Nanophotonics for Ultrafast Optical Modulation, Ocean, and Energy Applications

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Nanophotonics studies the interaction of light with nanoscale devices and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on developing nanoscale devices for optical modulation (saturable absorber and all-optical modulator) and investigating light scattering from nanoparticles for underwater navigation and energy sector application. Saturable

Nanophotonics studies the interaction of light with nanoscale devices and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on developing nanoscale devices for optical modulation (saturable absorber and all-optical modulator) and investigating light scattering from nanoparticles for underwater navigation and energy sector application. Saturable absorbers and all-optical modulators are essential to generate ultrashort high-power laser pulses and high-speed communications. Graphene-based devices are broadband, ultrafast, and compatible with different substrates and fibers. Nevertheless, the required fluence to saturate or modulate the optical signal with graphene is still high to realize low-threshold, compact broadband devices, which are essential for many applications. This dissertation emphasizes that the strong light-matter interaction in graphene-plasmonic hybrid metasurface greatly enhances monolayer graphene’s saturable absorption and optical signal modulation effect while maintaining graphene’s ultrafast carrier dynamics. Furthermore, based on this concept, simulation models and experimental demonstrations are presented in this dissertation to demonstrate both subwavelength (~λ/5 in near-infrared and ~λ/10 in mid-infrared) thick graphene-based saturable absorber (with record-low saturation fluence (~0.1μJ/cm2), and ultrashort recovery time (~60fs) at near-infrared wavelengths) and all-optical modulators ( with 40% reflection modulation at 6.5μm with ~55μJ/cm2 pump fluence and ultrafast relaxation time of ~1ps at 1.56μm with less than 8μJ/cm2 pump fluence). Underwater navigation is essential for various underwater vehicles. However, there is no reliable method for underwater navigation. This dissertation presents a numerical simulation model and algorithm for navigation based on underwater polarization mapping data. With the methods developed, for clear water in the swimming pool, it is possible to achieve a sun position error of 0.35˚ azimuth and 0.03˚ zenith angle, and the corresponding location prediction error is ~23Km. For turbid lake water, a location determination error of ~100Km is achieved. Furthermore, maintenance of heliostat mirrors and receiver tubes is essential for properly operating concentrated solar power (CSP) plants. This dissertation demonstrates a fast and field deployable inspection method to measure the heliostat mirror soiling levels and receiver tube defect detection based on polarization images. Under sunny and clear sky conditions, accurate reflection efficiency (error ~1%) measurement for mirrors with different soiling levels is achieved, and detection of receiver tube defects is demonstrated.
Date Created

Modeling, and Application of Existing and Novel Characterization Techniques for Solar Cells with Contact Barriers

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Improving solar cell efficiency is an enormously powerful driver of the cost reduction of solar power. While the silicon solar cell efficiency approaches theoretical limits, many thin-film solar cell technologies fall behind. In particular, cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells have

Improving solar cell efficiency is an enormously powerful driver of the cost reduction of solar power. While the silicon solar cell efficiency approaches theoretical limits, many thin-film solar cell technologies fall behind. In particular, cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells have only reached a maximum efficiency of 22.1%. One of the challenges associated with the development of CdTe solar cells is due its high electron affinity and the difficulty of achieving heavy p-type doping. This challenge results in the formation of a Schottky barrier at the hole contact, which reduces solar cell efficiency, primarily through the reduction of open circuit voltage (Voc) and fill factor (FF). The Schottky barrier makes the characterization of the actual solar cell p-n junction through current voltage (I-V), capacitance voltage (C-V), and thermal admittance spectroscopy (TAS) more difficult and not straightforward. However, interpreted through accurate physical models and under the correct experimental conditions, these techniques can then also be used to extract the impact of the contact on device performance, chiefly through analysis of the barrier height. Additionally, characterization of the open circuit voltage as a function of the illumination intensity (Suns-Voc) and the open circuit voltage as a function of temperature [Voc(T)] offer insight into the potential impact of the contact barrier. A comprehensive review of characterization of the barrier through the above techniques is given, primarily through a two-diode model. Further, a discussion of the utility of electrochemical capacitance-voltage (ECV) profiling to recover carrier concentrations in device regions otherwise difficult to access through traditional C-V measurements is provided along with modeling to support this conclusion. A discussion of and justification for the experimental extraction of barrier height from TAS measurements are also provided. Experimentally measured Voc(T), C-V, and Suns-Voc characteristics are presented and compared for a CdTe and a gallium arsenide (GaAs) solar cell. Experimental results indicate that the contact barriers and other possible non-idealities strongly affect the performance of the CdTe solar cell. Modeling results demonstrate the use of ECV to characterize solar cell absorbers can offer information unavailable via conventional C-V measurements.
Date Created

