Navigating COVID-19 Uncertainties: Science Reporting in Kuwaiti Digital Media

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During uncertain situations such as a crisis or risk scenario, journalists experience challenges in filtering, verifying, and curating information and adapting to the new work conditions. Utilizing Sensemaking Theory, this qualitative study aims to understand how journalists construct reporting decisions

During uncertain situations such as a crisis or risk scenario, journalists experience challenges in filtering, verifying, and curating information and adapting to the new work conditions. Utilizing Sensemaking Theory, this qualitative study aims to understand how journalists construct reporting decisions on uncertain scientific topics, given the potential impact of these stories on the public’s understanding and acceptance of science. The study focuses on Kuwaiti journalists’ handling of science and health information during the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID‐19). The research adopts a narrative approach, conducting in-depth interviews with science reporters and managing editors from digital news outlets in Kuwait. Thematic analysis of the data indicates that journalists’ handling of COVID-19 uncertain science news was mainly influenced by interests, emotions, external pressures, personal stances, and organizational alignment rather than a thorough evaluation of claims. This suggests a lack of expertise and competence in effectively evaluating and interpreting science news. The study identifies six primary sensemaking approaches used by science journalists and reveals the implicit connotations that underlie Kuwaiti journalists’ roles, which are heavily influenced by their professional, social, and cultural realities. The findings suggest that journalists’ perceptions of their surrounding environment, including their country’s level of scientific contribution, public interest in science, and the overall state of journalism, are important dimensions influencing their perception of their role. Additionally, the study adds to the body of research on gatekeeping by highlighting the influence of sensemaking on journalists’ resistance and compliance with a gate and how this may sometimes lead to overlooking a gate’s presence. Moreover, the study contributes to understanding journalists’ news values and value prioritization during uncertain times. It emphasizes the reciprocal relationship between sensemaking and news values, where values serve as both selection and sensemaking devices. The findings also shed light on how journalists justify their control over uncertain information dissemination, using uncertainty, audience perception, and social responsibility to legitimize their actions and deflect criticism. The insights gained from this study have significant implications for journalistic practices, ethics, and responsibilities in the context of uncertainty and health crises.
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Active in Structure: An Integrated Model of Structural Theories and Individual Factors in Explaining Audience Behavior in the Post-Network Age

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Over the past 60 years or so, audience researchers have strived to investigate the impact of structural and motivational factors on audiences’ television viewing behaviors. With the popularity of streaming services, the way people consume and discuss media content has

Over the past 60 years or so, audience researchers have strived to investigate the impact of structural and motivational factors on audiences’ television viewing behaviors. With the popularity of streaming services, the way people consume and discuss media content has been fundamentally transformed. However, the academic understanding of whether factors traditionally found to impact television viewing behaviors continue to do so in the streaming age remains limited. Building on both agent-based and structural theories in television audience research, this study employed a mixed-method approach that combines data collected via in-depth interviews with that from screenshots captured with a browser extension to revisit the roles of structural and motivational factors in participants’ Netflix viewing. The study’s results underscore that, even in a high-choice media environment, structural factors (e.g., audience availability, content availability and exclusivity) and traditional viewing motivations (i.e. for relaxation and enjoyment) remain critical in determining participants’ viewing practices. Specifically, the platforms and devices that people use to watch television may differ from those used in the network era, but why they watch, when they watch, and what they watch are still determined by the motivational and structural factors identified in traditional television audience research. In addition, the results showed that newer structural factors such as program scores on recommendation sites have less of an impact on participants’ viewing decisions. Habits, which are commonly overlooked in audience research, played an important role in influencing when, how, and what participants watched on Netflix. Further, despite having access to almost unlimited viewing options, many participants still tended to watch programs that they were familiar with or had watched before. The findings highlighted that, even in today’s fragmented media environment, participants’ Netflix viewing practices were repetitive and deeply embedded in the structured routines of their daily lives. The study advances television audience scholarship by providing fresh insights about the traditional and emerging factors in determining viewers’ streaming behaviors. Theoretical implications and future directions are discussed.
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Shifting Sands: A Qualitative Case Study of Changing Dynamics in the Saudi Media Landscape

