Shifting Sands: A Qualitative Case Study of Changing Dynamics in the Saudi Media Landscape

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This study addressed the Saudi media landscape based on a qualitative approach focusing on journalists, social media influencers, and media-sector professionals. Through in-depth interviews and textual analysis of tweets, the study presented various essential components, influences, and factors in the

This study addressed the Saudi media landscape based on a qualitative approach focusing on journalists, social media influencers, and media-sector professionals. Through in-depth interviews and textual analysis of tweets, the study presented various essential components, influences, and factors in the Saudi media by applying theories of gatekeeping and media routines. The researcher proposed two models that can be applied to the Saudi media: Reese and Shoemaker’s (1996, 2014) hierarchy of influences model of influences on the media and Entman's (2003) cascading activation model of influences on the media. The results showed that the Saudi media landscape suffers from a lack of vision, overlapping laws, and the siphoning of journalistic competencies, which has provided an opportunity for social media influencers to gain public influence, threatening the future of journalistic practices in Saudi Arabia. The study also sought to dive further into the nature of the practices of social media influencers and identify the significant factors and players in the Saudi media landscape.
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Black and Female Voices: Examining The Presence and Absence of Diversity in Television Newsrooms

Journalists are the eyes and ears for the communities in which they serve. They don’t cover all issues and stories, however, not necessarily because of a lack of concern, but due to the lack of diverse voices that work behind-the-scenes,

Journalists are the eyes and ears for the communities in which they serve. They don’t cover all issues and stories, however, not necessarily because of a lack of concern, but due to the lack of diverse voices that work behind-the-scenes, on-air, and serve in leadership positions in television newsrooms. This paucity of diversity plays out in many more implicit rather than explicit ways. This issue has been addressed by the theoretical framework of intersectionality, utilized as a rationale in this thesis to further develop an argument on how the absence of diversity in television newsrooms affects the entry of new diverse employees in the workplace. The thesis also analyzes microaggressions in the workplace and the factors that influence not only the hiring process but also the ability of newsrooms to retain diverse talent. Most of all, this thesis gives voice to Black female television journalists who stayed in the journalism business despite all odds and highlights their struggles as well as coping strategies for building their careers and taking it to the heights they have.
The creative element of this thesis brings the research to life, with audio and video interviews that describe the challenges and accomplishments of the 11 interviewees currently working in the industry. This thesis reviews recent and older literature to find common trends, explore the issues previously addressed, and uses the interviews to provide a current picture of the situation in television newsrooms.

Keywords: Diversity, Television News, Black Women, Journalists, Leadership, Producers, Broadcasters
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Facebook Live in the Newsroom: How Phoenix News Stations Use Facebook Live Video

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Social media has changed the way communities consume their news and while much research has been done on how news organizations have adapted to this phenomenon, not all aspects of social media use for news have been studied. This study

Social media has changed the way communities consume their news and while much research has been done on how news organizations have adapted to this phenomenon, not all aspects of social media use for news have been studied. This study analyzes the use of Facebook Live videos in four local Phoenix news stations for the purpose of providing news to the audiences. This thesis is an analysis of 56 videos, 14 videos from each of the four news stations that specifically examined how local newsrooms use Facebook Lives to engage audiences when they are off the air and how they inform the community. Findings provide insight on views, shares, and reactions from each newsroom as well as common themes seen throughout the content.
Key words: Social media, Facebook Live, audience engagement, critical information needs, local news
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The framing of terrorism: how American and international television news script a global drama

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Scholars have identified the mass media plays a crucial role in the dissemination of terror messages. Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, much attention has been paid to terrorism in the global television landscape. More recently, the discourse

