Analysis of Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGo) PV Solar Systems and The Future of End Of Life Management


This paper outlines the issue of end-of-life management in small scale solar systems deployed generally in Sub-Saharan Africa, known as PAYGos (Pay-as-you-go). Research and interviews were conducted in order to determine the current state of the industry and plans in

This paper outlines the issue of end-of-life management in small scale solar systems deployed generally in Sub-Saharan Africa, known as PAYGos (Pay-as-you-go). Research and interviews were conducted in order to determine the current state of the industry and plans in terms of waste management. Considering the current capabilities and technology of PV recycling, the future of the industry was analyzed. It is important to provide the highest quality of service to the customer and minimize issues with environmental hazards. Therefore, it is recommended here that PAYGo companies create contracts with recycling companies before the issue of solar waste increases drastically.

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Lithium in EV Supply Chains: Charting a Path for Lithium Into the Future

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The project goal is aimed to research the most pressing issues facing the lithium supply chain today. It then is tasked with charting a path into the future through strategic recommendations that will help reduce risk, and make a greener, cleaner, and more ethical supply chain.

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Nemo's Future: A Systematic Quantitative Literature Review on the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Fish Behavior

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Anthropogenic climate change caused by increasing carbon emissions poses a threat to nearly every living organism. One consequence of these emissions is ocean acidification (OA). While OA has been shown to directly inhibit growth in calcifying animals, it might also

Anthropogenic climate change caused by increasing carbon emissions poses a threat to nearly every living organism. One consequence of these emissions is ocean acidification (OA). While OA has been shown to directly inhibit growth in calcifying animals, it might also have negative effects on other marine life. I conducted a systematic quantitative literature review on the effects of OA on fish behavior. The review consisted of 29 peer-reviewed, published journal articles. Most articles report some degree of negative impact of OA. Impacts include sensory impairment, erratic swimming patterns and attraction to predators. Many studies report insignificant impacts, thus continued research is needed to understand the consequences of human behavior and assist in mitigating our impact.
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Risk Factors of China's Nuclear Energy Ambitions

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China's rapid growth was fueled by an unsustainable method: trade environment for GDP. Air pollution has reached dangerous levels and has taken a serious toll on China's economic progress. The World Bank estimates that in 2013, China lost about 10%

China's rapid growth was fueled by an unsustainable method: trade environment for GDP. Air pollution has reached dangerous levels and has taken a serious toll on China's economic progress. The World Bank estimates that in 2013, China lost about 10% of its GDP to pollution. As the cost of burning fossil fuels and public dismay continue to mount, the government is taking steps to reduce carbon emissions and appease the people. The rapidly growing nuclear energy program is one of the energy solutions that China is using to addressing carbon emissions. While China has built a respectable amount of renewable energy capacity (such as wind and solar), much of that capacity is not connected to the power grid. Nuclear energy on the other hand, provides a low-emission alternative that operates independently of weather and sunlight. However, the accelerated pace of reactor construction in recent years presents challenges for the safe operation of nuclear energy in China. It is in China's (and the world's) best interest that a repeat of the Fukushima accident does not occur. In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident, public support for nuclear energy in China took a serious hit. A major domestic nuclear accident would be detrimental to the development of nuclear energy in China and diminish the government's reliability in the eyes of the people. This paper will outline those risk factors such as regulatory efforts, legal framework, technological issues, spent fuel disposal, and public perception and provide suggestions to decrease the risk of a major nuclear accident.
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Energy Subsidies: Cheaper Energy or Energy Abuse?

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This paper seeks to analyze the relationship between energy subsidies on fossil fuels by countries and corresponding energy consumption, specifically electricity, by its citizens and occupants. The purpose of this was to determine whether pre-tax subsidies and post-tax subsidies have

This paper seeks to analyze the relationship between energy subsidies on fossil fuels by countries and corresponding energy consumption, specifically electricity, by its citizens and occupants. The purpose of this was to determine whether pre-tax subsidies and post-tax subsidies have an effect on that consumption. This paper will discuss the prospect of accounting for post-tax subsidies as a method to curb rampant energy consumption throughout the world, with the focus being on residential electricity use. The two case studies, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia, will illustrate the consumption patterns in relatively similar economic societies with different subsidy policies. Saudi Arabia will be a high pre-tax subsidy example while the Netherlands will be shown to account for some of the post-tax subsidies through an externality tax system. At the end of this analysis, this paper will show that the heavy subsidization of electricity production is strongly correlated to residential electricity consumption at levels that many officials would deem unsustainable, and that as such, subsidy reform is both beneficial and necessary.
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Performance Modeling of a Concentrating Photovoltaic Two-Axis Tracker

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The purpose of this research is to study the effect of angle of acceptance and mechanical control system noise on the power available to a two-axis solar concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system. The efficiency of a solar CPV system is greatly

The purpose of this research is to study the effect of angle of acceptance and mechanical control system noise on the power available to a two-axis solar concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) system. The efficiency of a solar CPV system is greatly dependent on the accuracy of the tracking system because a strong focal point is needed to concentrate incident solar irradiation on the small, high efficiency cells. The objective of this study was to evaluate and quantify tracking accuracy for a performance model which would apply to similar two-axis systems. An analysis comparing CPV to traditional solar photovoltaics from an economic standpoint was conducted as well to evaluate the viability of emerging CPV technology. The research was performed using two calibrated solar radiation sensors mounted on the plane of the tracking system, normal to the sun. One sensor is held at a constant, normal angle (0 degrees) and the other is varied by a known interior angle in the range of 0 degrees to 10 degrees. This was to study the magnitude of the decrease in in irradiance as the angle deviation increases. The results show that, as the interior angle increases, the solar irradiance and thus available power available on the focal point will decrease roughly at a parabolic rate, with a sharp cutoff point at angles greater than 5 degrees. These findings have a significant impact on CPV system tracking mechanisms, which require high precision tracking in order to perform as intended.
Date Created

The Process of an Energy Retrofit at ASU

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This study aims to teach the reader about the process of making a building more energy efficient at ASU. In this study the importance of energy efficiency in buildings will be discussed as well as how building efficiency is important

This study aims to teach the reader about the process of making a building more energy efficient at ASU. In this study the importance of energy efficiency in buildings will be discussed as well as how building efficiency is important for the three tiers of sustainability. The case of energy efficiency in the environment, economy, and society will be outlined with the intent of creating urgency for the implementation of energy efficiency. Environment, economy, and society, the three tiers of sustainability fit the model of energy efficiency because efficient energy is a principle of sustainability. Efficient energy can fill the gap between our energy system at present and the energy system of the future. This document outlines the steps that ASU goes through when there is an energy upgrade to a building on campus. It also includes a mock audit of the Psychology North building at ASU. This mock audit serves as an example to justify how the steps outlined in this document can be used to initiate an energy retrofit. A person who reads this document will be able to understand the energy retrofit process. The main argument is that there is room for student inclusion in this process, by giving students the knowledge on how to initiate an energy retrofit they have the tools to be included. Practicing building efficiency on campus will help ASU to succeed in accomplishing numbers two and four of their sustainability goals: "1) Carbon Neutrality, 2) Zero Solid/Water Waste, 3) Active Engagement, and 4) Principled Practice" (ASU, 2011).
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