Change in HIV/AIDS Stigma and Knowledge among Women in Low- to Middle-Income Countries

HIV/AIDS remains a pressing global health challenge, not only because of its medical complexities but also due to associated stigma and the lack of knowledge of the illness in communities around the world. This thesis analyzed cross-cultural differences and long-term

HIV/AIDS remains a pressing global health challenge, not only because of its medical complexities but also due to associated stigma and the lack of knowledge of the illness in communities around the world. This thesis analyzed cross-cultural differences and long-term changes in women’s knowledge and stigma around HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries. Using Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from 24 countries for knowledge and stigma from 2000-2018, we examined changes in HIV/AIDS knowledge score and stigma score. The findings shed light on the perception of HIV/AIDS knowledge improving while stigma persisted indicative of remaining concerns about the illness amongst women.
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How Norms Are Maintained and How They Change: A Mathematical Model and a Field Study

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Social norms are unwritten behavioral codes. They direct individual behaviors, facilitate interpersonal coordination and cooperation, and lead to variation among human populations. Understanding how norms are maintained and how they change is critical for understanding human evolutionary psychology, social organization,

Social norms are unwritten behavioral codes. They direct individual behaviors, facilitate interpersonal coordination and cooperation, and lead to variation among human populations. Understanding how norms are maintained and how they change is critical for understanding human evolutionary psychology, social organization, and cultural change. This dissertation uses a mathematical model and a field study to answer two questions: First, what factors determine the content and dynamics of a social norm? Second, how do people make decisions in a normative context? The mathematical model finds that contrary to the popular belief that even arbitrary or deleterious social norms can be maintained once established because deviants suffer coordination failures and social sanctions, norms with continuously varying options cannot be maintained by the pressure to do what others do. Instead, continuous norms evolve to the optimum determined by environmental pressure, individual preferences, or cognitive processes. Therefore, the content of norms across human societies may be less historically constrained than previously assumed. The field study shows that unlike what rational choice theory predicts, people in a small-scale subsistence society do not calculate the ecological and social payoffs of different behaviors in a normative context, even when they have the information to do so. Instead, they rely heavily on social information about what others do. This decision-making algorithm, together with mental categorization that ignores small deviations, and cognitive biases that favor the division prescribed by the norm, maintain an ecologically inefficient and widely disliked cooperative surplus division norm in a Derung village, Dizhengdang, in Yunnan, China.
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Mitigating Opioid Use Disorder and the Opioid Epidemic in the United States

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Latest estimates show that roughly 188 individuals in the United States die everyday due to an opioid-related overdose. This dissertation explores three avenues for mitigating opioid use disorder (OUD) and the opioid epidemic in the United States (1.) How can researchers and

Latest estimates show that roughly 188 individuals in the United States die everyday due to an opioid-related overdose. This dissertation explores three avenues for mitigating opioid use disorder (OUD) and the opioid epidemic in the United States (1.) How can researchers and public health professionals identify areas most in need of treatment for OUD in an easy-to-use and publicly accessible interface?; (2.) What do practitioners see as opportunities for reducing barriers to treatment?; and (3.) Why do differences in opioid mortality exist between demographic groups? To address question one, I developed an interactive web-based to assist in identifying those counties with the greatest unmet need of medically assisted treatment (MAT). To answer question two, I conducted a study of stakeholders (medical providers, peer support specialists, public health practitioners, etc.) in four New Mexico counties with high unmet need of MAT. to identify cultural and structural barriers to MAT provision in underserved areas as well as opportunities for improving access. To answer the third question. I conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature and government reports to identify how previous research accounts for race/ethnic and sex disparities in opioid-related mortality. While many opioid mortality studies show demographic differences, little is known about why they exist. According to the findings of this systematic review, research needs to go beyond identifying demographic differences in opioid-related mortality to understand the reasons for those differences to reduce these inequities.
Date Created

Helping in Times of Need Increases Dispositional Empathic Concern Over Time

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Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need.

