Becoming a Nurse: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Masters Entry into Professional Nursing Journey

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Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students

Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students during the program using the conceptual framework of Schon’s reflection-in-action and an associated lens of interprofessional education and practice. Nine participants were recruited using maximum variation sampling. Participants were all female, over the age of 21, all recent graduates of a MEPN program, with previous baccalaureate degrees in the sciences and humanities. Data were analyzed using directed content analysis. Participants identified five steps in the MEPN journey: (1) Choosing to Pursue Nursing, (2) Coming into MEPN, (3) Bridging Disciplines to Become a Nurse, (4) Reflecting on the Journey, and (5) Being a Nurse. They identified facilitators and barriers they encountered navigating the program and described the knowledge they brought from their prior discipline and provided examples of how they applied it in nursing practice during the MEPN program. The findings have significant implications for nursing practice and nursing education. The essential elements of Schon’s framework for effective problem solving were evident and necessary for building knowledge in practice. Participants recognized the need to think differently when solving professional practice problems consistent with the process of reflection-in-action. They acknowledged benefits and challenges of working with peers in interprofessional education and practice. Faculty can more purposefully use what students bring from other disciplines to support interprofessional relationships and reflection-in-action in clinical practice.
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