Understanding and Treating Imposter Syndrome in Undergraduate Students

This thesis reviews the literature surrounding imposter syndrome’s theoretical frameworks, proposed causes, and potential symptoms. It begins by explaining how the term “imposter syndrome” originated along with exploring various definitions with particular focus on its impact in the academic sphere.

This thesis reviews the literature surrounding imposter syndrome’s theoretical frameworks, proposed causes, and potential symptoms. It begins by explaining how the term “imposter syndrome” originated along with exploring various definitions with particular focus on its impact in the academic sphere. Next, different theoretical frameworks used to hypothesize the cause of imposter syndrome, including Albert Bandura’s Theory of Self-Efficacy, Carol Dweck’s Theory of Growth Mindset, and stereotype threat, are explored. When reviewing causal theories and factors, I focus on individual risk factors for imposter syndrome rather than how institutions factor into imposter syndrome. After theoretical frameworks are established, the link between imposter syndrome and general wellbeing is addressed. Lastly, there is a critical analysis of various treatment and prevention programs and I use this research to develop my own workshop aimed at helping students manage their imposter syndrome.
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The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing internship engagement and determine if there is a notable difference between first-generation students and their non-first-generation counterparts. To achieve this goal, I surveyed students currently

The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing internship engagement and determine if there is a notable difference between first-generation students and their non-first-generation counterparts. To achieve this goal, I surveyed students currently engaged in an internship or those who have completed one within the past three years. The findings indicate that there is no significant difference between the two groups in terms of overall internship engagement. However, first-generation students reported experiencing higher levels of work-role fit and psychological meaningfulness. It's worth noting that psychological meaningfulness influences internship engagement.
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Classification of 911 Operators as First Responders: A Mixed Method Study

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The objective of this study was to investigate if 911 operators experience similar stressors and amounts of stress as law enforcement, fire, and EMS personnel. To accomplish this, I conducted a focus group to obtain information about similar stressors experienced

The objective of this study was to investigate if 911 operators experience similar stressors and amounts of stress as law enforcement, fire, and EMS personnel. To accomplish this, I conducted a focus group to obtain information about similar stressors experienced by all three areas of emergency services. Then I utilized this information to form a survey to quantify the amounts of stress experienced by emergency service personnel. My findings indicate that the stress experience is similar.

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The New Social Leader: Analyzing the Effects of Extraversion, Gender, Honors College, Class Standing, School, and GPA on the Diversity of Leadership

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Research on leaders indicates that strong leadership depends on certain behavioral factors as well as an established sense of trust and cooperation between leaders and the individuals they lead. In order to understand what has the greatest influence on an

Research on leaders indicates that strong leadership depends on certain behavioral factors as well as an established sense of trust and cooperation between leaders and the individuals they lead. In order to understand what has the greatest influence on an individual’s leadership abilities, this study was conducted to uncover what factors play the largest role in how an individual leads others and how they view others as leaders; the factors examined were extraversion, gender, honors college, class standing, and GPA. Along with this, the study was designed to determine the impact of ambiversion on leadership as well as the aforementioned factors. According to research, ambiverts are more dynamic and their behavior depends upon the situation at hand. In this study, a survey was conducted to gather information on students, assess their level of extraversion, and obtain their experiences both as leaders and when other individuals were leading them. Based on personality, extraverts felt more confident and effective in their leadership abilities, introverts were more authoritative in their approach to leadership and took charge of the group, and ambiverts did not feel confident or effective as leaders. Overall, women were more confident in their leadership abilities and felt they were more effective leaders. Women also are considered more team style leaders that encourage group members to participate and view success as a group effort. Men are more authoritative in their leadership style and believe the group should follow their rules. Along with this, women rated themselves as introverts less than men. Along other dimensions, W.P. Carey students are less about the people in their leadership style than other majors, and Barrett students are more focused on the task side of leadership than non-Barrett individuals. Additionally, students in the top GPA bracket are more team style leaders while students in the highest class standing are less team style with their leadership approach.
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University Recruiting and Employer Adaptability

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The purpose of this thesis is to examine how employers recruit university students, and determine what methods are most successful. Many companies embrace online recruiting strategies such as Handshake, but some still combine a few strategies such as career fairs,

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how employers recruit university students, and determine what methods are most successful. Many companies embrace online recruiting strategies such as Handshake, but some still combine a few strategies such as career fairs, university partnerships, club sponsorships, and other online platforms aside from Handshake in order to recruit students. Research for this study was gathered through the use of two surveys administered to Arizona State University students and corporate recruiters. The student survey focuses on what mediums students find most successful in their job and internship searches, as well as what values they look for in future employers. The corporate survey asks questions related to the efforts used to attract students for future internships and full-time job opportunities. The findings reveal that companies must leverage a variety of available resources, including both online methods and on-campus events in order to find the best-fitting candidates. Likewise, students must focus on branding themselves as adaptable through their materials and continue to utilize career fairs, as well as other resources, in their job search practices. This study has a number of practical implications for employers seeking to understand how to best recruit university students given the most popular platforms used today. Students will also find practical implications from this study as they can better understand how to successfully use the available resources to the best of their ability, and how to successfully get hired by companies recruiting from Arizona State University. Recommendations for change on the students and employers respective behalf are based on survey findings and secondary research.
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Comparison and Analysis: Leadership Variations between Chinese and American Business Culture

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Although there are some key qualities that all good leaders employ, variations in effective leadership approaches are evident across different cultures. This project sought to compare and analyze the differences and similarities in leadership principles between Chinese and American business

Although there are some key qualities that all good leaders employ, variations in effective leadership approaches are evident across different cultures. This project sought to compare and analyze the differences and similarities in leadership principles between Chinese and American business cultures, with emphasis on the divergence caused by the influences of history, culture and politics.
Date Created

