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Barrett Honors Thesis
Noah Zweiback

The 21st century has brought significant changes to American consumers through technological advancements, social medias, and changing public sentiments. The sport industry in particular has been largely unable to capitalize on these changes due to the traditional

Barrett Honors Thesis
Noah Zweiback

The 21st century has brought significant changes to American consumers through technological advancements, social medias, and changing public sentiments. The sport industry in particular has been largely unable to capitalize on these changes due to the traditional nature of sports.
Keyball™ is the new 21st century sport specifically designed to have the greatest spectator appeal in this modern age. With focus on athleticism, parity, theatrical/emotional engagements, and community impact, Keyball™ aims to create a fan experience that is not achievable by other professional sports leagues. By design, there is high skillset carryover from other sports, ensuring tremendous talent will always be available, and fans of many different sports will find Keyball™ attractive to watch and follow.

The professional sports industry has been dominated by only a few players for the past century. Due to the traditional nature of sports, innovation is hard to implement in professional leagues. Tackle football is A. incredibly dangerous, causing broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons, and serious brain damage (concussions, CTE) at high rates. B. Football is low scoring and C. the pace of play is very slow. Basketball by nature A. overwhelmingly rewards height or verticality. It also B. lacks physicality and C. parity (NBA level). D. The foul system is flawed and easily exploited, dampening the end of games.

Keyball™ is positioned to A. be much more violent than basketball/soccer/baseball, while being significantly safer than tackle football. In addition, B. the speed of play is much faster than football, similar to a soccer/basketball live play style. C. Keyball™ is high scoring (like basketball, unlike football and soccer) and features much more dynamic/exciting scoring opportunities than traditional team sports. Keyball™ D. unifies the highly entertaining skillsets of soccer players (foot skill) with basketball/football players (explosiveness & hand coordination). E. Keyball™ has inherent double meaning that alludes to gambling (Keyball™ Wager) yet still promotes charity, selflessness, and American values (capitalism, sportsmanship, teamwork).
Date Created

Competitive Differentiation Strategy Plan: A Golf Ball Recycling Industry Deep Dive

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The On Par Golf team loves and respects the fulfilling game of golf and understands the positive impact it can make in the lives of others. With this in mind, On Par Golf strives to ensure golf ball equipment cost

The On Par Golf team loves and respects the fulfilling game of golf and understands the positive impact it can make in the lives of others. With this in mind, On Par Golf strives to ensure golf ball equipment cost is not a deterrent of play and the game is accessible to all who wish to enjoy it. To better meet this objective, On Par Golf’s competitive differentiation strategy plan serves as a short-term strategic operational plan to determine business best practices and future courses of action. This plan is designed to be quantifiable and versatile to the changing business environment. Over the next three to five years, On Par Golf will be continuing in its growth stage in the business lifecycle, rapidly expanding to support annual volumes by 2022. This document focuses on two major business functions: Supply Chain and Marketing. Each initiative is designed to address specific challenges and create opportunities for improvement in their respective categories to better position On Par Golf for future competitive success. After a variety of internal and external analyses as well as competitive benchmarking, unique approaches were developed for On Par Golf to use to grow its market share and presence. As a result, this strategy determined new methods of demand creation for competitive differentiation and refines the demand fulfillment process for On Par Golf to better serve emerging customer needs.
Date Created

AMBROFIT: A Research-Driven Practicum in Nutritional Product Development

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Abstract Ambrofit is a company I founded in February 2014 whose overarching goal is to bridge the gap between science and supplements. This thesis project is as an extension of, and upgrade to, Ambrofit's work. The project begins with a

Abstract Ambrofit is a company I founded in February 2014 whose overarching goal is to bridge the gap between science and supplements. This thesis project is as an extension of, and upgrade to, Ambrofit's work. The project begins with a brief discussion of the supplement industry, motivating the problem which myself and Ambrofit are trying to solve. It addresses the shortcomings of the industry, its regulatory history, and the causal factors which create the industry's environment. As the main part of the project, I design and execute a systematic, evidence-based nutritional product formulation process to create an scientifically sound ergogenic aid which can reliably accelerate training adaptations. The methodology starts with a round of exploratory research to discover potential ingredients then systematically analyzes each ingredient in multiple rounds of effectiveness and safety screenings until the final formula can be synthesized. Ergogenics were the focus of this project because Ambrofit's current product is an ergogenic aid, but I will apply this same process to formulate Ambrofit's whole product line in the future. The second arm of the project is a clinical study protocol design - an evidence-based product created from secondary research is a good start, but ultimately, the formula must be validated by direct research. The protocol describes an 8-week study with well-trained subjects which would either support or reject the formula's ability to accelerate anaerobic training adaptations. The project concludes with a discussion and application of Ambrofit's marketing. This part of the project was done with boots-on-the-ground; Ambrofit is already operating commercially, so I was able test marketing ideas live and evaluate their performance.
Date Created

G3 Box 2013 Marketing Plan

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G3Box's 2013 Marketing Plan outlines a strategic plan and short term operational strategies for the company. The document includes a discussion of the company's decision to enter the market for healthcare facilities in developing counties, and a situation assessment of

