Empowering Unvaccinated Youth Through Serious Games-based Intervention

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2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remains a pressing health concern, especially with lagging youth vaccination rates despite its evident benefits. Given the significant role of vaccination in safeguarding individual and community health, this dissertation sought to explore how the use of

2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remains a pressing health concern, especially with lagging youth vaccination rates despite its evident benefits. Given the significant role of vaccination in safeguarding individual and community health, this dissertation sought to explore how the use of serious games may offer hope for addressing the COVID-19 vaccine coverage gap among youths. This dissertation collected, appraised, and synthesized existing evidence on serious game-based vaccination interventions, finding increased youths’ vaccine knowledge but limited effectiveness in boosting their vaccination intentions and uptake. Using serious game in youth health education considered key attributes including gamification, game mechanics, educational, health-related content, and objective, tailored for youth and adaptability, real life relevance, engagement, interactivity, safe environment, feedback, and assessment. Stemming from technological advances and interdisciplinary collaborations, these games provided experiences that resonated with diverse populations. Outcomes from such educational games have shown improved health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, improved self-efficacy and reduced health disparities. The dissertation also presented a pilot study randomization control trial (RCT) on a COVID- 19 game-based intervention (vs. usual care) targeting unvaccinated youth, showing its feasibility, acceptability and positive influence on vaccine knowledge, vaccination intention and uptake. Partnering with key stakeholders and adapting game designs for ongoing relevance could contribute to intervention effectiveness in promoting youth vaccination, catering to diverse needs and preferences.
Date Created

Math Educational Video Game

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The goal of this project was to determine if the chosen research and testing method would result in a game where students would practice math in the best way. This was done by creating a video game using Unity that

The goal of this project was to determine if the chosen research and testing method would result in a game where students would practice math in the best way. This was done by creating a video game using Unity that followed key principles for designing a math game and for how students should practice math in general. Testing was done on participants to determine the strategies they used in order to play the game and these strategies were then defined and categorized based on their effectiveness and how well they met the learning principles. Also, the participants were asked a before and after question to determine if the game improved their overall attitude towards math to make sure the game was helping them learn and was not a hindrance. There was an overall increase in the participants’ feelings towards math after playing the game as well as beneficial strategies, so the research and testing method was overall a success.
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Content Agnostic Game Based Stealth Assessment

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Serious or educational games have been a subject of research for a long time. They usually have game mechanics, game content, and content assessment all tied together to make a specialized game intended to impart learning of the associated content

Serious or educational games have been a subject of research for a long time. They usually have game mechanics, game content, and content assessment all tied together to make a specialized game intended to impart learning of the associated content to its players. While this approach is good for developing games for teaching highly specific topics, it consumes a lot of time and money. Being able to re-use the same mechanics and assessment for creating games that teach different contents would lead to a lot of savings in terms of time and money. The Content Agnostic Game Engineering (CAGE) Architecture mitigates the problem by disengaging the content from game mechanics. Moreover, the content assessment in games is often quite explicit in the way that it disturbs the flow of the players and thus hampers the learning process, as it is not integrated into the game flow. Stealth assessment helps to alleviate this problem by keeping the player engagement intact while assessing them at the same time. Integrating stealth assessment into the CAGE framework in a content-agnostic way will increase its usability and further decrease in game and assessment development time and cost. This research presents an evaluation of the learning outcomes in content-agnostic game-based assessment developed using the CAGE framework.
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Development of a Game-Based Intervention to Promote HPV Vaccination Among Adolescents: A Qualitative Analysis

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Purpose: This qualitative research aimed to create a developmentally and gender-appropriate game-based intervention to promote Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in adolescents. <br/>Background: Ranking as the most common sexually transmitted infection, about 80 million Americans are currently infected by HPV, and

