A study of barriers to the wearing of face masks by adults in the US to prevent the spread of influenza

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In the United States, seasonal influenza is responsible for enormous medical costs and lost earnings as well as thousands of deaths. Medical masks are effective non-pharmaceutical preventions for minimizing the spread of illness in the event of an influenza outbreak.

In the United States, seasonal influenza is responsible for enormous medical costs and lost earnings as well as thousands of deaths. Medical masks are effective non-pharmaceutical preventions for minimizing the spread of illness in the event of an influenza outbreak. However, people in the United States rarely wear face masks the way many people in Asian countries do.

In a previous study of public response to the 2009 influenza A H1N1 pandemic, 71% of United States respondents supported the recommendation to wear a mask during the flu outbreak, while only 8% of respondents reported they wore a mask in public to protect themselves from getting sick. What are the factors that cause this gap? The purpose of this exploratory study is to identify barriers to the wearing of masks among adults in the United States.

The research was conducted through an online survey of 84 American residents via the Survey Monkey Audience service to collect their opinions on influenza, mask-wearing, and the perceived barriers to wearing face masks for flu prevention. The results are presented in the descriptive analysis and the non-parametric analysis.

The results showed a barrier against social interaction is a significant factor (p=0.003) regarding the impact between flu experience and the perceived barriers. The participants believed mask-wearing may lead other people difficult to perceiving their feelings. Regarding the relationship between mask-wearing experience and the perceived barriers, there were significant differences in perceived benefits (p=0.028), perceived risks (p= 0.003), and social value (p=0.021). Participants who have had worn masks had perceived higher benefits of mask-wearing, higher risks of catching the flu, and a higher agreement of importance to protect other people from getting the flu from them. The most common perceived barrier among the participants is product satisfaction. 85.71% of the participants agreed that wearing face masks is uncomfortable. 80.95% of the participants agreed with the importance to wear face masks as it protects other people from getting the flu from them, but only 37.5% of the participants with flu history had worn face masks.

By examining barriers to the wearing of masks for influenza prevention, this study can assess public willingness to adopt personal prevention behaviors and provide information for related policies in the future.
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How much medical practitioners are willing to use online diabetes management service: a feasibility study for a medical service design

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Diabetes is becoming a serious problem in China. At the same time, China’s medical

system has faced a difficult situation because of the lack of medical resources and the unequal medical resource distribution between the BHs and BLHs. BH doctors are

Diabetes is becoming a serious problem in China. At the same time, China’s medical

system has faced a difficult situation because of the lack of medical resources and the unequal medical resource distribution between the BHs and BLHs. BH doctors are tremendously busy with both serious and minor illnesses while BLH medical providers are worried about a sufficient source of patients. This study aims to find the potential feasibility of a new service model in managing diabetes which will solve these medical problems. The study was conducted using an extensive literature review in addition to employing an interview and survey method to explore the perception and current situation in workload and income of medical providers from one BH and one BLH in China. Furthermore, this study tried to understand the acceptance of online medical technology in these medical provider groups. The results showed that doctors in the BH do not have the time needed to engage in extra work. This population is not satisfied with their work responsibilities and income structure. They want to engage in diagnosing and prescribing tasks, with respect to diabetes management. They would like to distribute the management work to BLH. On the other hand, medical providers in BLH have extra time and enthusiasm in doing extra work to improve their income. They are not satisfied with their workload and income, and want to change it. BLHs are willing to do the management work assisting the BH doctors. Additionally, the study showed that online medical technology requires a broader user education for medical providers from both big and BLHs. The conclusion can be summarized as design research advice for future service design in healthcare management. The proposed online medical service should meet different level medical providers' position and requirements regarding time, payment, and value. BH doctors are more suitable for diagnosing and prescribing and BLH medical providers are more suitable for follow-up service. This service should reflect the value of the BH doctors' professional service and the value of BLH medical providers' health management service. (discuss how design can improve this situation through app development)
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Diabetes management system for a new type 2 diabetes geriatric cohort: improve the interaction of self-management

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According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association), diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic diseases with the highest mortality rate. In the US, 25 million are known diabetics, which may double in the next decade, and another seven million are

