Exploring Interdisciplinary Space: Interpreting the 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Shocked Ordinary Chondrites, Modeling the Likely Mineralogy of Bulk-Silicate Exoplanets, & Reimagining the Participatory Technology Assessment for NASA Decadal Surveys

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Solar System history has been shaped by impact processes, such as large-body collisions. The history of impact events is constrained by dating shocked meteorites. Constraining the solar system impact history informs models of solar system formation and can provide insight

Solar System history has been shaped by impact processes, such as large-body collisions. The history of impact events is constrained by dating shocked meteorites. Constraining the solar system impact history informs models of solar system formation and can provide insight into solar system processes around other stars. However, there is a long-standing issues using the 40Ar/39Ar chronometer, the most widely used impact event chronometer, to date heavily impacted meteorites. This issue has resulted in artificially old ages in some heavily shocked samples, up to 7 billion years old, which is far older than the age of the Solar System. In Chapters 2 & 3 I examine four heavily shocked meteorites to elucidate the cause of anomalously old impact ages and recommend best practices for future 40Ar/39Ar impact age interpretations.Over 5,000 exoplanets have been identified using astronomical observations, which has supported new exoplanetary science over the last few decades. Exoplanetary science is still in a nascent stage but progressing quickly. Now more than ever, an interdisciplinary approach can be used to build the foundations of exoplanet sciences. Many geoscience inquiries, such as exoplanet compositions, dynamics of exoplanetary mantles and crusts, and the likelihood of habitability, are just beginning to be addressed. In Chapter 4, I use stellar abundance-derived exoplanet mantle compositions to interrogate the variability in exoplanet compositions and the likelihood of primitive crust formation. The results of this work have significant implications for exoplanet mantle dynamics, melting behavior, and the likelihood of plate tectonics. Lastly, over the last few decades, there have been pushes for science and the innovation that results from it to be conducted responsibly and openly. Moreover, the U.S. federal government has undertaken a transformational path to make federal agency-funded science more open and accessible. One method of increasing open science in science-funding agencies is to make the science and mission prioritization decision process more democratic. The NASA Decadal Surveys are an example of community-driven democratic decision-making in the space sciences and set the science and mission goals for the whole space science community. To support a citizen-centered democratic approach, I develop an expanded model of the participatory technology assessment (pTA) process for use in NASA’s Decadal Surveys.
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Surface Processes on Metal Worlds: Space Weathering and Regolith Formation on Metal-Rich Asteroids

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ABSTRACTWith the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Psyche Mission, humans will soon have the first opportunity to explore a new kind of planetary body: one composed mostly of metal as opposed to stony minerals or ices. Identifying the composition

ABSTRACTWith the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Psyche Mission, humans will soon have the first opportunity to explore a new kind of planetary body: one composed mostly of metal as opposed to stony minerals or ices. Identifying the composition of asteroids from Earth-based observations has been an ongoing challenge. Although optical reflectance spectra, radar, and orbital dynamics can constrain an asteroid’s mineralogy and bulk density, in many cases there is not a clear or precise match with analogous materials such as meteorites. Additionally, the surfaces of asteroids and other small, airless planetary bodies can be heavily modified over geologic time by exposure to the space environment. To accurately interpret remote sensing observations of metal-rich asteroids, it is therefore necessary to understand how the processes active on asteroid surfaces affect metallic materials. This dissertation represents a first step toward that understanding. In collaboration with many colleagues, I have performed laboratory experiments on iron meteorites to simulate solar wind ion irradiation, surface heating, micrometeoroid bombardment, and high-velocity impacts. Characterizing the meteorite surface’s physical and chemical properties before and after each experiment can constrain the effects of each process on a metal-rich surface in space. While additional work will be needed for a complete understanding, it is nevertheless possible to make some early predictions of what (16) Psyche’s surface regolith might look like when humans observe it up close. Moreover, the results of these experiments will inform future exploration beyond asteroid Psyche as humans attempt to understand how Earth’s celestial neighborhood came to be.
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The Detection and Management of Space Resources