Chip-integrated Plasmonic Optics for Polarization Control and Detection

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Polarization detection and control techniques play essential roles in various applications, including optical communication, polarization imaging, chemical analysis, target detection, and biomedical diagnosis. Conventional methods for polarization detection and polarization control require bulky optical systems. Flat optics opens a new

Polarization detection and control techniques play essential roles in various applications, including optical communication, polarization imaging, chemical analysis, target detection, and biomedical diagnosis. Conventional methods for polarization detection and polarization control require bulky optical systems. Flat optics opens a new way for ultra-compact, lower-cost devices and systems for polarization detection and control. However, polarization measurement and manipulating devices with high efficiency and accuracy in the mid-infrared (MIR) range remain elusive. This dissertation presented design concepts and experimental demonstrations of full-Stokes parameters detection and polarization generation devices based on chip-integrated plasmonic metasurfaces with high performance and record efficiency. One of the significant challenges for full-Stokes polarization detection is to achieve high-performance circular polarization (CP) filters. The first design presented in this dissertation is based on the direct integration of plasmonic quarter-wave plate (QWP) onto gold nanowire gratings. It is featured with the subwavelength thickness (~500nm) and extinction ratio around 16. The second design is based on the anisotropic thin-film interference between two vertically integrated anisotropic plasmonic metasurfaces. It provides record high efficiency (around 90%) and extinction ratio (>180). These plasmonic CP filters can be used for circular, elliptical, and linear polarization generation at different wavelengths. The maximum degree of circular polarization (DOCP) measured from the sample achieves 0.99998. The proposed CP filters were integrated with nanograting-based linear polarization (LP) filters on the same chip for single-shot polarization detection. Full-Stokes measurements were experimentally demonstrated with high accuracy at the single wavelength using the direct subtraction method and over a broad wavelength range from 3.5 to 4.5mm using the Mueller matrix method. This design concept was later expanded to a pixelized array of polarization filters. A full-Stokes imaging system was experimentally demonstrated based on integrating a metasurface with pixelized polarization filters arrays and an MIR camera.
Date Created

Study of CdTe/MgCdTe Double-Heterostructure Solar Cells and an Epitaxial Lift-Off Technology for Thin-Film and Tandem Applications

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CdTe/MgCdTe double heterostructures (DHs) integrated with a heavily-doped a-Si:H layer as the hole contact was demonstrated a record open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.11 V and an active-area efficiency of 20% in 2016. Despite this significant progress, some of the underlying

CdTe/MgCdTe double heterostructures (DHs) integrated with a heavily-doped a-Si:H layer as the hole contact was demonstrated a record open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.11 V and an active-area efficiency of 20% in 2016. Despite this significant progress, some of the underlying device physics has not been fully understood. The first part of this dissertation reports a systematic study of the CdTe/MgCdTe DH devices. The CdTe/MgCdTe DHs are grown on InSb(001) substrates. The vertical transport mechanisms across the CdTe and InSb heterovalent interface are investigated with N-CdTe/n-InSb and N-CdTe/p-InSb heterostructures. A transport model including tunneling through CdTe barrier and InSb interband transition is developed to explain the different temperature dependent current-voltage characteristics of these two heterostructures. Different p-type layers are integrated with the CdTe/MgCdTe DHs to form solar cells with different VOC values and efficiencies. The low VOC of devices with ZnTe:Cu and ZnTe:As hole contacts is attributed to the low built-in voltage and reduced minority carrier lifetime in the CdTe absorber, respectively. The critical requirements for reaching high VOC values are analyzed. A novel epitaxial lift-off technology for monocrystalline CdTe is developed using a water-soluble and nearly lattice-matched MgTe sacrificial layer grown on InSb substrate. The freestanding CdTe/MgCdTe DH thin films obtained from the lift-off process show improved optical performance due to enhanced light extraction efficiency and photo-recycling effect. This technology enables the possible development of monocrystalline CdTe thin-film solar cells and 1.7/1.1-eV MgCdTe/Si or MgCdTe/Cu(InGa)Se2 tandem solar cells. The monocrystalline CdTe thin-film solar cells and 1.7-eV MgCdTe DH solar cells have been demonstrated with a power conversion efficiency of 9.8% and an active-area efficiency as high as 15.2%, respectively. Additionally, a study of the radiation effects on CdTe DHs under 68-MeV proton irradiation is performed and showed their superior radiation tolerance. All these findings indicate that the monocrystalline CdTe thin-film solar cells are reasonably expected to have low weight, high-efficiency and high power density, ideal for space applications.
Date Created

MBE Growth and Characterization of III-V Bismide Semiconductor Alloys for Mid- and Long-Wave Infrared Applications

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The molecular beam epitaxy growth of the III-V semiconductor alloy indium arsenide antimonide bismide (InAsSbBi) is investigated over a range of growth temperatures and V/III flux ratios. Bulk and quantum well structures grown on gallium antimonide (GaSb) substrates are examined.

