Why Is There a Social Division of Respect and Perception Between
the Public and Private Sectors of American Law Practitioners?


When it comes to law practitioners in the United States, there is unspoken societal normality to view private practitioners with a certain gold standard. However, in many cases, when public servants are in the limelight, the societal gaze shifts to

When it comes to law practitioners in the United States, there is unspoken societal normality to view private practitioners with a certain gold standard. However, in many cases, when public servants are in the limelight, the societal gaze shifts to this second-hand standard, where many are considered lesser than or “not as good” as their private sector counterparts. When it comes down to it, the practitioners have passed the same/and or similar bar exam (for their respective states) and have gone through the same rigorous education to be where they are today. Both public and private sectors accomplish the same job that is in front of them, but one is paid significantly more, respected higher, and deemed by society the better option. However, clients can not afford the private sector due to privatized rates and are forced to “settle” with the public servant, then by proxy being deemed inadequate and the “loser” in the associated cases prematurely. This notion that there is a stereotype or bias towards public servants needs to be explored to see how pervasive this reality or myth truly is and to explore some of the possible sources for these perceptions.

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Repurposing Adversity: Using Lessons From Trauma’s Adversity As Tools For Juvenile Justice Reform


“Man, the bravest animal and most prone to suffer, does not deny suffering as such: he wills it, he even seeks it out, provided he is shown a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering.” -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Juvenile justice

“Man, the bravest animal and most prone to suffer, does not deny suffering as such: he wills it, he even seeks it out, provided he is shown a meaning for it, a purpose of suffering.” -Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Juvenile justice reform is a complex and contentious topic. Despite the increased attention and focus throughout the years of looking for more effective ways of dealing with youthful offenders, America is still one of the most punitive countries regarding juvenile crime – averaging nearly 60,000 incarcerated youth daily. In recent years, there has been a trend toward reforming the juvenile justice system to prioritize rehabilitation over exclusion and punishment, with a preference for restorative approaches and strategies instead of traditional exclusionary and punitive responses. However, continued high incarceration rates combined with almost 90 percent recidivism rates suggest these approaches are ineffective and lack the necessary elements to address the underlying causes of juvenile crime or help position our youth for successful reentry or participation in society. As we learn more about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the devastating long-term effects on a child’s development, we recognize a connection between ACEs, toxic stress, and juvenile crime. ACEs refer to adverse or traumatic events that occur during childhood, such as physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, or household dysfunction. These experiences can pose significant risks to children’s physical and mental health. Toxic stress refers to the chronic exposure to the body’s stress response systems reacting to severe and prolonged adversity, such as child abuse or neglect. Developmental changes in the body and brain due to toxic stress can increase the risk of physical and mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, and lead to increased negative behaviors and criminal activity. This paper argues that a trauma-informed approach to reform juvenile justice is needed to help survivors of ACEs and toxic stress repurpose their adversity into a tool of opportunity and empowerment. This trauma-informed approach will, in turn, help trauma survivors find purpose in life, alter their perspective of their world, and perform actions and behaviors in service of their goals. Only by including an individualized trauma-informed approach will we finally realize collective juvenile justice reform.

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The Lasting Impacts of Microloans and Other Microfinance
on Developing and Underdeveloped Countries

As of 2021, over $124 billion of Microfinance has been distributed by the World Bank amongst 140 million borrowers globally. Systems of credit and finance are spread unevenly around the world; in under-developed countries credit bureaus are uncommon and banking