Culture, Gender, and Age: Creating Companies for the 21st Century

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The purpose of this research is to define significant explanatory factors behind differences in work preferences across country of origin, gender, and generation. We conducted a survey through Qualtrics, which consisted of 45 questions. The survey was administered to men

The purpose of this research is to define significant explanatory factors behind differences in work preferences across country of origin, gender, and generation. We conducted a survey through Qualtrics, which consisted of 45 questions. The survey was administered to men and women who were U.S. citizens and non-US citizens and who were from two pre-defined generational groups: Generation X and Generation Z. Furthermore, the questions were intended to determine different work preferences in Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions (Power Distance, Masculinity/Femininity, Individualism/Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance), McClelland's Motivational Theory, Alpha/Beta Work Values, and Leadership Traits from the GLOBE study. We also had the opportunity to travel to Tokyo, Japan in December 2016 to gather qualitative research data regarding individuals' opinions and experiences in cultural and gender differences in the workplace. We were able to support hypotheses regarding Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions, Alpha and Beta Values, and Leadership Traits specifically across our gender and generational cohorts. Findings from the study indicate significant variations between all three cohorts. Our literature and hypotheses review, methodology, limitations, practical implications in addition to future research to expand our study will be discussed within this text. We hope to provide context and insight into how businesses of the twenty-first century can be inclusive, fair, and profitable amidst a changing workforce and a host of global factors that are constantly refining the multinational company.
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The Path to Success and Happiness: A Mindful and Interdependent Endeavor

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The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effectiveness of a mindful and interdependent approach to success and happiness. I believe our happiness should be a constant priority of ours. To achieve happiness, I argue that we should always

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the effectiveness of a mindful and interdependent approach to success and happiness. I believe our happiness should be a constant priority of ours. To achieve happiness, I argue that we should always be thoughtfully considering our own perspectives as well as the perspectives of others. I begin by explaining the components of the Happiness Chain, which I've developed through my examination of literature on mindfulness, the treatment of others, positivity, stress, and other interrelated areas. The Happiness Chain starts with an internal analysis of ourselves as individuals. The components of this section include mindfulness, stress, and positivity. The second section of the Happiness Chain deals with how we treat with others. In this section we use what we've learned in the first section to acknowledge how our actions affect the happiness of other people. Ultimately, the emotional state of one individual affects the emotional state of the individuals they interact with, so it is in our best interest to increase the happiness of those around us as well and not just ourselves. I then discuss the importance of the Happiness Chain to the organization by comparing it with emotional intelligence, which is necessary for an effective leader to have. I specifically discuss how each component of the Happiness Chain relates to the five characteristics of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. Lastly, I provide specific tools that individuals, managers, or leaders, can use to achieve mindfulness and positivity for themselves and for others for a happier, more successful life overall.
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Understanding the Various Uses of Urban Green Space: How Public Parks Contribute to Hedonic Happiness in Downtown Phoenix

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Research has long supported the idea that parks contribute to physical and mental well-being. Evidence has shown that the presence of parks reduces stress, positively impacts health, and can lower the risk of crime in neighborhoods. There have been studies

Research has long supported the idea that parks contribute to physical and mental well-being. Evidence has shown that the presence of parks reduces stress, positively impacts health, and can lower the risk of crime in neighborhoods. There have been studies that discuss variables that impact the accessibility and quality of parks in neighborhoods such as ethnicity, income, and gender. More recently, research has delved into the impact of parks on individual's happiness. Findings imply that the desire for happiness may be satisfied by park visitation and provide evidence that suggests the diversity of park activities is a significant contributor to happiness. This study aims to identify how varying park designs contribute to individual happiness. Three hypotheses are presented: 1) frequency of park visits is positively correlated with life satisfaction, 2) park structure impacts efficacy of parks to promote happiness, and 3) adults travel to parks specifically to improve their mood. Hypothesis 1 is used to understand the relationship between park visitation and overall satisfaction, hypothesis 2 aims to identify how the physical structure of the park contributes to personal happiness, and hypothesis 3 provides an understanding for what motivates adults to visit parks. This study's results indicate that there is no significant correlation between frequency of park visits and life satisfaction, nor is there a significant correlation between physical park structure and increased happiness. While an insignificant amount of participants reported traveling to parks specifically to enhance their mood, the majority of participants indicated traveling to the park to participate in an activity that positively affects their happiness. This study can act as a tool for urban planners to get an idea of why people visit parks and which features they use while they're there. This information can provide guidance when deciding what to include in future parks, utilizing their budget in a way that maximizes community use and happiness.
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Innovation Leadership

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The goal of this research is to answer the questions 1) What is innovation? 2) Why is innovation important? 3) How does leadership impact the effectiveness in driving innovation? 4) How can insight be taught to other individuals who would

The goal of this research is to answer the questions 1) What is innovation? 2) Why is innovation important? 3) How does leadership impact the effectiveness in driving innovation? 4) How can insight be taught to other individuals who would like to drive innovation in their own practice? By defining leadership characteristics, actions, and attributes, a tangible framework was created which can be utilized by any leader as a guiding point to drive innovation. Data for this project was collected through two channels: a survey which was administered to individuals who identified primarily as undergraduates and professionals, then interviews were conducted with individuals who are recognized as innovative leaders. Interview participants were selected based on recommendations from peers, awards, and accolades received. The questions in the survey focused on collecting data on the general perception and understanding of what an innovative leader is compared to traditional change management elements. Interview questions honed in on specific information regarding leadership approaches, group dynamic techniques, and personal characteristics in relation to leadership style. The findings from the study can be used for positive impact on universities and organizations.
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