The molecular beam epitaxy growth of the III-V semiconductor alloy indium arsenide antimonide bismide (InAsSbBi) is investigated over a range of growth temperatures and V/III flux ratios. Bulk and quantum well structures grown on gallium antimonide (GaSb) substrates are examined. The relationships between Bi incorporation, surface morphology, growth temperature, and group-V flux are explored. A growth model is developed based on the kinetics of atomic desorption, incorporation, surface accumulation, and droplet formation. The model is applied to InAsSbBi, where the various process are fit to the Bi, Sb, and As mole fractions. The model predicts a Bi incorporation limit for lattice matched InAsSbBi grown on GaSb.The optical performance and bandgap energy of InAsSbBi is examined using photoluminescence spectroscopy. Emission is observed from low to room temperature with peaks ranging from 3.7 to 4.6 μm. The bandgap as function of temperature is determined from the first derivative maxima of the spectra fit to an Einstein single oscillator model. The photoluminescence spectra is observed to significantly broaden with Bi content as a result of lateral composition variations and the highly mismatched nature of Bi atoms, pairs, and clusters in the group-V sublattice.
A bowing model is developed for the bandgap and band offsets of the quinary alloy GaInAsSbBi and its quaternary constituents InAsSbBi and GaAsSbBi. The band anticrossing interaction due to the highly mismatched Bi atoms is incorporated into the relevant bowing terms. An algorithm is developed for the design of mid infrared GaInAsSbBi
quantum wells, with three degrees freedom to independently tune transition energy, in plane strain, and band edge offsets for desired electron and hole confinement.
The physical characteristics of the fundamental absorption edge of the relevant III-V binaries GaAs, GaSb, InAs, and InSb are examined using spectroscopic ellipsometry. A five parameter model is developed that describes the key physical characteristics of the absorption edge, including the bandgap energy, the Urbach tail, and the absorption coefficient at the bandgap.
The quantum efficiency and recombination lifetimes of bulk InAs0.911Sb0.089 grown by molecular beam epitaxy is investigated using excitation and temperature dependent steady state photoluminescence. The Shockley-Read-Hall, radiative, and Auger recombination lifetimes are determined.
Date Created

Metasurface-Based Optoelectronic Devices for Polarization Detection and Ultrafast Optical Modulation

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Optical metasurfaces, i.e. artificially engineered arrays of subwavelength building blocks supporting abrupt and substantial light confinement, was employed to demonstrate a novel generation of devices for circularly polarized detection, full-Stokes polarimetry and all-optical modulation with ultra-compact footprint and chip-integrability.

Optical chirality

Optical metasurfaces, i.e. artificially engineered arrays of subwavelength building blocks supporting abrupt and substantial light confinement, was employed to demonstrate a novel generation of devices for circularly polarized detection, full-Stokes polarimetry and all-optical modulation with ultra-compact footprint and chip-integrability.

Optical chirality is essential for generation, manipulation and detection of circularly polarized light (CPL), thus finds many applications in quantum computing, communication, spectroscopy, biomedical diagnosis, imaging and sensing. Compared to natural chiral materials, chiral metamaterials and metasurfaces enable much stronger chirality on subwavelength scale; therefore, they are ideal for device miniaturization and system integration. However, they are usually associated with low performance due to limited fabrication tolerance and high dissipation mainly caused by plasmonic materials. Here, a bio-inspired submicron-thick chiral metamaterial structure was designed and demonstrated experimentally with high contrast (extinction ratio >35) detection of CPL with different handedness and high efficiency (>80%) of the overall device. Furthermore, integration of left- and right-handed CPL detection units with nanograting linear polarization filters enabled full-Stokes polarimetry of arbitrarily input polarization states with high accuracy and very low insertion loss, all on a submillimeter single chip. These unprecedented highly efficient and high extinction ratio devices pave the way for on-chip polarimetric measurements.

