Becoming a Nurse: A Qualitative Descriptive Study of the Masters Entry into Professional Nursing Journey

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Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students

Masters Entry into Professional Nursing (MEPN) students are entry level students in an accelerated nursing curriculum with a minimum requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing discipline. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the experiences of MEPN students during the program using the conceptual framework of Schon’s reflection-in-action and an associated lens of interprofessional education and practice. Nine participants were recruited using maximum variation sampling. Participants were all female, over the age of 21, all recent graduates of a MEPN program, with previous baccalaureate degrees in the sciences and humanities. Data were analyzed using directed content analysis. Participants identified five steps in the MEPN journey: (1) Choosing to Pursue Nursing, (2) Coming into MEPN, (3) Bridging Disciplines to Become a Nurse, (4) Reflecting on the Journey, and (5) Being a Nurse. They identified facilitators and barriers they encountered navigating the program and described the knowledge they brought from their prior discipline and provided examples of how they applied it in nursing practice during the MEPN program. The findings have significant implications for nursing practice and nursing education. The essential elements of Schon’s framework for effective problem solving were evident and necessary for building knowledge in practice. Participants recognized the need to think differently when solving professional practice problems consistent with the process of reflection-in-action. They acknowledged benefits and challenges of working with peers in interprofessional education and practice. Faculty can more purposefully use what students bring from other disciplines to support interprofessional relationships and reflection-in-action in clinical practice.
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Effects of a Tai Chi/Qigong Intervention on Body Composition, Sleep Quality, and Emotional Eating in Midlife and Older Women

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Weight gain and unfavorable body composition are prevalent among midlife and older women; shifts in these characteristics can have detrimental implications on emotional and physical health and longevity. Efforts to attenuate weight-related factors detailing the potential development of obesity

Weight gain and unfavorable body composition are prevalent among midlife and older women; shifts in these characteristics can have detrimental implications on emotional and physical health and longevity. Efforts to attenuate weight-related factors detailing the potential development of obesity are traditionally driven by manipulation of nutrition and/or physical activity; however, sustained results are limited. Novel and integrative approaches are needed to reduce the burden of adverse changes in weight and associated consequences.

This dissertation is built around a model of effects of Tai Chi/Qigong in body composition and a pilot test of this intervention and model factors in a group of midlife/older women (N = 36). Three resulting manuscripts include: 1) a proposed biobehavioral model detailing how a Tai Chi/Qigong intervention may improve weight-related outcomes through psychological, behavioral, and physiological pathways, 2) a paper examining pre- to post- intervention differences in the primary outcomes of percent body fat, sleep quality, and emotional eating and the exploratory outcomes of perceived stress, mood state, mindfulness, self-compassion and body awareness; and 3) an exploratory analysis examining correlations between primary (sleep quality, emotional eating), exploratory (perceived stress, mood state, mindfulness, self-compassion and body awareness), and neurophysiological (heart rate variability) outcomes of interest—further, regression models were conducted to explore the predictive value of the independent variables on the dependent variables and associated changes.

In manuscript two, dependent t-tests were used to assess pre/post-differences (percent body fat and survey measures); this single group study (8-weeks of Tai Chi/Qigong) did not have a control group. Results of manuscript two demonstrate significant changes in sleep quality (p = .04), perceived stress (p = .05), and body awareness (p = .01). Findings of manuscript three indicate changes in the dependent variable of sleep quality were partially explained by perceived stress (adjusted R2 = 13.4%) and changes in the dependent variable of emotional eating were significantly explained by self-compassion (adjusted R2 = 42.1%). In the context of weight gain and unfavorable body composition in midlife/older women, results of this pilot study, using a standardized Tai Chi/Qigong intervention, indicate that select psycho-emotional factors may be important to explore further.
Date Created

How PA Programs Successfully Promote Diversity in Admissions

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More underrepresented minority (URM) healthcare professionals are needed to improve health equity. Although holistic review in admissions has the potential to increase URM participation in health professions, recent data suggest that its impact varies substantially. The purpose of the dissertation

More underrepresented minority (URM) healthcare professionals are needed to improve health equity. Although holistic review in admissions has the potential to increase URM participation in health professions, recent data suggest that its impact varies substantially. The purpose of the dissertation research described here was to identify interventions to increase diversity among healthcare professionals and explore holistic review use in physician assistant (PA) program admissions to advance understanding of effective practices. PA programs were selected as an important prototype for exploratory studies since the extent of holistic review use in PA programs was unknown; at the same time, URM representation among PA students has decreased over the last 15 years.

A critical review of the literature revealed that various holistic review practices have been used by several health professions programs to successfully increase URM enrollment and that organizational culture may be a factor that promotes success. Following this, 2017 Physician Assistant Education Association survey data were analyzed to assess the frequency of holistic review in PA programs and examine its association with URM matriculation. Results from 221 of the 223 PA programs accredited at the time showed that 77.5% used holistic review, and its use modestly correlated with proportion of first-year students identified as ethnic minorities (rs = .20, p < .01). Of particular interest, some programs using holistic review had substantially higher proportions of URM students than others. This finding laid the foundation for a qualitative multiple case study to explore the role of organizational culture as a hypothesized antecedent to effective holistic admissions processes.

Survey study responses were used to select two PA program ‘cases’ that met criteria consistent with a proposed conceptual framework linking organizational culture that values diversity (or ‘diversity culture’) to holistic admissions associated with high URM enrollment. Directed content analysis of data revealed that diversity culture appears to be a strong driver of practices that support enrolling diverse classes of students.

