Exploring the Structures and Binding Sites of Electroneutral Cation/Proton Antiporter Proteins with Computational Methods

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Secondary active transporters play significant roles in maintaining living cells' homeostasis by utilizing the electrochemical gradient in driving ions or protons as the source of free energy to transport substrate through biological membranes.A broadly recognized molecular framework, the alternating access

Secondary active transporters play significant roles in maintaining living cells' homeostasis by utilizing the electrochemical gradient in driving ions or protons as the source of free energy to transport substrate through biological membranes.A broadly recognized molecular framework, the alternating access model, describes the transport mechanism as the transporter undergoes conformational changes between different conformations and alternatingly exposes its binding site to intracellular and extracellular sides and, thus, exchanges ion and substrate in a cyclical manner. Recent progress in structural biology brought the first-ever structural insights into the mammalian Cation-Proton Antiporters (CPA) family of proteins. However, the dynamic atomic-level information about the interactions between the newly discovered structures and the bound ion or the corresponding substrate remains unknown. With Molecular Dynamics (MD), multiple spontaneous ion binding events were observed in the equilibrium simulations, revealing the binding site topology of Horse Sodium-Proton Exchanger 9 (NHE9) and Bison Sodium-Proton Antiporter 2 (NHA2) in their preferred protonation state. Further investigation into more CPA homologs compared various aspects, including sequence identity, binding site topology, and energetic properties, and obtained general insights into the similarities shared by the binding process of CPA members. The putative binding site and other conserved residues in their actively ion-bound poses were identified for each model, and their similarities were compared. The energetic properties accessed by the three-dimensional free energy profile, initially found to be binding unfavorable for the experimental structures, were recalculated based on the simulation data. The updated results show consistency with the correct binding affinity as indicated by the experimental methods. This work provided a general picture of the structures and the ion-protein interaction of CPA proteins and serves as comprehensive guidance for any related future structural and computational work.
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Peeling Effect of Cells on Fibrinogen Multilayer as an Anti-Adhesive Control Mechanism for Hemostatic Thrombus Formation

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Adsorption of fibrinogen on various surfaces, including biomaterials, dramatically reduces the adhesion of platelets and leukocytes. The mechanism by which fibrinogen renders surfaces non-adhesive is its surface-induced self-assembly leading to the formation of a nanoscale multilayer matrix. Under the applied

Adsorption of fibrinogen on various surfaces, including biomaterials, dramatically reduces the adhesion of platelets and leukocytes. The mechanism by which fibrinogen renders surfaces non-adhesive is its surface-induced self-assembly leading to the formation of a nanoscale multilayer matrix. Under the applied tensile force exerted by cellular integrins, the fibrinogen matrix extends as a result of the separation of layers which prevents the transduction of strong mechanical forces, resulting in weak intracellular signaling and feeble cell adhesion. Furthermore, upon detachment of adherent cells, a weak association between fibrinogen molecules in the superficial layers of the matrix allows integrins to pull fibrinogen molecules out of the matrix. Whether the latter mechanism contributes to the anti-adhesive mechanism under the flow is unclear. In the present study, using several experimental flow systems, it has been demonstrated that various blood cells as well as model HEK293 cells expressing the fibrinogen receptors, were able to remove fibrinogen molecules from the matrix in a time- and cell concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, insignificant fibrinogen dissociation occurred in a cell-free buffer, and crosslinking fibrinogen matrix significantly reduced cell-mediated dissociation of adsorbed fibrinogen. Surprisingly, cellular integrins contributed minimally to fibrinogen dissociation since function-blocking anti-integrin antibodies did not significantly inhibit this process. In addition, erythrocytes that are not known to express functional fibrinogen receptors and naked liposomes caused fibrinogen dissociation, suggesting that the removal of fibrinogen from the matrix may be caused by nonspecific low-affinity interactions of cells with the fibrinogen matrix. These results indicate that the peeling effect exerted by flowing cells upon their contact with the fibrinogen matrix is involved in the anti-adhesive mechanism.
Date Created

