Becoming a Nurse: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Masters Entry into Professional Nursing Journey

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Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students

Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students during the program using the conceptual framework of Schon’s reflection-in-action and an associated lens of interprofessional education and practice. Nine participants were recruited using maximum variation sampling. Participants were all female, over the age of 21, all recent graduates of a MEPN program, with previous baccalaureate degrees in the sciences and humanities. Data were analyzed using directed content analysis. Participants identified five steps in the MEPN journey: (1) Choosing to Pursue Nursing, (2) Coming into MEPN, (3) Bridging Disciplines to Become a Nurse, (4) Reflecting on the Journey, and (5) Being a Nurse. They identified facilitators and barriers they encountered navigating the program and described the knowledge they brought from their prior discipline and provided examples of how they applied it in nursing practice during the MEPN program. The findings have significant implications for nursing practice and nursing education. The essential elements of Schon’s framework for effective problem solving were evident and necessary for building knowledge in practice. Participants recognized the need to think differently when solving professional practice problems consistent with the process of reflection-in-action. They acknowledged benefits and challenges of working with peers in interprofessional education and practice. Faculty can more purposefully use what students bring from other disciplines to support interprofessional relationships and reflection-in-action in clinical practice.
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A Soundscape Healing Environment: An Exploratory Study of the Relationship Between Therapeutic Sound Frequency and Outcomes for Clinical Care Settings

ABSTRACT The catalyst for this research was rooted in a patient satisfaction survey reported the need for an ambient quiet setting. This study used a descriptive comparative design augmented with qualitative data. The sample consisted of 54 participants came from

ABSTRACT The catalyst for this research was rooted in a patient satisfaction survey reported the need for an ambient quiet setting. This study used a descriptive comparative design augmented with qualitative data. The sample consisted of 54 participants came from one of three primary care clinics listened to 22 minutes of existing natural clinical sounds while the others listened to therapeutic sound hertz in a treatment room. The survey data correlated identify if an association existed or not to add therapeutic soundscape hertz back into a clinical ambient setting could affect the patient experience and wellness. Rather than, continue with abatement program efforts to remove unwanted sounds or mask the noise. Quantitative data were collected on mood states and biometric measures consisted of respiratory, heart, pulse systolic, and diastolic blood pressure rates. Qualitative data 5-Point Likert scale and open-ended questions determined participants' awareness of ambient sounds within the clinical setting. Data from participants were analyzed and compared separately for each clinic. The metrics were found to be statistically correlated (p<0.05) for the POMS-A survey and biometric measures using a Chi-square test. After the intervention, two clinics reported a 60%, and the third clinic an 80% mood state changes. Clinic 2-M reported the greatest significant mood state change. The t-Test validation biometric measures showed no significant evidence among the test and control groups for Clinic 1-L (396, 417, 444 Hz). Clinics 2-M (528, 639 Hz) and Clinic 3-H (714, 852 Hz) did share significant evidence to respiratory, heart, and systolic blood pressure rates. The respondents revealed 27% had a positive opinion of the therapeutic sound hertz perceived as silent or quiet, 59% had a negative opinion of unwanted sounds included communication as disruptive, and 16% felt the clinic’s physical design was poor. As a whole, this study indicates exposing patients to therapeutic sound hertz had a positive impact on their biopsychosocial wellness states. The value and novelty of this study show by adding selective distinct therapeutic sound hertz levels back into the clinic setting have profound implications for future researchers to build upon how the quality soundscape performance effects on the patient.
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Utilizing EHR Data to Study and Measure the Relationship Between Primary Care Teams and Patient Activation

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Team-based care has been linked to key outcomes associated with the Quadruple Aim including improving the health of populations, patient and provider experience and lowering healthcare costs. Less is understood about the connection between team-based care and the patient experience.

Team-based care has been linked to key outcomes associated with the Quadruple Aim including improving the health of populations, patient and provider experience and lowering healthcare costs. Less is understood about the connection between team-based care and the patient experience. Emerging evidence connects team-based care with patient activation, a component of the patient experience. Use of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) and machine learning have significant potential to overcome previous barriers in how teams are studied to better understand their impact on critical care delivery outcomes, such as patient activation. This research program included a systematic review of the literature to analyze the relationship between team-based care and patient satisfaction, a proxy for the patient experience. Overall, this review found a positive relationship between team-based care and patient satisfaction, including 57% of studies with improved patient satisfaction with team-based care implementation. Secondary findings included a relationship between team composition and patient satisfaction, with larger teams (three or more disciplines) associated with improved patient satisfaction. A methodological paper was then prepared to describe the process in which primary care teams were identified within EHR data utilizing a common definition for team-based care supported by prominent team theorists. This novel approach provides a roadmap for the health services researcher to leverage EHR data to study the impact teams may have on critical patient outcomes in the real-world practice environment. The final study in this work utilized a large EHR data set (n = 316,542) from an urban health system to examine the relationship between team composition and patient activation. Patient Activation was measured using the Patient Activation Measure (PAM). Results from mixed-level model analysis were compared to machine learning analysis using multinomial logistic regression to calculate propensity scores for the multiple effect of team composition. After controlling for confounding variables in both analyses, more diverse, multidisciplinary teams were associated with improved patient activation scores. Implications for this research program include the feasibility of identifying teams within the EHR and utilize big data analytics with machine learning to measure the impact of teams and real-world patient related outcomes.
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Family-Centered Perspectives to Improving Care Coordination for Children with Special Health Care Needs

