A Study of Hole Transport in Crystalline Monoclinic Selenium Using Bulk Monte Carlo Techniques

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Amorphous materials can be uniformly deposited over a large area at lower cost compared to crystalline semiconductors (Silicon or Germanium). This property along with its high resistivity and wide band-gap found many applications in devices like rectifiers, xerography, xero-radiography, ultrahigh

Amorphous materials can be uniformly deposited over a large area at lower cost compared to crystalline semiconductors (Silicon or Germanium). This property along with its high resistivity and wide band-gap found many applications in devices like rectifiers, xerography, xero-radiography, ultrahigh sensitivity optical cameras, digital radiography, and mammography (2D and 3D tomosynthesis). Amorphous selenium is the only amorphous material that undergoes impact ionization where only holes avalanche at high electric fields. This leads to a small excess noise factor which is a very important performance comparison matrix for avalanche photodetectors. Thus, there is a need to model high field avalanche process in amorphous selenium. At high fields, the transport in amorphous selenium changes from low values of activated trap-limited drift mobility to higher values of band transport mobility, via extended states. When the transport shifts from activated mobility with a high degree of localization to extended state band transport, the wavefunction of the amorphous material resembles that of its crystalline counterpart. To that effect, crystalline monoclinic selenium which has the closest resemblance to vapor deposited amorphous selenium has been studied. Modelling a crystalline semiconductor makes calculations simpler. The transport phenomena in crystalline monoclinic selenium is studied by using a bulk Monte Carlo technique to solve the semi-classical Boltzman Transport equation and thus calculate vital electrical parameters like mobility, critical field and mobility variations against temperatures. The band structure and the density of states function for monoclinic selenium was obtained by using an atomistic simulation tool, the Atomistic Toolkit in the Virtual Nano Lab, Quantum Wise, Copenhagen, Denmark. Moreover, the velocity and energy against time characteristics have been simulated for a wide range of electric fields (1-1000 $\frac{kV}{cm}$), which is further used to find the hole drift mobility. The low field mobility is obtained from the slope of the velocity vs. electric field plot. The low field hole mobility was calculated to be 5.51 $\frac{cm^{2}}{Vs}$ at room temperature. The experimental value for low field hole mobility is 7.29 $\frac{cm^{2}}{Vs}$. The energy versus electric field simulation at high fields is used to match the experimental onset of avalanche (754 $\frac{kV}{cm}$) for an ionization threshold energy of 2.1 eV. The Arrhenius plot for mobility against temperature is simulated and compared with published experimental data. The experimental and simulation results show a close match, thus validating the study.
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Simulation of high temperature InGaN photovoltaic devices

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In recent years, there has been increased interest in the Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN) material system for photovoltaic (PV) applications. The InGaN alloy system has demonstrated high performance for high frequency power devices, as well as for optical light emitters.

In recent years, there has been increased interest in the Indium Gallium Nitride (InGaN) material system for photovoltaic (PV) applications. The InGaN alloy system has demonstrated high performance for high frequency power devices, as well as for optical light emitters. This material system is also promising for photovoltaic applications due to broad range of bandgaps of InxGa1-xN alloys from 0.65 eV (InN) to 3.42 eV (GaN), which covers most of the electromagnetic spectrum from ultraviolet to infrared wavelengths. InGaN’s high absorption coefficient, radiation resistance and thermal stability (operating with temperature > 450 ℃) makes it a suitable PV candidate for hybrid concentrating solar thermal systems as well as other high temperature applications. This work proposed a high efficiency InGaN-based 2J tandem cell for high temperature (450 ℃) and concentration (200 X) hybrid concentrated solar thermal (CSP) application via numerical simulation. In order to address the polarization and band-offset issues for GaN/InGaN hetero-solar cells, band-engineering techniques are adopted and a simple interlayer is proposed at the hetero-interface rather than an Indium composition grading layer which is not practical in fabrication. The base absorber thickness and doping has been optimized for 1J cell performance and current matching has been achieved for 2J tandem cell design. The simulations also suggest that the issue of crystalline quality (i.e. short SRH lifetime) of the nitride material system to date is a crucial factor limiting the performance of the designed 2J cell at high temperature. Three pathways to achieve ~25% efficiency have been proposed under 450 ℃ and 200 X. An anti-reflection coating (ARC) for the InGaN solar cell optical management has been designed. Finally, effective mobility model for quantum well solar cells has been developed for efficient quasi-bulk simulation.
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Mobility Modeling of Gallium Nitride Nanowires

