A Wordless World: Creating Stories of Autistic Children


This project is a wordless children's book about an excluded child with autism who, with the help of a cat, learns to make friends and be happy with who she is. The book is illustrated with water color and acrylic

This project is a wordless children's book about an excluded child with autism who, with the help of a cat, learns to make friends and be happy with who she is. The book is illustrated with water color and acrylic paints and is based on my experiences with autism. The goals for this project were to create representation for autistic people and to give something to younger autistic children to practice their communication. The essay portion of the project details the creation of the project, my inspirations, the research that has been done on how autistic children interact with storytelling and other non written communication, and a reflection on how the project went.

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Tourist vs. Traveler: A Reflection on a Semester Abroad Through Poetry


This creative project discusses my experience studying abroad in Europe this past fall. It includes nine poems for each of the nine countries I visited, along with corresponding reflections and commentaries. The larger theme shows how I transformed from a tourist to a traveler.

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Disney & The Perversion of The Fairytale:
A Cultural Analysis Through Rapunzel of Folklore and Fairy Tales


In this project, I will study how the Disney corporation altered the story Rapunzel and how those changes interact and are influenced by culture and time. The story is indicative of the time and culture that produced it, but it

In this project, I will study how the Disney corporation altered the story Rapunzel and how those changes interact and are influenced by culture and time. The story is indicative of the time and culture that produced it, but it has been reproduced many times and in many cultures. I will compare the original Grimm Brothers' Rapunzel (1812) and the popular Disney film Tangled (2010). This project will be divided into two main parts to address these two distinct iterations of the story. In the first section, I will focus on this form of media's background information and relevance. In the second part, I will address the specific differences between the versions and their relevance. I will discuss the restraints and limitations of my research as well as possible future related research. I will establish the importance and value of fairy and folk tales as well as their widespread reciprocal impact. I will compare the effects of media in general on a population with a hypothesized impact of fairy and folktales. Furthermore, through all of this, I will critique the changes made by Disney.

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Breaking Open the Secrets Of Cain's Jawbone

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Cain's Jawbone is a puzzle book written in 1936, detailing 6 murders in 100 pages. However, it is up to the reader to not only figure out who kills who, but also what order the events happen in. With multiple

Cain's Jawbone is a puzzle book written in 1936, detailing 6 murders in 100 pages. However, it is up to the reader to not only figure out who kills who, but also what order the events happen in. With multiple narrators- none explicitly named- it is a seemingly impossible task. In the 90 years since publishing, only 3 people have successfully solved it. A contest started in 2018 to see who could solve it by December of 2022- the winner receives a cash prize of $350. This thesis will detail my process of solving the book, as well as (part) of my proposed solution. In the spirit of fairness for the competition, I will not submit my proposed page order- but I will go into great detail of what I believe happens, as well as who murders who.

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Artless Marie: A Modern Reconstruction of Gothic Literature

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This creative project is a short story in the Gothic genre followed by an explanation of certain literary elements and decisions. The Gothic genre often explores supernatural and uncomfortable topics that can challenge the reader’s perception and understanding of the

This creative project is a short story in the Gothic genre followed by an explanation of certain literary elements and decisions. The Gothic genre often explores supernatural and uncomfortable topics that can challenge the reader’s perception and understanding of the world. Through this means of storytelling, authors are given the opportunity to connect the supernatural with complex and sensitive topics that may be difficult or even taboo to speak about in certain locations and time periods. In this thesis, I embrace the traditions of the Gothic-genre with a story that focuses on the issues prevalent today. The years 2020 and 2021 have been unprecedented times for humanity. Technology continues to grow at an alarming rate, suicide rates of young people have been on the rise for years, and a global pandemic has people adapting to all new ways of living. During these ever changing times, it is the Gothic that may provide guidance through these uncertainties by shedding light on the problems that will plague humanity both today and tomorrow. The story follows an outcast from society who aids in the creation of a divine monster, and the consequences that follow.