All-optical modulation is widely used for optical interconnects, communication, information processing, and ultrafast spectroscopy. Yet, there’s deficiency of ultrafast, compact and energy-efficient solutions all in one device. Here, all-optical modulation of light in the near- and mid-infrared regimes were experimentally demonstrated based on a graphene-integrated plasmonic nanoantenna array. The remarkable feature of the device design is its simultaneous near-field enhancement for pump and probe (signal) beams, owing to the localized surface plasmon resonance excitation, while preserving the ultrafast photocarrier relaxation in graphene. Hence, a distinct modulation at 1560nm with record-low pump fluence (<8μJ/cm^2) was reported with ~1ps response time. Besides, relying on broadband interaction of graphene with incident light, a first-time demonstration of graphene-based all-optical modulation in mid-infrared spectral region (6-7μm) was reported based on the above double-enhancement design concept. Relying on the tunability of metasurface design, the proposed device can be used for ultrafast optical modulation from near-infrared to terahertz regime.
Date Created

Defects and Defect Clusters in Compound Semiconductors

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Extended crystal defects often play a critical role in determining semiconductor device performance. This dissertation describes the application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and aberration-corrected scanning TEM (AC-STEM) to study defect clusters and the atomic-scale structure of defects in compound

Extended crystal defects often play a critical role in determining semiconductor device performance. This dissertation describes the application of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and aberration-corrected scanning TEM (AC-STEM) to study defect clusters and the atomic-scale structure of defects in compound semiconductors.

An extensive effort was made to identify specific locations of crystal defects in epitaxial CdTe that might contribute to degraded light-conversion efficiency. Electroluminescence (EL) mapping and the creation of surface etch pits through chemical treatment were combined in attempts to identify specific structural defects for subsequent TEM examination. Observations of these specimens revealed only surface etch pits, without any visible indication of extended defects near their base. While chemical etch pits could be helpful for precisely locating extended defects that intersect with the treated surface, this study concluded that surface roughness surrounding etch pits would likely mitigate against their usefulness.

Defect locations in GaAs solar-cell devices were identified using combinations of EL, photoluminescence, and Raman scattering, and then studied more closely using TEM. Observations showed that device degradation was invariably associated with a cluster of extended defects, rather than a single defect, as previously assumed. AC-STEM observations revealed that individual defects within each cluster consisted primarily of intrinsic stacking faults terminated by 30° and 90° partial dislocations, although other defect structures were also identified. Lomer dislocations were identified near locations where two lines of strain contrast intersected in a large cluster, and a comparatively shallow cluster, largely constrained to the GaAs emitter layer, contained 60° perfect dislocations associated with localized strain contrast.

In another study, misfit dislocations at II-VI/III-V heterovalent interfaces were investigated and characterized using AC-STEM. Misfit strain at ZnTe/GaAs interfaces, which have relatively high lattice mismatch (7.38%), was relieved primarily through Lomer dislocations, while ZnTe/InP interfaces, with only 3.85% lattice mismatch, were relaxed by a mixture of 60° perfect dislocations, 30° partial dislocations, and Lomer dislocations. These results were consistent with the previous findings that misfit strain was relaxed primarily through 60° perfect dislocations that had either dissociated into partial dislocations or interacted to form Lomer dislocations as the amount of misfit strain increased.
Date Created

Molecular beam epitaxial growth of monocrystalline MgxCd1-xTe/MgyCd1-yTe (x<y) double heterostructures and solar cells

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This dissertation details a study of wide-bandgap molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown single-crystal MgxCd1-xTe. The motivation for this study is to open a pathway to reduced $/W solar power generation through the development of a high-efficiency 1.7-eV II-VI top cell current-matched

This dissertation details a study of wide-bandgap molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)-grown single-crystal MgxCd1-xTe. The motivation for this study is to open a pathway to reduced $/W solar power generation through the development of a high-efficiency 1.7-eV II-VI top cell current-matched to low-cost 1.1-eV silicon. This paper reports the demonstration of monocrystalline 1.7-eV MgxCd1-xTe/MgyCd1-yTe (y>x) double heterostructures (DHs) with a record carrier lifetime of 560 nanoseconds, along with a 1.7-eV MgxCd1-xTe/MgyCd1-yTe (y>x) single-junction solar cell with a record active-area efficiency of 15.2% and a record open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 1.176 V. A study of indium-doped n-type 1.7-eV MgxCd1-xTe with a carrier activation of up to 5 × 1017 cm-3 is presented with promise to increase device VOC. Finally, this paper reports an epitaxial lift-off (ELO) technology using water-soluble MgTe for the creation of free-standing MBE-grown II-VI single-crystal CdTe and 1.7-eV MgxCd1-xTe solar cells freed from lattice-matched InSb(001) substrates. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy measurements comparing intact and free-standing films reveal the survival of optical quality in CdTe DHs after ELO. This technology opens up several possibilities to drastically increase cell conversion efficiency through improved light management and transferability into monolithic multijunction devices. Lastly, this report will present considerations for future work in each of the study areas mentioned above.
Date Created