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This study addressed the Saudi media landscape based on a qualitative approach focusing on journalists, social media influencers, and media-sector professionals. Through in-depth interviews and textual analysis of tweets, the study presented various essential components, influences, and factors in the

This study addressed the Saudi media landscape based on a qualitative approach focusing on journalists, social media influencers, and media-sector professionals. Through in-depth interviews and textual analysis of tweets, the study presented various essential components, influences, and factors in the Saudi media by applying theories of gatekeeping and media routines. The researcher proposed two models that can be applied to the Saudi media: Reese and Shoemaker’s (1996, 2014) hierarchy of influences model of influences on the media and Entman's (2003) cascading activation model of influences on the media. The results showed that the Saudi media landscape suffers from a lack of vision, overlapping laws, and the siphoning of journalistic competencies, which has provided an opportunity for social media influencers to gain public influence, threatening the future of journalistic practices in Saudi Arabia. The study also sought to dive further into the nature of the practices of social media influencers and identify the significant factors and players in the Saudi media landscape.
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Ball is (Virtual) Life: An Ethnographic Examination of Identity, Culture and Community in NBA 2K

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This qualitative study examined how culture and community are created in the popular sports video game, NBA 2K. Sports video games are some of the most popular video games, but there has been lack of critical scholarship into these games.

This qualitative study examined how culture and community are created in the popular sports video game, NBA 2K. Sports video games are some of the most popular video games, but there has been lack of critical scholarship into these games. By engaging two popular cultural theories, the circuit of culture and the fields of cultural production, this study critically examined how culture shapes online communities in sports video games.By employing a variety of ethnographic methods including thick descriptions of cultural artifacts, an intake questionnaire, interviews with 17 NBA 2K players, and in-game participant observation, this study established cultural patterns, insider language, and other elements of culture within the NBA 2K community. The researcher learned to play NBA 2K, critically examined both physical and virtual cultural artifacts, conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with game players, and participated in NBA 2K with study participants to contextualize their experiences. This study established NBA 2K as having some of the most advanced functions of any sports video games, including sophisticated multi-user domains (MUDs) and complex avatar (MyPLAYER) creation. NBA 2K offers a unique opportunity to create diverse MyPLAYER representations, setting the bar for sports video games to include people from varied physical identities. Though the game has made strides to include WNBA athletes, the lack of gendered options for the MyPLAYER feature reinforces misogynistic and hegemonic power structures that are common in both sports culture and gaming culture.
Date Created

Framing National Identity in Reflexive Modernity: A Content Analysis Examination of Global Online News Channels Framing of the Saudi Political, Economic, and Cultural Identity

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Modernity has become a goal for every nation in this time of a globalized and connected world. Nevertheless, in the 21st century, modernity is inherently reflexive as nations have the sources and technologies to adopt their own identity and act

Modernity has become a goal for every nation in this time of a globalized and connected world. Nevertheless, in the 21st century, modernity is inherently reflexive as nations have the sources and technologies to adopt their own identity and act upon it. Global media is a mirror of their national identity and social structure. Thus, this dissertation sets the scope to explore how global news media frames national identity in the context of reflexive modernity.This study examines the ways that global online news channels frame the Saudi transition to modernization, epitomizing Saudi Vision 2030. Guided by framing theory, this study explores how global online news channels (i.e., Al Arabiya, Al Jazeera, RT, BBC, and CNN) have positioned the Saudi identity (i.e., avowal and ascription) and framed the structure of the Saudi identity (i.e., indulgence, restraint, certainty, uncertainty, thriving governance, and doomed governance). The study utilized a mixed-method content analysis of news articles (N = 584) that include paragraphs (N = 7846) from three years, April 25, 2016, to April 25, 2019. The study results indicated that global online news channels framed the Saudi cultural identity and political identity heterogeneously, but the Saudi economic identity was framed homogenously. The study’s findings revealed that the English online news channels positioned the Saudi cultural identity different from the Arabic online news channels. The Study also found that Al Jazeera-Arabic framed the Saudi national identity across all contexts differently compared to Al Arabiya-Arabic. The study also showed that uncertainty and restraint were used to frame the Saudi cultural and political identity, while human rights issues were the central theme for the framing process. The study concluded that, in reflexive modernity, global online news channels frame the national identity through three cues: Deviation (glocalization), Domination (interpretive community), and Hybridization (humanization). This study contributes to the literature on framing by providing a new measurable and replicable model—the national identity frame model. The study advances the literature on media framing by providing conceptual and operational definitions to bridge the gap between the micro and macro levels in the context of modernization and global identities.
Date Created