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Beyond the End: Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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For my project, I delve into the relationships of Victor and the Monster as well as the relationships Victor shares with other characters that were underdeveloped within the original novel by Mary Shelley in the novel Franeknstein. I examine their

For my project, I delve into the relationships of Victor and the Monster as well as the relationships Victor shares with other characters that were underdeveloped within the original novel by Mary Shelley in the novel Franeknstein. I examine their relationships in two components. The first through my own interpretation of Victor and the Monster’s relationship within a creative writing piece that extends the novel as if Victor had lived rather than died in the arctic in order to explore the possibilities of a more complex set of relationships between Victor and the Monster than simply creator-creation. My writing focuses on the development of their relationship once all they have left is each other. The second part of my project focuses on an analytical component. I analyze and cite the reasoning for my creative take on Victor and the Monster as well as their relationship within the novel and Mary Shelley’s intentions.

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500 Days of Summer: Re-Told Through a New Perspective


500 Days of Summer, released in 2009 and written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, is an American film told through the perspective of Tom Hansen, the male lead. It is a story that begins with a third-person narrator,

500 Days of Summer, released in 2009 and written by Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber, is an American film told through the perspective of Tom Hansen, the male lead. It is a story that begins with a third-person narrator, explaining that “This is a story of boy meets girl.” The narration then finishes with a warning that “you should know up front, this is not a love story” (Neustadter & Weber, 2009). As the movie continues, however, it becomes increasingly challenging to believe this warning. Tom sees Summer Finn, falls in love, and their relationship ends with him broken-hearted. It is only natural for the audience to view it as a story of Tom’s failed love, and without a deeper analysis, to perceive Summer as the antagonist. <br/> This tendency to view the movie as a love story motivated me to question why the discrepancy between the beginning narration and the common audience perception occurs. My thesis addresses this discrepancy by focusing on the idea that the natural gravitation towards the belief that 500 Days of Summer is a love story exists due to the unreliable narration given by Tom Hansen throughout the movie. I wrote three songs, an interlude, a duet, and a solo, based on the themes and lead characters of the movie to help validate the warning provided in the beginning and provide a deeper insight into Summer’s version of the story.

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Folklore's Application to Modern Medicine

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In Western medicine, the hard sciences have generally been understood as the sole guiding force in patient care and treatment. However, both history and the present day suggest another strong influence on Western medicine: folklore. The term folklore can easily

In Western medicine, the hard sciences have generally been understood as the sole guiding force in patient care and treatment. However, both history and the present day suggest another strong influence on Western medicine: folklore. The term folklore can easily be dismissed as a term representing beliefs and stories of the past, but its relevance transcends time and continues to impact people daily. It “involves values, traditions, ways of thinking and behaving. It’s about art. It’s about people and the way people learn. It helps us learn who we are and how to make meaning in the world around us” (Sims & Stephens, 2011, pp. 1-2). With its wide range of influence, folklore exists as the umbrella term encompassing several categories. Folk beliefs are one of these categories and can develop from “observation, memory, testimony or inference” (Hutton, 1942, p. 83). Given that each of these forms are subject to some sort of error, folk beliefs become “a jumble of the true and the erroneous” (p. 84). Similarly, contemporary legends are narratives that often combine the physical and supernatural world to explain nuances or uncertainty present in the relevant experiences of a people. Folk beliefs can result in the formation of contemporary legends and they can also stem from contemporary legends. These two categories are often associated with subjects that promote fear and uncertainty, and thus play an essential role in navigating folklore’s application to biomedicine. This paper explores the historical and modern effects that folklore has had on two separate maladies: Hansen’s Disease (leprosy) and Major Depressive Disorder (depression). While these conditions do not resemble each other in physical presentations, Hansen’s Disease and Major Depressive Disorder patients both have faced and continue to face discrimination. Andrea Wiley and John Allen’s three-part definition of a malady: society’s perception (sickness), the individual’s experience (illness), and medical professionals’ diagnosis and treatment (disease); was utilized as a tool for analyzing the application of folklore to modern medicine. The way that a society views a particular malady often dictates the sick role expected of a diagnosed individual. Additionally, the public’s view can directly affect medical professionals’ understanding of a malady. This then can drastically shape a patient’s diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. This anthropological analysis acts as an interdisciplinary bridge between medicine and the humanities.
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Did He Kill the Mockingbird?

