Examining Benefits Realization Management in University Capital Projects: Early Observations of Current Practices

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This study provides preliminary observations of the state of Benefits Realization Management (BRM) in the context of university capital projects. The study uses a survey tool to seek i) evidence that universities are using Benefits Realization Management methods; and ii)

This study provides preliminary observations of the state of Benefits Realization Management (BRM) in the context of university capital projects. The study uses a survey tool to seek i) evidence that universities are using Benefits Realization Management methods; and ii) evidence that universities may be facing challenges to obtaining strategic benefits from their capital construction projects. By interpreting the survey data and employing a linear regression model, early observations suggest that universities are only sparingly using BRM, and that the delivery of benefits is a problem for university capital projects. These findings suggest the need for additional research focused on developing a statistically predictive model for benefits realization and identifying best practices for Benefits Realization Management (BRM) within the university setting.
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Establishing the effect of building design on construction work

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Design is widely accepted as a factor that affects construction work. Although knowledge about this effect will contribute to the improvement of construction practice, this is very limited. No study has been focused on establishing how the effect of design

Design is widely accepted as a factor that affects construction work. Although knowledge about this effect will contribute to the improvement of construction practice, this is very limited. No study has been focused on establishing how the effect of design on construction work can be evaluated. The primary objective of this research was to formulate an approach enabling the assessment of the effect of building design on construction work. To achieve this, a quantitative index based on field data, termed the 'index of difficulty,' was established. Given a construction activity, this index relates the effective work effort per unit of output expended in completing a construction part under two distinct designs: one under evaluation and the other designated as the base design for common comparison. The greater the index of difficulty associated with a design, the higher the required work effort, consequently resulting in a greater affect of the design on construction work. Multiple ways of utilizing the index of difficulty to assess the effect of building design on construction activities are suggested. Additionally, application cases are exhibited to illustrate the implementation of the proposed approach and the required computations.
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Exploration of Solicitation Optimization Within the Built Environment

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The Request for Proposal (RFP) is a fundamental document frequently employed by construction owners for procuring services, with a focus on criteria beyond cost alone. Particularly prevalent in alternative project delivery methods like design-build, construction manager at risk, and integrated

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is a fundamental document frequently employed by construction owners for procuring services, with a focus on criteria beyond cost alone. Particularly prevalent in alternative project delivery methods like design-build, construction manager at risk, and integrated project delivery, the RFP solicitation plays a pivotal role. This study delves into the landscape of RFP standardization efforts within the construction industry, conducting a comprehensive review, analysis, and evaluation of 215 sample RFPs drawn from across all states in the United States. The culmination of this research effort is the development of a standardized RFP template, equipped with a comprehensive framework adaptable to various construction project delivery methods. This study marks the inaugural exploration of this subject, making a substantive contribution to the existing body of literature on this vital topic.
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Talent Acquisition in Scientific and Engineering Disciplines: A Case Study of National Laboratory

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Identifying the hindrances to performing effective talent acquisition within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics field is an important topic for technical hiring managers. Top candidates have multiple options during highly competitive market conditions requiring managers to look for unique

Identifying the hindrances to performing effective talent acquisition within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics field is an important topic for technical hiring managers. Top candidates have multiple options during highly competitive market conditions requiring managers to look for unique solutions which diverge from competition. Prior to this study there has been very little research considering national laboratory research and development challenges from a technical hiring manager’s talent acquisition perspective. Utilizing a unique combination of national laboratory multi-organization survey, pilot study, Human Resource (HR) tracking data and trust based business strategy to enhance partnering this research finds hiring managers can leverage out of the box techniques to improve internal processes while developing industry support to target highly qualified individuals. This methodology could be utilized by technical hiring managers across federal national laboratory enterprise to effectively capture next generation staff and leadership talent who align with their organization professionally as well as social culture.
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Investigation of Factors Impacting Construction Cost Estimate to Develop Construction-Driven Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

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The construction industry is the backbone of any country’s economy. It is a primary source of foreign investments, creates new jobs, and maintains the economy flowing in various trades. Accurate cost estimation is a critical aspect for the construction industry,

