The Value of Feminized Labor Under Capitalism

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Women have made great progress in the fight for equality over the years; however, there is still a disparity in wages among men and women under capitalism. Women make an average of approximately 76 cents to the 1 dollar of

Women have made great progress in the fight for equality over the years; however, there is still a disparity in wages among men and women under capitalism. Women make an average of approximately 76 cents to the 1 dollar of a man. This is a problem that is caused by the lack of value society puts on women’s work. This thesis explores this issue by analyzing and utilizing some of the ideas found in texts such as The Marx-Engels Reader by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Marx, Women, and Capitalist Social Reproduction: Marxist Feminist Essays by Martha E. Gimenez, and Revolting Prostitutes: The Fight for Sex Workers' Rights by Molly Smith and Juno Mac. Through analyzing the texts, subject matter such as domestic labor, sexual labor, and ideas revolving around capitalism are revealed and discussed to further understand the way that women can be freed from the exploitation they experience under the capitalist system.
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What was the Impact Liberalism Had upon the Founding of the United States, its Reconstruction After the Civil War and on the Voices of Post-War Reform?


Lockean principles of liberty and individual freedoms propelled the American colonists to revolt against British dominion and establish a constitutional republic. Unlike ancient republics, usually empires or monarchies, the Founding Fathers, determined to be governed by their consent instead of

Lockean principles of liberty and individual freedoms propelled the American colonists to revolt against British dominion and establish a constitutional republic. Unlike ancient republics, usually empires or monarchies, the Founding Fathers, determined to be governed by their consent instead of the divine right of an absolute ruler, set forth a written covenant to structure their government and safeguard those liberties. Conflicting views of republican democracy led to factionalism, separatism and ultimately, war. Using the war power, the victorious North would embark upon an even more liberal project to reunite the war-torn nation, expand citizenship and individual rights to more of the nation's inhabitants and set the stage for the vast expansion of rights in the 20th Century.

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Judicial Activism, Restraint, and Public Opinion: A Study of Majoritarianism and the United States Supreme Court


The Supreme Court often makes rulings which are counter to majoritarian public opinion, and often applies the ideologies of judicial activism and judicial restraint in its decision making process. But does one of these ideologies more often result in majoritarian

The Supreme Court often makes rulings which are counter to majoritarian public opinion, and often applies the ideologies of judicial activism and judicial restraint in its decision making process. But does one of these ideologies more often result in majoritarian decisions in terms of public opinion? The following pages will commit to an in-depth study of the impact that both of these judicial practices has on the likelihood of majoritarian decisions and analyzes what the findings say about common debates surrounding the United States Supreme Court.

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Stand in the Place Where You Are: The Impact of Colin Kaepernick’s Political Protest


Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick began protesting during the national anthem in 2016. This research addresses the impacts that Kaepernick and his protests had on himself, the NFL, and the issues he was protesting. The research finds that Kaepernick was

Former NFL player Colin Kaepernick began protesting during the national anthem in 2016. This research addresses the impacts that Kaepernick and his protests had on himself, the NFL, and the issues he was protesting. The research finds that Kaepernick was blackballed out of the NFL and that hundreds of other NFL players joined him in protest, which caused the league to ban the action before eventually becoming more political as a league. Additionally, the protests brought greater awareness to the issues and prompted some to become more politically active. In addition to providing a new framework for researching examples of politics in sports, this project concludes that athlete-activists can sacrifice themselves to provide more freedom for future athletes to be activists.

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Language and Stigma in the Field of Mental Health

An interdisciplinary examination of the relationship between stigma and the language used to discuss mental illness, including a proposed course of action for aiding in the destigmatization of mental illness.
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The Lasting Impacts of Microloans and Other Microfinance
on Developing and Underdeveloped Countries

As of 2021, over $124 billion of Microfinance has been distributed by the World Bank amongst 140 million borrowers globally. Systems of credit and finance are spread unevenly around the world; in under-developed countries credit bureaus are uncommon and banking

As of 2021, over $124 billion of Microfinance has been distributed by the World Bank amongst 140 million borrowers globally. Systems of credit and finance are spread unevenly around the world; in under-developed countries credit bureaus are uncommon and banking networks are more selective regarding loans. Therefore, a system of microloans has emerged, which has targeted small business owners who would not typically qualify for traditional loans from banks and other financial institutions. With approval, microloans typically provide the full loan amount upfront and charge the borrower monthly repayments with interest. On a broad scale, the difference between traditional finance and Microfinance lies within their scope. Microfinance is focused on the individual level to those defined as poor or impoverished by the World Bank, while traditional finance is focused on whole economies or corporations. The primary concern with Microfinance options like this is the higher probability of borrowers defaulting on their loans. This engenders an inescapable cycle of late payments and increased interest rates ultimately resulting in the borrower spending more money than they borrowed. However, Microfinance plans of this type are often the option for individuals stuck in impoverished countries or dismantled economies. At its core, Microfinance is a profit-focused industry that targets individuals that have proved they are not able to repay loans on the conditions of lenders. This arguably sexist industry has presented itself as an opportunity for those less fortunate to obtain funding for dreams currently unattainable given their circumstances. Thus, it is the institutions behind the Microfinance industry that are the problem, not the loans themselves.
Date Created

El Niño


The setting of the story is Phoenix, Arizona, a city that is made up of a plethora of natural wonders and a diverse, rich culture. However, our city also has a large population of undocumented citizens, gang violence, social segregation,

The setting of the story is Phoenix, Arizona, a city that is made up of a plethora of natural wonders and a diverse, rich culture. However, our city also has a large population of undocumented citizens, gang violence, social segregation, drug trade activity, and political polarization. Recently, immigrants and minorities have been blamed for most of these problems. The origins of crime and the drug trade must be addressed, so that incoming immigrants have a fair opportunity at the American Dream. Americans must understand this, as we are a nation of immigrants, and knowing our history will ground us in our identity, as well as redirect us to our core values. I decided to write this rap musical for the people in the ghettoes all around the world, but especially for the people in my barrio. To know where we are headed, it helps to know where we come from.

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