Did He Kill the Mockingbird? is a play I wrote, which explores the effects of being on the Autism Spectrum plays in Arthur Radley’s life. Arthur Radley is a very misunderstood member of Maycomb County, who is constantly seen as

Did He Kill the Mockingbird? is a play I wrote, which explores the effects of being on the Autism Spectrum plays in Arthur Radley’s life. Arthur Radley is a very misunderstood member of Maycomb County, who is constantly seen as a lesser member of society in Maycomb County.

Did He Kill the Mockingbird? provides an alternate ending to To Kill a Mockingbird. In the original play, the townspeople never discovered that Arthur Radley killed Bob Ewell. In Did He Kill the Mockingbird? a townsperson overhears Atticus Finch and Heck Tate discussing Bob Ewell's death. This leads the townsperson to tell others in Maycomb County of the events that had unfolded the night Bob Ewell died.
As the play progresses, we explore how ignorance, willful and not, change the daily lives and actions of individuals who have mental illnesses and disabilities such as Autism. The townspeople may not see a problem with the way they treat Arthur Radley, as he is just a man who they believe stabbed his mother. However, in reality, they are causing more harm by encouraging and perpetuating rumors about Arthur Radley. In turn, the rumors enhance the stigma that plagues Arthur Radley.
Jean Louise Finch is the main character in Did he Kill the Mockingbird? Jean supports Arthur Radley, and is able to see the good in him although the rest of the townspeople continue to believe he is a bad person.

I hope that my version of this alternative ending to original play brings to light the changes that we need to make as a society to encourage the acceptance of all people. As a society, we need to treat all people, whether disabled or not, as equals. Rather than perpetuating stereotypes, we need to encourage everyone to work hard and reach for their goals whatever they may be.
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Cruise Lines & Health and Wellness Trends

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The purpose of this study on Cruise Lines & Health and Wellness Trends is to explain the significance of health and wellness trends within the tourism industry, specifically the cruise line industry, and recommend that cruise lines implement changes to

The purpose of this study on Cruise Lines & Health and Wellness Trends is to explain the significance of health and wellness trends within the tourism industry, specifically the cruise line industry, and recommend that cruise lines implement changes to their food and beverage offerings for a continued competitive edge. Research was completed on the cruise line industry, today’s health and wellness trends, and how cruise lines are currently catering towards as many guests’ preferences as possible. Interviews were completed with a variety of crew members aboard a recently launched cruise ship. These four employees, to be kept anonymous, were asked questions regarding general demographics, their thoughts on guests’ dining preferences, and whether or not their company was successful in incorporating current health and wellness trends. This particular cruise line appeared to provide many tools to be healthier onboard; however, the crew members agreed that there is room for improvement and a need to focus on a younger demographic.
As mindsets on wellness change, dietary restrictions become more prevalent, and there is more food and beverage innovation, the general public desires more options in daily life. Holistic wellness trends and plant-based options are being welcomed into many personal routines. With substantial commitments and dietary restrictions, guests onboard cruises need additional food and beverage options. Values of Millennials and Generation Z will also need to be considered as they mature into adulthood and gain more buying power. Both generations value experiences over material items, holistic wellness, and inclusivity. Thus, minor additions of plant-based, allergy-friendly, and/or nutritional items onboard would be beneficial to ships within the rapidly growing cruise line industry. Many cruise lines have already begun to make slight changes to their menus and selections, such as plant-based juice bars and notations on menus for vegan or allergy-friendly items. While it is difficult to satisfy all, cruise lines must be more proactive in catering to the lifestyle changes being made by guests if they hope to remain competitive in the leisure travel market.
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