As of 2021, over $124 billion of Microfinance has been distributed by the World Bank amongst 140 million borrowers globally. Systems of credit and finance are spread unevenly around the world; in under-developed countries credit bureaus are uncommon and banking networks are more selective regarding loans. Therefore, a system of microloans has emerged, which has targeted small business owners who would not typically qualify for traditional loans from banks and other financial institutions. With approval, microloans typically provide the full loan amount upfront and charge the borrower monthly repayments with interest. On a broad scale, the difference between traditional finance and Microfinance lies within their scope. Microfinance is focused on the individual level to those defined as poor or impoverished by the World Bank, while traditional finance is focused on whole economies or corporations. The primary concern with Microfinance options like this is the higher probability of borrowers defaulting on their loans. This engenders an inescapable cycle of late payments and increased interest rates ultimately resulting in the borrower spending more money than they borrowed. However, Microfinance plans of this type are often the option for individuals stuck in impoverished countries or dismantled economies. At its core, Microfinance is a profit-focused industry that targets individuals that have proved they are not able to repay loans on the conditions of lenders. This arguably sexist industry has presented itself as an opportunity for those less fortunate to obtain funding for dreams currently unattainable given their circumstances. Thus, it is the institutions behind the Microfinance industry that are the problem, not the loans themselves.
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Analysis and Comparisons of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Select High Income Countries

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From 2019, a severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2, began to be a global pandemic. Many high income countries developed different strategies in response. This analysis intends to highlight how the COVID-19 became a global pandemic and the strategies that

From 2019, a severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2, began to be a global pandemic. Many high income countries developed different strategies in response. This analysis intends to highlight how the COVID-19 became a global pandemic and the strategies that account for successes and failures. In identifying key policy differences, the high income countries of the United States, New Zealand and France were examined. The analysis found that New Zealand had proactive elimination strategies that proved highly effective, whereas the United States and France both struggled with mitigation factors that resulted in disproportionately higher confirmed cases and mortality rates. The analysis highlights how the airborne virus became a pandemic and then followed public policies’ effectiveness in terms of existing political institutions,and then their ability to be successful in preventing the spread of the virus.

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The Early CIA and Its Relationship to the President

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Created after the Second World War, the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, was a new and important part of the United States military and intelligence apparatus. Throughout the next two decades, the agency was tasked with working alongside the president

Created after the Second World War, the Central Intelligence Agency, or CIA, was a new and important part of the United States military and intelligence apparatus. Throughout the next two decades, the agency was tasked with working alongside the president and Department of State to promote the United States’ interests abroad, and work to prevent the spread of communism during the Cold War. It engaged in multiple controversial regime changes during this era and consistently drifted away from presidential authority. Despite this, the CIA never lost funding and always had complete support from the president. The CIA would face a reckoning during the Kennedy Administration, though, when its director was forced to resign. The understanding of the CIA’s relationship to the resident and his authority is crucial to analyzing the operations it performed, and the ever-increasing power the agency would wield in its global fight against communism.
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What Lies Behind: The Worldbuilding and Placemaking of Tloren - A Comprehensive Catalogue of Inspiration

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The world of Tloren stands not alone. Tales from history and the lore of fictional settings alike have shaped a fantasy world as immersive as it is fantastical. This thesis catalogues the totality of inspirations behind seven of the major

The world of Tloren stands not alone. Tales from history and the lore of fictional settings alike have shaped a fantasy world as immersive as it is fantastical. This thesis catalogues the totality of inspirations behind seven of the major locations depicted in Tloren, the setting of the author’s own fantasy novel. Itself inspired by sensationalist archeological accounts from before the twentieth century, the following is a dissection of each place in exacting detail, weaving together narrative and academic discussion. Ultimately, the totality of inspirations behind Tloren will never be fully explored, yet it is the hope of the author that this thesis both stands alone as an account and guide for other aspiring worldbuilders as well as an appendix within the novel to further contextualize the locations therein.

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Political Influence and Economic Incentives Among Media Firms in Poland, Hungary, and Ukraine: Implications for Democratization

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This thesis seeks to explore issues of media governance and engagement in nations at the margin of democracy, subsequently establishing the basis of a policy framework which can bolster media freedom and enhance the potential for democratic consolidation. The paper

This thesis seeks to explore issues of media governance and engagement in nations at the margin of democracy, subsequently establishing the basis of a policy framework which can bolster media freedom and enhance the potential for democratic consolidation. The paper conducts a case study on the domestic media markets of Hungary and Poland, and explores foreign-influence efforts in Ukraine. It concludes with an analysis of the policy or market-based tools available to promote and protect media freedom.

