Computerized Maintenance Management Systems: Misconceptions Between Management & Operations

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Research findings have shown that many computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are largely underutilized, often leading to the loss of efficiencies in the organization’s maintenance program. A literature review is presented of the available research in CMMS and of operations

Research findings have shown that many computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are largely underutilized, often leading to the loss of efficiencies in the organization’s maintenance program. A literature review is presented of the available research in CMMS and of operations and management roles in a maintenance program. In addition, research was conducted around CMMS users to identify if any misalignments exist between management and operations. The articles selected for review offer a variety of perspectives, considerations, instructions, and noted failures involved with implementation, day to day use and reporting expectations. Through conducting a survey of both management and operations this paper will show how management and operations conceptions of CMMS vary, even greatly in some areas. The objective of this research is to gain an in-depth perspective from CMMS in all roles and analyze where utilizations vary. This information will then be utilized to understand possible misconceptions between roles, leading to inaccuracies and sub-par outcomes of proposed CMMS implementations.
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Evaluation of emerging sustainable residential construction technologies in the Twin Cities Metro Area

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The intent of this study was to identify the most viable among a proposive sample of emerging sustainable construction technologies with respect to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Geographic Area. With space heating and space cooling accounting for such a significant

The intent of this study was to identify the most viable among a proposive sample of emerging sustainable construction technologies with respect to the Twin Cities Metropolitan Geographic Area. With space heating and space cooling accounting for such a significant portion of energy consumption in Twin Cities homes, a representative sample of homes was analyzed for annual heating and cooling loads. For each home a series of heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and envelope equipment was modeled in order to provide data for various sustainable home construction technologies. The result was a specific amount of energy savings from baseline construction methods for each sustainable technology. The study found that integrated geothermal heat pump and radiant conditioning systems have a far greater impact on energy savings than the construction methods evaluated. Nevertheless, insulated concrete forms provided the greatest energy savings within the proposive set of construction methods. The greatest amount of space conditioning energy savings of all configurations tested was 73.48% using an integrated geothermal heat pump and radiant conditioning system, structural insulated panel wall construction, aerosol air infiltration prevention, and insulated concrete form basement construction. The results of the study were used to determine areas for further research and to provide awareness within the Twin Cities construction enterprise to determine the most viable technologies that contractors, municipalities, and citizens should prioritize moving forward.
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Meta-Analysis of the Healthcare Facility Management Workforce: A Learning Framework to Address the 2030 Succession Challenge

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This research seeks to better understand the current state of US healthcare FM industry hiring practices from colleges and universities to identify potential employment barriers into healthcare FM and interventions to help overcome them. Two national surveys were distributed

This research seeks to better understand the current state of US healthcare FM industry hiring practices from colleges and universities to identify potential employment barriers into healthcare FM and interventions to help overcome them. Two national surveys were distributed to healthcare facility managers and directors to collect quantifiable information on healthcare organizations, hiring practices from FM academic programs, individual demographics, and opinions of FM college graduates. Designated survey respondents were also contacted for phone interviews. Additionally, a Delphi method was used for this research to draw upon the collective knowledge and experience of 13 experts over three iterative rounds of input.

Results indicate that the healthcare FM industry is hiring very few college interns and new college graduates for entry-level management jobs. Strong homogeneousness demographics, backgrounds, and paths of entry among existing healthcare FM professionals has created an industry bias against candidates attempting to enter healthcare FM from non-traditional sources. The healthcare FM industry’s principal source for new talent comes from building trade succession within healthcare organizations. However, continuing to rely on building tradespersons as the main path of entry into the healthcare FM industry may prove problematic. Most existing healthcare facility managers and directors will be retiring within 10 years, yet it is taking more than 17 years of full-time work experience to prepare building tradespersons to assume these roles.

