A Blended Approach to Teacher Professional Development

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Professional development (PD) for public school teachers evolved as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As California schools shut down for in-person learning, several online PD opportunities were provided out of necessity as districts explored new ways to support teachers.

Professional development (PD) for public school teachers evolved as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. As California schools shut down for in-person learning, several online PD opportunities were provided out of necessity as districts explored new ways to support teachers. The purpose of the Blended Professional Development (BPD) action research study was to explore a structure for online PD that combined live, self-paced, and collaborative learning activities for K-8 public school teachers. Teachers participated in a live webinar with an instructor, followed by an online self-paced module with control over sub-topic, pace, and when they participated. These two experiences were followed by two collaboration sessions. The BPD design offered choice, flexibility, and a variety of opportunities to engage with content. The literature review included related studies on teacher PD and blended learning, in addition to self-efficacy, socio-culture, and social capital theories. This study was a mixed-method action research study using surveys and interviews. Twenty-six participants took a survey that included both qualitative and quantitative items about their experience in the BPD innovation. Surveys were followed by semi-structured interviews in which twelve participants described their experience in each component of the experience. Qualitative data were coded and analyzed, and quantitative data were used to triangulate findings. The results of this study indicated that collaboration, choice, flexibility, and trainer quality were important considerations in PD for participants. Implications for future research and changes to practice were explored.
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Assessing Core Skills: A Study of Teacher Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Collaboration

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Most grading done at high schools in the United States results in a single grade for a single class on a report card or transcript. A single number or letter lacks context and cannot effectively communicate a student’s proficiency in

Most grading done at high schools in the United States results in a single grade for a single class on a report card or transcript. A single number or letter lacks context and cannot effectively communicate a student’s proficiency in content or skills. Altering or expanding a school’s grading scheme may originate at the district or school level, but that is not where the work is done. A student’s grade is often solely constructed by the individual teacher for the individual class. As such, any change to an assessment system must start with teachers. This action research project was designed to involve teachers in an innovation investigating the utility and efficacy of using a competency-based assessment system to assess the school’s core skills of collaborating, communicating, observing, questioning, speculating and hypothesizing, evaluating, and applying knowledge. The complimentary study associated with the research questions analyzed faculty attitudes, self-efficacy, and collaboration during the innovation. Quantitative data was collected from a single survey taken at three different times throughout the study. Qualitative data was collected from two focus group interviews and seven individual interviews. The results of the study highlight the important role of student feedback, the tension between a latent versus active curriculum, the need for flexibility when working with faculty, and the promise of professional learning communities. Finally, implications for practice and suggestions for further study and next steps are discussed.
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Honoring Transitions: An Examination of Junior and Senior Honors Student Engagement

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This action research study took a mixed methods approach to examine junior and senior student engagement at the honors college in the downtown campus of Arizona State University. The purpose of the study was to better understand the lack of

This action research study took a mixed methods approach to examine junior and senior student engagement at the honors college in the downtown campus of Arizona State University. The purpose of the study was to better understand the lack of engagement with junior and senior students within the college. The study sought to examine the usage of year specific programs and the possibility of influence on the target populations’ engagement. In addition, the study focused on understanding the usage of such programs and its ability to influence student perception of coping with transitions. The growth of honors education and the value of student engagement lead the study. Life Hacks is a series of programs designed to engage the target population by addressing an anticipated transition. This study focused on exploring junior and senior honors student engagement and the utilization of programs to address the student’s ability to cope with transitions. The program was divided into six workshops that spanned the semester and were taught by college partners who were deemed a resource on the subject matter. Two surveys were deployed: one at the beginning of the semester and the other at the end of the semester. Participants were selected based on their academic status as a junior or senior within the honors college on campus and their age rage. All participants traditionally matriculated from high school and were between the ages of 18-25. Two focus groups, with a total of eight participants (4 juniors and 4 seniors), were conducted at the end of the semester to gather qualitative data. Findings indicated that participants allowed their emotions to influence their ability to cope with transitions. Relationships with peers and staff were important to decision making processes and network building for junior and senior participants. Students within the study set expectations for the college and themselves that influence how they relate to college and their relation to adulthood. The implications of practice that resulted from the study involved improving student access to information and assisting students with understanding the need for the resource and how to apply it to their current and future challenges.
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A History Forgotten: Yugoslavia