Scholars have identified the mass media plays a crucial role in the dissemination of terror messages. Since the attacks of September 11th, 2001, much attention has been paid to terrorism in the global television landscape. More recently, the discourse surrounding acts of terror has changed, in part due to the people behind the attacks. This study seeks to understand how global television news broadcasts frame acts of terror based on two current threats: the individual terrorist (the Lone Wolf) and the organized group (the Islamic State). Using the theoretical framework of Entman’s framing theory and Altheide’s (1987) notion of a global drama, this research identifies the ways global news organizations frame acts of terror both visually and verbally based on the classification of the attacker. Using content analysis methodology, this study analyzed six terror attacks that took place between November, 2015 and December, 2016. Three of these attacks were classified as “Lone Wolves” and three were carried out by the terrorist organization called the Islamic State. This study looked at 562 stories on six global news channels and examined 9,479 images. Through a comparative analysis, three American and three International news channels were examined. It was discovered global news networks contain visual differences in framing, but similarities in verbal framing. Although it was expected to find vast differences in global news’ framing of acts of terror, this study finds a homogenization of the television news narrative following terrorist attacks. This study builds on existing research and suggests a global script for covering acts of terror that has several implications from a theoretical and practical standpoint. Findings indicate global coverage of Islamic State attacks employ and “Us vs. Them” frame, while Lone Wolf attacks are framed as “Us vs. Us”, a new frame presented in this study. The results advance the literature focused on framing theory, comparative journalism research and global television news coverage of terrorism. As terrorism has garnered extensive media attention, understanding the ways that global news frames terrorism has vast implications.
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Gatekeeping practices of participants in a digital media literacy massive open online course (MOOC)

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Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of

Long before “fake news” dominated the conversation within and about the media, media literacy advocates have championed the need for media literacy education that provides the tools for people to understand, analyze, and evaluate media messages. That the majority of U.S. adults now consume news on social media underscores the importance for students of all ages to be critical users of media. Furthermore, the affordances of social media to like, comment, and share news items within one’s network increases an individual’s responsibility to ascertain the veracity of news before using a social media megaphone to spread false information. Social media’s shareability can dictate how information spreads, increasing news consumers’ role as a gatekeeper of information and making media literacy education more important than ever.

This research examines the media literacy practices that news consumers use to inform their gatekeeping decisions. Using a constant comparative coding method, the author conducted a qualitative analysis of hundreds of discussion board posts from adult participants in a digital media literacy Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to identify major themes and examine growth in participants’ sense of responsibility related to sharing news information, their feeling of empowerment to make informed decisions about the media messages they receive, and how the media literacy tools and techniques garnered from the MOOC have affected their daily media interactions. Findings emphasize the personal and contextual nature of media literacy, and that those factors must be addressed to ensure the success of a media literacy education program.
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Twitter Use by Arizona Politicians: A Case Study and Analysis

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In the past ten years, social network services have expanded from a digital method in which the public connects with only their friends and families. Social network services have evolved to a highly-accessible, convenient, cost-effective tool to engage with communities

In the past ten years, social network services have expanded from a digital method in which the public connects with only their friends and families. Social network services have evolved to a highly-accessible, convenient, cost-effective tool to engage with communities beyond one's frequented social circle on a local, national, and global scale. Many politicians have adapted in order to use social network services to connect directly with their constituents. Politicians have begun to use their profiles on social network services as their own privately owned publicity channel, publishing raw "material" like political opinions or legal advocacy, appearances at events and media like photos, videos or links to maintain transparency and accessibility to their constituencies. The content analysis investigates the use of a social network service (Twitter) by five different Arizonan politicians from different municipal, state and federal offices over the period of six months. All posts on Twitter were recorded, evaluated, and categorized by content into one of seventeen different divisions: Constituent Connection, Correction, Culture, Economy, Education, Environment, Healthcare, Humanitarianism, International, Military, Operational, Personal, Political Activity, Reply to Constituent, Security, Social Issues or Sports. The date, category, content, media type and engagement (replies, retweets, and favorites) were also recorded. Understanding how political figures connect and engage with their constituencies contributes to understanding modern campaigning and modern government; politicians are now finding it imperative to have and maintain a social media presence in order to gain relevance, transparency and accessibility with their constituencies. This study examines how politicians are currently utilizing these micro-blogging sites.
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Film Marketing Analysis: Tactics and Strategies for SONY Pictures 2017 Releases

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The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and outline the different publicity and promotion tactics along with social media tactics that film studios use to market their films and the overall importance of the audience.
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Ringside Creative Project