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It is well known that the lack of care coordination in the healthcare system causes numerous problems including cost inefficiency and inconsistent care, specifically for complex pediatric and adult patients. Many pediatric patients have complex medical and social service needs

It is well known that the lack of care coordination in the healthcare system causes numerous problems including cost inefficiency and inconsistent care, specifically for complex pediatric and adult patients. Many pediatric patients have complex medical and social service needs which can be expensive for both the patient’s parents and the general healthcare system. Therefore, it is difficult for the healthcare system to deliver the highest quality care possible, due to the number of appointments that have to be scheduled (with some being out of state), the large volume of physical health records, and overall lack of time parents have to coordinate this care while also caring for themselves and other family members. It is integral to find a more efficient way to coordinate care for these patients, in order to improve overall care, cost efficiency, and outcomes. <br/>A number of stakeholders in Arizona came together to work on this problem over several years. They were funded through a PCORI Eugene Washington Engagement grant to investigators at ASU. This project, Take Action for Arizona's Children through Care Coordination: A Bridge to Action was developed in order to further develop a research agenda and build the network (PCOR). Regional conferences were conducted in Flagstaff, Yuma, Phoenix, and Tucson, as well as a final capstone conference held in Phoenix. At these conferences, frustrations, suggestions, and opinions regarding Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) and navigating the healthcare system were shared and testimonials were transcribed.<br/>This study focused on the capstone conference. The study design was a strategic design workshop; results of the design analysis were analyzed qualitatively using descriptive content analysis. Themes described parent’s common experiences navigating the system, impacts resulting from such experiences, and desires for the care coordination system. Quotes were then grouped into major themes and subthemes for the capstone conference. After these themes were determined, the overarching goals of stakeholders could be assessed, and implementation projects could be described.

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How PA Programs Successfully Promote Diversity in Admissions

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More underrepresented minority (URM) healthcare professionals are needed to improve health equity. Although holistic review in admissions has the potential to increase URM participation in health professions, recent data suggest that its impact varies substantially. The purpose of the dissertation

More underrepresented minority (URM) healthcare professionals are needed to improve health equity. Although holistic review in admissions has the potential to increase URM participation in health professions, recent data suggest that its impact varies substantially. The purpose of the dissertation research described here was to identify interventions to increase diversity among healthcare professionals and explore holistic review use in physician assistant (PA) program admissions to advance understanding of effective practices. PA programs were selected as an important prototype for exploratory studies since the extent of holistic review use in PA programs was unknown; at the same time, URM representation among PA students has decreased over the last 15 years.

A critical review of the literature revealed that various holistic review practices have been used by several health professions programs to successfully increase URM enrollment and that organizational culture may be a factor that promotes success. Following this, 2017 Physician Assistant Education Association survey data were analyzed to assess the frequency of holistic review in PA programs and examine its association with URM matriculation. Results from 221 of the 223 PA programs accredited at the time showed that 77.5% used holistic review, and its use modestly correlated with proportion of first-year students identified as ethnic minorities (rs = .20, p < .01). Of particular interest, some programs using holistic review had substantially higher proportions of URM students than others. This finding laid the foundation for a qualitative multiple case study to explore the role of organizational culture as a hypothesized antecedent to effective holistic admissions processes.

Survey study responses were used to select two PA program ‘cases’ that met criteria consistent with a proposed conceptual framework linking organizational culture that values diversity (or ‘diversity culture’) to holistic admissions associated with high URM enrollment. Directed content analysis of data revealed that diversity culture appears to be a strong driver of practices that support enrolling diverse classes of students.