Understanding Emergent Structural Characteristics and Physical Behaviors of Disordered Many-body Systems

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Disordered many-body systems are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics, materials science and biological systems. Examples include amorphous and glassy states of matter, granular materials, and tissues composed of packings of cells in the extra-cellular matrix (ECM). Understanding the collective emergent

Disordered many-body systems are ubiquitous in condensed matter physics, materials science and biological systems. Examples include amorphous and glassy states of matter, granular materials, and tissues composed of packings of cells in the extra-cellular matrix (ECM). Understanding the collective emergent properties in these systems is crucial to improving the capability for controlling, engineering and optimizing their behaviors, yet it is extremely challenging due to their complexity and disordered nature. The main theme of the thesis is to address this challenge by characterizing and understanding a variety of disordered many-body systems via unique statistical geometrical and topological tools and the state-of-the-art simulation methods. Two major topics of the thesis are modeling ECM-mediated multicellular dynamics and understanding hyperuniformity in 2D material systems. Collective migration is an important mode of cell movement for several biological processes, and it has been the focus of a large number of studies over the past decades. Hyperuniform (HU) state is a critical state in a many-particle system, an exotic property of condensed matter discovered recently. The main focus of this thesis is to study the mechanisms underlying collective cell migration behaviors by developing theoretical/phenomenological models that capture the features of ECM-mediated mechanical communications in vitro and investigate general conditions that can be imposed on hyperuniformity-preserving and hyperuniformity-generating operations, as well as to understand how various novel transport physical properties arise from the unique hyperuniform long-range correlations.
Date Created

Electrostatic Modulation of Biological Systems: From Cells to Molecules

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My research focuses on studying the interaction between spatiotemporally encoded electric field (EF) and living cells and biomolecules. In this thesis, I report two projects that I have been working on to address these questions. My first project studies the

My research focuses on studying the interaction between spatiotemporally encoded electric field (EF) and living cells and biomolecules. In this thesis, I report two projects that I have been working on to address these questions. My first project studies the EF modulation of the extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway. I demonstrated modulation of ERK activities using alternative current (AC) EFs in a new frequency range applied through high-k dielectric passivated microelectrodes with single-cell resolution without electrochemical process induced by the EF stimulation. Further experiments pinpointed a mechanism of phosphorylation site of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor to activate the EGFR-ERK pathway that is independent of EGF. AC EFs provide a new strategy to precisely control the dynamics of ERK activation, which may serve as a powerful platform for control of cell behaviors with implications in wide range of biomedical applications. In the second project, I used solid-state nanopore system as the base platform for single molecule experiments, and developed a scalable bottom-up process to construct planar nanopore devices with self-aligned transverse tunneling junctions, all embedded on a nanofluidic chip, based on feedback-controlled reversible electrochemical deposition in a confined nanoscale space. I demonstrated the first simultaneous detection of translocating DNA molecules from both the ionic channel and the tunneling junction with very high yield. Meanwhile, the signal amplitudes from the tunneling junction are unexpectedly high, indicating that these signals are probably dominated by transient currents associated with the fast motion of charged molecules between the transverse electrodes. This new platform provides the flexibility and reproducibility required to study quantum-tunneling-based DNA detection and sequencing. In summary, I have developed two platforms that engineer heterogenous EF at different length scales to modulate live cells and single biomolecules. My results suggest that the charges and dipoles of biomolecules can be electrostatically manipulated to regulate physiological responses and to push detection resolution to single molecule level. Nevertheless, there are still many interesting questions remain, such as the molecular mechanism of EF-protein interaction and tunneling signal extraction. These will be the topics for future investigations.
Date Created

Deciphering Allosteric Interactions and Their Role in Protein Dynamics and Function

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Traditionally, allostery is perceived as the response of a catalytic pocket to perturbations induced by binding at another distal site through the interaction network in a protein, usually associated with a conformational change responsible for functional regulation. Here, I utilize