According to the ADA (American Diabetes Association), diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic diseases with the highest mortality rate. In the US, 25 million are known diabetics, which may double in the next decade, and another seven million are undiagnosed. Among these patients, older adults are a very special group with varying physical capabilities, cognitive functions and life expectancies. Because they run an increased risk for geriatric conditions, Type 2 diabetes treatments for them must be both realistic and systematic. In fact, some researchers have explored older adults’ experiences of diabetes, and how they manage their diabetes with new technological devices. However, little research has focused on their emotional experiences of medical treatment technology, such as mobile applications, tablets, and websites for geriatric diabetes. This study will address both elderly people's experiences and reactions to devices and their children's awareness of diabetes. It aims to find out how to improve the diabetes treatment and create a systematic diabetes mobile application that combines self-initiated and assisted care together.
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Experience points: learning, product literacy and game design

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Game design and product design are natural partners. They use similar tools. They reach the same users. They even share the same goal: to provide great user experiences.

This thesis asks, "Can game design build better product learning experiences, and if

Game design and product design are natural partners. They use similar tools. They reach the same users. They even share the same goal: to provide great user experiences.

This thesis asks, "Can game design build better product learning experiences, and if so, how?" It examines the learning situations created by and necessary for product design. It examines the principles of game learning. Then it looks for opportunities to apply game learning principles to product learning situations. The goal is to create engaging and successful product learning experiences, without turning products into games.

This study uses an auto-ethnographic evaluation of a gameplay session as well as participant observation and interviews with gamers to gather qualitative data. That data is sorted with an A(x4) framework and used to create user experience profiles.

The final outcome is a toolkit that identifies areas where game design could improve the design of product user experiences, especially for product learning.
Date Created

Preparing for baby boomer retirement: improving the video chat experience in intergenerational communication

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The purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of baby boomers' attitudes toward video chat applications and software based on their user experiences through the measurement of the level of use, usefulness, usability and aesthetics preferences. 133

The purpose of the study is to gain a better understanding of baby boomers' attitudes toward video chat applications and software based on their user experiences through the measurement of the level of use, usefulness, usability and aesthetics preferences. 133 participants recruited at a local public library and at three senior centers took the survey and 14 respondents were interviewed. The results of the study indicate: (1) Baby boomers have diverse attitudes and experiences in video chatting, but their attitudes do not present a significant difference from those of older generations; (2) Baby boomers' preferences for interface design are influenced by their psychological characteristics rather than physical changes; (3) Family members and close friends are a great resource for assistance and motivation for boomers. The knowledge of motivational factors and barrier factors could help maintain the existing baby boomer users and encourage potential users by providing an improved video chat experience design for them to connect with younger generations. This research could also lead social services into the telehealth age by bridging the gap between a traditional intervention and modern instant video communication.
Date Created

Important factors in the design of assistive technology to avoid the stigmatization of users

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Some disabled users of assistive technologies (AT) have expressed concerns that their use of those AT devices brings particular attention to their disability and, in doing so, stigmatizes them in the eyes of their peers. This research studies how a

Some disabled users of assistive technologies (AT) have expressed concerns that their use of those AT devices brings particular attention to their disability and, in doing so, stigmatizes them in the eyes of their peers. This research studies how a wide range of design factors, influence how positively or negatively users of wearable technologies are perceived, by others. These factors are studied by asking survey respondents to estimate the degree to which they perceive disabilities in users of various products. The survey was given to 34 undergraduate Product Design students, and employed 40 pictures, each of which showed one person using a product. Some of these products were assistive technology devices, and some were not. Respondents used a five-bubble Likert scale to indicate the level of disability that they perceived in this person. Data analysis was done using SPSS software. The results showed that the gender of the respondent was not a significant factor in the respondent's estimation of the level of disability. However, the cultural background of the respondent was found to be significant in the respondent's estimates of disability for seven of the 40 pictures. The results also indicated that the size of AT, its familiarity to the mainstream population, its wearable location on the user's body, the perceived power of the user, the degree to which the AT device seemed to empower the user, the degree to which the AT device was seen as a vehicle for assertion of the user's individuality, and the successfulness of attempts to disguise the AT as some mainstream product reduced the perceived disability of the user. In contrast, symbols or stereotypes of disability, obstructing visibility of the face, an awkward complex design, a mismatch between the product's design and its context of use, and covering of the head were factors that focused attention on, and increased the perception of, the user's disability. These factors are summarized in a set of guidelines to help AT designers develop products that minimize the perceived disability and the resulting stigmatization of the user.
Date Created

