The Current State of Research and Development Approach (R&D) in the Saudi Construction Industry

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For the past three decades, the Saudi construction industry (SCI) has exhibited poor performance. Many research efforts have tried to identify the problem and the potential causes but there have been few publications identifying ways to mitigate the problem and

For the past three decades, the Saudi construction industry (SCI) has exhibited poor performance. Many research efforts have tried to identify the problem and the potential causes but there have been few publications identifying ways to mitigate the problem and describing testing to validate the proposed solution. This paper examines the research and development (R&D) approach in the SCI. A literature research was performed identifying the impact that R&D has had on the SCI. A questionnaire was also created for surveying industry professionals and researchers. The results show evidence that the SCI practice and the academic research work exist in separate silos. This study recommends a change of mindset in both the public and private sector on their views on R&D since cooperation is required to create collaboration between the two sectors and improve the competitiveness of the country's economy.

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Shifting from management to leadership: a procurement model adaptation to project management

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The construction industry is performing poorly regarding project management and service delivery. On average, global projects are over-budget, delayed, and met with unsatisfactory results according to buyers. To mitigate poor performance, the project management career path has been heavily researched

The construction industry is performing poorly regarding project management and service delivery. On average, global projects are over-budget, delayed, and met with unsatisfactory results according to buyers. To mitigate poor performance, the project management career path has been heavily researched and continually developed over the last century. Despite the published advances in project management approaches and tools, project performance continues to suffer. This research seeks to conduct an exploratory analysis of current project management and other approaches and determine how they affect project performance. Through a detailed literature search, the researcher identified a procurement model that is more heavily documented as high performing than all other approaches. The researcher proposed that this model may be a solution to assist project managers with the delivery of high performing services. The model is called the Best Value Approach (BVA). The BVA focuses on leadership, non-technical communication, quality assurance, and transparent project execution. To test the effectiveness of its practices, the researcher modified and adapted the BVA into a project management approach and tested it on a large-scale government project. During the case study test, the researcher observed that there were two primary project management roles in the supply chain; the buyer’s and vendor’s project managers. The case study resulted in the large government organization receiving more work and increased their satisfaction of the work received by 22 percent from the previous year. To further test the project management adapted BVA, the researcher conducted a classroom case-study in which students learned and implemented the BVA practices on real-time, small-scale industry projects. Results include cost savings of $100,000 for 10 companies over 24 projects, cost avoidance of over $4.5M, and a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction [in terms of the companies’ satisfaction with the deliverables produced on each project]. These results suggest that the BVA practices may effectively improve the performance of project delivery, and may be a viable new project management approach to train future project managers. Out of the two project manager roles, it is proposed that the buyer’s project manager may receive the most benefit. Additional research is needed on the other approaches to compare quantitative project performance, and run repeated testing on the potential new project management approach.
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Transitioning workplace environments: from an FM perspective

Facilities Management (FM) around the globe at different companies in different industries are often forced to make difficult decisions on whether or not to transition a workplace environment and how to decide what factors of a workplace environment can benefit

Facilities Management (FM) around the globe at different companies in different industries are often forced to make difficult decisions on whether or not to transition a workplace environment and how to decide what factors of a workplace environment can benefit or hinder a company's productivity. The data and research presented within this paper are targeted at aiding and educating FM in determining what factors to consider in a workplace transition to an open-seating design and validate the importance of recognizing how these factors impact the productivity of the individual and the organization. Data contained in this paper was gathered through two different survey samples: 1) a semiconductor company that transitioned its employees from cubicles and offices to an open-seating environment; and 2) a general study open to professionals and their experiences and opinions on workplace environments. This data was used to validate or disprove the views on open-seating workspace held by the FM industry today. Data on the topic of how employees react to being transitioned to open-seating environments and looking at the breakdown of the results between engineers and non-engineers is examined within this research. Also covered within the research is data on transitions to other seating environments outside of open-seating concepts to evaluate and compare transition types. Lastly, data was gathered and discussed on the amount of time needed to adapt after a transition and what environment types were linked to being the most productive. This research provides insight on workplace environments and transitions and how they have an impact on productivity and can be used in the decision process when considering transitioning environments.
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Creating a Tool to Simplify and Automate the Vendor of Record Program for a Public Institution

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A public North American university needed a tool to automate their Vendor of Record rotation program. The goal was to give each vendor in the program fair opportunities and to be open and honest with how vendors were selected. This