The construction industry is the backbone of any country’s economy. It is a primary source of foreign investments, creates new jobs, and maintains the economy flowing in various trades. Accurate cost estimation is a critical aspect for the construction industry, directly impacting project success and profitability. This master's thesis focuses on comprehensively identifying the key factors that influence cost estimation and provides valuable recommendations for constructing an optimized Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. Through an extensive research methodology encompassing literature review, surveys, and interviews with industry professionals, this study uncovers significant factors that exert a substantial impact on cost estimation practices. The findings emphasize the importance of seamlessly integrating project delivery systems, meticulously considering project duration, and incorporating diverse perspectives from global regions. By incorporating these insights, stakeholders can make informed decisions, enhance project planning, and elevate overall project performance. This study successfully bridges the gap between theory and practice, presenting invaluable insights for stakeholders within the construction industry. Keywords: cost estimation, construction industry, Artificial Neural Network, factors, project delivery systems, project duration, global perspectives, informed decision-making, project planning, project performance
Date Created

The Investigation of Sustainable Construction Perceptions in the Kuwaiti Construction Industry

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The world faces significant environmental and social challenges due to high economic development, population growth, industrialization, rapid urbanization, and unsustainable consumption. Global communities are taking the necessary measures to confront these international challenges and applying sustainable development principles across all

The world faces significant environmental and social challenges due to high economic development, population growth, industrialization, rapid urbanization, and unsustainable consumption. Global communities are taking the necessary measures to confront these international challenges and applying sustainable development principles across all sectors. Construction is a critical driving instrument of economic activity, and to achieve sustainable development, it is vital to transform conventional construction into a more sustainable model. The research investigated sustainable construction perceptions in Kuwait, a rapidly growing country with a high volume of construction activities. Kuwait has ambitious plans to transition into a more sustainable economic development model, and the construction industry needs to align with these plans. This research aims to identify the characteristics of sustainable construction applications in the Kuwaiti construction market, such as awareness, current perceptions, drivers and barriers, and the construction regulations' impact. The research utilized a qualitative approach to answer research questions and deliver research objectives by conducting eleven Semi-structured interviews with experienced professionals in the Kuwaiti construction market to collect rich data that reflects insights and understandings of the Kuwaiti construction industry. The Thematic analysis of the data resulted in six themes and one sub-theme that presented reflections, insights, and perspectives on sustainable construction perceptions in the Kuwaiti construction market. The research findings reflected poor sustainable construction awareness and poor environmental and social application in the construction industry, the determinant role of construction regulations in promoting sustainable construction. and barriers and drivers to sustainable construction applications. The research concluded with answers to research questions, delivery of research objectives, and an explanation of sustainable construction perceptions in the Kuwaiti construction market.
Date Created

Greening Existing Residential Buildings in Saudi Arabia with Mostadam as an Objective

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Although Saudi Arabia is moving towards a sustainable future, Existing residential buildings in the country are extremely unsustainable. Therefore, there is a necessity for greening the existing residential building. Mostadam green rating systems was developed by the Saudi ministry of

Although Saudi Arabia is moving towards a sustainable future, Existing residential buildings in the country are extremely unsustainable. Therefore, there is a necessity for greening the existing residential building. Mostadam green rating systems was developed by the Saudi ministry of housing in 2019 to address the long-term sustainability vision in residential buildings in the country. By setting Mostadam requirements as an objective of the retrofit process, it will ensure that the building achieve sustainability. However, Mostadam is new and there is a lack of knowledge of implementing its requirements on existing buildings. The aim of this research is to develop a framework to green existing residential buildings in Saudi Arabia to achieve Mostadam energy and water minimum requirements. The framework was developed based on an extensive keyword-based search and an analysis of 92 relevant research. The process starts with assessing the building against the minimum requirements of energy and water of Mostadam. After that, optimization phase is conducted. Building information modelling is used in the optimization phase. Energy and water efficiency optimization measures are identified from the analysed literature. Revit is used in the base model authoring and Green building studio cloud is used to simulate the energy and water efficiency measures. Then, payback period is calculated for all the efficiency measured to assess the decision making. A case study of a villa in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is provided. result shows that the implemented efficiency measures led to an increment of 37.5% in annual energy savings and 26.1% in the annual water savings. Results shows that the application of the proposed framework supports evaluating energy and water efficiency measures to implement it on the buildings to achieve Mostadam minimum energy and water requirements. Recommendations were made for future work to bridge the knowledge gap.
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Content Analysis of University Project Guidelines Identifying Project Stakeholder's Focus for the Continuous Improvement of University Project Guidelines

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ABSTRACT Upon joining Arizona State University in July 2017, the author, a registered architect, inherited the oversight of the University Project Design Guidelines. During the following four years, revisions were made to the Project Design Guidelines and implemented

