Developing an Assistive Education Tool for Data Visualization

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This research project seeks to develop an innovative data visualization tool tailored for beginners to enhance their ability to interpret and present data effectively. Central to the approach is creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface that simplifies the data visualization process,

This research project seeks to develop an innovative data visualization tool tailored for beginners to enhance their ability to interpret and present data effectively. Central to the approach is creating an intuitive, user-friendly interface that simplifies the data visualization process, making it accessible even to those with no prior background in the field. The tool will introduce users to standard visualization formats and expose them to various alternative chart types, fostering a deeper understanding and broader skill set in data representation. I plan to leverage innovative visualization techniques to ensure the tool is compelling and engaging. An essential aspect of my research will involve conducting comprehensive user studies and surveys to assess the tool's impact on enhancing data visualization competencies among the target audience. Through this, I aim to gather valuable insights into the tool's usability and effectiveness, enabling further refinements. The outcome of this project is a powerful and versatile tool that will be an invaluable asset for students, researchers, and professionals who regularly engage with data. By democratizing data visualization skills, I envisage empowering a broader audience to comprehend and creatively present complex data in a more meaningful and impactful manner.
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Privacy Preserving Visualizations using Vega-Lite

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In today's data-driven world, privacy is a significant concern. It is crucial to preserve the privacy of sensitive information while visualizing data. This thesis aims to develop new techniques and software tools that support Vega-Lite visualizations while maintaining privacy. Vega-Lite

In today's data-driven world, privacy is a significant concern. It is crucial to preserve the privacy of sensitive information while visualizing data. This thesis aims to develop new techniques and software tools that support Vega-Lite visualizations while maintaining privacy. Vega-Lite is a visualization grammar based on Wilkinson's grammar of graphics. The project extends Vega-Lite to incorporate privacy algorithms such as k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness, and differential privacy. This is done by using a unique multi-input loop module logic that generates combinations of attributes as a new anonymization method. Differential privacy is implemented by adding controlled noise (Laplace or Exponential) to the sensitive columns in the dataset. The user defines custom rules in the JSON schema, mentioning the privacy methods and the sensitive column. The schema is validated using Another JSON Validation library, and these rules help identify the anonymization techniques to be performed on the dataset before sending it back to the Vega-Lite visualization server. Multiple datasets satisfying the privacy requirements are generated, and their utility scores are provided so that the user can trade-off between privacy and utility on the datasets based on their requirements. The interface developed is user-friendly and intuitive and guides users in using it. It provides appropriate feedback on the privacy-preserving visualizations generated through various utility metrics. This application is helpful for technical or domain experts across multiple domains where privacy is a big concern, such as medical institutions, traffic and urban planning, financial institutions, educational records, and employer-employee relations. This project is novel as it provides a one-stop solution for privacy-preserving visualization. It works on open-source software, Vega-Lite, which several organizations and users use for business and educational purposes.
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AdapTics: A Toolkit for Creative Design and Integration of Real-Time Adaptive Mid-Air Ultrasound Tactons

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Mid-air ultrasound haptic technology can enhance user interaction and immersion in extended reality (XR) applications through contactless touch feedback. However, existing design tools for mid-air haptics primarily support the creation of static tactile sensations (tactons), which lack adaptability at runtime.

Mid-air ultrasound haptic technology can enhance user interaction and immersion in extended reality (XR) applications through contactless touch feedback. However, existing design tools for mid-air haptics primarily support the creation of static tactile sensations (tactons), which lack adaptability at runtime. These tactons do not offer the required expressiveness in interactive scenarios where a continuous closed-loop response to user movement or environmental states is desirable. This thesis proposes AdapTics, a toolkit featuring a graphical interface for the rapid prototyping of adaptive tactons—dynamic sensations that can adjust at runtime based on user interactions, environmental changes, or other inputs. A software library and a Unity package accompany the graphical interface to enable integration of adaptive tactons in existing applications. The design space provided by AdapTics for creating adaptive mid-air ultrasound tactons is presented, along with evidence that the design tool enhances Creativity Support Index ratings for Exploration and Expressiveness, as demonstrated in a user study involving 12 XR and haptic designers.
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Visualizing Space-Related Activities Across the World

For this creative project, I created a visually immersive and artistic data visualization of global space-related activities. The project aims to create a sense of wonder and creativity for space exploration through unconventional data visualization. By focusing mainly on the

For this creative project, I created a visually immersive and artistic data visualization of global space-related activities. The project aims to create a sense of wonder and creativity for space exploration through unconventional data visualization. By focusing mainly on the artistic elements of the visualization, the project will have a larger emotional impact on its viewers, as opposed to a traditional data visualization. The project uses a comprehensive dataset of space-related articles, all of which include the location of the activity discussed in the article, as well as keywords and other fields. The dataset will serve as material to create a narrative that shows not only how space-related activities are distributed around the globe but also the overarching themes of the activities. To create the final project, I used the JavaScript library p5.js.
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Towards Robust VQA: Evaluations and Methods