Overall, this mixed methods program of research advances understanding of holistic review, its utility, and the influence of organizational culture. The research generated important insights with ramifications for current practice and future studies within PA and across health professions programs.
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Exploring the Role of Climate for Innovation on the Relationship between Leadership Style and Nurses’ Perception of Patient Safety

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Harm to patients remains high in US hospitals despite significant progress to improve the quality of care in our health systems. Leadership, a culture of patient safety, and a climate conducive to innovation in patient care are necessary to advance

Harm to patients remains high in US hospitals despite significant progress to improve the quality of care in our health systems. Leadership, a culture of patient safety, and a climate conducive to innovation in patient care are necessary to advance positive patient safety outcomes. Yet, little is known about how leadership can impact patient safety within a climate of innovation. This study examines the effects of transformational and transactional leadership (singularly and with transactional augmenting transformational leadership) as related to nurses’ perception of patient safety, how communication elements of a culture of patient safety may strengthen that relationship, and how the mediating role of team innovation climate may help explain the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and nurses’ perception of patient safety. The variables were measured using three validated and reliable survey instruments: The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ Form 5X), the Team Climate Inventory-short (TCI), the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. A convenience sample of all staff registered nurses (N=952) from the single academic medical center with direct patient care responsibility was surveyed via e-mail for this research. A total of 210 surveys were returned, 157 met inclusion criteria for a response rate of 16%. Transformational leadership had a statistically significant relationship with patient safety perception, while the relationship of transactional leadership with patient safety perceptions was not significant. The results of the regression analysis that tested the effect of communication elements of a culture of patient safety on the relationship between transactional and transformational leadership and patient safety perception were not significant. Transformational leadership was significantly related with team innovation climate after controlling the effect of transactional leadership supporting the augmentation effect. Mediation analysis showed that team innovation climate had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and patient safety perception. Team innovation climate had a significant mediating effect on the relationship between managers’ transformational leadership and patient safety perception after controlling for transactional leadership supporting the augmentation effect. This is the first study known to test the augmentation of transformational leadership related to patient safety and the role of team innovation climate.
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A study of barriers to the wearing of face masks by adults in the US to prevent the spread of influenza

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In the United States, seasonal influenza is responsible for enormous medical costs and lost earnings as well as thousands of deaths. Medical masks are effective non-pharmaceutical preventions for minimizing the spread of illness in the event of an influenza outbreak.

In the United States, seasonal influenza is responsible for enormous medical costs and lost earnings as well as thousands of deaths. Medical masks are effective non-pharmaceutical preventions for minimizing the spread of illness in the event of an influenza outbreak. However, people in the United States rarely wear face masks the way many people in Asian countries do.

In a previous study of public response to the 2009 influenza A H1N1 pandemic, 71% of United States respondents supported the recommendation to wear a mask during the flu outbreak, while only 8% of respondents reported they wore a mask in public to protect themselves from getting sick. What are the factors that cause this gap? The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify barriers to the wearing of masks among adults in the United States.

The research was conducted through an online survey of 84 American residents via the Survey Monkey Audience service to collect their opinions on influenza, mask-wearing, and the perceived barriers to wearing face masks for flu prevention. The results are presented in the descriptive analysis and the non-parametric analysis.

The results showed a barrier against social interaction is a significant factor (p=0.003) regarding the impact between flu experience and the perceived barriers. The participants believed mask-wearing may lead other people difficult to perceiving their feelings. Regarding the relationship between mask-wearing experience and the perceived barriers, there were significant differences in perceived benefits (p=0.028), perceived risks (p= 0.003), and social value (p=0.021). Participants who have had worn masks had perceived higher benefits of mask-wearing, higher risks of catching the flu, and a higher agreement of importance to protect other people from getting the flu from them. The most common perceived barrier among the participants is product satisfaction. 85.71% of the participants agreed that wearing face masks is uncomfortable. 80.95% of the participants agreed with the importance to wear face masks as it protects other people from getting the flu from them, but only 37.5% of the participants with flu history had worn face masks.

By examining barriers to the wearing of masks for influenza prevention, this study can assess public willingness to adopt personal prevention behaviors and provide information for related policies in the future.
Date Created

Clinical manager perceptions of new nurse preparation for clinical leadership

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Nurses are ideally positioned to lead the transformation of healthcare delivery in the United States, however they must be prepared to do so. The Institute of Medicine has called for nurses to become change agents and assume leadership positions across

Nurses are ideally positioned to lead the transformation of healthcare delivery in the United States, however they must be prepared to do so. The Institute of Medicine has called for nurses to become change agents and assume leadership positions across all levels in order to become full partners with physicians and other health care providers. While clinical leadership is a responsibility for all nurses, expectations for new nurse clinical leadership have not been well studied.

This study sought to determine the nursing leadership competencies clinical managers expect of new nurses in an acute care setting and to identify gaps between end-of-program nursing leadership competencies, as outlined in The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice, with leadership competencies identified by clinical managers in an acute-care setting.

