exhibit increased epitope-specific levels of CD8+T cell exhaustion. In project 3, I apply methods to expand and isolate TCRαβ sequences derived from donors stimulated with a previously identified HPV epitope. Single-cell analysis provide ten unique TCRαβ pairs with corresponding CDR3 sequences that may serve as therapeutic candidates. This thesis contributes to fundamental immunology by contributing to the knowledge of T cell dysfunction within HPV+HNSCC and further reveals TCR gene usage within an HPV stimulated population, thus identifying potential TCR pairs for adoptive cell therapies.
Date Created

Biomarker Discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease Using NAPPA and In Vivo Crystallization in Baculovirus-Infected Insect Cells for Structural Biology

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Proteins are a large collection of biomolecules that orchestrate the vital

cellular processes of life. The last decade has witnessed dramatic advances in the

field of proteomics, which broadly include characterizing the composition, structure,

functions, interactions, and modifications of numerous proteins in biological

Proteins are a large collection of biomolecules that orchestrate the vital

cellular processes of life. The last decade has witnessed dramatic advances in the

field of proteomics, which broadly include characterizing the composition, structure,

functions, interactions, and modifications of numerous proteins in biological systems,

and elucidating how the miscellaneous components collectively contribute to the

phenotypes associated with various disorders. Such large-scale proteomics studies

have steadily gained momentum with the evolution of diverse high-throughput

technologies. This work illustrates the development of novel high-throughput

proteomics platforms and their applications in translational and structural biology. In

Chapter 1, nucleic acid programmable protein arrays displaying the human

proteomes were applied to immunoprofiling of paired serum and cerebrospinal fluid

samples from patients with Alzheimer’s disease. This high-throughput

immunoproteomic approach allows us to investigate the global antibody responses

associated with Alzheimer’s disease and potentially identify the diagnostic

autoantibody biomarkers. In Chapter 2, a versatile proteomic pipeline based on the

baculovirus-insect cell expression system was established to enable high-throughput

gene cloning, protein production, in vivo crystallization and sample preparation for Xray diffraction. In conjunction with the advanced crystallography methods, this endto-end pipeline promises to substantially facilitate the protein structural

determination. In Chapter 3, modified nucleic acid programmable protein arrays

were developed and used for probing protein-protein interactions at the proteome

level. From the perspective of biomarker discovery, structural proteomics, and

protein interaction networks, this work demonstrated the power of high-throughput

proteomics technologies in myriad applications for proteome-scale structural,

functional, and biomedical research.
Date Created

Expression and Purification of HPV Proteins for Early Detection of Head and Neck Cancer

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Recent studies have shown that human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a role in development of cancers, one of which is head and neck cancer. There is strong and consistent molecular evidence demonstrating that human papillomavirus (HPV) is an etiological cause of

Recent studies have shown that human papillomavirus (HPV) plays a role in development of cancers, one of which is head and neck cancer. There is strong and consistent molecular evidence demonstrating that human papillomavirus (HPV) is an etiological cause of these oropharyngeal cancers. Despite the introduction of HPV vaccines, there is still an increase in human papillomavirus associated OPC (HPVOPC) and it is expected that the incidence of head and neck cancer, specifically oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) will increase. The aim of this study is to utilize human papillomavirus (HPV) seropositivity for rapid detection of HPV early specific antigen-antibodies using a lateral flow assay.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 proteins of interest, E7, E6 and CE2 were expressed and purified in E. coli for detection of specific antibodies using lateral flow assay because viral and host factors impact the serologic responses to HPV early antigens in HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer. 17 samples and 5 controls with already known antibody reactivity from ELISA analysis were selected for HPV serologic responses. The lateral flow strip was evaluated for its color band intensity using Image J software. Peak area was used to quantify the color intensity of the lateral flow strip. Out of the 17 samples, 11 (64.7%) showed high antibody levels to E7, 12 (70.6%) showed high Ab levels to E6 and 6 (35.3%) showed high Ab levels to CE2. Correlation coefficient between antibody detection by sight and ELISA for E7, CE2 and E6 were 0.6614, 0.4845 and 0.2372 respectively and correlation coefficient between lateral flow assay and ELISA for E7, CE2 and E6 were 0.3480, 0.1716 and 0.1644 respectively. This further proves patients or samples with HPV 16 oropharyngeal cancer have detectable antibodies to early E7, E6 and E2 proteins, which are potential biomarkers for HPV-associated oropharyngeal cancer.
Date Created

Circulating Biomarkers for Cancer Immunoprofiling

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Biomarkers find a wide variety of applications in oncology from risk assessment to diagnosis and predicting and monitoring recurrence and response to therapy. Developing clinically useful biomarkers for cancer is faced with several challenges, including cancer heterogeneity and factors related