Purpose: This qualitative research aimed to create a developmentally and gender-appropriate game-based intervention to promote Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in adolescents. <br/>Background: Ranking as the most common sexually transmitted infection, about 80 million Americans are currently infected by HPV, and it continues to increase with an estimated 14 million new cases yearly. Certain types of HPV have been significantly associated with cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in women; penile cancers in men; and oropharyngeal and anal cancers in both men and women. Despite HPV vaccination being one of the most effective methods in preventing HPV-associated cancers, vaccination rates remain suboptimal in adolescents. Game-based intervention, a novel medium that is popular with adolescents, has been shown to be effective in promoting health behaviors. <br/>Methods: Sample/Sampling. We used purposeful sampling to recruit eight adolescent-parent dyads (N = 16) which represented both sexes (4 boys, 4 girls) and different racial/ethnic groups (White, Black, Latino, Asian American) in the United States. The inclusion criteria for the dyads were: (1) a child aged 11-14 years and his/her parent, and (2) ability to speak, read, write, and understand English. Procedure. After eligible families consented to their participation, semi-structured interviews (each 60-90 minutes long) were conducted with each adolescent-parent dyad in a quiet and private room. Each dyad received $50 to acknowledge their time and effort. Measure. The interview questions consisted of two parts: (a) those related to game design, functioning, and feasibility of implementation; (b) those related to theoretical constructs of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Data analysis. The interviews were audio-recorded with permission and manually transcribed into textual data. Two researchers confirmed the verbatim transcription. We use pre-developed codes to identify each participant’s responses and organize data and develop themes based on the HBM and TPB constructs. After the analysis was completed, three researchers in the team reviewed the results and discussed the discrepancies until a consensus is reached.<br/>Results: The findings suggested that the most common motivating factors for adolescents’ HPV vaccination were its effectiveness, benefits, convenience, affordable cost, reminders via text, and recommendation by a health care provider. Regarding the content included in the HPV game, participants suggested including information about who and when should receive the vaccine, what is HPV and the vaccination, what are the consequences if infected, the side effects of the vaccine, and where to receive the vaccine. The preferred game design elements were: 15 minutes long, stories about fighting or action, option to choose characters/avatars, motivating factors (i.e., rewards such as allowing users to advance levels and receive coins when correctly answering questions), use of a portable electronic device (e.g., tablet) to deliver the education. Participants were open to multiplayer function which assists in a facilitated conversation about HPV and the HPV vaccine. Overall, the participants concluded enthusiasm for an interactive yet engaging game-based intervention to learn about the HPV vaccine with the goal to increase HPV vaccination in adolescents. <br/>Implications: Tailored educational games have the potential to decrease the stigma of HPV and HPV vaccination, increasing communication between the adolescent, parent, and healthcare provider, as well as increase the overall HPV vaccination rate.

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Exploring the Impact of Augmented Reality on Collaborative Decision-Making in Small Teams

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While significant qualitative, user study-focused research has been done on augmented reality, relatively few studies have been conducted on multiple, co-located synchronously collaborating users in augmented reality. Recognizing the need for more collaborative user studies in augmented reality and the

While significant qualitative, user study-focused research has been done on augmented reality, relatively few studies have been conducted on multiple, co-located synchronously collaborating users in augmented reality. Recognizing the need for more collaborative user studies in augmented reality and the value such studies present, a user study is conducted of collaborative decision-making in augmented reality to investigate the following research question: “Does presenting data visualizations in augmented reality influence the collaborative decision-making behaviors of a team?” This user study evaluates how viewing data visualizations with augmented reality headsets impacts collaboration in small teams compared to viewing together on a single 2D desktop monitor as a baseline. Teams of two participants performed closed and open-ended evaluation tasks to collaboratively analyze data visualized in both augmented reality and on a desktop monitor. Multiple means of collecting and analyzing data were employed to develop a well-rounded context for results and conclusions, including software logging of participant interactions, qualitative analysis of video recordings of participant sessions, and pre- and post-study participant questionnaires. The results indicate that augmented reality doesn’t significantly change the quantity of team member communication but does impact the means and strategies participants use to collaborate.
Date Created

Predicting Actual Learning in Educational Games

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While most of the media attention given to video games focuses on those geared towards the entertainment industry, a less covered topic is the role of serious games. Also known as “educational” games, serious games are designed with the intent

While most of the media attention given to video games focuses on those geared towards the entertainment industry, a less covered topic is the role of serious games. Also known as “educational” games, serious games are designed with the intent to teach the player a particular skill or topic. These games have gradually been working their way into our educational environments. Children are often taught to type, perform simple math, and correctly spell through a variety of games that have been widely adopted by teachers. However, teaching multiplication is one thing; teaching college-level advanced mathematics is another beast altogether. Can video games actually be used as an educational tool in higher education?
This is a difficult question for a variety of reasons. A major issue to consider is whether the students who play this game are actually learning the material, or simply improving at the game itself. If the game is not designed correctly, one could potentially learn to exploit game mechanics without applying knowledge of the material. While this person’s efficiency at completing the game quickly would suggest mastery of the topic, they may not actually be prepared to take a test on the subject. As such, it is important to thoroughly study the effectiveness of serious games before they are deployed to actual classrooms. This study will do just that with the game Vector Unknown, which was designed to help college students learn linear algebra.
Date Created

Distant - An Original Game

Distant is a Game Design Document describing an original game by the same name. The game was designed around the principle of core aesthetics, where the user experience is defined first and then the game is built from that experience.