A single, bounded case study approach was used to collect data from nurse managers and assistant nurse managers at one acute care hospital. Data from intensive interviews, focus groups, and archival records were analyzed. Seven major themes related to clinical leadership emerged, including intentional learning, communication, professional practice, advocacy, teamwork, influencing practice, and systems thinking. Traits, mentoring, and generational differences emerged as secondary themes.

Data from this study revealed a developmental sequence for clinical leadership. Certain expectations identified as antecedent to clinical leadership emerged initially, whereas other aspects of clinical leadership, developed later in the career trajectory. It was clear that accomplishing nursing care tasks was a fundamental expectation for professional nursing practice. Communication, teamwork and advocacy are crucial leadership competencies which help the new nurse to effectively manage time and provide safe, high-quality nursing care. As the new nurse continues to develop, systems thinking and influencing nursing practice emerge as significant expectations. Nurse managers have clear expectations for how new nurses should be prepared for clinical leadership. The degree to which clinical practice partners employing new nurses and academic nursing programs educating future nurses collaborate to establish expected outcomes is variable; however, academic-practice collaborations are crucial in developing educational standards for entry to practice in complex healthcare delivery systems.
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Navigating the patient room: critical care nurses' interaction with the designed physical environment

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The physical environment influences the physiology, psychology, and the societal interactions of those who experience it. The environment can also influence human behavior. Critical care nurses are in constant interaction with the physical environment surrounding their patients. High acuity ICU

The physical environment influences the physiology, psychology, and the societal interactions of those who experience it. The environment can also influence human behavior. Critical care nurses are in constant interaction with the physical environment surrounding their patients. High acuity ICU patients are vulnerable and at risk for harm, infection, and poor outcomes while the physical and cognitive workload of nurses presents a demanding and continuous challenge.

The goal of this qualitative study was to explore and understand the way critical care nurses navigate within the patient room and interact with its features. The study of critical care nurses interacting with the patient room environment was conducted in five critical care units at three tertiary care institutions in the Eastern United States, along with another unit in the pilot study at a community hospital in the Southwest United States. Nurses were observed in their typical work environment as they performed normal tasks and patient care activities for entire day and night shifts. The study involved ethnographic field observations, individual semi-structured participant interviews, and examination of photographs and floor plans.

The exploratory study resulted in a comprehensive model for nurse navigation that includes both cognitive and action components, along with a conceptual framework for nurse behavioral activity. Repetitive patterns of nurse movement were identified and named. The findings produced recommendations for nurses’ effective use of space and architectural design of ICU patient rooms to improve patient outcomes.
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A relational view of hospital and post-acute staff communication and adherence to evidence-based transitional care

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This descriptive research used social network analysis to explore the influence of relationships and communication among hospital nursing (RN, LPN, CNA) and discharge planning staff on adherence to evidence-based practices (EBP) for reducing preventable hospital readmissions. Although previous studies have

This descriptive research used social network analysis to explore the influence of relationships and communication among hospital nursing (RN, LPN, CNA) and discharge planning staff on adherence to evidence-based practices (EBP) for reducing preventable hospital readmissions. Although previous studies have shown that nurses are a valued source of research information for each other, there have been few studies concerning the role that staff relationships and communication play in adherence to evidence-based practice. The investigator developed the Relational Model of Communication and Adherence to EBP from diffusion of innovation theory, social network theories, relational coordination theory, and quality improvement literature.

The study sample consisted of 10 adult-medical surgical units, five home care agencies and six long-term care facilities. A total of 273 hospital nursing and discharge planning staff and 69 post-acute staff participated. Hospital staff completed a survey about communication patterns for patient care and patient discharge and about communication quality on the unit. Hospital and post-acute care staff completed surveys about relationship quality and demographic characteristics. Evidence-based practice adherence rates for risk assessment, medication reconciliation, and discharge summary were measured as documented in the electronic medical record.

Social network analysis was used to analyze the communication patterns for patient care communication at the unit. These findings were correlated with (1) aggregate responses for communication quality, (2) aggregate responses for relationship quality, and (3) EBP adherence. Statistically significant relationships were found between communication patterns, and communication quality and relationship quality. There were


two significant relationships between communication quality, and EBP adherence. Limitations in response rates and missing data prevented the analysis of all of the hypothesized relationships.

The findings from this study provide empirical support for the role of social networks and relationships among staff in adoption of, and adherence to, EBP. Social network theory and social network analysis, especially the concept of knowledge sharing, provide ways to understand and leverage the influence of peer relationships. Future studies are needed to better understand the contribution that relationships among staff (social networks) have in the adoption of and adherence to EBP among nursing staff. Further model development and multilevel studies are
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