Biomarkers find a wide variety of applications in oncology from risk assessment to diagnosis and predicting and monitoring recurrence and response to therapy. Developing clinically useful biomarkers for cancer is faced with several challenges, including cancer heterogeneity and factors related to assay development and biomarker performance. Circulating biomarkers offer a rapid, cost-effective, and minimally-invasive window to disease and are ideal for population-based screening. Circulating immune biomarkers are stable, measurable, and can betray the underlying antigen when present below detection levels or even no longer present. This dissertation aims to investigate potential circulating immune biomarkers with applications in cancer detection and novel therapies. Over 600,000 cancers each year are attributed to the human papillomavirus (HPV), including cervical, anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers. A key challenge in understanding HPV immunobiology and developing immune biomarkers is the diversity of HPV types and the need for multiplexed display of HPV antigens. In Project 1, nucleic acid programmable protein arrays displaying the proteomes of 12 HPV types were developed and used for serum immunoprofiling of women with cervical lesions or invasive cervical cancer. These arrays provide a valuable high-throughput tool for measuring the breadth, specificity, heterogeneity, and cross-reactivity of the serologic response to HPV. Project 2 investigates potential biomarkers of immunity to the bacterial CRISPR/Cas9 system that is currently in clinical trials for cancer. Pre-existing B cell and T cell immune responses to Cas9 were detected in humans and Cas9 was modified to eliminate immunodominant epitopes while preserving its function and specificity. This dissertation broadens our understanding of the immunobiology of cervical cancer and provides insights into the immune profiles that could serve as biomarkers of various applications in cancer.
Date Created

Modeling, Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Highly Sensitive Fluorescence-based Detection Platform for Point-of-Care Applications

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Over the past several decades, there has been a growing interest in the use of fluorescent probes in low-cost diagnostic devices for resource-limited environments. This dissertation details the design, development, and deployment of an inexpensive, multiplexed, and quantitative, fluorescence-based lateral

Over the past several decades, there has been a growing interest in the use of fluorescent probes in low-cost diagnostic devices for resource-limited environments. This dissertation details the design, development, and deployment of an inexpensive, multiplexed, and quantitative, fluorescence-based lateral flow immunoassay platform, in light of the specific constraints associated with resource-limited settings.

This effort grew out of the need to develop a highly sensitive, field-deployable platform to be used as a primary screening and early detection tool for serologic biomarkers for the high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) infection. A hrHPV infection is a precursor for developing high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2/3+). Early detection requires high sensitivity and a low limit-of-detection (LOD). To this end, the developed platform (DxArray) takes advantage of the specificity of immunoassays and the selectivity of fluorescence for early disease detection. The long term goal is to improve the quality of life for several hundred million women globally, at risk of being infected with hrHPV.

The developed platform uses fluorescent labels over the gold-standard colorimetric labels in a compact, high-sensitivity lateral flow assay configuration. It is also compatible with POC settings as it substitutes expensive and bulky light sources for LEDs, low-light CMOS cameras, and photomultiplier tubes for photodiodes, in a transillumination architecture, and eliminates the need for expensive focusing/transfer optics. The platform uses high-quality interference filters at less than $1 each, enabling a rugged and robust design suitable for field use.

The limit of detection (LOD) of the developed platform is within an order of magnitude of centralized laboratory diagnostic instruments. It enhances the LOD of absorbance or reflectometric and visual readout lateral flow assays by 2 - 3 orders of magnitude. This system could be applied toward any chemical or bioanalytical procedure that requires a high performance at low-cost.

The knowledge and techniques developed in this effort is relevant to the community of researchers and industry developers looking to deploy inexpensive, quantitative, and highly sensitive diagnostic devices to resource-limited settings.
Date Created

Genome-driven targeted cancer therapy

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Cancer is a heterogeneous disease with discrete oncogenic mechanisms. P53 mutation is the most common oncogenic mutation in many cancers including breast cancer. This dissertation focuses on fundamental genetic alterations enforced by p53 mutation as an indirect target. p53 mutation

Cancer is a heterogeneous disease with discrete oncogenic mechanisms. P53 mutation is the most common oncogenic mutation in many cancers including breast cancer. This dissertation focuses on fundamental genetic alterations enforced by p53 mutation as an indirect target. p53 mutation upregulates the mevalonate pathway genes altering cholesterol biosynthesis and prenylation. Prenylation, a lipid modification, is required for small GTPases signaling cascades. Project 1 demonstrates that prenylation inhibition can specifically target cells harboring p53 mutation resulting in reduced tumor proliferation and migration. Mutating p53 is associated with Ras and RhoA activation and statin prevents this activity by inhibiting prenylation. Ras-related pathway genes were selected from the transcriptomic analysis for evaluating correlation to statin sensitivity. A gene signature of seventeen genes and TP53 genotype (referred to as MPR signature) is generated to predict response to statins. MPR signature is validated through two datasets of drug screening in cell lines. As advancements in targeted gene modification are rising, the CRISPR-Cas9 technology has emerged as a new cancer therapeutic strategy. One of the important risk factors in gene therapy is the immune recognition of the exogenous therapeutic tool, resulting in obstruction of treatment and possibly serious health consequences. Project 2 describes a method development that can potentially improve the safety and efficacy of gene-targeting proteins. A cohort of 155 healthy individuals was screened for pre-existing B cell and T cell immune response to the S. pyogenes Cas9 protein. We detected antibodies against Cas9 in more than 10% of the healthy population and identified two immunodominant T cell epitopes of this protein. A de-immunized Cas9 that maintains the wild-type functionality was engineered by mutating the identified T cell epitopes. The gene signature and method described here have the potential to improve strategies for genome-driven tumor targeting.
Date Created