Previous work suggests that lower-income individuals are more likely to engage in mutual aid as a means to manage risk, giving rise to a psychology that is other-oriented, including an empathetic disposition and a proclivity to help people in need. While no study has directly investigated whether helping in times of need increases dispositional empathic concern over time, this assumption is deep-seated among social psychologists. Employing a two-year longitudinal survey of US adults (N = 915), I show that people who experience more needs report helping others when in need a greater number of times, in turn leading to a small but positive increase in their empathetic disposition. This study also identifies the types of needs that elicit empathic concern (i.e., those that arise from unpredictable sources of risk), and shows why cultivating an empathetic disposition is likely to pay off in the long run: those who provide help are more likely to receive help during future times of need. Moreover, this study identifies the types of targets for whom providing help might cultivate an empathetic disposition: those with whom people are likely to share lower interdependence. While previous theoretical frameworks posit that empathic concern selectively directs investment towards interdependent others, providing help to non-interdependent targets might allow people to build positive interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners. Cultivating an empathetic disposition and building interdependence with prospective risk pooling partners can allow people to manage needs that arise from unpredictable sources of risk.
Date Created

Consequences of Foreign Aid and Involvement in Sub-Saharan Africa: From the Cold War to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic


For African countries during the 1960s and 70s, decolonization marked the first step in a slow crawl toward complete independence. For Western powers and the Soviet Union, however, decolonization presented an opportunity to exert new influence over countries in desperate

For African countries during the 1960s and 70s, decolonization marked the first step in a slow crawl toward complete independence. For Western powers and the Soviet Union, however, decolonization presented an opportunity to exert new influence over countries in desperate need of aid, investment, experts, and trade. Amidst the backdrop of increasing Cold War tensions, the US and USSR used foreign aid to pressure development according to either capitalist or Marxist agendas. Thus, sub-Saharan Africa became a battleground of proxy wars and neocolonialism. The Cold War superpowers would back opposing regimes in Angola and prop up, oust, or assassinate leaders in Ghana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania. This disrupted natural political development and created instability and violence, which was compounded by the arrival of the AIDS epidemic in the mid-1980s. AIDS ravaged African societies and destroyed the remaining fibers of leadership. The disease illuminated harsh historical realities as it spread among the conflict-stricken countries of sub-Saharan Africa. The goal of this thesis is to analyze the motivations behind US and USSR foreign aid during the Cold War, understand how their involvement halted the natural progression of pan-Africanism and leadership in newly-independent African countries, and link the resulting violence to the devastation of the AIDS crisis twenty years later. It begins with a look at European colonization in sub-Saharan Africa and traces the legacy of western influence in the region. The paper will then analyze specific examples of the consequences of historical interference, such as in the Angolan Civil War, the Congo Crisis, and the Rwandan genocide. It will introduce the AIDS crisis—coincident with major civil conflict and the end of the Cold War—and reveal the foreign aid response of the international community in the late 1990s and early 2000s, once Cold War-era pressures were gone. Through realizing the continued impact and spread of HIV/AIDS, the objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive view of the modern-day consequences of historical interference.

Date Created

PLUR Responsibly: An evaluation of attitudes regarding drug presence and harm reduction efforts at EDM events by attendees


The electronic dance music (EDM) rave community prides itself in fostering an all- accepting subculture for people to unite in style, song, and dance. Based on the principles of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect (PLUR), rave events have unique and

The electronic dance music (EDM) rave community prides itself in fostering an all- accepting subculture for people to unite in style, song, and dance. Based on the principles of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect (PLUR), rave events have unique and colorful themes, bass levels you can feel in your heart, bright and invigorating laser light shows, and in many cases, a heavy presence of both legal and illegal drug use. Because of the association with illegal substances, open discussions regarding drug presence, use, and harm reduction have been stigmatized and limited in the rave community. This study aims to evaluate the current level of knowledge and attitudes regarding drug presence and harm reduction among “ravers.” All participants were required to be of 18 years of age or older and have attended at least 1 EDM event in the past 5 years. The study involved two stages: (1) collecting qualitative data through in person, phone call, or Zoom interviews (n=14), and (2) collecting quantitative data through closed-ended, anonymous surveys via QuestionPro (n=64). The results indicate that a significant portion of participants in both stages express a desire for easily accessible harm reduction information and increased measures prior to and at EDM events. Starting an open dialogue about drug use and harm reduction efforts within this subculture could help create a safer environment and reduce the negative consequences of drug use.