Distant is a Game Design Document describing an original game by the same name. The game was designed around the principle of core aesthetics, where the user experience is defined first and then the game is built from that experience. Distant is an action-exploration game set on a huge megastructure floating in the atmosphere of Saturn. Players take on the role of HUE, an artificial intelligence trapped in the body of a maintenance robot, as he explores this strange world and uncovers its secrets. Using acrobatic movement abilities, players will solve puzzles, evade enemies, and explore the world from top to bottom. The world, known as the Strobilus Megastructure, is conical in shape, with living quarters and environmental system in the upper sections and factories and resource mining in the lower sections. The game world is split up into 10 major areas and countless minor and connecting areas. Special movement abilities like wall running and anti-gravity allow players to progress further down in the world. These abilities also allow players to solve more complicated puzzles, and to find more difficult to reach items. The story revolves around six artificial intelligences that were created to maintain the station. Many centuries ago, these AI helped humankind maintain their day-to-day lives and helped researchers working on new scientific breakthroughs. This led to the discovery of faster-than-light travel, and humanity left the station and our solar system to explore the cosmos. HUE, the AI in charge of human relations, fell into depression and shut down. Awakening several hundred years in the future, HUE sets out to find the other AI. Along the way he helps them reconnect and discovers the history and secrets of the station. Distant is intended for players looking for three things: A fantastic world full of discovery, a rich, character driven narrative, and challenging acrobatic gameplay. Players of any age or background are recommended to give it a try, but it will require investment and a willingness to improve. Distant is intended to change players, to force them to confront difficulty and different perspectives. Most games involve upgrading a character; Distant is a game that upgrades the player.
Date Created

Paid to Play: Games as mass communication tools

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The 2010s have seen video games rise to prominence as platforms for game developers, entertainers and advertisers to broadcast their ideas. This paper looks at the major steps in gaming history that led to games as a global mass communication

The 2010s have seen video games rise to prominence as platforms for game developers, entertainers and advertisers to broadcast their ideas. This paper looks at the major steps in gaming history that led to games as a global mass communication tool, the way the Internet has created an industry built around broadcasting games and the potential future ramifications competitive gaming, emerging technology and intellectual property law hold on the world of video games.
Date Created

ASU Oculus Fitness Correlation

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The purpose of the Oculus Exercise research project we conducted was to find a way to entice individuals to attend a gym more often and for longer periods of time. We have found that many activities are being augmented by

The purpose of the Oculus Exercise research project we conducted was to find a way to entice individuals to attend a gym more often and for longer periods of time. We have found that many activities are being augmented by the increasingly popular virtual reality technology, and within that space "gamifying" the activity seems to attract more users. Given the idea of making activities more entertaining to users through "gamification", we decided to incorporate virtual reality, using the Oculus Rift, to immerse users within a simulated environment to potentially drive the factors previously identified in respect to gym utilization. To start, we surveyed potential users to gauge potential interest in virtual reality and its usage in physical exercise. Based on the initial responses, we saw that there was a definite interest in "gamifying" physical exercises using virtual reality, and proceeded to design a prototype using Unreal Engine 4 -- which is an engine for creating high quality video games with support for virtual reality -- to experiment how it would affect a standard workout routine. After considering several options, we decided to move forward with designing our prototype to augment a spin machine with virtual reality due to its common usage within a gym, and the consistent cardiovascular exercise it entails, as well as the safety intrinsic to it being a mostly stationary device. By analyzing the results of a survey after experimenting upon a user test group, we can begin to correlate the benefits and the drawbacks of using virtual reality in physical exercise, and the feasibility of doing so.
Date Created

Emergency Preparedness in a Zombie World

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Young adults do not know basic emergency preparedness skills. Although there are materials out there such as printed and online materials form Center for Disease Control, it is unlikely that college-age people will take the time to read them. Some

Young adults do not know basic emergency preparedness skills. Although there are materials out there such as printed and online materials form Center for Disease Control, it is unlikely that college-age people will take the time to read them. Some individuals have addressed the issue of young adults not wanting to read materials by creating a fun interactive game in the San Francisco area, but since the game must be played in person, a solution like that can only reach so far. Studies suggest that virtual worlds are effective in teaching people new skills, so I have created a virtual world that will teach people basic emergency preparedness skills in a way that is memorable and appealing to a college-age audience. The logic used to teach players the concepts of emergency preparedness is case-based reasoning. Case-based reasoning is the process of solving new problems by remembering similar solutions in the past. By creating a simulation emergency situation in a virtual world, young adults are more likely to know what to do in the case of an actual emergency.
Date Created