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How Supply Chain Visualizations Aid in Identifying Changes In Global Supply Networks: An Investigation of the Russian Invasion in Ukraine and the Impact on Global Trade


The Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, and has caused a ripple effect of global supply disruptions. The United States, Canada, EU and other allies have responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by sanctioning imports from Russia

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, and has caused a ripple effect of global supply disruptions. The United States, Canada, EU and other allies have responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by sanctioning imports from Russia in an attempt to isolate their economy. However, some countries that have not placed trade sanctions on Russia are taking advantage of the opportunity to import from Russia. By integrating import data from Panjiva into a geospatial mapping tool, ArcGIS, global trade patterns can be visualized to understand how global trade is impacted, the effectiveness of Western sanctions on Russia, and potential substitution effects on trade flows from one country to another. First, six key commodities and three countries were identified based on preliminary data analysis. After further analysis, it can be concluded that the Russian sanctions were not effective at isolating their economy for two reasons: certain commodities are critical to our modern lifestyles and some countries took advantage of Western trade sanctions on Russia and increased global trade. In an attempt to diversify their supply, many firms sourced from countries other than Russia, but oftentimes commodities are still sourced from Russia. Lack of supply chain visibility prevents business leaders from making the most efficient supply networks that are in alignment with government regulations.

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The Supply Chain World and the Impacts Faced due to the COVID-19 Pandemic


The hit of the global COVID-19 pandemic altered the state of the world in ways that no one had predicted. The challenges that arose were not only limited to health concerns but went further into the political, social, and economic

The hit of the global COVID-19 pandemic altered the state of the world in ways that no one had predicted. The challenges that arose were not only limited to health concerns but went further into the political, social, and economic levels. There were countless industries that were impacted including manufacturing, hotels/restaurants, airlines, apparel, etc. With this pandemic there were greater level of setbacks for businesses than could have been expected to happen, which created consequences not only for the government but for the consumers as well. The government was inevitably handed the sudden increased responsibility of healthcare distribution as well as executing decisions for business closures and post-pandemic assistance for reopening. This paper will use data collected by several government sources and independent research bases to investigate the world before, during, and after the pandemic. With the information presented the goal is to give insights into what actually happened and shifted during the pandemic as well as what strategies are being implemented currently to help bounce back from the initial drastic hit. Alongside this it is hoped that a greater understanding of the challenges that are being faced shows where there could be more resources and focus provided in order to help both domestic and international businesses recover to pre-pandemic states.

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Lithium in EV Supply Chains: Charting a Path for Lithium Into the Future

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The project goal is aimed to research the most pressing issues facing the lithium supply chain today. It then is tasked with charting a path into the future through strategic recommendations that will help reduce risk, and make a greener, cleaner, and more ethical supply chain.

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This project did a deep dive on AI, business applications for AI and then my team and I built an AI model to better understand shipping patterns and inefficiencies of different porting regions.

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How Local Governments and their Vendors Influence Sustainable Purchasing Policy Success

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This research seeks to identify key influencers on a relatively new type of policy instrument, the Sustainable Purchasing Policy, in the local government context. Specifically, we analyze how vendor relationships and organizational capacity affect perceived Sustainable Purchasing Policy success. Using

This research seeks to identify key influencers on a relatively new type of policy instrument, the Sustainable Purchasing Policy, in the local government context. Specifically, we analyze how vendor relationships and organizational capacity affect perceived Sustainable Purchasing Policy success. Using statistical analysis on a nationally distributed survey to city directors as well as interviews with city purchasing agents, we are able to identify what factors are likely to lead to successful policy implementation. Our findings show that cities benefit from their vendors providing reliable information regarding sustainable offerings, that vendors offering sustainable goods need superior technical capabilities to compete in a cost-driven environment, and that purchasing agents require support from a city’s top management if they want to successfully implement sustainable purchasing. Future avenues for research are discussed.
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An Explorative Analysis of Blockchain Technology as a Tool for Human Trafficking Prevention

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Blockchain technology has the potential to be an effective form of identity management and human trafficking prevention as an identity solution. The topic of this thesis originates from the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal to create a form of identity

Blockchain technology has the potential to be an effective form of identity management and human trafficking prevention as an identity solution. The topic of this thesis originates from the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal to create a form of identity for every individual on the plant by the year 2030. This research analyzed and compared primarily global databases with information on human trafficking populations and unidentified populations to understand both issues, and the intersections of their populations. This is followed by a discussion of Blockchain technology’s attributes and a Blockchain identities potential characteristic. This research concludes that a Blockchain based identity can be used to mitigate human trafficking by creating various forms of identity for affected populations. Four basic factors of Blockchain technology can be utilized through public and private partnerships to address different parts of the AMP model for the cycle of human trafficking. The conclusion that Blockchain is a potential solution to the analyzed issues comes with caution and alongside an examination of the risk factors involved in implementing this technology and the future investigation necessary to test this conclusion. Risk factors with using blockchain technology as a solution are examined to help direct future research on the topic. The conclusion is based off Blockchain’s ability to address specific problems in human trafficking and the global identity crisis (GIC) that were found in the analysis.
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A Stakeholder Analysis of Creating Sustainable Change in the Single-use Beverage Plastic Supply Chain

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Single-use plastic has rapidly increased pollution in the United States, and the urgency to address its growing consequences is a complex undertaking. Significantly contributing to plastic pollution is the waste of single-use beverage plastics like cups and straws. In order

Single-use plastic has rapidly increased pollution in the United States, and the urgency to address its growing consequences is a complex undertaking. Significantly contributing to plastic pollution is the waste of single-use beverage plastics like cups and straws. In order to make impactful changes in the supply chain of single-use beverage plastics, we must first understand the stakeholders involved and the current extent of their actions. Therefore, this paper will investigate how stakeholders elicit sustainable changes to improve supply chain practices in this particular situation. We will use principles of sustainable supply chain management including corporate social responsibility and the triple bottom line model as the theoretical framework. Methodology consists of a stakeholder analysis where we conduct literature review, a consumer survey analysis, and interviews with industry experts to examine how various stakeholders elicit sustainably focused change. Essential insights made will be to understand different stakeholder actions and perspectives in relation to single-use beverage plastics, and how they contribute to creating sustainable changes in the larger context of plastic pollution control.
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Competitive Differentiation Strategy Plan: A Golf Ball Recycling Industry Deep Dive

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The On Par Golf team loves and respects the fulfilling game of golf and understands the positive impact it can make in the lives of others. With this in mind, On Par Golf strives to ensure golf ball equipment cost

The On Par Golf team loves and respects the fulfilling game of golf and understands the positive impact it can make in the lives of others. With this in mind, On Par Golf strives to ensure golf ball equipment cost is not a deterrent of play and the game is accessible to all who wish to enjoy it. To better meet this objective, On Par Golf’s competitive differentiation strategy plan serves as a short-term strategic operational plan to determine business best practices and future courses of action. This plan is designed to be quantifiable and versatile to the changing business environment. Over the next three to five years, On Par Golf will be continuing in its growth stage in the business lifecycle, rapidly expanding to support annual volumes by 2022. This document focuses on two major business functions: Supply Chain and Marketing. Each initiative is designed to address specific challenges and create opportunities for improvement in their respective categories to better position On Par Golf for future competitive success. After a variety of internal and external analyses as well as competitive benchmarking, unique approaches were developed for On Par Golf to use to grow its market share and presence. As a result, this strategy determined new methods of demand creation for competitive differentiation and refines the demand fulfillment process for On Par Golf to better serve emerging customer needs.
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