Traditionally, allostery is perceived as the response of a catalytic pocket to perturbations induced by binding at another distal site through the interaction network in a protein, usually associated with a conformational change responsible for functional regulation. Here, I utilize dynamics-based metrics, Dynamic Flexibility Index and Dynamic Coupling Index to provide insight into how 3D network of interactions wire communications within a protein and give rise to the long-range dynamic coupling, thus regulating key allosteric interactions. Furthermore, I investigate its role in modulating protein function through mutations in evolution. I use Thioredoxin and β-lactamase enzymes as model systems, and show that nature exploits "hinge-shift'' mechanism, where the loss in rigidity of certain residue positions of a protein is compensated by reduced flexibility of other positions, for functional evolution. I also developed a novel approach based on this principle to computationally engineer new mutants of the promiscuous ancestral β-lactamase (i.e., degrading both penicillin and cephatoxime) to exhibit specificity only towards penicillin with a better catalytic efficiency through population shift in its native ensemble.I investigate how allosteric interactions in a protein can regulate protein interactions in a cell, particularly focusing on E. coli ribosome. I describe how mutations in a ribosome can allosterically change its associating with magnesium ions, which was further shown by my collaborators to distally impact the number of biologically active Adenosine Triphosphate molecules in a cell, thereby, impacting cell growth. This allosteric modulation via magnesium ion concentrations is coined, "ionic allostery''. I also describe, the role played by allosteric interactions to regulate information among proteins using a simplistic toy model of an allosteric enzyme. It shows how allostery can provide a mechanism to efficiently transmit information in a signaling pathway in a cell while up/down regulating an enzyme’s activity.
The results discussed here suggest a deeper embedding of the role of allosteric interactions in a protein’s function at cellular level. Therefore, bridging the molecular impact of allosteric regulation with its role in communication in cellular signaling can provide further mechanistic insights of cellular function and disease development, and allow design of novel drugs regulating cellular functions.
Date Created

Top-Down and Bottom-Up Strategies to Prepare Nanogap Sensors for Controlling and Characterizing Single Biomolecules

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My research centers on the design and fabrication of biomolecule-sensing devices that combine top-down and bottom-up fabrication processes and leverage the unique advantages of each approach. This allows for the scalable creation of devices with critical dimensions and surface

My research centers on the design and fabrication of biomolecule-sensing devices that combine top-down and bottom-up fabrication processes and leverage the unique advantages of each approach. This allows for the scalable creation of devices with critical dimensions and surface properties that are tailored to target molecules at the nanoscale.

My first project focuses on a new strategy for preparing solid-state nanopore sensors for DNA sequencing. Challenges for existing nanopore approaches include specificity of detection, controllability of translocation, and scalability of fabrication. In a new solid-state pore architecture, top-down fabrication of an initial electrode gap embedded in a sealed nanochannel is followed by feedback-controlled electrochemical deposition of metal to shrink the gap and define the nanopore size. The resulting structure allows for the use of an electric field to control the motion of DNA through the pore and the direct detection of a tunnel current through a DNA molecule.

My second project focuses on top-down fabrication strategies for a fixed nanogap device to explore the electronic conductance of proteins. Here, a metal-insulator-metal junction can be fabricated with top-down fabrication techniques, and the subsequent electrode surfaces can be chemically modified with molecules that bind strongly to a target protein. When proteins bind to molecules on either side of the dielectric gap, a molecular junction is formed with observed conductances on the order of nanosiemens. These devices can be used in applications such as DNA sequencing or to gain insight into fundamental questions such as the mechanism of electron transport in proteins.
Date Created

A High-Density 3D Microengineered Platform to Study the Role of Tumor-Stroma Interactions on Desmoplasia and Breast Cancer Progression

Solid tumors advance from benign stage to a deadly metastatic state due to the complex interaction between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) including stromal cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). Multiple studies have demonstrated that ECM dysregulation is one of

Solid tumors advance from benign stage to a deadly metastatic state due to the complex interaction between cancer cells and tumor microenvironment (TME) including stromal cells and extracellular matrix (ECM). Multiple studies have demonstrated that ECM dysregulation is one of the critical hallmarks of cancer progression leading to formation of a desmoplastic microenvironment that participates in tumor progression. Cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are the predominant stromal cell type that participates in desmoplasia by depositing matrix proteins and increasing ECM stiffness. Although the influence of matrix stiffness on enhanced tumorigenicity has been well studied, the biological understanding about the dynamic changes in ECM architecture and the role of cancer-stromal cell interaction on ECM remodeling is still limited.