ABSTRACT Upon joining Arizona State University in July 2017, the author, a registered architect, inherited the oversight of the University Project Design Guidelines. During the following four years, revisions were made to the Project Design Guidelines and implemented for ongoing and future new construction and renovation work at all five Arizona State University campuses. During this time, it became evident that many projects were not following guidelines resulting in costly rework, or hastily submitted variance requests to avoid or replace the design guidelines, typically during, versus prior to, construction. Tracking of these variance requests began in Summer 2020 identifying some commonly requested variance items for discussion by the Project Guidelines Steering Committee. In June 2021, a progressive design-build solicitation was held for a new campus building. During the interview process it was evident that not all parties on the design-build team (owner, architect and general contractor) had the same understanding of the role, importance, or reasoning for project design guidelines. The confusion demonstrated during the variance and interview process made the author curious as to the overall sentiment of design standards in the industry. What areas of project guidelines are emphasized by universities? Is there a correlation between guideline information and the greatest/least amount of construction costs? Can universities be better served by focusing on a comprehensive understanding and implementation of project design guidelines that impact the greatest construction cost of the project?
Date Created

Leveraging Teamwork and Unskilled Labor in Facilities Zone Maintenance

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Facilities Management is a service that should follow economic concepts of “value added” and “cost-effectiveness.” Facilities sites and campuses can be divided into geographic facilities maintenance zones to improve response time, coordination of trades, customer service, and the ownership or

Facilities Management is a service that should follow economic concepts of “value added” and “cost-effectiveness.” Facilities sites and campuses can be divided into geographic facilities maintenance zones to improve response time, coordination of trades, customer service, and the ownership or accountability of technicians. Facilities zone maintenance teams of multi-trade technicians can work together in a dynamic partnership to significantly reduce costs and do more with less. Six months of field research, case studies, and crew balance analysis of primary quantitative data was used to deductively evaluate the effectiveness of the zone maintenance model. To fill gaps in skilled labor, reduce maintenance costs, and increase available skilled labor capacity the maintenance zone implemented a strategy to better utilize and schedule the labor of unskilled entry level maintenance technicians. A teamwork approach was also used to share the collective multi-trade workload and allow the zone maintenance crew to accomplish more than individual technicians could do alone. A comprehensive literature review revealed an alarming lack of facilities management research and the vast disconnect between academic assumptions and practical real-world applications. It is evident from the case studies that more effective utilization of unskilled labor and harnessing the unique capacity of a multi-trade team are important competitive advantages of the facilities zone maintenance model. These intangible contributions and the value added to the organization can be measured and quantified through careful data collection and analysis. These studies are a reminder that significant maintenance cost savings can be achieved by eliminating labor waste and crew scheduling inefficiencies. Value can be added to the organization by reducing these and other intangible costs by focusing on continuous improvement, productivity, efficiency, and effective workflow.
Date Created

A Proactive Systematic Approach to Enhance and Preserve Users’ Tech Applications Data Privacy Awareness and Control in Smart Cities

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The reality of smart cities is here and now. The issues of data privacy in tech applications are apparent in smart cities. Privacy as an issue raised by many and addressed by few remains critical for smart cities’ success. It

The reality of smart cities is here and now. The issues of data privacy in tech applications are apparent in smart cities. Privacy as an issue raised by many and addressed by few remains critical for smart cities’ success. It is the common responsibility of smart cities, tech application makers, and users to embark on the journey to solutions. Privacy is an individual problem that smart cities need to provide a collective solution for. The research focuses on understanding users’ data privacy preferences, what information they consider private, and what they need to protect. The research identifies the data security loopholes, data privacy roadblocks, and common opportunities for change to implement a proactive privacy-driven tech solution necessary to address and resolve tech-induced data privacy concerns among citizens. This dissertation aims at addressing the issue of data privacy in tech applications based on known methodologies to address the concerns they allow. Through this research, a data privacy survey on tech applications was conducted, and the results reveal users’ desires to become a part of the solution by becoming aware and taking control of their data privacy while using tech applications. So, this dissertation gives an overview of the data privacy issues in tech, discusses available data privacy basis, elaborates on the different steps needed to create a robust remedy to data privacy concerns in enabling users’ awareness and control, and proposes two privacy applications one as a data privacy awareness solution and the other as a representation of the privacy control framework to address data privacy concerns in smart cities.
Date Created