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Semiconductor nanowires have the potential to emerge as the building blocks of next generation field-effect transistors, logic gates, solar cells and light emitting diodes. Use of Gallium Nitride (GaN) and other wide bandgap materials combines the advantages of III-nitrides along

Semiconductor nanowires have the potential to emerge as the building blocks of next generation field-effect transistors, logic gates, solar cells and light emitting diodes. Use of Gallium Nitride (GaN) and other wide bandgap materials combines the advantages of III-nitrides along with the enhanced mobility offered by 2-dimensional confinement present in nanowires. The focus of this thesis is on developing a low field mobility model for a GaN nanowire using Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) techniques. A 2D Schrödinger-Poisson solver and a one-dimensional Monte Carlo solver is developed for an Aluminum Gallium Nitride/Gallium Nitride Heterostructure nanowire. A GaN/AlN/AlGaN heterostructure device is designed which creates 2-dimensional potential well for electrons. The nanowire is treated as a quasi-1D system in this work. A self-consistent 2D Schrödinger-Poisson solver is designed which determines the subband energies and the corresponding wavefunctions of the confined system. Three scattering mechanisms: acoustic phonon scattering, polar optical phonon scattering and piezoelectric scattering are considered to account for the electron phonon interactions in the system. Overlap integrals and 1D scattering rate expressions are derived for all the mechanisms listed. A generic one-dimensional Monte Carlo solver is also developed. Steady state results from the 1D Monte Carlo solver are extracted to determine the low field mobility of the GaN nanowires.
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Investigation and Analysis of Thermal Performance of InGaN/GaN Light Emitting Diodes

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Light Emitting Diodes even with their longer life, robust build and low power consumption, they are still plagued by some problems the most significant of which are the current droop and thermal droop. Current droop causes a lowering in the

Light Emitting Diodes even with their longer life, robust build and low power consumption, they are still plagued by some problems the most significant of which are the current droop and thermal droop. Current droop causes a lowering in the Internal Quantum Efficiency with increased current injection while thermal droop lowers the whole Internal Quantum Efficiency curve with increase in temperature. The focus here was understanding effects of thermal droop and develop a method to control it.

Shockley Read Hall recombination plays a dominant role in the thermal droop effect when the current injection is low. Since the blue light emitting diode is based on Gallium Nitride, we need to take into consideration the effect of piezoelectric polarization in the quantum wells. The effects of the piezoelectric fields were studied based on the Gallium Nitride plane orientations. It was found in a Gallium Nitride light emitting diodes simulation study that more the number of quantum wells, lower would be the Radiative recombination rate. The problem of exacerbated spatial separation of electron hole wavefunctions in a thick single quantum well structure lead to the development of a dual well structure where one well assisted the other during high temperature operations. The Electron Blocking Layer was reduced in thickness and was made only 10 nm thick with a 5 nm Gallium Nitride buffer between it and the active region wells. The main reason for reducing the electron blocking layer thickness was to reduce the valance band offset and improve hole transport into the active region. Three different dual well designs were simulated of 3nm, 6nm and 9nm wide wells. The output parameters like the Power Spectral Density, Electron bound density, Light Output Power and Electron-Hole wavefunction overlaps were calculated. It was found that one of the wells acted as an assisting well where it had very little radiative recombination activity in it at room temperature.

As the temperature increased, it was observed that the electrons in the main well started to overflow out of it and into the assisting well where the radiative recombination rate increased significantly. This lead to a boost in Internal Quantum Efficiency.
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Optimization of monocrystalline MgxCd1-xTe/MgyCd1-yTe double-heterostructure solar cells

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Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe solar cells continue to dominate the thin-film photovoltaics industry with an achieved record efficiency of over 22% demonstrated by First Solar, yet monocrystalline CdTe devices have received considerably less attention over the years. Monocrystalline CdTe double-heterostructure solar cells

Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe solar cells continue to dominate the thin-film photovoltaics industry with an achieved record efficiency of over 22% demonstrated by First Solar, yet monocrystalline CdTe devices have received considerably less attention over the years. Monocrystalline CdTe double-heterostructure solar cells show great promise with respect to addressing the problem of low Voc with the passing of the 1 V benchmark. Rapid progress has been made in driving the efficiency in these devices ever closer to the record presently held by polycrystalline thin-films. This achievement is primarily due to the utilization of a remote p-n heterojunction in which the heavily doped contact materials, which are so problematic in terms of increasing non-radiative recombination inside the absorber, are moved outside of the CdTe double heterostructure with two MgyCd1-yTe barrier layers to provide confinement and passivation at the CdTe surfaces. Using this design, the pursuit and demonstration of efficiencies beyond 20% in CdTe solar cells is reported through the study and optimization of the structure barriers, contacts layers, and optical design. Further development of a wider bandgap MgxCd1-xTe solar cell based on the same design is included with the intention of applying this knowledge to the development of a tandem solar cell constructed on a silicon subcell. The exploration of different hole-contact materials—ZnTe, CuZnS, and a-Si:H—and their optimization is presented throughout the work. Devices utilizing a-Si:H hole contacts exhibit open-circuit voltages of up to 1.11 V, a maximum total-area efficiency of 18.5% measured under AM1.5G, and an active-area efficiency of 20.3% for CdTe absorber based devices. The achievement of voltages beyond 1.1V while still maintaining relatively high fill factors with no rollover, either before or after open-circuit, is a promising indicator that this approach can result in devices surpassing the 22% record set by polycrystalline designs. MgxCd1-xTe absorber based devices have been demonstrated with open-circuit voltages of up to 1.176 V and a maximum active-area efficiency of 11.2%. A discussion of the various loss mechanisms present within these devices, both optical and electrical, concludes with the presentation of a series of potential design changes meant to address these issues.
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Quantum Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Photonic and Nano Systems

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This dissertation aims to study and understand the effect of nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos in graphene, optomechanics, photonics and spintronics systems.

First, in graphene quantum dot systems, conductance fluctuations are investigated from the respects of Fano resonances and quantum chaos.

This dissertation aims to study and understand the effect of nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos in graphene, optomechanics, photonics and spintronics systems.

First, in graphene quantum dot systems, conductance fluctuations are investigated from the respects of Fano resonances and quantum chaos. The conventional semi-classical theory of quantum chaotic scattering used in this field depends on an invariant classical phase-space structure. I show that for systems without an invariant classical phase-space structure, the quantum pointer states can still be used to explain the conductance fluctuations. Another finding is that the chaotic geometry is demonstrated to have similar effects as the disorders in transportations.

Second, in optomechanics systems, I find rich nonlinear dynamics. Using the semi-classical Langevin equations, I demonstrate a quasi-periodic motion is favorable for the quantum entanglement between the optical mode and mechanical mode. Then I use the quantum trajectory theory to provide a new resolution for the breakdown of the classical-quantum correspondences in the chaotic regions.

Third, I investigate the analogs of the electrical band structures and effects in the non-electrical systems. In the photonic systems, I use an array of waveguides to simulate the transport of the massive relativistic particle in a non-Hermitian scenario. A new form of Zitterbewegung is discovered as well as its analytical explanation. In mechanical systems, I use springs and mass points systems to achieve a three band degenerate band structure with a new pair of spatially separated edge states in the Dice lattice. A new semi-metal phase with the intrinsic valley-Hall effect is found.

At last, I investigate the nonlinear dynamics in the spintronics systems, in which the topological insulator couples with a magnetization. Rich nonlinear dynamics are discovered in this systems, especially the multi-stability states.
Date Created

Modeling and Simulation of the Programmable Metallization Cells (PMCs) and Diamond-Based Power Devices

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This PhD thesis consists of three main themes. The first part focusses on modeling of Silver (Ag)-Chalcogenide glass based resistive memory devices known as the Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC). The proposed models are examined with the Technology Computer Aided Design

This PhD thesis consists of three main themes. The first part focusses on modeling of Silver (Ag)-Chalcogenide glass based resistive memory devices known as the Programmable Metallization Cell (PMC). The proposed models are examined with the Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations. In order to find a relationship between electrochemistry and carrier-trap statistics in chalcogenide glass films, an analytical mapping for electron trapping is derived. Then, a physical-based model is proposed in order to explain the dynamic behavior of the photodoping mechanism in lateral PMCs. At the end, in order to extract the time constant of ChG materials, a method which enables us to determine the carriers’ mobility with and without the UV light exposure is proposed. In order to validate these models, the results of TCAD simulations using Silvaco ATLAS are also presented in the study, which show good agreement.