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This thesis and creative project consists of two components. The first is a written analysis of Bosnian identity. It uses primary and secondary sources to get to the question of what it means to be a Bosnian. Readers can expect

This thesis and creative project consists of two components. The first is a written analysis of Bosnian identity. It uses primary and secondary sources to get to the question of what it means to be a Bosnian. Readers can expect to learn about the last century and a half of Bosnian history, and how various leaders and experiences have molded the Bosnian people. The work is the combination of six months of research, and four months of writing. I chose this research as I am Bosnian and wanted to learn more about my culture. Through my research, I found that there is a strong Bosnian identity among people. This identity has been present throughout history, even through wars and political turmoil. Ultimately, the writing portion gives readers a background on Bosnian history, and then focuses on the history of identity. The second portion of the project is a two week unit lesson on Yugoslavian history. This lesson includes background on the region, as well as a guide on how an educator may choose to teach this region of the world. The lessons focus primarily on the last one hundred years, but they also include a broader overview of times prior to this. Not only this, but this section includes PowerPoints, lessons, and supplemental readings. The unit can be taught all together, or it can be broken down and lessons can be taken and taught during the time period they apply to. The goal of the two projects is to come together as one. Educators who are unsure about Bosnia can use the writing portion to gain more knowledge, and they can even assign this portion as a reading for more gifted students. The thesis project ultimately explores Yugoslavian and Bosnian history. Although the Unit does not directly align with identity, it does show students that identity plays a major role in this region, especially through the song lesson on day three. The goal of this project was not only to allow myself to gain more knowledge about this region, but to give educators the opportunity to teach a part of the world that is rarely taught in greater detail.
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History in Action: Performing History as a Method of Teaching

The purpose of this research was to create a theoretical lesson plan to teach the French Revolution, and specifically the March on Versailles, to secondary-level (middle and high school) students. This lesson plan incorporates a simulation of the March on

The purpose of this research was to create a theoretical lesson plan to teach the French Revolution, and specifically the March on Versailles, to secondary-level (middle and high school) students. This lesson plan incorporates a simulation of the March on Versailles for students to participate in as a supplement to their usual lesson, and as a different and engaging method of learning. For the purposes of this honors thesis, the research and information gathered was split into four individual sections: a pedagogy, a historiography, a series of short biographies, and a script which is accompanied by a short film of the dialogue. These four parts would work together in order for an instructor to easily build either a simple, short, one-class lesson or a multi-lesson project for their students. The parts combine research into educational studies and research on French Revolutionary history in order to encompass all aspects of a lesson. The goal of such research into a potential lesson plan would be to create a history lesson which is more interesting to all students, especially those who struggle to find enjoyment in history. Moving forward, this theoretical lesson would be put into practice with middle or high school students in order to gauge their interest and engagement with the subject before and after a simulation in their class.
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Discussion Based Education in a Civics Classroom

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This project is a one-semester U.S. government curriculum that centers on encouraging students to be active and engaged citizens while they learn civics and history content. The curriculum includes discussion based instructional strategies that require students to analyze documents, understand

This project is a one-semester U.S. government curriculum that centers on encouraging students to be active and engaged citizens while they learn civics and history content. The curriculum includes discussion based instructional strategies that require students to analyze documents, understand the historical background of issues, and communicate ideas clearly and respectfully. These skills expose students to new ideas and allow them to develop arguments based on evidence. I designed the curriculum for a democratic classroom \u2014 one that provides students with more responsibility and ownership in the classroom and gives them a large role in developing classroom policies and procedures. Diana Hess (2009) argues that a democratic education pushes students to "do democracy" (p. 15). This participatory structure engages students and teaches them how to be active democratic citizens.
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Civics in Arizona Classrooms

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Based on recent polls, citizens generally agree that civic education has an important place in schools, yet it is often overlooked by schools due to high-stakes testing. Even when civics is included in the curriculum, the methods and goals of

Based on recent polls, citizens generally agree that civic education has an important place in schools, yet it is often overlooked by schools due to high-stakes testing. Even when civics is included in the curriculum, the methods and goals of said education are not consistent. This paper addresses civic education in the Peoria Unified School District by examining state education standards, textbooks and curriculum in the subject of social studies. This paper calls attention to the connection between education and citizenship, and organizes the curriculum in three categories of citizenship created by Kahne and Westheimer (2004). The purpose of this research is to examine civic education in the Peoria Unified School District, and address the role of civic education in relation to democratic citizenship.
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