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Identifying space resources is essential to establish an off-Earth human presence on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. One method for determining the composition and mineralogy of planetary surfaces is thermal infrared emission spectroscopy. I investigated this technique as a potential

Identifying space resources is essential to establish an off-Earth human presence on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. One method for determining the composition and mineralogy of planetary surfaces is thermal infrared emission spectroscopy. I investigated this technique as a potential tool to explore for magmatic Ni-Cu±PGE sulfide deposits by producing and measuring a 100% sulfide (pyrrhotite) sample derived from the Stillwater Complex. Pyrrhotite violates key assumptions used to calibrate thermal infrared emission data, making extraterrestrial sulfides “appear colder” than their actual physical temperature, and their spectra will contain a negative slope. To derive the absolute emissivity of graybody minerals more accurately, I developed a new measurement technique, which demonstrates that pyrrhotite is spectrally featureless in the mid-infrared and has a maximum emissivity of ~0.7. Magmatic sulfide deposits are commonly associated with silicates. Thus, emissivity spectra of sulfide/silicate mixtures were acquired to further understand how sulfide prospecting would be conducted on rocky bodies such as Mars. I demonstrate that as sulfide increases, the apparent brightness temperature decreases linearly and, if left unaccounted for, will contribute a negative spectral slope in their emissivity spectra. The presence of sulfide also reduces the magnitude of all the silicate’s diagnostic spectral features, which is linear as sulfide increases. A linear retrieval algorithm was also applied to the mixture spectra, demonstrating that sulfide could be detected at abundances of ≥10 modal %. The main resource being targeted for mining on the Moon is water ice. Thus, a mining map tool of the Lunar South Pole that incorporates temperature, illumination, Earth visibility, and slope data was developed to identify the most suitable locations for water ice mining and establishing bases for operations. The map is also used to assess the mining potential of the Artemis III candidate landing regions. Finally, space mining must be governed, but no framework has yet to be established. I propose a governance structure, notification system, contract system, best mining practices, and area-based environmental regulations to manage water ice mining activities. The Lunar Mining Map Tool’s block system is used as a spatial planning tool to administer the governance framework and facilitate management.
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A Potential Mechanism for Nitrogen Storage in the Earth's Mantle Transition Zone


Although nitrogen is the dominant element in Earth’s atmosphere, it is depleted in the bulk silicate Earth (relative to expected volatile abundances established by carbonaceous chondrites). To resolve this inconsistency, it has been hypothesized that this “missing nitrogen” may actually

Although nitrogen is the dominant element in Earth’s atmosphere, it is depleted in the bulk silicate Earth (relative to expected volatile abundances established by carbonaceous chondrites). To resolve this inconsistency, it has been hypothesized that this “missing nitrogen” may actually be stored within the Earth’s deep interior. In this work, we use multi-anvil press experiments to synthesize solid solution mixtures of the mantle transition zone mineral wadsleyite (Mg2SiO4) and silicon nitride (Si3N4). Successful synthesis of a 90% Si3N4, 10% Mg2SiO4 solid solution implies that nitrogen may not be sequestered within the most abundant mineral phases in the Earth’s mantle. Instead, nitrogen-rich accessory phases may hold the key to studying nitrogen storage within the deep interior. Ultimately, quantifying the amount of nitrogen within the mantle will further our understanding of the N cycle, which is vital to maintaining planetary habitability. Similar N cycling processes may be occurring on other rocky bodies; therefore, studying nitrogen storage may be an important part of determining habitability conditions on other worlds, both within in our solar system and beyond.