In the second theme of this dissertation, a new model is presented to predict single event transients in 1T-1R memory arrays as an inverter, where the PMC is modeled as a constant resistance while the OFF transistor is model as a diode in parallel to a capacitance. The model divides the output voltage transient response of an inverter into three time segments, where an ionizing particle striking through the drain–body junction of the OFF-state NMOS is represented as a photocurrent pulse. If this current source is large enough, the output voltage can drop to a negative voltage. In this model, the OFF-state NMOS is represented as the parallel combination of an ideal diode and the intrinsic capacitance of the drain–body junction, while a resistance represents an ON-state NMOS. The proposed model is verified by 3-D TCAD mixed-mode device simulations. In order to investigate the flexibility of the model, the effects of important parameters, such as ON-state PMOS resistance, doping concentration of p-region in the diode, and the photocurrent pulse are scrutinized.

The third theme of this dissertation develops various models together with TCAD simulations to model the behavior of different diamond-based devices, including PIN diodes and bipolar junction transistors (BJTs). Diamond is a very attractive material for contemporary power semiconductor devices because of its excellent material properties, such as high breakdown voltage and superior thermal conductivity compared to other materials. Collectively, this research project enhances the development of high power and high temperature electronics using diamond-based semiconductors. During the fabrication process of diamond-based devices, structural defects particularly threading dislocations (TDs), may affect the device electrical properties, and models were developed to account of such defects. Recognition of their behavior helps us understand and predict the performance of diamond-based devices. Here, the electrical conductance through TD sites is shown to be governed by the Poole-Frenkel emission (PFE) for the temperature (T) range of 323 K ˂ T ˂ 423 K. Analytical models were performed to fit with experimental data over the aforementioned temperature range. Next, the Silvaco Atlas tool, a drift-diffusion based TCAD commercial software, was used to model diamond-based BJTs. Here, some field plate methods are proposed in order to decrease the surface electric field. The models used in Atlas are modified to account for both hopping transport in the impurity bands associated with high activation energies for boron doped and phosphorus doped diamond.
Date Created

Full-band Schrödinger Poisson solver for DG UTB SOI MOSFET

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Moore's law has been the most important driving force for the tremendous progress of semiconductor industry. With time the transistors which form the fundamental building block of any integrated circuit have been shrinking in size leading to smaller and

Moore's law has been the most important driving force for the tremendous progress of semiconductor industry. With time the transistors which form the fundamental building block of any integrated circuit have been shrinking in size leading to smaller and faster electronic devices.As the devices scale down thermal effects and the short channel effects become the important deciding factors in determining transistor architecture.SOI (Silicon on Insulator) devices have been excellent alternative to planar MOSFET for ultimate CMOS scaling since they mitigate short channel effects. Hence as a part of thesis we tried to study the benefits of the SOI technology especially for lower technology nodes when the channel thickness reduces down to sub 10nm regime. This work tries to explore the effects of structural confinement due to reduced channel thickness on the electrostatic behavior of DG SOI MOSFET. DG SOI MOSFET form the Qfinfet which is an alternative to existing Finfet structure. Qfinfet was proposed and patented by the Finscale Inc for sub 10nm technology nodes.

As part of MS Thesis we developed electrostatic simulator for DG SOI devices by implementing the self consistent full band Schrodinger Poisson solver. We used the Empirical Pseudopotential method in conjunction with supercell approach to solve the Schrodinger Equation. EPM was chosen because it has few empirical parameters which give us good accuracy for experimental results. Also EPM is computationally less expensive as compared to the atomistic methods like DFT(Density functional theory) and NEGF (Non-equilibrium Green's function). In our workwe considered two crystallographic orientations of Si,namely [100] and [110].
Date Created

MWIR and visible nBn photodetectors and their monolithically-integration for two-color photodetector applications

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This work demonstrates novel nBn photodetectors including mid-wave infrared (MWIR) nBn photodetectors based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices (T2SLs) with charge as the output signal, and visible nBn photodetectors based on CdTe with current output. Furthermore, visible/MWIR two-color photodetectors (2CPDs) are

This work demonstrates novel nBn photodetectors including mid-wave infrared (MWIR) nBn photodetectors based on InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices (T2SLs) with charge as the output signal, and visible nBn photodetectors based on CdTe with current output. Furthermore, visible/MWIR two-color photodetectors (2CPDs) are fabricated through monolithic integration of the CdTe nBn photodetector and an InSb photodiode.