In this dissertation, the primary goal was to develop a comprehensive cellular and molecular level understanding of ECM remodeling due to the interaction of breast tumor cells and CAFs. To that end, a novel three-dimensional (3D) high-density tumor-stroma model was fabricated in which breast tumor cells (MDA-MB-231 and MCF7) were spatially organized surrounded by CAF-embedded collagen-I hydrogel (Aim 1). Further the platform was integrated with atomic force microscopy to assess the dynamic changes in ECM composition and stiffness during active tumor invasion. The results established an essential role of crosstalk between breast tumor cells and CAFs in ECM remodeling. The studies were further extended by dissecting the mode of interaction between tumor cells and CAFs followed by characterization of the role of various tumor secreted factors on ECM remodeling (Aim 2). The results for the first time established a critical role of paracrine signaling between breast tumor cells and CAFs in modulating biophysical properties of ECM. More in-depth analysis highlighted the role of tumor secreted cytokines, specifically PDGF-AA/BB, on CAF-induced desmoplasia. In aim 3, the platform was further utilized to test the synergistic influence of anti-fibrotic drug (tranilast) in conjugation with chemotherapeutic drug (Doxorubicin) on desmoplasia and tumor progression in the presence of CAFs. Overall this dissertation provided an in-depth understanding on the impact of breast cancer-stromal cell interaction in modulating biophysical properties of the ECM and identified the crucial role of tumor secreted cytokines including PDGF-AA/BB on desmoplasia.
Date Created

Biophysical Methods to Quantify Cancer Cells and Microengineered Cancer Tissues Properties

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Mechanical properties, in particular elasticity, of cancer cells and their microenvironment are important in governing cancer cell fate, for example function, mobility, adhesion, and invasion. Among all tools to measure the mechanical properties, the precision and ease of atomic force

Mechanical properties, in particular elasticity, of cancer cells and their microenvironment are important in governing cancer cell fate, for example function, mobility, adhesion, and invasion. Among all tools to measure the mechanical properties, the precision and ease of atomic force microscopy (AFM) to directly apply force—in the range of Pico to micronewtons—onto samples—with length scales from nanometers to tens of micrometers—has made it a powerful tool to investigate the mechanics of materials. AFM is widely used to measure deformability and stiffness of soft biological samples. Principally, these samples are indented by the AFM probe and the forces and indentation depths are recorded. The generated force-indentation curves are fitted with an elastic contact model to quantify the elasticity (e.g. stiffness). AFM is a precise tool; however, the results are as accurate as the contact model used to analyze them. A new contact model was introduced to analyze force-indentation curves generated by spherical AFM probes for deep indentations. The experimental and finite element analysis results demonstrated that the new contact model provides more accurate mechanical properties throughout the indentation depth up to radius of the indenter, while the Hertz model underestimates the mechanical properties. In the classical contact models, it is assumed that the sample is vertically homogenous; however, many biological samples—for example cells—are heterogeneous. A novel two-layer model was utilized to probe Polydimethylsiloxane hydrogel (PDMS) layers on PDMS substrates with stiffness mismatch. In this experiment the stiffness of the substrate was deconvoluted from the AFM measurements to obtain the stiffness of the layer. AFM and confocal reflectance microscopy were utilized along with a novel 3D microengineered breast cancer tumor model to study the crosstalk between cancer tumor and the stromal cells (CAFs) and the ECM remodeling caused by their interplay. The results showed that as the cancer cells invade into the extracellular matrix (ECM), they release PDGF ligands which enable Cafes to remodel the ECM and this remodeling increased the invasion rate of the cancer cells. Next, the effect of the ECM remodeling on anti-cancer drug resistant was investigated within the 3D microengineered cancer model. It was demonstrated that the combinatory treatment by anti-cancer and-anti-fibrotic drugs enhance the efficiency of the cancer treatment. A novel DNA-based 3D hydrogel model with tunable stiffness was investigated by AFM. The results showed the hydrogel stiffness can be enhanced by adding DNA crosslinkers. In addition, the stiffness was reduced to the control sample level by introducing the displacement DNA. Biophysical quantifications along with the in vitro microengineered tumor models provide a unique frame work to study cancer in more detail.
Date Created