New college graduates from FM academic programs are a viable recruitment source for new talent into healthcare FM as younger professionals are commonly entering the healthcare FM through the path of higher education. Although few new college graduates enter the healthcare FM industry, they are experiencing similar promotion timeframes compared to other candidate with many years of full-time work experience. Unfamiliarity with FM academic programs, work experience requirements, limited entry-level jobs within small organizations, low pay, and a limited exposure to healthcare industry topics present challenges for new FM college graduates attempting to enter the healthcare FM industry. This study shows that gaps indeed exist in student learning outcomes for a comprehensive healthcare FM education; key technical topics specific to the healthcare industry are not being addressed by organizations accrediting construction and facility management academic programs. A framework is proposed for a comprehensive healthcare FM education including accreditation, regulatory and code compliance, infection control, systems in healthcare facilities, healthcare construction project management and methods, and clinical operations and medical equipment. Interestingly, academics in the field of FM generally disagree with industry professionals that these technical topics are important student learning outcomes. Consequently, FM academics prefer to teach students general FM principles with the expectation that specific technical knowledge will be gained in the workplace after graduation from college. Nevertheless, candidates attempting to enter healthcare FM without industry specific knowledge are disadvantaged due to industry perceptions and expectations. University-industry linkage must be improved to successfully attract students into the field of healthcare FM and establish colleges and universities as a sustainable recruitment source in helping address FM attrition.

This paper is valuable in establishing the current state of the US healthcare industry’s hiring practices from FM academic programs and identifying major barriers of entering the healthcare FM industry for new FM college graduates. Findings facilitate development of interventions by healthcare organizations and universities to further open FM academic programs as a sustainable source of new talent to help address healthcare FM attrition, including a healthcare FM education framework to elucidate college student learning outcomes for successful employment in healthcare FM. These student learning outcomes provide a framework for both the healthcare industry and academia in preparing future facility managers.
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Exploratory Study of Distortionary Corrective Modification of Concrete Contraction Joints Through Infused Polymerized Siloxanes-Based Compounds

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Deformation during hydration of concrete includes curling at joints and terminations. Previous research has explored mix designs, chemical additives, and other material factors to minimize slab distortion due to curling. This research study explores the development and use

Deformation during hydration of concrete includes curling at joints and terminations. Previous research has explored mix designs, chemical additives, and other material factors to minimize slab distortion due to curling. This research study explores the development and use of externally applied silicone-based compounds after both the placing and cutting of joints. This exploratory study presents the results of controlled testing and a field study results that include distortion of contraction joints as measured with a Spectra LL300N under existing environmental conditions. Specifically, the study presents the results of a side-by-side test of two slabs, a base case, and a silicone-altered case, as well as field measures of two large commercial buildings using the developed methods. The results of the study show reduced distortion due to curling as compared to standard comparative slabs and warrant the continued exploration and testing of the concept.
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An andragogically-centered schema for a heuristic approach to post-collegiate development in the built environment

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The discipline of continuing professional development (CPD) is well defined and established within a variety of industries, such as medical, legal, and financial. The built environment is a less defined and mature industry with respect to educational pathways and professional

The discipline of continuing professional development (CPD) is well defined and established within a variety of industries, such as medical, legal, and financial. The built environment is a less defined and mature industry with respect to educational pathways and professional education, with no uniform structure. Occupational licensing, such as registered nurses, certified professional accountants, and others are well known within both their industries and the public. Additionally, occupational core-competencies are well established. Planning is a core skill set within the built environment and construction management. Definitions of the term “planning” vary quite broadly across the built environment, but generally includes activities such as risk identification, scope identification, and scheduling. Understanding how professionals in the built environment learn to plan is critical to meeting CPD needs for planning skills and the ability of a professional to “plan” effectively. Many planning tools and software have been developed, but often rely on an individual professional’s personal experiences and abilities. Limited literature in the field of professional education in the built environment has left a gap on the topic of how to train professionals in planning competencies. Survey results indicate that current training is not meeting the expectations of professionals, as only 16 percent of professionals are trained how to plan using their preferred method of learning. While on-the-job training is the primary format, the most preferred format is internal company training, but only 54 percent of companies provide this format. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis tests were conducted and revealed that organizations with internal training programs have higher employee satisfaction with their organization’s planning process. Further, organizations with internal training programs are seen as having a more formal internal planning process. Research is needed to develop CPD within construction management and provide the foundation upon which a professional education structure can be created. An andragogically-centered schema for a heuristic approach to construction CPD is developed and tested on a seminar for pre-project planning. The full instructional design of the seminar using the model is disclosed and seminar results showed positive results and participants achieved high levels of learning.
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Investigating the Relationship between Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and the Factors Affecting Them in the United States Building Sector: A Macro and Micro View