G3Box's 2013 Marketing Plan outlines a strategic plan and short term operational strategies for the company. The document includes a discussion of the company's decision to enter the market for healthcare facilities in developing counties, and a situation assessment of the market conditions. G3Box is targeting small and large NGOs that currently provide healthcare facilities in developing countries. The market size for healthcare aid in developing countries is estimated to be $1.7 billion. The plan also analyses the customer's value chain and buying cycle by using voice of the customer data. The strategic position analysis profiles G3Box's competition and discusses the company's differential advantage versus other options for healthcare facilities in developing countries. Next the document discusses G3Box's market strategy and implementation, along with outlining a value proposition for the company. G3Box has two objectives for 2013: 1) Increase sales revenue to $1.3 million and 2) increase market presence to 25%. In order to reach these objectives, G3Box has developed a primary and secondary strategic focus for each objective. The primary strategies are relationship selling and online marketing. The secondary strategies are developing additional value-added activities and public relations.
Date Created

A Strategic Marketing Analysis of Scottsdale Ranch Animal Hospital

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Scottsdale Ranch Animal Hospital (SRAH) is a well-established veterinary clinic co-owned by Dr. John Nick and Dr. Richard Stolper that is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. The hospital’s mission is to provide, “the highest quality medical, surgical, educational, boarding and grooming

Scottsdale Ranch Animal Hospital (SRAH) is a well-established veterinary clinic co-owned by Dr. John Nick and Dr. Richard Stolper that is located in Scottsdale, Arizona. The hospital’s mission is to provide, “the highest quality medical, surgical, educational, boarding and grooming services available. We strive for the highest level of integrity and compassion in our interaction with our patients and their human pets” (“Welcome to Scottsdale Ranch Animal Hospital”).

The purpose of this report is to analyze the current market position of Scottsdale Ranch Animal Hospital, and make appropriate marketing recommendations and strategies for implementation. Managerial goals include increasing customer retention and growing its customer base in order to generate new revenue.

The analysis conducted includes reviewing the external environment, internal environment, and market opportunities. Notable industry and environmental trends include: laws regarding bans on the sale of commercially bred pets, an overall increase in national pet spending, declining feline veterinary visits over the last few years, a cultural trend emphasizing spending on luxury pet goods and services, and a significant level of local competition that has similar service offerings.

Notable internal strengths include: the prime geographical location of SRAH in a pet-friendly and wealthy community, multiple service offerings available, the quality of veterinary staff, a loyal clientele, and a “blank slate” in terms of marketing. However, internal weaknesses include: outdated equipment and technology, a lack of marketing efforts and a weak online presence, poor management, human resource issues and little employee accountability, and poor financial conditions as a result of high levels of debt between the practice and building.

Partway through this project, SRAH decided to sell its practice to PetVet Care Centers, a company specialized in acquiring animal hospitals in order to grow a national veterinary network. PetVet took over ownership in March of 2014, and has already begun to address the critical managerial and financial problems at SRAH. Thus, the following recommendations are made to the new owners specifically regarding building an integrated marketing campaign. The limitation, however, is that PetVet’s marketing budget is unknown at the time of this report.

Based on SRAH’s precarious position in the marketplace, it is recommended that the practice focus on client retention, capturing first time visits by creating a strong online presence, and capturing first time visits by targeting new customer segments. Client retention strategies are as follows:
• Push email sign ups for online Pet Portal. Goal is to improve the percentage of clients signed up from 36% to 43% by the end of the 2014 fiscal year (approximately 450 new sign ups).
• Specifically create policies regarding behavior in employee-client interactions.
• Include a summary sheet detailing services received and veterinarian recommendations to be given with discharge paperwork.
• Implement callbacks within 24 hours of a patient surgery to be performed by vet techs
• Create specialized goodie bags for surgeries or boarding stay. Example would be a boarding goodie bag that contains treats, toys, and a personalized “thank you for staying with us” card.
• Bundling services to create preventative care packages. Canine Junior and Senior Wellness packages could result in additional $31,000+ in revenue each year.

Strategies centered on capturing first time visits through creating a strong online presence include:
• Hiring CyberMark for its regional SEO services to improve SRAH’s ranking in search engine results.
• Switching to a new website producer to allow for greater flexibility and autonomy in managing SRAH’s website. It is suggested that PetVet consider IDEXX or CyberMark for this service.

Lastly, strategies centered on capturing first time visits by targeting new customer segments are as follow:
• Purchasing a direct mail list from, that specifies Scottsdale homeowners or renters, who own a cat or dog, and have lived in their place of residency for less than a year.
• Consider converting breed specific groups as a long-term goal, though no immediate action is suggested.
Date Created

The Effect of Social Media on Stock Prices

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Every day, millions of messages are posted across various social media channels, creating a golden opportunity for diligent stock traders. This "big data" can be overwhelming, yet incredibly powerful when analyzed properly. The Effect of Social Media on Stock Prices

Every day, millions of messages are posted across various social media channels, creating a golden opportunity for diligent stock traders. This "big data" can be overwhelming, yet incredibly powerful when analyzed properly. The Effect of Social Media on Stock Prices uncovers the ways in which social media messages can trigger abnormal stock price movements, and provides insight into how traders can utilize this information. These findings are organized into a step-by-step action plan that allows traders to formulate trading plans using data from social media channels. This action plan is fueled by an in-depth look at the stock market and social media industries, an analysis of the most important social media channels and messages, and case studies that took place during the duration of this project. This data may used to enable traders to focus on the right messages from the right sources at the right times. By developing the proper criteria for finding, filtering, and analyzing appropriate social media messages, traders can gain an edge in the stock market and increase their profitability.
Date Created