Emotional design research of tableware in Chinese restaurants: a research on interrelationship of tableware, emotion and culture

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The process of this study involves conducting empirical tests on consumer's emotional responses toward tableware designs by statistic measurements (PrEmo), including both Chinese and American cultures. The objective to this study is to research the correlation between consumers' cognitive analysis

The process of this study involves conducting empirical tests on consumer's emotional responses toward tableware designs by statistic measurements (PrEmo), including both Chinese and American cultures. The objective to this study is to research the correlation between consumers' cognitive analysis of Chinese tableware designs and their emotional responses. The author proposes that the correlationship between consumers' cognition of Chinese tableware and emotional responses will lead to a new opportunity in the industrial design industry. Fifty-seven people responded to sixty-seven invitations to join the research project at Chinese restaurants in both China and America. Throughout the process of coding and organizing the survey data, a finding shows that there is a connection between consumer sensitivity toward the products and their emotional bonds to the assigned product designs. The data showed that more people in China are expending greater effort in choosing suitable tableware designs compared to the people in the U.S. Key words: Emotion, Cognition, Culture, Tableware design, Chinese restaurants
Date Created

Designing for the individual user: a test study for a 1:1 user-centric solution to the problem of sEMG in the forearm

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All too often, industrial designers face seemingly intractable obstacles as they endeavor to, as Simon (1996, p. 111) describes, devise "courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones." These problems, described by Rittel and Webber (1973) as

All too often, industrial designers face seemingly intractable obstacles as they endeavor to, as Simon (1996, p. 111) describes, devise "courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones." These problems, described by Rittel and Webber (1973) as "wicked," are insurmountable due to the contradictory and changing nature of their requirements. I argue that that industrial design (ID) is largely subject to Rittel's quandary because of its penchant for producing single solutions for large populations; such design solutions are bound, in some senses, to fail due to the contradictory and changing nature of large and, thus, inherently diverse populations. This one-size-fits-all approach is not a necessary attribute of ID, rather, it is a consequence of the time in which it came into being, specifically, the period of industrial mass production. Fortunately, new, agile manufacturing techniques, inexpensive sensors, and machine learning provide an alternative course for ID to take, but it requires a new way of thinking and it requires a new set of methods, which I will elaborate in this thesis. According to Duguay, Landry, and Pasin (1997), we are entering an age where it will be feasible to produce individualized, one-off products from large-scale industrial manufacturing facilities in a way that is not only cost effective, but in many ways as cost effective as the existing techniques of mass production. By availing ourselves of these opportunities, we can tame the problem, not by defeating Rittel's logic, rather by reducing the extent to which his theories are appropriate to the domain of ID. This thesis also describes a test study: an experiment whose design was guided by the proposed design methodologies. The goal of the experiment was to determine the feasibility of a noninvasive system for measuring the health of the forearm muscles. Such a tool would provide the basis for assessing the true impact and possible pathogeny of the manual use of products or modifications to products. Previously, it was considered impossible to use surface electromyography (as opposed to needle or wire based electromyography) to assess muscular activity and muscular health due to the complexity of the arrangement of muscles in the forearm. Attempts to overcome this problem have failed because they have tried to create a single solution for all people. My hypothesis is that, by designing for each individual, a solution may be found. Specifically, I show that, for any given individual, there is a high correlation between the EMG signal and the movements of the fingers that, ostensibly, those muscles control. In other words, by knowing, with great accuracy, the position and the motion of the hand then it would become possible to disambiguate the mixed signals coming from the complex web of muscles in the forearm and enable the assessment of the forearm's health by non-invasive means.
Date Created