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The United States building sector was the most significant carbon emission contributor (over 40%). The United States government is trying to decrease carbon emissions by enacting policies, but emissions increased by approximately 7 percent in the U.S. between 1990 and

The United States building sector was the most significant carbon emission contributor (over 40%). The United States government is trying to decrease carbon emissions by enacting policies, but emissions increased by approximately 7 percent in the U.S. between 1990 and 2013. To reduce emissions, investigating the factors affecting carbon emissions should be a priority. Therefore, in this dissertation, this research examine the relationship between carbon emissions and the factors affecting them from macro and micro perspectives. From a macroscopic perspective, the relationship between carbon dioxide, energy resource consumption, energy prices, GDP (gross domestic product), waste generation, and recycling waste generation in the building and waste sectors has been verified. From a microscopic perspective, the impact of non-permanent electric appliances and stationary and non-stationary occupancy has been investigated. To verify the relationships, various kinds of statistical and data mining techniques were applied, such as the Granger causality test, linear and logarithmic correlation, and regression method. The results show that natural gas and electricity prices are higher than others, as coal impacts their consumption, and electricity and coal consumption were found to cause significant carbon emissions. Also, waste generation and recycling significantly increase and decrease emissions from the waste sector, respectively. Moreover, non-permanent appliances such as desktop computers and monitors consume a lot of electricity, and significant energy saving potential has been shown. Lastly, a linear relationship exists between buildings’ electricity use and total occupancy, but no significant relationship exists between occupancy and thermal loads, such as cooling and heating loads. These findings will potentially provide policymakers with a better understanding of and insights into carbon emission manipulation in the building sector.
Date Created

Real Time Project Management for Youth from Low Income Single Parent Households

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Real time project management has been underutilized as a tool to help youth grow personally and professionally. The thesis Real Time Project Management (PM) for Youth from Low Income Single Parent Households develops a study that seeks to result in

Real time project management has been underutilized as a tool to help youth grow personally and professionally. The thesis Real Time Project Management (PM) for Youth from Low Income Single Parent Households develops a study that seeks to result in a higher percentage of youth attending and completing college. The concept is to have youth from low income single parent households work as project managers each summer doing real time small projects for private companies. The youth would start at age 14 and conclude at age 18. They would do five summers of project management, managing small projects each summer while learning not only about project risks, budgets, scheduling, resources, supply chain logistics and relationships that each project encompasses, but also about communication skills, mathematics and science, selfdiscipline and professional behavior, and teamwork. This thesis develops and details the Real Time

Project Management for Youth from Low Income Single Parent Households concept and introduces a potential structure and path for its testing and implementation.
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Assessment and Development of Contractors’ Mitigation Practices Towards Risks out of Contractors’ Control in the Saudi Construction Industry

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Recent studies have identified that contractors in the Saudi construction industry are not the main party that cause risks as owners and other parties have the major share of causing risks. However, with the identification that risks out of contractors’