The MWIR nBn photodetectors have a potential well for holes present in the barrier layer. At low voltages of < −0.2 V, which ensure low dark current <10-5 A/cm2 at 77 K, photogenerated holes are collected in this well with a storage lifetime of 40 s. This charge collection process is an in-device signal integration process that reduces the random noise significantly. Since the stored holes can be readout laterally as in charge-coupled devices, it is therefore possible to make charge-output nBn with much lower noise than conventional current-output nBn photodetectors.

The visible nBn photodetectors have a CdTe absorber layer and a ZnTe barrier layer with an aligned valence band edge. By using a novel ITO/undoped-CdTe top contact design, it has achieved a high specific detectivity of 3×1013 cm-Hz1/2/W at room temperature. Particularly, this CdTe nBn photodetector grown on InSb substrates enables the monolithic integration of CdTe and InSb photodetectors, and provides a platform to study in-depth device physics of nBn photodetectors at room temperature.

Furthermore, the visible/MWIR 2CPD has been developed by the monolithic integration of the CdTe nBn and an InSb photodiode through an n-CdTe/p-InSb tunnel junction. At 77 K, the photoresponse of the 2CPD can be switched between a 1-5.5 μm MWIR band and a 350-780 nm visible band by illuminating the device with an external light source or not, and applying with proper voltages. Under optimum conditions, the 2CPD has achieved a MWIR peak responsivity of 0.75 A/W with a band rejection ratio (BRR) of 52 dB, and a visible peak responsivity of 0.3 A/W with a BRR of 18 dB. This 2CPD has enabled future compact image sensors with high fill-factor and responsivity switchable between visible and MWIR colors.
Date Created

Study of minority carrier lifetime and transport in InAs/InAsSb type-II superlattices using a real-time baseline correction method

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Sb-based type-II superlattices (T2SLs) are potential alternative to HgCdTe for infrared detection due to their low manufacturing cost, good uniformity, high structural stability, and suppressed Auger recombination. The emerging InAs/InAsSb T2SLs have minority carrier lifetimes 1-2 orders of magnitude longer

Sb-based type-II superlattices (T2SLs) are potential alternative to HgCdTe for infrared detection due to their low manufacturing cost, good uniformity, high structural stability, and suppressed Auger recombination. The emerging InAs/InAsSb T2SLs have minority carrier lifetimes 1-2 orders of magnitude longer than those of the well-studied InAs/InGaSb T2SLs, and therefore have the potential to achieve photodetectors with higher performance. This work develops a novel method to measure the minority carrier lifetimes in infrared materials, and reports a comprehensive characterization of minority carrier lifetime and transport in InAs/InAsSb T2SLs at temperatures below 77 K.

A real-time baseline correction (RBC) method for minority carrier lifetime measurement is developed by upgrading a conventional boxcar-based time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) experimental system that suffers from low signal-to-noise ratio due to strong low frequency noise. The key is to modify the impulse response of the conventional TRPL system, and therefore the system becomes less sensitive to the dominant noise. Using this RBC method, the signal-to-noise ratio is improved by 2 orders of magnitude.

A record long minority carrier lifetime of 12.8 μs is observed in a high-quality mid-wavelength infrared InAs/InAsSb T2SLs at 15 K. It is further discovered that this long lifetime is partially due to strong carrier localization, which is revealed by temperature-dependent photoluminescence (PL) and TRPL measurements for InAs/InAsSb T2SLs with different period thicknesses. Moreover, the PL and TRPL results suggest that the atomic layer thickness variation is the main origin of carrier localization, which is further confirmed by a calculation using transfer matrix method.

To study the impact of the carrier localization on the device performance of InAs/InAsSb photodetectors, minority hole diffusion lengths are determined by the simulation of external quantum efficiency (EQE). A comparative study shows that carrier localization has negligible effect on the minority hole diffusion length in InAs/InAsSb T2SLs, and the long minority carrier lifetimes enhanced by carrier localization is not beneficial for photodetector operation.
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