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Ringside is a digital publication that looks at how the independent professional wrestling organization, the Arizona Wrestling Federation (AWF) has been able to succeed, due to the growth and development of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), in to more than

Ringside is a digital publication that looks at how the independent professional wrestling organization, the Arizona Wrestling Federation (AWF) has been able to succeed, due to the growth and development of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), in to more than just a sports entertainment company. The purpose of designing an online publication is to inform as well as to serve as a template for how a company like the AWF can create a digital publication. The narrative of the publication follows how the WWE always has been at the forefront of the professional wrestling industry and recently, it has not only crossed over into mainstream sports journalism, also expanded its presence in almost every type of media, including television, online and even toys. Due to WWE's growing influence and fan following, independent companies like the AWF are capitalizing on WWE's success by replicating the show's business model on a smaller scale. This project also serves as a study in design and user interactivity. The link to the publication is
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The Endless Cycle of Neglect

Parental substance abuse is the number one reason children are neglected and placed in foster care. More than 18,000 children were in out-of-home care in Arizona in 2015, the majority of them for neglect. Reports to the Arizona Department of

Parental substance abuse is the number one reason children are neglected and placed in foster care. More than 18,000 children were in out-of-home care in Arizona in 2015, the majority of them for neglect. Reports to the Arizona Department of Child Safety are categorized by physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Neglect is the broadest category and 72.9 percent of the maltreatment reports DCS received between April and September 2015 were for child neglect. Experts say nationally, parental substance abuse is the main cause for the neglect of children. "The Endless Cycle of Neglect" is an in-depth story about the effects of parental substance abuse leading to children being placed in foster care. The research was conducted through reviews of data available in public records and interviews with experts and adults who were in placed in foster care after experiencing neglect by parents who were abusing substances. The story is built into a multimedia website with elements such as photos, embedded audio, and infographics. The story follows Amber Anderson, whose father was a drug addict, and chronicles the events in her life that led to her being placed in foster care and ultimately losing her children to foster care because of neglect. Anderson shared her story of neglect, her time as a prostitute, and the events that led to her losing custody of her children. The website that the story is hosted on,, was built to be visually engaging for readers, with large photos, pull quotes, and interactive infographics. The full thesis can be found at or
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Aboriginal Voices - Testimonials Reflecting Indigenous Experience in Australia

Aboriginal Voices Testimonials Reflecting Indigenous Experience in Australia "Aboriginal Voices: Testimonials Reflecting Indigenous Experience in Australia," is a collection of four audio portraits of Aboriginal artists interviewed between January and May of 2016. It enabled me to cover an underserved

Aboriginal Voices Testimonials Reflecting Indigenous Experience in Australia "Aboriginal Voices: Testimonials Reflecting Indigenous Experience in Australia," is a collection of four audio portraits of Aboriginal artists interviewed between January and May of 2016. It enabled me to cover an underserved population, consistent with journalistic and human rights standards. The testimonials are paired with visuals, such as portraits and graphics. The artists who participated each discussed different aspects of life, although key and overlapping themes surfaced with each. Nicole Phillips, a highly educated animator and teacher, discussed systemic poverty and the generational trauma of mistreatment. She emphasizes, however, that Aboriginal Australians are still fighting back. Gordon Syron talks about his family's land and how it was taken from them. Syron killed the man responsible and spent time in prison, where he began his art career. He focuses on justice issues and fair representation. Peta-Joy Williams is fair-skinned and brings up issues of inclusion and identity. Additionally, Williams is fluent in Pitjara, one of 120 remaining Aboriginal languages. She teaches this to youth and Elders, passing on and restoring culture. Finally, Jeffrey Samuels reveals his experience in a boys home and getting fostered by a white family. He was denied his culture and worked very hard at a young age. Samuels is part of the Stolen Generation, a large population of Aboriginal Australians taken from their families as part of government policies. The paper discusses outreach techniques, summarizes the interview experience with each artists, technical requirements and reflections on the subjects that came up most prominently. The website, serving as the visual element of the project, can be found at
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