Recent studies have identified that contractors in the Saudi construction industry are not the main party that cause risks as owners and other parties have the major share of causing risks. However, with the identification that risks out of contractors’ control are a leading cause of low performance, there is a lack of efficient risk mitigation practices in Saudi to manage these risks. The main aim of this dissertation is to assess the current practices applied by contractors to minimize risk out of their control and develop a risk mitigation model to manage these risks. The main objectives of the study are: investigating the risks that are out of contractors’ control, assessing the contractors’ current risk mitigation and performance measurement practices, and finally developing and validating a risk mitigation model to minimize risks out of contractors’ control and measure performance of involved project parties. To achieve the study aim, a mixed methodological approach was adopted. Theoretical approaches were utilized to review previous research and to develop a conceptual risk mitigation framework followed by a practical approach that is considered with collecting data from contractors. The quantitative method was mainly used to meet the study objectives through distributing a survey in the form of a questionnaire. As a consolidation of the study findings, the top ranked risks that are out of contractors’ control were identified. Furthermore, the results identified that the contractors’ current risk management and performance measurement practices are not effective in minimizing projects risks caused by other parties and ineffective in measuring performance of all parties. The developed model focuses on increasing accountability of project parties through mitigating project parties’ activities and risks with measuring the deviations and identifying sources of deviations. Transparency is utilized in the model through sharing weekly updates of the activities and risks combined with updated information of performance measurements of all project parties. The study results showed that project risks can be minimized and projects’ performance can be increased if contractors shift their focus using the developed model from only managing their own activities and risks to managing all project parties’ activities and risks.
Date Created

A Value-Based Approach to Writing an RFP, and Applied Case Example

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Services procured by government agencies are often ridden with delay and costly change orders. Government agencies may react to these failures by implementing restrictive terms and conditions intended to ensure that the service is delivered on time and within budget.

Services procured by government agencies are often ridden with delay and costly change orders. Government agencies may react to these failures by implementing restrictive terms and conditions intended to ensure that the service is delivered on time and within budget. While potentially helpful (and nearly always counterproductive), this approach often fails to recognize the cause of the procurement failure \u2014 inadequate request for proposal (RFP) draftsmanship. The RFP must provide the vendor, or service provider, with a comprehensive understanding of the client's motivations for soliciting the bid, the environment in which the materials and services will be utilized, and accurate specifications for those materials and services. In summary, the RFP must be a clean and concise roadmap of client expectations. This thesis describes, for the novice RFP drafter, a value-based approach to preparing a request for proposal.
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Analyzing Roof to Wall Attachment Systems A Micro-Analysis Leading to a Shift in Approaching Hurricane Compliance Incentives

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As construction and building methods advance so should their focus on reconstruction post-natural disasters. For the past 50 years there has been an average of 6.2 hurricanes making landfall, and several recent unfortunate occurrences in the past year that have

As construction and building methods advance so should their focus on reconstruction post-natural disasters. For the past 50 years there has been an average of 6.2 hurricanes making landfall, and several recent unfortunate occurrences in the past year that have caused immeasurable damage and taken priceless lives (Chris Landsea 2017). Damages could have been significantly reduced to residential homes and lives saved if proper, hurricane-resistant construction was used. It is important to continue advancement in efficient planning and reconstructive methods to restore individuals into their homes and ensure their safety in the future. Utilizing tested resilient building methods may increase construction costs but has a visible payoff through mitigation of economic losses in the future. This can also help develop response and mitigation plans based on the very specific conditions of each community or affected location. To do so, it is crucial to continue research and test various methods of construction and materials in residential homes. This study was a comparative analysis of the current roof systems implemented in residential homes, the role of hurricane testing facilities in maintaining building codes, and how damage incurred by hurricanes can be significantly reduced through a shift in the approach of homeowner insurance incentive. The purpose of this study was to provide a feasible and practicable solution for increasing implementation of hurricane resistant construction into homes. The results of this analysis concluded that there is a low percentage of homeowners investing in making their homes hurricane resilient. By re-inventing the incentive methods that insurance companies offer, this problem can step into the right direction in making more homes hurricane resilient consequently reducing damages, deaths, and economic loss.
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