A public North American university needed a tool to automate their Vendor of Record rotation program. The goal was to give each vendor in the program fair opportunities and to be open and honest with how vendors were selected. This tool was created in Microsoft Excel with VBA to code macros. The three major Excel sheets are the Masters, the FM Interface, and the Executive Interface. The Masters act as a database and house data for each project. It is a plain Excel worksheet populated with tables. The FM Interface is a macro-enabled Excel workbook. It is distributed to every Facilities Manager in the program. The FM Interface communicates with the Masters in the background. The FMs use the various inputs and buttons to go through every step of procuring a project. They start by initializing a project, and are given a generated list of vendors who are qualified. This list is automatically rotated for every project. Then they fill in an RFQ and it is automatically emailed to the required vendors. When the Facilities Manager receives every quote, they input them into the program and they are saved to the database. When the project is complete, the manager must fill out a satisfaction survey to measure safety, cost, schedule, and quality of work. This is the main method of tracking vendor performance. The last sheet, the Executive Interface, is given only to the administrator of the program. It generates various reports, such as vendor performance, FM performance, and insurance status. It also has many administrative functions including insurance updating, vendor input, and delete project/vendor. The automated tool has been used without error on over 50 projects by 11 different Facilities Managers. The university's Facilities Management team is pleased with the automated process.
Date Created

A Representation of the Human Race: The Financial Industry

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The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of the often-despised financial sector while exploring the parallels it reflects in our society. Information Measurement Theory was applied to several aspects of life apparent in both the financial

The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of the often-despised financial sector while exploring the parallels it reflects in our society. Information Measurement Theory was applied to several aspects of life apparent in both the financial sector and our society in order to discover parallels present in both. By analyzing the financial sector against our society as a whole, it becomes apparent that the financial sector's composition of individuals reflects that of our societies and is a close representation. Further, the financial sector is able to reflect the importance of information and how individuals react to and justify good and bad results from decision-making. In all our despise of the financial sector is nothing more than the loathe of inherent flaws in our society as a whole.
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Psychological Model of No Control/Influence

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The Information Measurement Theory (IMT) is a revolutionary thinking paradigm. Its principles allow an individual to accurately perceive reality and simplify the complexities of life. To understand IMT, individuals start by first recognizing that everything must follow natural law and

The Information Measurement Theory (IMT) is a revolutionary thinking paradigm. Its principles allow an individual to accurately perceive reality and simplify the complexities of life. To understand IMT, individuals start by first recognizing that everything must follow natural law and cause and effect, that there is no randomness, and that everyone changes at a certain rate. They then move on to understanding that individuals are described by certain characteristics that can be used to predict their future behavior. And finally, they discover that they must learn to understand, accept, and improve themselves while understanding and accepting others. The author, who has spent a considerable amount of time studying and utilizing IMT, believes that IMT can be used within the field of psychology. The extraordinary results that IMT has produced in the construction industry can potentially be produced in a similar fashion within the psychology field. One of the most important principles of IMT teaches that control or influence over others does not exist. This principle alone differentiates IMT from the traditional model of psychology, which is dedicated to changing an individual (through influence). Five case studies will be presented in which individuals have used the principles of IMT to overcome severe issues such as substance abuse and depression. Each case study is unique and exhibits a remarkable change within each individual.
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Standardized training and accountability measure's impact on key performance indicators

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Standardized processes for training and accountability, for an Environmental Services department within a healthcare system, were implemented to see the impact they would have on key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs involved infection rate for hospital acquired Clostridium Difficile (CDI),

Standardized processes for training and accountability, for an Environmental Services department within a healthcare system, were implemented to see the impact they would have on key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPIs involved infection rate for hospital acquired Clostridium Difficile (CDI), cleaning verification compliance, patient satisfaction, concerning the cleaning of their environment, and employee turnover. The results show that standardizing training and an accountability measure can have a significant impact on turnover, contribute to the reduction in CDI cases, ensure cleaning is performed at a high level and that the patient perception requires additional tools to meet their expectations on a consistent basis.
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Analysis of HEXACO and Emotional Inelegance Factors in Construction Management Students

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The higher education sector is always changing and seeks for robust methodologies to make education more effective and produce higher quality products which are the future professionals. While each student has different preference in learning, numerous forms of instructional strategies