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Tissintite-II and Other High Pressure/Temperature Minerals in Lunar Meteorite NWA 13967

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Lunar meteorites are created when an asteroid impacts the Moon. In such events, the lunar surface, known as regolith, can experience extreme pressures and temperature conditions. Some of this regolith material can be ejected from the Moon and enter interplanetary

Lunar meteorites are created when an asteroid impacts the Moon. In such events, the lunar surface, known as regolith, can experience extreme pressures and temperature conditions. Some of this regolith material can be ejected from the Moon and enter interplanetary space where it can be captured by Earth's gravity. Even after falling to Earth, the minerals of lunar meteorites preserve the history and conditions of lunar impact processes. One such mineral that has gained attention recently is tissintite due to its relatively specific temperature and pressure formation conditions. The lunar meteorite NWA 13967 and its mineral assemblage provided an opportunity for comparison to other lunar meteorites (Zhang et al. 2021). Based on its mineralogy and petrography, NWA 13967 likely experienced peak pressures of 18 to 24 GPa and peak temperatures above 2000℃, as indicated by the presence of intergranular melt, vesicles, and corundum. The occurrence of tissintite-II and coesite suggest crystallization during cooling and decompression, while other high pressure minerals likely back-transformed to lower pressure polymorphs.

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Possible Control of Redox Conditions in the Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell

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The redox conditions of Earth have been changing since proto-Earth’s accretion from the solar nebula. These changes have influenced the distribution and partitioning of volatile elements between the atmosphere and the mantle (Righter et al., 2020; Stagno and Fei,

The redox conditions of Earth have been changing since proto-Earth’s accretion from the solar nebula. These changes have influenced the distribution and partitioning of volatile elements between the atmosphere and the mantle (Righter et al., 2020; Stagno and Fei, 2020. Though oxygen fugacity fO2 is arguably not the main factor for phase stability at certain pressure-temperature conditions (McCammon, 2005), it can influence which phases are stable, especially within a closed system such as the ones presented in this study. Despite the importance of controlling fO2 for interpreting the history of planetary bodies, there have been no methods to control the redox conditions in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell (LHDAC). This thesis has examined the feasibility for controlling redox conditions in the LHDAC using a mixture of Ar and H2 for insulation media. The experiments of this study were carried out at the GSECARS sector of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. In this study, α-Fe2O3 (hematite), ε-FeOOH (CaCl2-type), and Fe3O4 (magnetite) starting materials were used for probing changes of redox conditions. Experiments were also conducted with a pure Ar-medium for ε-FeOOH at the same pressure-temperature conditions of the hydrogen-bearing medium in order to provide a reference point for data which has uncontrolled redox conditions for an initially Fe(2+)-free material. The results for the ε-FeOOH starting material in Ar show transformation to ι-Fe2O3 (Rh2O3(II)-type) at 30.0 GPa and 1900 K, while in Ar + H2 it transformed to Fe5O7 with minor FeH (dhcp) at 30.0 GPa and 1850 K. For α-Fe2O3 in Ar + H2, it was found to convert to ε-FeOOH, Fe5O7, Fe5O6, and FeH (dhcp) at 36.5 GPa and 1800 K. For Fe3O4 in Ar + H2, it was found to convert to Fe4O5 (CaFe3O5-type), Fe5O6, and minor FeH (fcc) at 26.0 GPa and 1800 K. These results demonstrate that H in an Ar medium can promote the conversion of some Fe(3+) to Fe(2+) and Fe(0). However, the formation of ε-FeOOH in the α-Fe2O3 starting material suggests that H may participate in the chemical reaction of iron oxides.
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Investigating Lava Flow Emplacement: Implications for Volcanic Hazards and Planetary Evolution

Lava flow emplacement in the laboratory and on the surface of Mars was investigated. In the laboratory, the effects of unsteady effusion rates at the vent on four modes of emplacement common to lava flow propagation: resurfacing, marginal