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Visual Question Answering (VQA) is an increasingly important multi-modal task where models must answer textual questions based on visual image inputs. Numerous VQA datasets have been proposed to train and evaluate models. However, existing benchmarks exhibit a unilateral focus on

Visual Question Answering (VQA) is an increasingly important multi-modal task where models must answer textual questions based on visual image inputs. Numerous VQA datasets have been proposed to train and evaluate models. However, existing benchmarks exhibit a unilateral focus on textual distribution shifts rather than joint shifts across modalities. This is suboptimal for properly assessing model robustness and generalization. To address this gap, a novel multi-modal VQA benchmark dataset is introduced for the first time. This dataset combines both visual and textual distribution shifts across training and test sets. Using this challenging benchmark exposes vulnerabilities in existing models relying on spurious correlations and overfitting to dataset biases. The novel dataset advances the field by enabling more robust model training and rigorous evaluation of multi-modal distribution shift generalization. In addition, a new few-shot multi-modal prompt fusion model is proposed to better adapt models for downstream VQA tasks. The model incorporates a prompt encoder module and dual-path design to align and fuse image and text prompts. This represents a novel prompt learning approach tailored for multi-modal learning across vision and language. Together, the introduced benchmark dataset and prompt fusion model address key limitations around evaluating and improving VQA model robustness. The work expands the methodology for training models resilient to multi-modal distribution shifts.
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A Computational Analysis on the Efficacy of Independent Redistricting Commissions

Gerrymandering involves the purposeful manipulation of districts in order to gain some political advantage. Because legislators have a vested interest in continuing their tenure, they can easily hijack the redistricting process each decade for their and their political party's benefit.

Gerrymandering involves the purposeful manipulation of districts in order to gain some political advantage. Because legislators have a vested interest in continuing their tenure, they can easily hijack the redistricting process each decade for their and their political party's benefit. This threatens the cornerstone of democracy: a voter’s capability to select an elected official that accurately represents their interests. Instead, gerrymandering has legislators to choose their voters. In recent years, the Supreme Court has heard challenges to state legislature-drawn districts, most recently in Allen v. Milligan for Alabama and Moore v. Harper for North Carolina. The highest court of the United States ruled that the two state maps were gerrymandered, and in coming to their decision, the 9 justices relied on a plethora of amicus briefs- one of which included the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, a computational method used to find gerrymandering. Because of how widespread gerrymandering has become on both sides of the political aisle, states have moved to create independent redistricting commissions. Qualitative research regarding the efficacy of independent commissions is present, but there is little research using the quantitative computational methods from these SCOTUS cases. As a result, my thesis will use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to answer if impartial redistricting commissions (like we have in Arizona) actually preclude unfair redistricting practices. My completed project is located here:
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Explaining the Vulnerabilities of Machine Learning through Visual Analytics

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Machine learning models are increasingly being deployed in real-world applications where their predictions are used to make critical decisions in a variety of domains. The proliferation of such models has led to a burgeoning need to ensure the reliability and

Machine learning models are increasingly being deployed in real-world applications where their predictions are used to make critical decisions in a variety of domains. The proliferation of such models has led to a burgeoning need to ensure the reliability and safety of these models, given the potential negative consequences of model vulnerabilities. The complexity of machine learning models, along with the extensive data sets they analyze, can result in unpredictable and unintended outcomes. Model vulnerabilities may manifest due to errors in data input, algorithm design, or model deployment, which can have significant implications for both individuals and society. To prevent such negative outcomes, it is imperative to identify model vulnerabilities at an early stage in the development process. This will aid in guaranteeing the integrity, dependability, and safety of the models, thus mitigating potential risks and enabling the full potential of these technologies to be realized. However, enumerating vulnerabilities can be challenging due to the complexity of the real-world environment. Visual analytics, situated at the intersection of human-computer interaction, computer graphics, and artificial intelligence, offers a promising approach for achieving high interpretability of complex black-box models, thus reducing the cost of obtaining insights into potential vulnerabilities of models. This research is devoted to designing novel visual analytics methods to support the identification and analysis of model vulnerabilities. Specifically, generalizable visual analytics frameworks are instantiated to explore vulnerabilities in machine learning models concerning security (adversarial attacks and data perturbation) and fairness (algorithmic bias). In the end, a visual analytics approach is proposed to enable domain experts to explain and diagnose the model improvement of addressing identified vulnerabilities of machine learning models in a human-in-the-loop fashion. The proposed methods hold the potential to enhance the security and fairness of machine learning models deployed in critical real-world applications.
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