The higher education sector is always changing and seeks for robust methodologies to make education more effective and produce higher quality products which are the future professionals. While each student has different preference in learning, numerous forms of instructional strategies are adopted to engage students in varied ways. Existing literature has studied the impacts of various teaching strategies on students’ performance. Previous studies did not figure out if personal characteristics such as honestly, emotionality, etc. have any impacts on the students’ academic performance. This master thesis uses the detailed information gathered through surveying construction students and analyses such data to determine the relationship between various personal factors and understand if there is any relation between students’ academic performance and personal characteristics. This work has used HEXACO factor scales and Emotional Intelligence (EI) as a basis of its analysis. Results of this analysis indicated that there is no significant correlation between students’ academic performance and HEXACO and EI criteria. Although the analysis process tried to provide the most accurate and robust results, but findings could potentially be affected by a number of factors such as excluding some survey responses from data analysis due to confusing responses or being outlier.
Date Created

Developing and Evaluation the Implementation of Construction Management Research in the Saudi Construction Industry

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Public construction projects in Saudi Arabia have been experiencing performance issues for the past 30 years. There have been many research efforts and publications identifying the problem and potential causes, however, there have been minimal efforts identifying how to mitigate

Public construction projects in Saudi Arabia have been experiencing performance issues for the past 30 years. There have been many research efforts and publications identifying the problem and potential causes, however, there have been minimal efforts identifying how to mitigate the problem and testing to validate proposed solutions. A literature search has shown that the academic research has had minimal impact in assisting the construction industry to improve its performance. This dissertation aimed to evaluate the impact of construction management research in Saudi construction industry (SCI), and to investigate barriers that hinder the diffusion of implementing the research outcomes in the construction sector in order to develop a research roadmap to bridge the gap between academic research and practice, using the experience of other organizations that have a successful experience in developing the impact of construction management research in the construction industry. In order to achieve the aim of the study, five main objectives were set up which are: evaluate the impact of construction management research in SCI, identify the barriers that affect the implementation of construction management research in SCI, develop a research roadmap to bridge the gap between the research and practice, validating the proposed solution, and proposed implementation plan and review the result from the implementation. A literature research was performed, using 5 academic databases, identifying the impact that R&D has had on the SCI. A questionnaire was also created surveying both researchers and industry professionals. The results show evidence that the current R&D process in Saudi Arabia is not helping the SCI to increase their performance, and needs to be improved. This study provides a potential solution, and an action plan that mirrors one of the most successful research and development programs in the construction industry in the world [+1915 tests, six different countries, 31 states in the U.S. and 98% customer satisfaction]. The solution proposed in this dissertation is unique to the strengths and weaknesses of the research and development programs at universities and research centers in Saudi Arabia. This study is the first study of its kind in Saudi Arabia.
Date Created

Assessment and Develop the Saudi’s Contractors Classification System

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Research has shown that construction projects in Saudi Arabia have had a perceived poor performance for the past three decades, from 1970-2016. The Saudi construction industry relies on a Contractor Classification System (CCS) to determine contractors’ capabilities, and prevent

Research has shown that construction projects in Saudi Arabia have had a perceived poor performance for the past three decades, from 1970-2016. The Saudi construction industry relies on a Contractor Classification System (CCS) to determine contractors’ capabilities, and prevent underperformance. Through this study, a survey was conducted among persons involved in the Saudi Arabian construction industry to identify the perception of the performance of the Saudi Arabian construction industry, and the satisfaction with the CCS. The results of the survey showed that 71.59% of the participants agreed that the CCS does not accurately assess contractors’ capabilities for projects they are allowed to work on. A critical review of the CCS is presented through a case study and comparisons are made from worldwide CCSs found in a literature review. All the parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s CCS, including the work flow and the evaluation criteria were reviewed. Several observations of the CCS include a lack of transparency in the process, no performance feedback, complexity of the system, the system being outdated in relation to the worldwide systems, and no continuous performance measurements. To develop an appropriate continuous performance measurement model and benchmarking, other worldwide performance measurement models and benchmarking models were reviewed and discussed. Through these findings, a modified version of the current CCS was developed. A test was performed on the financial assessment portion of the developed model using 5,751 contractors who were classified at the time of this study. The results showed that only 14% of the 5,751 contractors are financially capable in their respective CCS grades. The proposed new CCS model which is outlined in this study includes two major modifications. The first modification is on existing components, which will improve the transparency, simplicity, and speed of the CCS process. The second modification is the addition of a new component, which will continually track contractor performance over time and motivate contractors to improve their performance.
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