Biophysical Characterization of Cancer Cell Phenotypes

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Cancer is a serious health concern. Current treatments are limited due to certain subpopulations of cancer cells being resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. These subpopulations have been qualitatively identified but much work remains to quantify the abnormalities they exhibit such

Cancer is a serious health concern. Current treatments are limited due to certain subpopulations of cancer cells being resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. These subpopulations have been qualitatively identified but much work remains to quantify the abnormalities they exhibit such as irregular nuclear shape. This dissertation seeks to determine physical science methods which can identify and quantify the biological characteristics of cancer and non-cancer cells. For the first project, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and chromatin of cancer and non-cancer esophageal cells were quantified using spectrophotometry and atomic force microscopy. Then the cellular nucleus shape, chromocenters, nucleoli, and nuclear speckles were characterized using 3-D confocal microscopy. A majority of a cell's DNA is isolated in the supernatant fraction during salt fractionation for both cancer and non-cancer. Additionally, the nuclear size of cancer cells is roughly twice that of non-cancer cells due to the increased ploidy of the cancer cell line (more chromatin) and this chromatin exists in a less decondensed state than that of the chromatin in non-cancer cells. Then using combined atomic force microscopy and CLSM, the Young's modulus of cancer stem-like cells and non-stem-like cells were characterized for three breast cell lines: MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, and MCF-10A. It was determined that the MCF-7 is impacted by buffer environment whereas the MDA-MB-231 and the MCF-10A cell lines are not. MCF-7 cells are stiffer when measured in Phosphate Buffer Solution (PBS) compared to Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) buffer possibly due to the fact that HBSS buffer tends to enhance the Warburg effect on cell lines. Additionally, there is a significant stiffness difference between stem cells and non-stem cells in the MCF-7 cell line which does not occur in the MDA-MB-231 cell line for the larger tip. These differences could be attributed to differences in cell phenotype for the cell lines. MDA-MB-231 cells are mesenchymal so it agrees with the hypothesis that there is no difference between cancer stem cells (CSCs) and non-CSCs cell stiffness; on the other hand the MCF-7 cell line is luminal so the CSCs being more mesenchymal-like would be softer than the non-CSCs.
Date Created

Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Chromatin in Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Esophageal Cells

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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study structural differences in the chromatin of cancerous (CP-D) and non-cancerous (EPC2) cell lines. Chromatin samples were extracted using a salt fractionation protocol and subject to Mnase digestion for 2, 4, 8,

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to study structural differences in the chromatin of cancerous (CP-D) and non-cancerous (EPC2) cell lines. Chromatin samples were extracted using a salt fractionation protocol and subject to Mnase digestion for 2, 4, 8, and 16 minutes. Samples were then immobilized on APTES-functionalized mica sheets. Images were produced using the tapping mode capabilities of the AFM and structural differences between cell lines were quantified using image processing software. Vast differences in chromatin structure were observed between cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines and it was discovered that CP-D chromatin is present as scattered nucleosomes and nucleosome aggregates while EPC2 chromatin is present in intricate arrays. It was also observed that in both the CP-D and EPC2 cell lines, nucleosomes were more isolated and less apparent at longer Mnase digestion times. These findings lead to the conclusion that as the DNA becomes sufficiently digested, chromatin and nucleosomal arrays begin to deteriorate and lose their complex and elaborate structure.
Date Created