Monolithic Heterovalent Integration of Compound Semiconductors and Their Applications

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Compound semiconductors tend to be more ionic if the cations and anions are further apart in atomic columns, such as II-VI compared to III-V compounds, due in part to the greater electronegativity difference between group-II and group-VI atoms. As the

Compound semiconductors tend to be more ionic if the cations and anions are further apart in atomic columns, such as II-VI compared to III-V compounds, due in part to the greater electronegativity difference between group-II and group-VI atoms. As the electronegativity between the atoms increases, the materials tend to have more insulator-like properties, including higher energy band gaps and lower indices of refraction. This enables significant differences in the optical and electronic properties between III-V, II-VI, and IV-VI semiconductors. Many of these binary compounds have similar lattice constants and therefore can be grown epitaxially on top of each other to create monolithic heterovalent and heterocrystalline heterostructures with optical and electronic properties unachievable in conventional isovalent heterostructures.

Due to the difference in vapor pressures and ideal growth temperatures between the different materials, precise growth methods are required to optimize the structural and optical properties of the heterovalent heterostructures. The high growth temperatures of the III-V materials can damage the II-VI barrier layers, and therefore a compromise must be found for the growth of high-quality III-V and II-VI layers in the same heterostructure. In addition, precise control of the interface termination has been shown to play a significant role in the crystal quality of the different layers in the structure. For non-polar orientations, elemental fluxes of group-II and group-V atoms consistently help to lower the stacking fault and dislocation density in the II-VI/III-V heterovalent heterostructures.

This dissertation examines the epitaxial growth of heterovalent and heterocrystalline heterostructures lattice-matched to GaAs, GaSb, and InSb substrates in a single-chamber growth system. The optimal growth conditions to achieve alternating layers of III-V, II-VI, and IV-VI semiconductors have been investigated using temperature ramps, migration-enhanced epitaxy, and elemental fluxes at the interface. GaSb/ZnTe distributed Bragg reflectors grown in this study significantly outperform similar isovalent GaSb-based reflectors and show great promise for mid-infrared applications. Also, carrier confinement in GaAs/ZnSe quantum wells was achieved with a low-temperature growth technique for GaAs on ZnSe. Additionally, nearly lattice-matched heterocrystalline PbTe/CdTe/InSb heterostructures with strong infrared photoluminescence were demonstrated, along with virtual (211) CdZnTe/InSb substrates with extremely low defect densities for long-wavelength optoelectronic applications.
Date Created

RPCVD Growth of Epitaxial Si-Ge-Sn Alloys for Optoelectronics Applications

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Ge1-xSnx and SiyGe1-x-ySnx materials are being researched intensively for applications in infra-red optoelectronic devices. Due to their direct band gap these materials may in-fact be the enabling factor in the commercial realization of silicon photonics/group IV photonics and the integration

Ge1-xSnx and SiyGe1-x-ySnx materials are being researched intensively for applications in infra-red optoelectronic devices. Due to their direct band gap these materials may in-fact be the enabling factor in the commercial realization of silicon photonics/group IV photonics and the integration of nanophotonics with nanoelectronics. However the synthesis of these meta-stable semiconductor alloys, with a range of Sn-compositions, remains the primary technical challenge. Highly specialized epitaxial growth methods must be employed to produce single crystal layers which have sufficient quality for optoelectronic device applications. Up to this point these methods have been unfavorable from a semiconductor manufacturing perspective. In this work the growth of high-quality Si-Ge-Sn epitaxial alloys on Ge-buffered Si (100) using an industry-standard reduced pressure chemical vapor deposition reactor and a cost-effective chemistry is demonstrated. The growth kinetics are studied in detail in-order to understand the factors influencing layer composition, morphology, and defectivity. In doing so breakthrough GeSn materials and device results are achieved including methods to overcome the limits of Sn-incorporation and the realization of low-defect and strain-relaxed epitaxial layers with up to 20% Sn.

P and n-type doping methods are presented in addition to the production of SiGeSn ternary alloys. Finally optically stimulated lasing in thick GeSn layers and SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum wells is demonstrated. Lasing wavelengths ranging from 2-3 µm at temperatures up to 180K are realized in thick layers. Whereas SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum wells on a strain-relaxed GeSn buffers have enabled the first reported SiGeSn/GeSn multiple quantum well laser operating up to 80K with threshold power densities as low as 33 kW/cm2.
Date Created