Lava flow emplacement in the laboratory and on the surface of Mars was investigated. In the laboratory, the effects of unsteady effusion rates at the vent on four modes of emplacement common to lava flow propagation: resurfacing, marginal breakouts, inflation, and lava tubes was addressed. A total of 222 experiments were conducted using a programmable pump to inject dyed PEG wax into a chilled bath (~ 0° C) in tanks with a roughened base at slopes of 0, 7, 16, and 29°. The experiments were divided into four conditions, which featured increasing or decreasing eruption rates for either 10 or 50 s. The primary controls on modes of emplacement were crust formation, variability in the eruption rate, and duration of the pulsatory flow rate. Resurfacing – although a relatively minor process – is inhibited by an extensive, coherent crust. Inflation requires a competent, flexible crust. Tube formation requires a crust and intermediate to low effusion rates. On Mars, laboratory analogue experiments combined with models that use flow dimensions to estimate emplacement conditions and using high resolution image data and digital terrain models (e.g. THEMIS IR, CTX, HRSC), the eruption rates, viscosities, and yield strengths of 40 lava flows in the Tharsis Volcanic Province have been quantified. These lava flows have lengths, mean widths, and mean thicknesses of 15 – 314 km, 0.5 – 29 km, and 11 – 91 m, respectively. Flow volumes range from ~1 – 430 km3. Based on laboratory experiments, the 40 observed lava flows were erupted at 0.2 – 6.5x103 m3/s, while the Graetz number and Jeffrey’s equation when applied to 34 of 40 lava flows indicates eruption rates and viscosities of 300 – ~3.5 x 104 m3/s and ~105 – 108 Pa s, respectively. Another model which accounts for mass loss to levee formation was applied to a subset of flows, n = 13, and suggests eruption rates and viscosities of ~30 – ~1.2 x 103 m3/s and 4.5 x 106 – ~3 x 107 Pa s, respectively. Emplacement times range from days to centuries indicating the necessity for long-term subsurface conduits capable of delivering enormous volumes of lava to the surface.
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Investigations into Crustal Composition and Oxidative Weathering in the Archean

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Archean oxidative weathering reactions were likely important O2 sinks that delayed the oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere, as well as sources of bio-essential trace metals such as Mo to the biosphere. However, the rates of these reactions are difficult to quantify

Archean oxidative weathering reactions were likely important O2 sinks that delayed the oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere, as well as sources of bio-essential trace metals such as Mo to the biosphere. However, the rates of these reactions are difficult to quantify experimentally at relevantly low concentrations of O2. With newly developed O2 sensors, weathering experiments were conducted to measure the rate of sulfide oxidation at Archean levels of O2, a level three orders of magnitude lower than previous experiments. The rate laws produced, combined with weathering models, indicate that crustal sulfide oxidation by O2 was possible even in a low O2 Archean atmosphere.

Given the experimental results, it is expected that crustal delivery of bio-essential trace metals (such as Mo) from sulfide weathering was active even prior to the oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere. Mo is a key metal for biological N2 fixation and its ancient use is evidenced by N isotopes in ancient sedimentary rocks. However, it is typically thought that Mo was too low to be effectively bioavailable early in Earth’s history, given the low abundances of Mo found in ancient sediments. To reconcile these observations, a computational model was built that leverages isotopic constraints to calculate the range of seawater concentrations possible in ancient oceans. Under several scenarios, bioavailable concentrations of seawater Mo were attainable and compatible with the geologic record. These results imply that Mo may not have been limiting for early metabolisms.

Titanium (Ti) isotopes were recently proposed to trace the evolution of the ancient continental crust, and have the potential to trace the distribution of other trace metals during magmatic differentiation. However, significant work remains to understand fully Ti isotope fractionation during crust formation. To calibrate this proxy, I carried out the first direct measurement of mineral-melt fractionation factors for Ti isotopes in Kilauea Iki lava lake and built a multi-variate fractionation law for Ti isotopes during magmatic differentiation. This study allows more accurate forward-modeling of isotope fractionation during crust differentiation, which can now be paired with weathering models and ocean mass balance to further reconstruct the composition of Earth’s early continental crust, atmosphere, and oceans.
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Systematics of giant impacts in late-stage planet formation and active neutron experiments on the surface of Mars