Date Created

Understanding the Connection Between Iraqi Culture & Iraqi American Women's
Health Seeking Behaviors


The term “Iraqi American” defines any person of Iraqi origin who is residing in the United States. From 1960 until 2014, Iraq experienced numerous armed conflicts and international sanctions. As a result, a great surge of Iraqis migrated out of

The term “Iraqi American” defines any person of Iraqi origin who is residing in the United States. From 1960 until 2014, Iraq experienced numerous armed conflicts and international sanctions. As a result, a great surge of Iraqis migrated out of the country to seek refuge elsewhere. The United States alone currently houses about 400,000+ persons of Iraqi descent, many of whom identify as its citizens. Despite that, Iraqi Americans remain severely understudied. Therefore, this study aims to understand the cultural barriers Iraqi American women face while seeking healthcare in the United States, and how these barriers can impact their behaviors. I collected data via semi-structured interviews with eight Iraqi American women. In this study, I identified five major themes that contributed to women’s healthcare seeking behaviors: societal/familial pressures, staying “pure,” shame associated with performing medical procedures, taboo surrounding discussions of female health conditions, and issues regarding being in the presence of male doctors. Many of these themes involved cultural stigmas and pointed to potential pathways to destigmatize women’s healthcare in the community. This study acts as an initiative to understanding Iraqi Americans better and lays groundwork for further research.

Date Created

Examining the Association between Ethnic Discrimination and Infant Mortality in Low and Middle Income Countries


Existing research has shown that both ethnic discrimination and household wealth can shape child well-being and development. However, little work examines ethnic discrimination and its relation to income in predicting childhood health globally. This study explores two possible explanations for

Existing research has shown that both ethnic discrimination and household wealth can shape child well-being and development. However, little work examines ethnic discrimination and its relation to income in predicting childhood health globally. This study explores two possible explanations for disparities in infant mortality between ethnic groups across countries worldwide. The first is an explanation based on wealth differentials across ethnic groups. The second is the impact of forms of ethnic discrimination such as past lethal violence or forced labor experienced by the group. This study examines the correlation between ethnic discrimination and infant mortality using household wealth as a covariate. Analyses focused on 266 ethnicities in 40 low- and middle-income countries globally, drawing on infant mortality data from Demographic and Health Surveys and data on ethnic discrimination compiled by the Inclusive Human Learning Lab at Arizona State University. Findings without the inclusion of household wealth show that ethnic groups that predominantly spoke the state language had significantly lower rates of infant mortality. However, this trend disappears when income is added as a covariate. No other measures of discrimination or privilege were associated with infant mortality. Across all analyses, the wealth of the ethnic group was a significant predictor of infant mortality. Future studies should examine whether these trends persist in high-income countries, and whether the general lack of association of discrimination and privilege variables with infant mortality is influenced by how the variables were coded.

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Contact Tracing in An Active Pandemic: The Gap Between Practice and Academic Discourse

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Contact tracing was deployed widely during the COVID-19 pandemic to attempt to stop the spread of SARS Co-V-2. This dissertation investigates the research on contact tracing from a scientometric perspective and looks qualitatively at how case investigators and contact

Contact tracing was deployed widely during the COVID-19 pandemic to attempt to stop the spread of SARS Co-V-2. This dissertation investigates the research on contact tracing from a scientometric perspective and looks qualitatively at how case investigators and contact tracers conducted public health practice during the pandemic. Through approaching the public health practice of contact tracing from both a broad, top-down angle, and an on the ground experiential approach, this dissertation provides insight into the issues facing contact tracing as a public health tool.
Date Created

Combating COVID-19 in Maricopa County’s Homeless Population

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The purpose of this report is to review the current literature concerning management of the COVID-19 pandemic in homeless populations, and to use it to analyze the specific interventions established in Maricopa County—such as those aimed at education, vaccination and

The purpose of this report is to review the current literature concerning management of the COVID-19 pandemic in homeless populations, and to use it to analyze the specific interventions established in Maricopa County—such as those aimed at education, vaccination and testing, and maintaining continuity of care. In doing so, I hope to illustrate the unique challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness, provide context for disparities in health outcome, and inform action for both the ongoing pandemic and future outbreaks
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