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A Comparison of Online and In-Person Mock Trial: The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate Mock Trial

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Undergraduate mock trial is an competition where undergraduate students conduct a fake trial. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mock trial became an online activity. This paper studied the differences between the in-person and online versions of the activity, including differences

Undergraduate mock trial is an competition where undergraduate students conduct a fake trial. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, mock trial became an online activity. This paper studied the differences between the in-person and online versions of the activity, including differences in presentation, technology, and communication. Mock trial competitors and judges from around the country were surveyed about the differences. The results showed that there was a clear favor for in-person mock trial, and though online mock trial had some drawbacks, the accessibility of online mock trial indicates that it can serve as an introduction and good substitute when in-person mock trial is not available.
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Turkish Safe Zones in Northern Syria: Why Expelling Syrian Migrants is the Logical Next Step in Displacing Responsibility

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Turkish Safe Zones, as areas to push migrants into for protection, have always been contentious but the recent push to expel Syrians into The Northern Syria Buffer Zone (also known as the Safe Zone, Peace Corridor, or Security Mechanism) has

Turkish Safe Zones, as areas to push migrants into for protection, have always been contentious but the recent push to expel Syrians into The Northern Syria Buffer Zone (also known as the Safe Zone, Peace Corridor, or Security Mechanism) has added to the concern of international human rights violations in Turkey. In addition this paper considers the arguments made for the geographical limitation, of the The 1951 Refugee Convention, for refugees in Turkey as it pertains to the welfare of Syrian migrants. As justified under the geographic limitation in Turkey, sending Syrian migrants to Safe Zones is extremely dangerous because it not only puts peoples lives at risk, but it also sets the stage to accept that international law is not truly international and can be broken to avoid the responsibility of migrants. International law quite clearly shows how the forcible return of any migrant to an area where they are put in harm’s way is a direct violation of international law regardless of geographical limitations.Because the development of Turkish Safe Zones in Northern Syria is a recent development, much of the current political science literature fails to see the problem with the Turkish StateFs deportation. Instead, current literature (Abdelaaty, 2019, p. 1) (United Nations, 2011) (Blake, 2020) (Mann, 2021) focuses on how Syrian migrants are termed guests instead of refugees. The guest status makes it so migrants with refugee level concerns do not receive refugee level benefits. This paper argues that the Turkish state deportation of Syrian migrants to Safe Zones is morally wrong, but not surprising. Based on historical events, the expulsion of Syrians to Turkish safe zones in Syria is the logical next step for the Turkish state to legally displace the responsibility of taking care of minorities and migrants.
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The Reid Method Interrogation Tactics and Their Link to False Confessions: A Research Study on Why the Reid Method Should be Repealed and Replaced

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Despite countless research reports, research studies, and studies of human psychology verifying that the Reid Method interrogation tactics used by police in the United States cause false confessions, the method is still heavily accepted and used on suspects everyday. This

Despite countless research reports, research studies, and studies of human psychology verifying that the Reid Method interrogation tactics used by police in the United States cause false confessions, the method is still heavily accepted and used on suspects everyday. This research paper will look into the Reid Method interrogation tactics, their connection to false confessions in order to establish a basis for repealing and replacing the Reid Method with an alternative interrogation technique. This paper will show that the guilt-presumptive nature of the Reid Method leads to innocent individuals falsely confessing and spending years in prison. Evidence of this phenomenon will be shown through research papers, studies, case examples, and an interview with a false confession expert Dr. Richard A. Leo. The Reid Method is problematic and jeopardizes the presumption of innocence for every citizen in the United States and should be repealed by an alternative interrogation technique called P.E.A.C.E in order for justice to be renewed.

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