Part I – I analyze a database of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of collisions between planetary bodies and use the data to define semi-empirical models that reproduce remant masses. These models may be leveraged when detailed, time-dependent aspects of

Part I – I analyze a database of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of collisions between planetary bodies and use the data to define semi-empirical models that reproduce remant masses. These models may be leveraged when detailed, time-dependent aspects of the collision are not paramount, but analytical intuition or a rapid solution is required, e.g. in ‘N-body simulations’. I find that the stratification of the planet is a non-negligible control on accretion efficiency. I also show that the absolute scale (total mass) of the collision may affect the accretion efficiency, with larger bodies more efficiently disrupting, as a function of gravitational binding energy. This is potentially due to impact velocities above the sound speed. The interplay of these dependencies implies that planet formation, depending on the dynamical environment, may be separated into stages marked by differentiation and the growth of planets more massive than the Moon.

Part II – I examine time-resolved neutron data from the Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) instrument on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover. I personally and independently developed a data analysis routine (described in the supplementary material in Chapter 2) that utilizes spectra from Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport models of the experiment and the Markov-chain Monte Carlo method to estimate bulk soil/rock properties. The method also identifies cross-correlation and degeneracies. I use data from two measurement campaigns that I targeted during remote operations at ASU. I find that alteration zones of a sandstone unit in Gale crater are markedly elevated in H content from the parent rock, consistent with the presence of amorphous silica. I posit that these deposits were formed by the most recent aqueous alteration events in the crater, since subsequent events would have produced matured forms of silica that were not observed. I also find that active dunes in Gale crater contain minimal water and I developed a Monte Carlo phase analysis routine to understand the amorphous materials in the dunes.
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Shock Effects and Mineral Assemblages in the Genomict Eucrite Northwest Africa 8677

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Shock effects in meteorites provide important insights into impacts on their parent bodies. Eucrites are among the Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) class of achondrites that likely originate from the intact, differentiated asteroid Vesta. Brecciated eucrites provide a record of the impact processes

Shock effects in meteorites provide important insights into impacts on their parent bodies. Eucrites are among the Howardite-Eucrite-Diogenite (HED) class of achondrites that likely originate from the intact, differentiated asteroid Vesta. Brecciated eucrites provide a record of the impact processes that occurred after the crustal formation of the parent body. Radiometric dating of HEDs has shown that they were affected by resetting events at 3.4 – 4.1 and 4.48 Ga. Therefore, shock effects in HEDs are windows into ancient impacts on asteroids early in solar system history. Northwest Africa (NWA) 8677 is a genomict eucrite with lithologies that are texturally different, but compositionally similar. The clasts in the breccia include strongly shocked (S5) gabbroic fragments and weakly shocked (S3) basaltic clasts. Coesite, a high-pressure polymorph of quartz, is preserved in the core of a large (~250 μm) silica grain, indicating the gabbro was strongly shocked. A large thermal overprint from the surrounding melt resulted in the transformation of coesite to low-pressure silica phases of quartz and cristobalite on the rims of this grain. The shock melt, interstitial to the breccia fragments, exhibits well-developed quench textures and contains a low-pressure mineral assemblage of plagioclase and pyroxene, implying that crystallization occurred after pressure release. The heterogeneity in shock features between the gabbroic and basaltic lithologies suggests that NWA 8677 experienced a variable impact history, which included at least two impact events. An initial impact strongly shocked and brecciated the gabbro and ejected both onto the regolith of the parent body where a more weakly shocked basalt was incorporated. A second impact produced the interstitial melt between the breccia matrix. The temperature of this shock melt remained high after pressure release, resulting in crystallization of a low-pressure assemblage of pyroxene and feldspar, as well as the transformation of quartz + cristobalite rims on coesite
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