Breaking Open the Secrets Of Cain's Jawbone

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Cain's Jawbone is a puzzle book written in 1936, detailing 6 murders in 100 pages. However, it is up to the reader to not only figure out who kills who, but also what order the events happen in. With multiple

Cain's Jawbone is a puzzle book written in 1936, detailing 6 murders in 100 pages. However, it is up to the reader to not only figure out who kills who, but also what order the events happen in. With multiple narrators- none explicitly named- it is a seemingly impossible task. In the 90 years since publishing, only 3 people have successfully solved it. A contest started in 2018 to see who could solve it by December of 2022- the winner receives a cash prize of $350. This thesis will detail my process of solving the book, as well as (part) of my proposed solution. In the spirit of fairness for the competition, I will not submit my proposed page order- but I will go into great detail of what I believe happens, as well as who murders who.

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