Overall, this mixed methods program of research advances understanding of holistic review, its utility, and the influence of organizational culture. The research generated important insights with ramifications for current practice and future studies within PA and across health professions programs.
Date Created

A constructivist grounded theory exploration of wellbeing in female adult sexual assault victims/survivors

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The purpose of this constructivist grounded theory study was to explore the perceptions of adult female sexual assault victims/survivors about their wellbeing: their definitions and descriptions of wellbeing; the impact of the assault on wellbeing; and barriers and facilitators to

The purpose of this constructivist grounded theory study was to explore the perceptions of adult female sexual assault victims/survivors about their wellbeing: their definitions and descriptions of wellbeing; the impact of the assault on wellbeing; and barriers and facilitators to achieving wellbeing following assault. Feminist theory provided the sensitizing concepts for this research. Data were collected via semistructured interviews with 22 adult women who had experienced at least one episode of sexual assault at or above the age of 18. Data analysis included first, second, and third level coding techniques, memo writing, and data displays. Participants experienced negative effects to their overall wellbeing as well as to the wellbeing domains of physical, mental, career/economic/financial, relational, and spiritual. The findings of this study support wellbeing as a core category encompassing the five domains listed above, also described in the literature. The participants also confirmed and expounded in depth on the dynamic, interactive, and overlapping nature of each of the domains of wellbeing and their ability to enhance, maintain, or worsen health status and overall wellbeing. In addition, a new construct emerged that cut across all domains, that of safety, and the overarching significance of culture was recognized. Additional research should continue to explore wellbeing in diverse populations of sexual assault victims/survivors. Additional research should also explore the significance and function of safety in sexual assault victims/survivors. Formal and informal supporters of sexual assault victims/survivors should be aware of the complex ways that sexual assault affects women. In addition, they should be aware of helpful resources for sexual assault victims/survivors.
Date Created

Patient-centered health information technology: engagement with the plan of care among older adults with multi-morbidities

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A core principle in multiple national quality improvement strategies is the engagement of chronically ill patients in the creation and execution of their treatment plans. Numerous initiatives are underway to use health information technology (HIT) to support patient engagement however

A core principle in multiple national quality improvement strategies is the engagement of chronically ill patients in the creation and execution of their treatment plans. Numerous initiatives are underway to use health information technology (HIT) to support patient engagement however the use of HIT and other factors such as health literacy may be significant barriers to engagement for older adults. This qualitative descriptive study sought to explore the ways that older adults with multi-morbidities engaged with their plan of care. Forty participants were recruited through multiple case sampling from two ambulatory cardiology practices. Participants were English-speaking, without a dementia-related diagnosis, and between the ages of 65 and 86. The older adults in this study performed many behaviors to engage in the plan of care, including acting in ways to support health, managing health-related information, attending routine visits with their doctors, and participating in treatment planning. A subset of patients engaged in active decision-making because of the point they were at in their chronic disease. At that cross roads, they expressed uncertainly over which road to travel. Two factors influenced the engagement of older adults: a relationship with the provider that met the patient's needs, and the distribution of a Meaningful Use clinical summary at the conclusion of the provider visit. Participants described the ways in which the clinical summary helped and hindered their understanding of the care plan.

Insights gained as a result of this study include an understanding of the discrepancies between what the healthcare system expects of patients and their actual behavior when it comes to the creation of a care plan and the ways in which they take care of their health. Further research should examine the ability of various factors to enhance patient engagement. For example, it may be useful to focus on ways to improve the clinical summary to enhance engagement with the care plan and meet standards for a health literate document. Recommendations for the improvement of the clinical summary are provided. Finally, this study explored potential reasons for the infrequent use of online health information by older adults including the trusting relationship they enjoyed with their cardiologist.
Date Created

Charting caregiver movement using a complexity science framework: an emergent perspective

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Health and healing in the United States is in a moment of deep and broad transformation. Underpinning this transformation is a shift in focus from practitioner- and system-centric perspectives to patient and family expectations and their accompanying localized narratives. Situated

Health and healing in the United States is in a moment of deep and broad transformation. Underpinning this transformation is a shift in focus from practitioner- and system-centric perspectives to patient and family expectations and their accompanying localized narratives. Situated within this transformation are patients and families of all kinds. This shift's interpretation lies in the converging and diverging trails of biomedicine, a patient-centric perspective of consensus between practitioner and patient, and postmodern philosophy, a break from prevailing norms and systems. Lending context is the dynamic interplay between increasing ethnic/cultural diversity, acculturation/biculturalism, and medical pluralism. Diverse populations continue to navigate multiple health and healing paradigms, engage in the process of their integration, and use health and healing practices that run corollary to them. The way this experience is viewed, whether biomedically or philosophically, has implications for the future of healthcare. Over this fluid interpenetration, with its vivid nuance, loom widespread health disparities. The adverse effects of static, fragmented healthcare systems unable to identify and answer diverse populations' emergent needs are acutely felt by these individuals. Eradication of health disparities is born from insight into how these populations experience health and healing. The resulting strategy must be one that simultaneously addresses the complex intricacies of patient-centered care, permits emergence of more localized narratives, and eschews systems that are no longer effective. It is the movement of caregivers across multiple health and healing sources, managing care for loved ones, that provides this insight and in which this project is keenly interested. Uncovering the emergent patterns of caregivers' management of these sources reveals a rich and nuanced spectrum of realities. These realities are replete with opportunities to re-frame health and healing in ways that better reflect what these diverse populations of caregivers and care recipients need. Engaging female Mexican American caregivers, a population whose experience is well-suited to aid in this re-frame, this project begins to provide that insight. Informed by a parent framework of Complexity Science, and balanced between biomedical and postmodern perspectives, this constructivist grounded theory secondary analysis charts these caregivers' processes and offers provocative findings and recommendations for understanding their experiences.
Date Created