Oh Boy: How to Handle a Pandemic the Disney Way

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On March 12, 2020, The Walt Disney Company announced that its U.S. Disney Parks, Disneyland and Walt Disney World, would close because of COVID-19. This study aims to determine how park annual passholders and frequent guests of the U.S. Disney

On March 12, 2020, The Walt Disney Company announced that its U.S. Disney Parks, Disneyland and Walt Disney World, would close because of COVID-19. This study aims to determine how park annual passholders and frequent guests of the U.S. Disney Parks reacted to COVID-19 related news from The Walt Disney Company and if it impacts their decision to visit the parks. To determine this, five focus groups were conducted with annual passholders and frequent guests of the U.S. Disney Parks. Their social media habits, relationship with The Walt Disney Company, and reactions to COVID-19 related news was discussed. The results showed that while annual passholders and frequent guests may get their information from third party accounts, face confusion on some topics, and have reservations about COVID-19 during park reopenings, they still trust The Walt Disney Company and are eager to enter the parks again.
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Fruit King: From Fruit Cart to Fruit Empire, a Personal and Historical Audio Narrative of an Immigrant Turned American Success

Fruit King a personal and historical audio narrative of a Sicilian immigrant turned American success completed in conjunction with the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University. This project was

Fruit King a personal and historical audio narrative of a Sicilian immigrant turned American success completed in conjunction with the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication and Barrett, The Honors College at Arizona State University. This project was completed with the guidance and support of thesis director, Dr. Dawn Gilpin and thesis second-chair, Dr. John Craft. This thesis project has been executed in the form of a podcast, website and research report that recounts and relishes in the legacy and life of Joseph DiGiorgio, the once 14-year-old who immigrated from Cefalu, Sicily to Ellis Island, New York in 1888. He went from selling fruit in a cart and borrowing money from the bank to establishing the Baltimore Fruit exchange and becoming the director of the Maryland National Bank by 21 years old. His billion-dollar business, the DiGiorgio Fruit Corporation, became the world’s largest fruit grower of grapes, plums and pears in the 1940s, and he landed a feature story in Fortune Magazine in 1946. To me, he is my great-great-great-uncle Joe, but to the world, he is what the New York Times crowned him: the Fruit King.
Date Created

#DeleteYourAccount: An Analysis of Online Harassment Toward Celebrities

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The introduction of this thesis explains that, though celebrity culture is a pre-existing phenomenon, the digital age has posed new, dehumanizing challenges for physically unattainable famous figures. Some people feel a stronger sense of love for celebrities, believing that the

The introduction of this thesis explains that, though celebrity culture is a pre-existing phenomenon, the digital age has posed new, dehumanizing challenges for physically unattainable famous figures. Some people feel a stronger sense of love for celebrities, believing that the Internet connects them on a deeper, personal level, whereas others participate in increasing hate and decreasing fear of consequence of online behavior. The main goals of this project were to analyze in what ways online harassment toward celebrities differs according to gender, as well as what types of online harassment celebrities face on social media platforms.

