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How Supply Chain Visualizations Aid in Identifying Changes In Global Supply Networks: An Investigation of the Russian Invasion in Ukraine and the Impact on Global Trade


The Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, and has caused a ripple effect of global supply disruptions. The United States, Canada, EU and other allies have responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by sanctioning imports from Russia

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, and has caused a ripple effect of global supply disruptions. The United States, Canada, EU and other allies have responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by sanctioning imports from Russia in an attempt to isolate their economy. However, some countries that have not placed trade sanctions on Russia are taking advantage of the opportunity to import from Russia. By integrating import data from Panjiva into a geospatial mapping tool, ArcGIS, global trade patterns can be visualized to understand how global trade is impacted, the effectiveness of Western sanctions on Russia, and potential substitution effects on trade flows from one country to another. First, six key commodities and three countries were identified based on preliminary data analysis. After further analysis, it can be concluded that the Russian sanctions were not effective at isolating their economy for two reasons: certain commodities are critical to our modern lifestyles and some countries took advantage of Western trade sanctions on Russia and increased global trade. In an attempt to diversify their supply, many firms sourced from countries other than Russia, but oftentimes commodities are still sourced from Russia. Lack of supply chain visibility prevents business leaders from making the most efficient supply networks that are in alignment with government regulations.

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Mapping Grand Canyon (Conference Introduction) – Video Recording

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Prior to the 1850s, no large-scale maps of the Grand Canyon existed. Maps covering the region were predominantly small-scale products, crudely generalizing vast swathes of territory. Most maps relegated the location of the Grand Canyon itself to a conspicuous “blank

Prior to the 1850s, no large-scale maps of the Grand Canyon existed. Maps covering the region were predominantly small-scale products, crudely generalizing vast swathes of territory. Most maps relegated the location of the Grand Canyon itself to a conspicuous “blank space”. In the mid-19th century era of US territorial expansion, fueled by the ideological imperatives of Manifest Destiny, such glaring omissions of cartographic detail demanded a corrective filling-in. A map drawn by the pioneering cartographer Frederick Wilhelm von Egloffstein as part of the 1857-1858 Ives survey marked the first successful effort to map the Colorado River, and, by extension, its Grand Canyon, in any meaningful detail. A decade later, in the summer of 1869, a one-armed Civil War veteran named John Wesley Powell famously led a group of nine men to explore and conduct a more thorough topographic survey of the still mysterious lands abutting the river. In the decades following the Ives and Powell surveys, the motivations for mapping the Grand Canyon have changed, as have the technologies, the techniques, and the very maps themselves. From maps of increasing topographic accuracy, to fancifully illustrated pictorial maps, to National Park Service maps, to geologic maps, to interactive 3D web maps, and everything in between, the geography of the Grand Canyon region has been the subject of a multitude of diverse manifestations of cartographic representation.
Date Created

Conference Program

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Official program of the Mapping Grand Canyon Conference. Document was designed and optimized for digital dissemination and mobile device (smartphone, tablet) viewing and interactive browsing. Document was deliberately not printed in paper format with the intent of minimizing the event's ecological footprint through a reduction of paper and ink waste.
Date Created