Social media posts included in the discussion were taken from Twitter and explored using the qualitative research-based Grounded Theory. Four celebrities were selected as case studies to illustrate hate that popular music artists receive. These celebrities were Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. Before the data collection process transitioned to Twitter for specific examples, Google Search was effective in providing background information on each celebrity's controversies. With open coding as the chosen stage of data analysis, tweets were grouped with those containing similar content (e.g. two tweets using the same insult).

Social media users can uncover problematic tweets and refuse to forgive celebrities for past mistakes, send threatening messages that encourage celebrities to kill themselves, shame celebrities for their physical appearances and sexualities and so forth. All of these concepts are observed within the respective literature review and discussion sections. The types of online harassment included are insults, devotion defending, threats and hacking.

The gathered data found that difference in the online harassment that female pop stars receive versus that toward male pop stars often lies in how people perceive their sexualities and physical appearances, as well as the distance perceived between the social media user and the celebrity. In the examples provided, women were regarded as “whores” for wearing certain clothing and blamed for issues in their relationships, whereas men were not seen as the problem and criticized for appearing too "feminine."

It is recommended that people become more aware of the consequences of online harassment in general, but particularly toward celebrities who are viewed as being unaffected by hate comments. Due to the limitations of this study, future research within this area should include people of color and various sectors of the entertainment industry.
Date Created

Proactivity in Preventing Online Crises in the Social Media Age: How Workplace Diversity Shields Organizations from Self-Inflicted Crisis

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Self-inflicted online crises arise when a company releases materials, such as advertisements or products, that are offensive to stakeholders and consequently cause a negative reaction across online communities. This thesis examines how companies have tried to restore their image after

Self-inflicted online crises arise when a company releases materials, such as advertisements or products, that are offensive to stakeholders and consequently cause a negative reaction across online communities. This thesis examines how companies have tried to restore their image after a self-inflicted crisis arose that spoke to a lack of cultural sensitivity and understanding within the organization. Models of crisis communication were analyzed to determine that a crisis has trigger events that can be detected and prevented against. Research on diversity in the workplace and the benefits of fostering a culturally sensitive and aware workplace environment was also analyzed. Finally, image restoration strategies were examined to comprehend how companies use messaging to mitigate crises. From there, three case studies were conducted on three separate self-inflicted online crises that arose from an apparent lack of culturally sensitivity and understanding within an organization, each instance occurring within the past two years. This study then provided an analysis of the background, description, online reaction and company response to each: the PepsiCo advertisement featuring Kendall Jenner, the Gucci sweater appearing to resemble blackface and the Tarte Cosmetics Shape Tape Foundation launch. Image restoration strategies were then identified and analyzed for each case study. Metrics were determined for each case by looking at the reach of posts on social media and also by using Google Trends and Meltwater to discover the extent of media engagement during the length of each crisis. The events explored in each case study all demonstrated an oversight in the pre-crisis stage of each of the organizations, emphasizing the necessity of detection in crisis management planning as a tactic to actively identify potential threats before a triggering event can occur.
Date Created

Socially Mediated Stranger Things: Audiences Cultures and Full-Season Releases

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Television is currently in a changing state. There is no longer a singular broadcast format for series to follow. Streaming websites such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime now release series in their entirety; this is known as a full-season

Television is currently in a changing state. There is no longer a singular broadcast format for series to follow. Streaming websites such as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime now release series in their entirety; this is known as a full-season release (FSR). Viewers are now able to act independently and determine the pace they wish to watch a new FSR series. This not only affects how fans engage in social television discussions on social media, but also changes the previously proposed viewer engagement model. Whereas previous research suggests that fans follow a static linear engagement model consisting of pre-communication, parallel communication, and post communication phases, fans are now able to move freely through viewer engagement phases. This creates a new type of engagement model: The Atomized Engagement Model. As fans move freely through the atomized engagement phases, they choose social media platforms to engage in fandom discussion. Research suggests that although there are distinct types of posts that occur in relation to social television discussions, the platforms used have a direct effect on the content and length of the post.
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